543 resultados para clickstream analysis
The nutritional composition found in the laboratory and those present on labels of manufactured foods can differ significantly. The purpose of this study was to determine the nutritional composition of hamburgers and meatballs and compare them with your labels. The food analysis was performed following the Analytical Standards Institute`s Adolfo Lutz and energy content was determined by bomb calorimetry. Regarding the energy value, all the samples had values less than informed on the label. The content of lipids of hamburgers and meatballs ( except the beef) were lower than those reported on the label. The values of protein for the meatballs and chicken hamburger had lower values than those labels. Thus, the labels may overestimate as underestimate some nutritional values, leading to population erroneous information.
Thimet oligopeptidase (EC; EP24.15) is an intracellular enzyme that has been proposed to metabolize peptides within cells, thereby affecting antigen presentation and G protein-coupled receptor signal transduction. However, only a small number of intracellular substrates of EP24.15 have been reported previously. Here we have identified over 100 peptides in human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells that are derived from intracellular proteins; many but not all of these peptides are substrates or products of EP24.15. First, cellular peptides were extracted from HEK293 cells and incubated in vitro with purified EP24.15. Then the peptides were labeled with isotopic tags and analyzed by mass spectrometry to obtain quantitative data on the extent of cleavage. A related series of experiments tested the effect of overexpression of EP24.15 on the cellular levels of peptides in HEK293 cells. Finally, synthetic peptides that corresponded to 10 of the cellular peptides were incubated with purified EP24.15 in vitro, and the cleavage was monitored by high pressure liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. Many of the EP24.15 substrates identified by these approaches are 9-11 amino acids in length, supporting the proposal that EP24.15 can function in the degradation of peptides that could be used for antigen presentation. However, EP24.15 also converts some peptides into products that are 8-10 amino acids, thus contributing to the formation of peptides for antigen presentation. In addition, the intracellular peptides described here are potential candidates to regulate protein interactions within cells.
The present study compared two heating methods currently used for antigen retrieval (AR) immunostaining: the microwave oven and the steam cooker. Myosin-V, a molecular motor involved in vesicle transport, was used as a neuronal marker in honeybee Apis mellifera brains fixed in formalin. Overall, the steam cooker showed the most satisfactory AR results. At 100 degrees C, tissue morphology was maintained and revealed epitope recovery, while evaporation of the AR solution was markedly reduced; this is important for stabilizing the sodium citrate molarity of the AR buffer and reducing background effects. Standardization of heat-mediated AR of formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue sections results in more reliable immunostaining of the honeybee brain.
In the present study, we investigated the involvement of resident cell and inflammatory mediators in the neutrophil migration induced by chemotactic activity of a glucose/mannose-specific lectin isolated from Dioclea rostrata seeds (DrosL). Rats were injected i.p. with DrosL (125-1000 mu g/cavity), and at 2-96 h thereafter the leukocyte counts in peritoneal fluid were determined. DrosL-induced a dose-dependent neutrophil migration accumulation, which reached maximal response at 24 h after injection and declines thereafter. The carbohydrate ligand nearly abolished the neutrophil influx. Pre-treatment of peritoneal cavities with thioglycolate which increases peritoneal macrophage numbers, enhanced neutrophil migration induced by DrosL by 303%. However, the reduction of peritoneal mast cell numbers by treatment of the cavities with compound 48/80 did not modify DrosL-induced neutrophil migration. The injection into peritoneal cavities of supernatants from macrophage cultures stimulated with DrosL (125, 250 and 500 mu g/ml) induced neutrophil migration. In addition, DrosL treatment induced cytokines (TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta and CINC-1) and NO release into the peritoneal cavity of rats. Finally, neutrophil chemotaxis assay in vitro showed that the lectin (15 and 31 mu g/ml) induced neutrophil chemotaxis by even 180%. In conclusion, neutrophil migration induced by D. rostrata lectin occurs by way of the release of NO and cytokines such as IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha and CINC-1. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Concurrent deletion at 1p/19q is a common signature of oligodendrogliomas, and it may, be identified in low-grade tumours (grade II) suggesting it represents an early event in the development of these brain neoplasms. Additional non-random changes primarily involve CDKN2A, PTEN and EGFR. Identification of all of these genetic changes has become an additional parameter in the evaluation of the clinical patients` prognosis, including good response to conventional chemotherapy. Multiple ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) analysis is a new methodology that allows an easy identification of the oligodendrogliomas` abnormalities in a single step. No need of the respective constitutional DNA from each patient is another advantage of this method. We used MLPA kits P088 and P105 to determine the molecular characteristics of a series of 40 oligodendrogliomas. Deletions at I p and 19q were identified in 45% and 65% of cases, respectively. Alterations of EGFR, CDKN2A, ERBB2, PTEN and TP53 were also identified in variable frequencies among 7% to 35% of tumours. These findings demonstrate that MLPA is a reliable technique to the detection of molecular genetic changes in oligodendrogliomas.
