753 resultados para Aceifas of the Caliphate


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Introduction To determine and compare thresholds of cutaneous sensitivity of lower extremities in diabetic patients with an ulcer on only one lower extremity Methods and Materials The study group included 20 patients with mean age of 61 6 and average time with diabetes of 12 4 years All patients were previously tested using Semmes-Weinstein monofilament 5 07 Sensitivity was evaluated using the two point discrimination test and the PSSD (TM) (Pressure-Specified Sensory Device) in order to assess touch thresholds in a quantitative manner, in g/mm(2) Three skin areas were tested hallux pulp, dorsum of foot and medial heel, including four tests 1 point static, 1 point moving, 2 points static and 2 points moving Results Mean 2 point discrimination distance in mm was higher in feet with ulcers, but the difference between extremities was only statistically significant for the hallux. With the PSSD (TM), all patients had higher pressure thresholds in feet with ulcers when compared with feet without ulcers, in all tests, with statistical significance Conclusion The PSSD (TM) was able to differentiate levels of sensation between extremities with and without ulcers in diabetic patients, with statistical significance


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Bittar CK, Cliquet A Jr, dos Santos Floter M: Utility of quantitative ultrasound of the calcaneus in diagnosing osteoporosis in spinal cord injury patients. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2011;90:477-481. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the utility of quantitative ultrasound of the calcaneus in diagnosing osteoporosis in spinal cord injury patients in a Brazilian Teaching Hospital. Design: This is a diagnostic test criterion standard comparison study. Between January 2008 and October 2009, the bone density of 15 spinal cord injury patients was assessed for analysis before beginning rehabilitation using muscle stimulation. The bone density was assessed using bone densitometry examination (DEXA) and ultrasound examination of the calcaneus (QUS). The measurements acquired using QUS and DEXA were compared between patients with spinal cord injury and a control group of ten healthy individuals. Results: The T-score values for femoral neck using DEXA (P < 0.0022) and those using QUS of the calcaneus (P < 0.0005) differed significantly between the groups, and the means in the normal subjects were higher than those in spinal cord injury patients who would receive electrical stimulation. In spinal cord injury patients, the significant differences were found between the QUS T-score for calcaneus and the DEXA scores for the lumbar spine and femoral neck. Conclusions: Because of the low level of mechanical stress on the calcaneus, the results of the QUS could not be correlated with the DEXA results for diagnosing osteoporosis. Therefore, QUS seems to be not a good choice for diagnosis and follow-up.


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This paper presents an approach for the active transmission losses allocation between the agents of the system. The approach uses the primal and dual variable information of the Optimal Power Flow in the losses allocation strategy. The allocation coefficients are determined via Lagrange multipliers. The paper emphasizes the necessity to consider the operational constraints and parameters of the systems in the problem solution. An example, for a 3-bus system is presented in details, as well as a comparative test with the main allocation methods. Case studies on the IEEE 14-bus systems are carried out to verify the influence of the constraints and parameters of the system in the losses allocation.


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This paper proposes an approach of optimal sensitivity applied in the tertiary loop of the automatic generation control. The approach is based on the theorem of non-linear perturbation. From an optimal operation point obtained by an optimal power flow a new optimal operation point is directly determined after a perturbation, i.e., without the necessity of an iterative process. This new optimal operation point satisfies the constraints of the problem for small perturbation in the loads. The participation factors and the voltage set point of the automatic voltage regulators (AVR) of the generators are determined by the technique of optimal sensitivity, considering the effects of the active power losses minimization and the network constraints. The participation factors and voltage set point of the generators are supplied directly to a computational program of dynamic simulation of the automatic generation control, named by power sensitivity mode. Test results are presented to show the good performance of this approach. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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On-line leak detection is a main concern for the safe operation of pipelines. Acoustic and mass balance are the most important and extensively applied technologies in field problems. The objective of this work is to compare these leak detection methods with respect to a given reference situation, i.e., the same pipeline and monitoring signals acquired at the inlet and outlet ends. Experimental tests were conducted in a 749 m long laboratory pipeline transporting water as the working fluid. The instrumentation included pressure transducers and electromagnetic flowmeters. Leaks were simulated by opening solenoid valves placed at known positions and previously calibrated to produce known average leak flow rates. Results have clearly shown the limitations and advantages of each method. It is also quite clear that acoustics and mass balance technologies are, in fact, complementary. In general, an acoustic leak detection system sends out an alarm more rapidly and locates the leak more precisely, provided that the rupture of the pipeline occurs abruptly enough. On the other hand, a mass balance leak detection method is capable of quantifying the leak flow rate very accurately and of detecting progressive leaks.


