74 resultados para sheep.
Ten cattle and 10 buffalo were divided into 2 groups (control [n = 8] and experimental [n = 12]) that received daily administration of copper. Three hepatic biopsies and blood samples were performed on days 0, 45, and 105. The concentration of hepatic copper was determined by spectrophotometric atomic absorption, and the activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) were analyzed. Regression analyses were done to verify the possible existing relationship between enzymatic activity and concentration of hepatic copper. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and positive and negative predictive values were determined. The serum activities of AST and GGT had coefficients of determination that were excellent predictive indicators of hepatic copper accumulation in cattle, while only GGT serum activity was predictive of hepatic copper accumulation in buffalo. Elevated serum GGT activity may be indicative of increased concentrations of hepatic copper even in cattle and buffalo that appear to be clinically healthy. Thus, prophylactic measures can be implemented to prevent the onset of a hemolytic crisis that is characteristic of copper intoxication.
Goats are economically important in many countries, and little is known of caprine toxoplasmosis in Brazil. Anti-bodies to toxoplasma gondii were assayed in the sera of 143 goats from 3 Brazilian states, using modified agglutination test (MAT titer >= 1:25); 46 (32.2%) tested positive. Samples of brain, heart, diaphragm, and masseter of seropositive animals were pooled, digested in pepsin, and bioassayed in mice. Viable T. gondii specimens were isolated from tissue homogenates of 12 goats; the isolates were designated TgGtBr1-12. Ten of the 12 isolates killed 100% of infected mice, indicating that goats can harbor mouse-virulent T. gondii and, hence, can serve as a source of infection for humans.
Genetic variation provides a basis upon which populations can be genetically improved. Management of animal genetic resources in order to minimize loss of genetic diversity both within and across breeds has recently received attention at different levels, e. g., breed, national and international levels. A major need for sustainable improvement and conservation programs is accurate estimates of population parameters, such as rate of inbreeding and effective population size. A software system (POPREP) is presented that automatically generates a typeset report. Key parameters for population management, such as age structure, generation interval, variance in family size, rate of inbreeding, and effective population size form the core part of this report. The report includes a default text that describes definition, computation and meaning of the various parameters. The report is summarized in two pdf files, named Population Structure and Pedigree Analysis Reports. In addition, results (e. g., individual inbreeding coefficients, rate of inbreeding and effective population size) are stored in comma-separate-values files that are available for further processing. Pedigree data from eight livestock breeds from different species and countries were used to describe the potential of POPREP and to highlight areas for further research.
Cloning by nuclear transfer is often associated with poor results due to abnormal nuclear reprogramming of somatic donor cells and altered gene expression patterns. We investigated the expression patterns of imprinted genes IGF2 and IGF2R in 33- to 36-day bovine embryos and chorio-allantoic membranes derived from in vivo- and in vitro-produced embryos by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), parthenogenetic activation, and in vitro fertilization (IVF). There was a lower IGF2 expression rate in the SCNT (0.19) and parthenogenetic (0.02) groups when compared to in vivo and IVF embryos (2.01; P < 0.05). In the chorio-allantoic membranes, IGF2 showed a baseline expression pattern (P < 0.05) in parthenotes (0.001) when compared to in vivo, IVF (3.13), and SCNT (0.98) groups. IGF2R was less expressed (P < 0.05) in SCNT chorio-allantoic membranes (0.25) when compared to the in vivo group. The low expression of IGF2 in parthenogenetic embryos and chorio-allantoic membranes confirms its imprinted status in cattle. Alterations in the relative frequency of IGF2 and IGF2R transcripts were observed in SCNT-derived bovine embryos and chorioallantoic membranes, respectively, supporting the hypothesis that abnormalities in the expression of imprinted genes are causes of the low efficiency of SCNT procedures in this species.