Objective To evaluate the influence of oral contraceptives (OCs) containing 20 mu mu g ethinylestradiol (EE) and 150 mu mu g gestodene (GEST) on the autonomic modulation of heart rate (HR) in women. Methods One-hundred and fifty-five women aged 24 +/-+/- 2 years were divided into four groups according to their physical activity and the use or not of an OC: active-OC, active-non-OC (NOC), sedentary-OC, and sedentary-NOC. The heart rate was registered in real time based on the electrocardiogram signal for 15 minutes, in the supine-position. The heart rate variability (HRV) was analysed using Shannon`s entropy (SE), conditional entropy (complexity index [CInd] and normalised CInd [NCI]), and symbolic analysis (0V%, 1V%, 2LV%, and 2ULV%). For statistical analysis the Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn post hoc and the Wilcoxon test (p < 0.05 was considered significant) were applied. Results Treatment with this COC caused no significant changes in SE, CInd, NCI, or symbolic analysis in either active or sedentary groups. Active groups presented higher values for SE and 2ULV%, and lower values for 0V% when compared to sedentary groups (p < 0.05). Conclusion HRV patterns differed depending on life style; the non-linear method applied was highly reliable for identifying these changes. The use of OCs containing 20 mu mu g EE and 150 mu mu g GEST does not influence HR autonomic modulation.
Objectives Because of the large number of cases of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) recorded in Brazil over the last few years, this disease has been showing characteristics different from previously known ones. We report cases of pregnant women treated for VL, describing their course and outcome and the chemotherapeutic medication used according to the clinical signs and symptoms of each patient. Study design We report five cases of pregnant women treated for VL in a central-western region of Brazil. Results No case of vertical transmission was observed, even in patients who were treated after delivery. One of the patients with a late diagnosis made after the onset of symptoms died. Thus, the treatment of VL during pregnancy reduces maternal mortality and the rate of vertical transmission of the disease, being safe and effective as long as the disease is diagnosed early. Conclusion At present, amphotericin B and its derivatives appear to be the best therapeutic option for the mother-child binomial.
Objective. To analyze the psychometric properties of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) in terms of its internal consistency, scores distribution, concurrent and discriminant validity, and factorial analysis in a sample of university students and social anxiety disorder (SAD) cases and non-cases. Methods. A sample of Brazilian university students from the general population (N = 2314) and a sample of university students identified as cases (N = 88) and non-cases (N = 90) of SAD were assessed, using as a parameter the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV. The different instruments were completed individually in the presence of an experienced rater. Results. The BAI showed adequate internal consistency (0.88-0.92) and discriminant validity, with 0.74 sensitivity and 0.71 specificity for a cut-off score of 10. The factorial analysis suggested a three-factor solution to be the most adequate. Conclusions. The version of the BAI studied is quite adequate to be used in the context of Brazilian university students, identifying the presence of anxiety indicators. However, its usefulness to screen for SAD seems limited.
Functional brain imaging techniques such as functional MRI (fMRI) that allow the in vivo investigation of the human brain have been exponentially employed to address the neurophysiological substrates of emotional processing. Despite the growing number of fMRI studies in the field, when taken separately these individual imaging studies demonstrate contrasting findings and variable pictures, and are unable to definitively characterize the neural networks underlying each specific emotional condition. Different imaging packages, as well as the statistical approaches for image processing and analysis, probably have a detrimental role by increasing the heterogeneity of findings. In particular, it is unclear to what extent the observed neurofunctional response of the brain cortex during emotional processing depends on the fMRI package used in the analysis. In this pilot study, we performed a double analysis of an fMRI dataset using emotional faces. The Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) version 2.6 (Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, London, UK) and the XBAM 3.4 (Brain Imaging Analysis Unit, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London, UK) programs, which use parametric and non-parametric analysis, respectively, were used to assess our results. Both packages revealed that processing of emotional faces was associated with an increased activation in the brain`s visual areas (occipital, fusiform and lingual gyri), in the cerebellum, in the parietal cortex, in the cingulate cortex (anterior and posterior cingulate), and in the dorsolateral and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. However, blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) response in the temporal regions, insula and putamen was evident in the XBAM analysis but not in the SPM analysis. Overall, SPM and XBAM analyses revealed comparable whole-group brain responses. Further Studies are needed to explore the between-group compatibility of the different imaging packages in other cognitive and emotional processing domains. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The mechanical alterations related to the excessive use of accessory respiratory muscles and the mouth breathing observed in children with asthma may lead to the development of alterations in head posture, shoulders, thoracic region and, consequently, in alterations of body posture. The purpose of this study was to assess body posture changes of children with asthma compared to a non-asthmatic control group matched for gender, age, weight, and height. Thirty children with asthma and 30 non-asthmatic children aged 7 to 12 years were enrolled in this study. Digital photographic records were obtained for analysis of the body posture of the children by computed photogrammetry. The intraclass correlation coefficient and Student`s t test (p < 0.05) were used for statistical analysis. There were no significant differences between groups for the angles analyzed, except for the knee flexor angle. These results demonstrate that children with asthma did not present postural alterations compared to non-asthmatic controls since the only angle for which there was a significant difference between groups showed weak reproducibility. The findings of this study do not support the notion that children with asthma present alterations in body posture.