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This work presents a theoretical and experimental study of the biodiesel (ethyl ester from a waste vegetable oil) performance in a flame tube furnace. The heat transfer rate was analysed in several sections along the furnace and the performance of the biodiesel was compared to that of diesel oil. The flow of heat from the burn of each fuel in the direction of the walls of the combustion chamber was evaluated under the same fuel injection pressure. The peak of the heat transfer occurred around 0.45 m far from the fuel injection nozzle in a 0.305 m inner diameter combustion chamber. The diesel oil showed a higher heat transfer rate in most parts exposed to the flame. In the region where the body of the flame is not present, the heat transfer of biodiesel becomes higher. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The machining of hardened steels has always been a great challenge in metal cutting, particularly for drilling operations. Generally, drilling is the machining process that is most difficult to cool due to the tool`s geometry. The aim of this work is to determine the heat flux and the coefficient of convection in drilling using the inverse heat conduction method. Temperature was assessed during the drilling of hardened AISI H13 steel using the embedded thermocouple technique. Dry machining and two cooling/lubrication systems were used, and thermocouples were fixed at distances very close to the hole`s wall. Tests were replicated for each condition, and were carried out with new and worn drills. An analytical heat conduction model was used to calculate the temperature at tool-workpiece interface and to define the heat flux and the coefficient of convection. In all tests using new and worn out drills, the lowest temperatures and decrease of heat flux were observed using the flooded system, followed by the MQL, considering the dry condition as reference. The decrease of temperature was directly proportional to the amount of lubricant applied and was significant in the MQL system when compared to dry cutting. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a theoretical and experimental analysis of socket base connections of precast concrete structures with regard to the behavior of transverse walls. The experimental program included seven specimens, for which the type of interface in contact with cast-in-place concrete, the load eccentricities and the embedded lengths were all varied, A design model was proposed to calculate the reinforcements of the transverse walls. Based on the obtained results, some conclusions can be drawn: (a) The top of the transverse wall on the compression side of the smooth connections and the top of the two transverse walls of the rough connections are submitted to a bending-tension and this tension prevails on the bending; (b) The design model proposed for the calculation of the reinforcement of the transverse wall on the compression side provides the best prediction of the experimental results for all specimens when compared to the current design models; (c) For rough interfaces, the top of the transverse wall on the tension side is more requested than the top of transverse wall on the compression side; (d) The results of the proposed design model for the reinforcement of the transverse wall on the tension side of rough connections were in close agreement with the experimental results. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work is related to the so-called non-conventional finite element formulations. Essentially, a methodology for the enrichment of the initial approximation which is typical of the meshless methods and based on the clouds concept is introduced in the hybrid-Trefftz formulation for plane elasticity. The formulation presented allows for the approximation and direct enrichment of two independent fields: stresses in the domains and displacements on the boundaries of the elements. Defined by a set of elements and interior boundaries sharing a common node, the cloud notion is employed to select the enrichment support for the approximation fields. The numerical analysis performed reveals an excellent performance of the resulting formulation, characterized by the good approximation ability and a reduced computational effort. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Thermal action on timber causes it to degrade through combustion of its chemical components, which leads to the release of vapors, combustible gases and surface char. This diminishes its load capacity, due to the reduction of its cross section by charring and to changes in its mechanical properties of strength and stiffness as a function of its exposure to high temperatures. This paper reports the charring rates observed on Eucalyptus structural beams and presents a numerical and experimental study of the behavior of these beams when exposed to fire, in which the properties of strength and stiffness were evaluated as a function of rising temperatures, allowing an analysis of the effect of the section factor on the internal rise in temperature of structural Eucalyptus beams.