Rumen fermentation and methane emission for eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodora) fresh leaves (FL) or residue leaves (RL), after essential oil extraction from eucalyptus leaves in comparison with alfalfa (Medicago sativa) hay, were investigated in vitro. Eucalyptus FL and RL were obtained from the Distillery Trees Barras Company, Torrinha City, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The semi-automatic system of gas production was used to measure gas production, methane emission and rumen fermentation after 24 h incubation in vitro. The results showed that the crude protein (CP) contents were 76.4, 78.1 and 181.9 g kg(-1) DM for eucalyptus FL, RL and alfalfa hay, respectively. The neutral-detergent fibre (NDF) and acid-detergent fibre (ADF) were significantly lower in eucalyptus FL and RL than alfalfa hay. The Eucalyptus fresh and residue leaves were rich in total phenols (TP) and total tannins (TT) but had negligible content of condensed tannins (CT). There was significant reduction in cumulative gas production about 54 and 51% with eucalyptus FL and RL, respectively, compared with alfalfa hay. The methane emission (mL/g DM) was reduced (P<0.05) by 53 and 57% with eucalyptus FL and RL, respectively, but the reduction was 21 and 16% when expressed on truly digested organic matter basis. There were a decline (P<0.05) in true dry and organic matter degradation in vitro in eucalyptus FL and RL compared with alfalfa hay substrate. The partitioning factor values were higher (P<0.05) in eucalyptus FL and RL than alfalfa hay. There was no significant difference observed between eucalyptus FL, RL and alfalfa hay in protozoa count. It is concluded that the eucalyptus leaves have potential effect to mitigate CH4 production in vitro, which may be attributed to a decrease in fermentable substrate rather than to a direct effect on methanogenesis.
Oil and fat as energy sources at low cost are relevant in ruminant nutrition. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of palm fatty acid distillate (PFAD) on the degradability and ciliate protozoa population in buffalo. Four rumen fistulated buffaloes were fed a basal diet in a Latin square (4x4) design trial. Treatments were designed with four of different levels of PFAD added directly into the rumen: 0; 200; 420 and 500 g/animal/d. High levels of PFAD (420 and 500 g/d) promoted higher degradation of the soluble fraction and lower in potentially degradable fraction of dry matter (DM) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) with lower values of potential and effective degradability in two evaluated grasses, bermudagrass and brachiariagrass. Significant decreases in the total number of protozoa/mL of rumen content, Entodinium and ciliates belonging to subfamily Diplodiniinae were observed at higher level of PFDA addition in the rumen. Also, Epidinium and Holotrich ciliates disappeared from the rumen. Significant correlations were observed of the ciliate concentration and composition as a function of dietary lipids content. Entodinium composition increased from 68.0% to 99.6% and Diplodiniinae reduced from 30.4% to 0.4% with increasing PFAD level indicating higher fat toxicity effect on the Diplodiniinae ciliates than Entodinium species and direct action of the larger ciliates on the fibre degradation.
Freeze-drying of biological tissues allows for dry storage and gamma ray sterilization, which may improve their use as a medical prosthesis. The objective of this study was to evaluate the rehydration characteristics and hydrodynamic performance of prosthetic valves before and after lyophilization. Two size 23 bovine pericardium aortic valve prostheses from different manufacturers were evaluated in a Shelhigh (Union, NJ, USA) pulse duplicator (80 ppm, 5 L/min) before and after lyophilization. Flow and transvalvular pressure gradient were registered in vitro and in vivo, and images of opening and closing of the prosthesis were obtained in the pulse duplicator in a digital camera. Rehydration was evaluated by comparison of dry valve weight with valve weight after 15 min, and 1, 24, 48, and 72 h in saline solution, inside the pulse duplicator. In vivo performance was assessed by surgical implantation in Santa Ines young male sheep in the pulmonary position after 30 min rehydration with 0.9% saline. Transvalvular pressure gradient and flow measurements were obtained immediately after implantation and 3 months after surgery when valves were explanted. Captured images showed a change in the profile opening and closing of valve prosthesis after lyophilization. The gradient measured (in vitro) in two valves was 17.08 +/- 0.57 and 18.76 +/- 0.70 mm Hg before lyophilization, and 34.24 +/- 0.59 and 30.40 +/- 0.97 mm Hg after lyophilization. Rehydration of both lyophilized valves was approximately 82%. Drying changed the profile of the opening and closing of valve prostheses, and increased on average by 83% the gradient in vitro tests. The result of the in vivo tests suggests maintaining pressure levels of the animal with the lyophilized prostheses within acceptable levels.