Proteomic approaches have been useful for the identification of aberrantly expressed proteins in complex diseases such as cancer. These proteins are not only potential disease biomarkers, but also targets for therapy. The aim of this study was to identify differentially expressed proteins in diffuse astrocytoma grade II, anaplastic astrocytoma grade III and glioblastoma multiforme grade IV in human tumor samples and in non-neoplastic brain tissue as control using 2-DE and MS. Tumor and control brain tissue dissection was guided by histological hematoxylin/eosin tissue sections to provide more than 90% of tumor cells and astrocytes. Six proteins were detected as up-regulated in higher grade astrocytomas and the most important finding was nucleophosmin (NPM) (p < 0.05), whereas four proteins were down-regulated, among them raf kinase inhibitor protein (RKIP) (p < 0.05). We report here for the first time the alteration of NPM and RKIP expression in brain cancer. Our focus on these proteins was due to the fact that they are involved in the PI3K/AKT/mTOR and RAS/RAF/MAPK pathways, known for their contribution to the development and progression of gliomas. The proteomic data for NPM and RKIP were confirmed by Western blot, quantitative real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry. Due to the participation of NPM and RKIP in uncontrolled proliferation and evasion of apoptosis, these proteins are likely targets for drug development.
Functional MRI (fMRI) data often have low signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) and are contaminated by strong interference from other physiological sources. A promising tool for extracting signals, even under low SNR conditions, is blind source separation (BSS), or independent component analysis (ICA). BSS is based on the assumption that the detected signals are a mixture of a number of independent source signals that are linearly combined via an unknown mixing matrix. BSS seeks to determine the mixing matrix to recover the source signals based on principles of statistical independence. In most cases, extraction of all sources is unnecessary; instead, a priori information can be applied to extract only the signal of interest. Herein we propose an algorithm based on a variation of ICA, called Dependent Component Analysis (DCA), where the signal of interest is extracted using a time delay obtained from an autocorrelation analysis. We applied such method to inspect functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data, aiming to find the hemodynamic response that follows neuronal activation from an auditory stimulation, in human subjects. The method localized a significant signal modulation in cortical regions corresponding to the primary auditory cortex. The results obtained by DCA were also compared to those of the General Linear Model (GLM), which is the most widely used method to analyze fMRI datasets.
Background: One of the frequent questions in obstetric practice is to determine placental vascular changes that may account for abnormal Doppler flow velocity alterations in maternal uterine vessels from women and fetuses without pregnancy pathology. Methods: A retrospective morphometric study was realized using 27 placentas from patients submitted for Doppler flow velocity exam during pregnancy. The placentas were morphologically examined using hematoxylin-eosin staining. Measurements of villi were made with the use of a video camera coupled to a common light microscope and a computer with automatic image analyzing software. Results: Of the 27 placentas, 13 (48%) were of patients showing unaltered Doppler and 14 (52%) showing altered Doppler. The number of stem villi vessels was significantly larger in the placentas of patients with Doppler exam alterations (P = 0.003). This group also presented greater stem villi vessel thickness, although without significant difference. The number of intermediary and terminal villi vessels was greater in the placentas of patients with altered Doppler exams (P < 0.001), and a greater terminal villi area was observed in these cases (P < 0.001). Conclusion: The morphological proof that uterine artery Doppler flow velocity exam alterations are associated with placental vascular alterations demonstrates the importance of this exam during prenatal care, even in the absence of maternal-fetal alterations.
Labetalol is clinically available as a mixture of two racemates (four stereoisomers). The stereoisomer (R,R) has as main activity the beta(1)-antagonism and the stereoisomer (S,R) is highly selective for the alpha(1) adrenoceptor and is responsible for most of the alpha-blocker activity. In the present investigation, a method for the analysis of labetalol stereoisomers in human plasma was developed and applied to pharmacokinetic studies. Plasma samples (0.5 ml) were extracted with methyl tert-butyl ether at pH 9.5. The four labetalol stereoisomers were analyzed by LC-MS/MS on a Chirobiotic (R) V column using a mobile phase consisting of methanol, acetic acid, and diethylamine, with a recovery of more than 90% for all four. The quantitation limit was 0.5 ng/ml and linearity was observed at 250 ng/ml plasma for each stereoisomer. Studies of precision and accuracy presented coefficients of variation and percentage inaccuracy of less than 15%, indicating that the method is precise and accurate. The method was applied to the study of the kinetic disposition of labetalol over a period of 12 h after oral administration of a single 100 mg dose to a hypertensive pregnant woman. The clinical study revealed stereoselectivity in the pharmacokinetics of labetalol, with a lower plasma proportion for the active stereoisomers (R,R)-labetalol and (S,R)-labetalol. The stereoselectivity observed after oral administration is due to the hepatic metabolism and the first pass effect, with an AUC((R,R))/AUC((S,S)) ratio of 0.5. Chirality 21:738-744, 2009. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.