57 resultados para tree mapping
Shoot elongation of Hancornia speciosa, an endangered tree from the Brazilian savannah ""Cerrado"", is very slow, thus limiting nursery production of plants. Gibberellins (GAs) A(1), A(3), and A(5), and two inhibitors of GA biosynthesis, trinexapac-ethyl and ancymidol were applied to shoots of Hancornia seedlings. GA(1) and GA(3) significantly stimulated shoot elongation, while GA(5) had no significant effect. Trinexapac-ethyl and ancymidol, both at 100 A mu g per seedling, inhibited shoot elongation up to 45 days after treatment, though the effect was statistically significant only for ancymidol. Somewhat surprisingly, exogenous GA(3) more effectively stimulated shoot elongation in SD-grown plants, than in LD-grown plants. The results from exogenous application of GAs and inhibitors of GA biosynthesis imply that Hancornia shoot growth is controlled by GAs, and that level of endogenous growth-active GAs is likely to be the limiting factor for shoot elongation in Hancornia. Application of GAs thus offer a practical method for nursery production of Hancornia seedlings for outplanting into the field.
Many tropical tree species produce growth rings in response to seasonal environmental factors that influence the activity of the vascular cambium. We applied the following methods to analyze the annual nature of treering formation of 24 tree species from a seasonal semi-deciduous forest of southeast Brazil: describing wood anatomy and phenology, counting tree rings after cambium markings, and using permanent dendrometer bands. After 7 years of systematic observations and measurements, we found the following: the trees lost their leaves during the dry season and grew new leaves at the end of the same season; trunk increment dynamics corresponded to seasonal changes in precipitation, with higher increment (active period) during the rainy season (October-April) and lower increment (dormant period) during the dry season (May-September); the number of tree rings formed after injuries to the cambium coincided with the number of years since the extraction of the wood samples. As a result of these observations, it was concluded that most study trees formed one growth ring per year. This suggests that tree species from the seasonal semi-deciduous forests of Brazil have an annual cycle of wood formation. Therefore, these trees have potential for use in future studies of tree age and radial growth rates, as well as to infer ecological and regional climatic conditions. These future studies can provide important information for the management and conservation of these endangered forests.
Tuberculosis (TB) is the primary cause of mortality among infectious diseases. Mycobacterium tuberculosis monophosphate kinase (TMPKmt) is essential to DNA replication. Thus, this enzyme represents a promising target for developing new drugs against TB. In the present study, the receptor-independent, RI, 4D-QSAR method has been used to develop QSAR models and corresponding 3D-pharmacophores for a set of 81 thymidine analogues, and two corresponding subsets, reported as inhibitors of TMPKmt. The resulting optimized models are not only statistically significant with r (2) ranging from 0.83 to 0.92 and q (2) from 0.78 to 0.88, but also are robustly predictive based on test set predictions. The most and the least potent inhibitors in their respective postulated active conformations, derived from each of the models, were docked in the active site of the TMPKmt crystal structure. There is a solid consistency between the 3D-pharmacophore sites defined by the QSAR models and interactions with binding site residues. Moreover, the QSAR models provide insights regarding a probable mechanism of action of the analogues.
Thymidine monophosphate kinase (TMPK) has emerged as an attractive target for developing inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis growth. In this study the receptor-independent (RI) 4D-QSAR formalism has been used to develop QSAR models and corresponding 3D-pharmacophores for a set of 5`-thiourea-substituted alpha-thymidine inhibitors. Models were developed for the entire training set and for a subset of the training set consisting of the most potent inhibitors. The optimized (RI) 4D-QSAR models are statistically significant (r(2) = 0.90, q(2) = 0.83 entire set, r(2) = 0.86, q(2) = 0.80 high potency subset) and also possess good predictivity based on test set predictions. The most and least potent inhibitors, in their respective postulated active conformations derived from the models, were docked in the active site of the TMPK crystallographic structure. There is a solid consistency between the 3D-pharmacophore sites defined by the QSAR models and interactions with binding site residues. This model identifies new regions of the inhibitors that contain pharmacophore sites, such as the sugar-pyrimidine ring structure and the region of the 5`-arylthiourea moiety. These new regions of the ligands can be further explored and possibly exploited to identify new, novel, and, perhaps, better antituberculosis inhibitors of TMPKmt. Furthermore, the 3D-pharmacophores defined by these models can be used as a starting point for future receptor-dependent antituberculosis drug design as well as to elucidate candidate sites for substituent addition to optimize ADMET properties of analog inhibitors.