The objective of this study was to investigate immunoglobulin G (IgG) and total serum protein (TP) acquisition in newborn Santa Ines lambs fed Holstein bovine or Santa Ines ovine colostrum as well as the cell proliferation rate in the animals` intestine epithelium. At 0 h and 6 h of life, 12 newborn lambs received 250 mL of bovine 1st milking colostrum (BC) and another 12 animals received 250 mL of ovine 1st milking colostrum (OC). Blood samples were collected at 0, 6, 24. and 72 h of life. Six animals were randomly slaughtered just after birth, without colostrum intake. The other animals were randomly slaughtered at 24 and 72 h. The IgG serum concentration at 6, 24 and 72 h were significantly higher for BC, 16.32 +/- 6.19; 33.80 +/- 5.68 and 27.95 +/- 5.46 mg/mL respectively, compared with OC, 11.31 +/- 6.08, 21.02 +/- 6.53 and 19.88 +/- 7.31 mg/mL BC showed higher (P < 0.05) TP values (7.29 +/- 0.87 and 6.89 +/- 0.30 g/100 mL) at 24 and 72 h in relation to OC (5.73 +/- 1.35 and 5.69 +/- 0.57 g/100 mL). At birth, the animals showed 32.52%, 45.47% and 30.60% cells in division for the duodenum, jejunum and ileum, respectively. At 24 h, the OC animals showed lower (P < 0.0001) mitotic cell percentage in the duodenum (42.12%) and ileum (35.66%) in relation to the BC animals, 46.44% and 39.74%, respectively. At 72 h, a lower (P < 0.0001) rate of proliferation was observed in the duodenum crypts of the OC animals (36.28%) compared with BC (43.18%). The results indicate that this lacteal secretion can accelerate the epithelium renovation process and can be used as an alternative source of IgG for newborn lambs. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This trial was carried out in Piracicaba, Sao Paulo State. Brazil. to comparatively evaluate the degree of resistance to naturally acquired gastrointestinal nematode infections in sheep of the following genetic groups purebred Santa Ines (SI), SI crossbred with Dorper (DO x SI), lie de France (IF x SI), Suffolk (SU x SI), and Texel (TE < SI) Fifteen ewes from each group were raised indoors until 12 months of age. At this age, they were moved to pasture that was naturally contaminated by nematode infective larvae and were evaluated from December to May. 2007. Rainfall ranged from 267 mm in January to 37 mm in April Maximum and minimum mean temperatures ranged from 32 5 degrees C to 19 0 degrees C in March and from 25.9 degrees C to 12.8 degrees C in May. There was an increase in the mean number of eggs per gram of feces (EPG) after animals were placed on pasture with significant difference between the SI (80 EPG) and IF x SI (347 EPG) groups in January: and the DO x SI (386 EPG) and TE x SI (258 EPG) groups in May. The highest mean fecal egg count (FEC), 2073 EPG, was recorded for the TE x SI group in February. All groups showed a progressive reduction in body weight throughout the experiment of 12.0% (TE x SI) to 15.9% (SU x SI). In general. the animals with the highest FEC presented the lowest packed cell volumes (PCV): the highest correlation coefficient between FEC x PCV occurred in the SU x SI sheep in January (r = -0.70; P < 0.01). Similarly, there was an inverse relationship between