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A nonlinear finite element model was developed to simulate the nonlinear response of three-leaf masonry specimens, which were subjected to laboratory tests with the aim of investigating the mechanical behaviour of multiple-leaf stone masonry walls up to failure. The specimens consisted of two external leaves made of stone bricks and mortar joints, and an internal leaf in mortar and stone aggregate. Different loading conditions, typologies of the collar joints, and stone types were taken into account. The constitutive law implemented in the model is characterized by a damage tensor, which allows the damage-induced anisotropy accompanying the cracking process to be described. To follow the post-peak behaviour of the specimens with sufficient accuracy it was necessary to make the damage model non-local, to avoid mesh-dependency effects related to the strain-softening behaviour of the material. Comparisons between the predicted and measured failure loads are quite satisfactory in most of the studied cases. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The use of mechanical shear connectors, mainly headed stud bolts, is the most common way to achieve steel-concrete composite action. The encasement of the steel beam in the depth slab results in increase of strength and stiffness, reducing the total height of the floor. In this investigation, three partially encased composite beams were tested under flexural conditions and the main objective was to investigate some alternative positions for the headed studs. To provide longitudinal shear resistance between the I-shaped beam and the concrete, two positions of the,studs were investigated: vertically welded on the bottom flange and horizontally welded on the faces of the web. The experimental results have shown that the headed studs are effective to provide the composite action and increase the bending strength. Furthermore, the headed studs welded vertically on the bottom flange proved to be the most reliable position.


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The transport of liquid and gaseous pollutants through porous geological media depends on the physical and chemical characteristics of the unconsolidated material, rocks and water associated with the characteristics of the pollutants. Of these characteristics, the sorption aspect is of fundamental importance and is a function of the mineral proportions, pH, Eh and void aspects encountered in the porous media. In the Sao Carlos region, located in the eastern-central part of the 9 ate of Sao Paulo, Brazil, there are basically two types of unconsolidated materials: the first is a residual from sandstones cemented with fines and the secondarily composed of claystones, siltstones and conglomerates from the Cretaceous Period that constitute the Itaqueri Formation; the second is a sandy sediment of the Tertiary Period. These geological conditions are found in areas where chemical products are disposed of characterized as either diffuse or point pollutions sources. Because of this situation, a study was developed to evaluate the sorption aspects of some inorganic cations that are frequently found in these sources, in varied concentrations. Taken into consideration were their physical/chemical properties, such as: specific weight, grain size, mineralogy, cationic exchange capacity, pH, hydraulic conductivity. Batch tests were run using solutions of KCl, ZnCl(2) and CuCl center dot H(2)O at three different pH values, and then with a combined solution (KCl + ZnCl(2) + CuCl center dot H(2)O), also at three different pH values.


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Some peculiarities of water retention in a tropical lateritic soil of clayey nature are presented and discussed. The typical soil microstructure is shown through thin-layer plates emphasizing soil microaggregation and pore distribution and their repercussion on the soil-water retention curve and on hysteresis. It is shown that the clayey soil has a behavior that to a large extent resembles sandy soil, which is characterized by the relatively high saturated hydraulic conductivity, low air-entry value, and small suction range at which water drainage takes place. The severe weathering processes that originated this soil have produced an altered soil that seems to be homogeneous in terms of physical indices, hydraulic conductivity, and soil-water retention characteristics, up to 4.5 m in depth.


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A typical residual clayey soil originating from basalt in southern Brazil has been analyzed in order to assess the influence of wetting-induced deformation and microstructural features on the collapse behavior. Single and double oedometer tests were undertaken on a soil profile to 9 m depth. The results indicated collapsible behaviour at all profile depths. The influence of pre-consolidation stress and pedogenetic factors in the variability of the physical characteristics of the soil and in the magnitude of the collapse was noted. The collapse coefficient has been shown to be related to the both the microaggregate plasma and the varying nature of the pores and their interconnectivity.