The aim of this study was the design of a set of benzofuroxan derivatives as antimicrobial agents exploring the physicochemical properties of the related substituents. Topliss` decision tree approach was applied to select the substituent groups. Hierarchical cluster analysis was also performed to emphasize natural clusters and patterns. The compounds were obtained using two synthetic approaches for reducing the synthetic steps as well as improving the yield. The minimal inhibitory concentration method was employed to evaluate the activity against multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains. The most active compound was 4-nitro-3-(trifluoromethyl)[N`-(benzofuroxan-5-yl) methylene] benzhydrazide (MIC range 12.7-11.4 mu g/mL), pointing out that the antimicrobial activity was indeed influenced by the hydrophobic and electron-withdrawing property of the substituent groups 3-CF(3) and 4-NO(2), respectively. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Emulsions containing liquid crystals present interesting properties and advantages such as the skin moisturize increase, active release modulation, and emulsion stabilization. In this work, emulsions containing annatto, coffee and tea tree oils, and nonionic surfactants were developed. The HLB method was used for selection of surfactants. The required HLB value was established (9.0). Liquid crystals were attained when used the surfactant mixture Ceteareth-5 and Steareth-2 and identified as lamellar. The emulsions showed pseudoplastic behavior and tixotropy. The ternary diagram was useful in the selection of the proportion of surfactant and oily phase considering skin compatibility and liquid crystal presence.
This study aims to evaluate the feasibility of using simple techniques - pollen abortion rates, passive diffusive tubes (NO(2)) and trace element accumulation in tree barks - when determining the area of influence of pollution emissions produced in a traffic corridor. Measurements were performed at 0, 60 and 120 meters from a major road with high vehicular traffic, taking advantage of a sharp gradient that exists between the road and a cemetery. NO(2) values and trace elements measured at 0 meters were significantly higher than those measured at more distant points. Al, S. Cl, V. Fe, Cu, and Zn exhibited a higher concentration in tree barks at the vicinity of the traffic corridor. The same pattern was observed for the pollen abortion rates measured at the three different sites. Our data suggests that simple techniques may be applied either to validate dispersion land-based models in an urban settings or, alternatively, to provide better spatial resolution to air pollution exposure when high-resolution pollution monitoring data are not available. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
To investigate the ability of pioneer and late-successional species to adapt to a strong light environment in a reforestation area, we examined the activities of antioxidant enzymes in relation to photosystem chlorophyll a fluorescence and photosynthetic pigment concentration for eight tropical tree species grown under 100% (sun) and 10% (shade) sunlight irradiation. The pioneer (early-succession) species (PS) were Cecropia pachystachya, Croton urucurana, Croton floribundus and Schinus terebinthifolius. The non-pioneer (late succession) species (LS) were Hymenaea courbaril L var. stilbocarpa, Esenbeckia leiocarpa, Cariniana legalis and Tabebuia roseo-alba. We observed a greater decline in the ratio of variable to maximum chlorophyll a fluorescence (F(v)/F(m)) under full sunlight irradiation in the late-successional species than in the pioneer species. The LS species most sensitive to high irradiance were C. legalis and H. courbaril. In LS species, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll concentrations were higher in the shade-grown plants than in plants that developed under full sunlight, but in the PS species C. floribundus and C. pachystachya, we did not observe significant changes in chlorophyll content when grown in the two contrasting environments. The carotenoids/total chlorophyll ratio increased significantly when plants developed under high-sunlight irradiation, but this response was not observed in the PS species S. terebinthifolius and C. pachystachya. The improved performance of the pioneer species in high sunlight was accompanied by an increase in superoxide dismutase (SOD. EC activity, though no light-dependent increase in the activity of ascorbate peroxidase (APX. EC was observed. The activity of catalase (CAT, EC was reduced by high irradiation in both pioneer and late-successional species. Our results show that pioneer species perform better under high-sunlight irradiation than late-successional species, as indicated by increased SOD activity and a higher F IF,, ratio. C. legalis was the LS species most susceptible to photoinhibition under full sunlight conditions. These results suggest that pioneer plants have more potential tolerance to photo-oxidative damage than late-successional species associated with the higher SOD activity found in pioneer species. Reduced photoinhibition in pioneer species probably results from their higher photosynthetic capacities, as has been observed in a previous survey carried out by our group. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ficus arpazusa Casaretto is a fig tree native to the Atlantic Rain Forest sensu lato. High levels of genetic diversity and no inbreeding were observed in Ficus arpazusa. This genetic pattern is due to the action of its pollinator, Pegoscapus sp., which disperses pollen an estimated distance of 5.6 km, and of Ficus arpazusa`s mating system which, in the study area, is allogamous. This study highlights the importance of adding both ecological and genetic data into population studies, allowing a better understanding of evolutionary processes and in turn increasing the efficacy of forest management and revegetation projects, as well as species conservation.