FEC and blood eosinophil Values, with the highest correlation coefficient in the TE x SI sheep in February (r = -0.64; P < 0.05). Immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels against Haemonchus contortus antigens increased in all groups as a result of the exposure to parasites and remained relatively constant until the end of the study, with the exceptions of SU x SI and TE x SI, which showed a rise in IgG levels during the last sampling that coincided with a reduction in mean FEC. In conclusion. crossbreeding Santa Ines sheep with any of the breeds evaluated can result in a production increase and the maintenance of a satisfactory degree of infection resistance, especially against H. contortus and Trichostrongylus colubriformis. the major nematodes detected in this flock. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of replacing coastcross hay NDF by soybean hull (SH) NDF on the lactation performance and eating behavior of ewes and also on the performance of their lambs. Fifty-six Santa Ines lactating ewes (56.1 +/- 6.8 kg of initial BW; mean +/- SD) were penned individually and used in a randomized complete block design with 14 blocks and 4 treatments. Diets were formulated to provide similar concentrations of NDF (56%) and CP (16%). The SH NDF replaced 33 (SH33), 67 (SH67), or 100% (SH100) of the NDF contributed by coastcross hay in a 70% forage-based diet (SH0), resulting in SH inclusion rates of 0, 25, 54, and 85% of the dietary DM. Once a week, from the second to the eighth week of lactation (weaning time), ewes were separated from their lambs, stimulated by a 6-IU i.v. oxytocin injection, and hand milked to empty the udder. After 3 h, milk production was obtained after the same procedure. Quadratic effect for milk production (142.4, 179.8, 212.6, and 202.9 g/3 h) and cubic effect for DMI (2.27, 2.69, 3.25, and 3.00 kg/d) were observed as SH inclusion increased from 0 to 85% of the dietary DM. Milk fat (7.59, 7.86, 7.59, and 7.74%), protein (4.53, 4.43, 4.40, and 4.55%), and total solids (18.24, 18.54, 18.39, and 18.64%) did not differ among the 70% forage-based diet and diets with SH NDF replacing 33, 67, or 100% of the NDF. A linear increase in lactose concentration was observed with SH inclusion. Ewe BW gain during the trial showed a cubic response (0.37, 0.03, 4.80, and 2.80 kg) with SH inclusion. The preweaning ADG of lambs increased linearly, and ADG of lambs after weaning decreased linearly with SH inclusion. Final BW of lambs (2 wk after weaning) did not differ among treatments. Eating behavior observations were conducted with 44 ewes. The same facilities, experimental design, dietary treatments, and feeding management were used. Observations were visually recorded every 5 min for a 24-h period when ewes were 46 +/- 6.8 d in milk. Eating time (min/d, min/g of DMI, and min/g of NDF intake) and time expended in rumination and chewing activities (min/g of DMI and min/g of NDF intake) decreased linearly with the addition of SH in the diets. The inclusion of SH improved DMI and milk production, also reflecting on the BW of lambs at weaning. Milk performance was not affected when SH NDF replaced 100% of hay NDF.