Suramin is a polysulphonated napthylurea used as an antiprotozoal/anthelminitic drug, which also inhibits a broad range of enzymes. Suramin binding to recombinant human secreted group IIA phospholipase A(2) (hsPLA(2)GIIA) was investigated by molecular dynamics simulations (MD) and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). MD indicated two possible bound suramin conformations mediated by hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions with amino-acids in three regions of the protein. namely the active-site and residues located in the N- and C-termini, respectively. All three binding sites are located on the phospholipid membrane recognition surface, suggesting that suramin may inhibit the enzyme, and indeed a 90% reduction in hydrolytic activity was observed in the presence of 100 nM suramin. These results correlated with ITC data, which demonstrated 2.7 suramin binding sites on the hsPLA(2)GIIA, and indicates that suramin represents a novel class of phosphohpase A(2) inhibitor. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Multitemporal Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) imagery was used to assess coastline morphological changes in southeastern Brazil. A spectral linear mixing approach (SLMA) was used to estimate fraction imagery representing amounts of vegetation, clean water (a proxy for shade) and soil. Fraction abundances were related to erosive and depositional features. Shoreline, sandy banks (including emerged and submerged banks) and sand spits were highlighted mainly by clean water and soil fraction imagery. To evaluate changes in the coastline geomorphic features, the fraction imagery generated for each data set was classified in a contextual approach using a segmentation technique and ISOSEG, an unsupervised classification. Evaluation of the classifications was performed visually and by an error matrix relating ground-truth data to classification results. Comparison of the classification results revealed an intense transformation in the coastline, and that erosive and depositional features are extremely dynamic and subject to change in short periods of time.
Motor cortex stimulation oriented by functional cortical mapping is used mainly for treating otherwise intractable neurological disorders, however. its mechanism of action remains elusive. Herein, we present a new method for functional mapping of the rat motor cortex using non-invasive transdural electrical stimulation. This method allows a non-invasive mapping of the surface of the neocortex providing a differentiation of representative motor areas. This Study may facilitate further investigation about the mechanisms mediating the effects of electrical stimulation, possibly benefiting patients who do not respond to this neuromodulation therapy. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Wavelet correlation between subjects: A time-scale data driven analysis for brain mapping using fMRI
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) based on BOLD signal has been used to indirectly measure the local neural activity induced by cognitive tasks or stimulation. Most fMRI data analysis is carried out using the general linear model (GLM), a statistical approach which predicts the changes in the observed BOLD response based on an expected hemodynamic response function (HRF). In cases when the task is cognitively complex or in cases of diseases, variations in shape and/or delay may reduce the reliability of results. A novel exploratory method using fMRI data, which attempts to discriminate between neurophysiological signals induced by the stimulation protocol from artifacts or other confounding factors, is introduced in this paper. This new method is based on the fusion between correlation analysis and the discrete wavelet transform, to identify similarities in the time course of the BOLD signal in a group of volunteers. We illustrate the usefulness of this approach by analyzing fMRI data from normal subjects presented with standardized human face pictures expressing different degrees of sadness. The results show that the proposed wavelet correlation analysis has greater statistical power than conventional GLM or time domain intersubject correlation analysis. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Simultaneous acquisition of electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) aims to disentangle the description of brain processes by exploiting the advantages of each technique. Most studies in this field focus on exploring the relationships between fMRI signals and the power spectrum at some specific frequency bands (alpha, beta, etc.). On the other hand, brain mapping of EEG signals (e.g., interictal spikes in epileptic patients) usually assumes an haemodynamic response function for a parametric analysis applying the GLM, as a rough approximation. The integration of the information provided by the high spatial resolution of MR images and the high temporal resolution of EEG may be improved by referencing them by transfer functions, which allows the identification of neural driven areas without strong assumptions about haemodynamic response shapes or brain haemodynamic`s homogeneity. The difference on sampling rate is the first obstacle for a full integration of EEG and fMRI information. Moreover, a parametric specification of a function representing the commonalities of both signals is not established. In this study, we introduce a new data-driven method for estimating the transfer function from EEG signal to fMRI signal at EEG sampling rate. This approach avoids EEG subsampling to fMRI time resolution and naturally provides a test for EEG predictive power over BOLD signal fluctuations, in a well-established statistical framework. We illustrate this concept in resting state (eyes closed) and visual simultaneous fMRI-EEG experiments. The results point out that it is possible to predict the BOLD fluctuations in occipital cortex by using EEG measurements. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is currently one of the most widely used methods for studying human brain function in vivo. Although many different approaches to fMRI analysis are available, the most widely used methods employ so called ""mass-univariate"" modeling of responses in a voxel-by-voxel fashion to construct activation maps. However, it is well known that many brain processes involve networks of interacting regions and for this reason multivariate analyses might seem to be attractive alternatives to univariate approaches. The current paper focuses on one multivariate application of statistical learning theory: the statistical discrimination maps (SDM) based on support vector machine, and seeks to establish some possible interpretations when the results differ from univariate `approaches. In fact, when there are changes not only on the activation level of two conditions but also on functional connectivity, SDM seems more informative. We addressed this question using both simulations and applications to real data. We have shown that the combined use of univariate approaches and SDM yields significant new insights into brain activations not available using univariate methods alone. In the application to a visual working memory fMRI data, we demonstrated that the interaction among brain regions play a role in SDM`s power to detect discriminative voxels. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.