Cellular and humoral immune response, as well as cytokine gene expression, was assessed in Nelore cattle with different degrees of resistance to Cooperia punctata natural infection. One hundred cattle (male, weaned, 11-12 months old), kept together on pasture, were evaluated. Faecal and blood samples were collected for parasitological and immunological assays. Based on nematode faecal egg counts (FEC) and worm burden, the seven most resistant and the eight most susceptible animals were selected. Tissue samples of the small intestine were collected for histological quantification of inflammatory cells and analysis of cytokine gene expression (IL-2, IL-4, IL-8, IL-1 2p35, IL-13, TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, MCP-1, MCP-2, and MUC- 1) using real-time RT-PCR. Mucus samples were also collected for IgA levels determination. Serum IgG1 mean levels against C. punctata antigens were higher in the resistant group, but significant differences between groups were only observed 14 days after the beginning of the experiment against infective larvae (1-3) and 14 and 84 days against adult antigens. The resistant group also presented higher IgA levels against C. punctata (L3 and adult) antigens with significant difference 14 days after the beginning of the trial (P < 0.05). In the small-intestine mucosa, levels of IgA anti-L3 and anti-adult C. punctata were higher in the resistant group, compared with the susceptible group (P < 0.05). Gene expression of both T(H)2 cytokines (IL-4 and IL-13) in the resistant group and T(H)1 cytokines (IL-2, IL-1 2p35, IFN-gamma and MCP-1) in the susceptible group was up-regulated. Such results suggested that immune response to C. punctata was probably mediated by TH2 cytokines in the resistant group and by T(H)1 cytokines in the susceptible group. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Grafts of biological tissues have been used since the 1960s as an alternative to the mechanical heart prostheses. Nowadays, the most consolidated treatment to bovine pericardial (BP) bioprostheses is the crosslinking with glutaraldehyde (GA), although GA may induce calcification in vivo. In previous work, our group demonstrated that electron beam irradiation applied to lyophilized BP in the absence of oxygen promoted crosslinks among collagen fibers of BP tissue. In this work, the incorporation of silk fibroin (SF) and chitosan (CHIT) in the BP not treated with GA was studied. The samples were irradiated and then analyzed for their cytotoxicity and the ability of adhesion and growth of endothelial cells. Initially, all samples showed cytotoxicity. However, after a few washing cycles, the cytotoxicity due to acetic acid and ethanol residues was removed from the biomaterial making it suitable for the biofunctional test. The samples modified with SF/CHIT and electron beam irradiated favored the adhesion and growth of endothelial cells throughout the tissue.
Lantana (Lantana camara Linn.) is a noxious weed to which certain medicinal properties have been attributed, but its ingestion has been reported to be highly toxic to animals and humans, especially in the liver. The main hepatotoxin in lantana leaves is believed to be the pentacyclic triterpenoid lantadene A (LA), but the precise mechanism by which it induces hepatotoxicity has not yet been established. This work addressed the action of LA and its reduced derivative (RLA) on mitochondrial bioenergetics. At the concentration range tested (5-25 mu M), RLA stimulated state-4 respiration, inhibited state-3 respiration, circumvented oligomycin-inhibited state-3 respiration, dissipated membrane potential and depleted ATP in a concentration-dependent manner. However. LA did not stimulate state-4 respiration, nor did it affect the other mitochondrial parameters to the extent of its reduced derivative. The lantadenes didn`t inhibit the CCCP-uncoupled respiration but increased the ATPase activity of intact coupled mitochondria. The ATPase activity of intact uncoupled or disrupted mitochondria was not affected by the compounds. We propose, therefore, that RLA acts as a mitochondrial uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation, a property that arises from the biotransformation (reduction) of LA, and LA acts in other mitochondrial membrane components rather than the ATP synthase affecting the mitochondrial bioenergetics. Such effects may account for the well-documented hepatoxicity of lantana. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose: Many methods exist in the literature for identifying PEEP to set in ARDS patients following a lung recruitment maneuver (RM). We compared ten published parameters for setting PEEP following a RM. Methods: Lung injury was induced by bilateral lung lavage in 14 female Dorset sheep, yielding a PaO(2) 100-150 mmHg at F(I)O(2) 1.0 and PEEP 5 cmH(2)O. A quasi-static P-V curve was then performed using the supersyringe method; PEEP was set to 20 cmH(2)O and a RM performed with pressure control ventilation (inspiratory pressure set to 40-50 cmH(2)O), until PaO(2) + PaCO(2) > 400 mmHg. Following the RM, a decremental PEEP trial was performed. The PEEP was decreased in 1 cmH(2)O steps every 5 min until 15 cmH(2)O was reached. Parameters measured during the decremental PEEP trial were compared with parameters obtained from the P-V curve. Results: For setting PEEP, maximum dynamic tidal respiratory compliance, maximum PaO(2), maximum PaO(2) + PaCO(2), and minimum shunt calculated during the decremental PEEP trial, and the lower Pflex and point of maximal compliance increase on the inflation limb of the P-V curve (Pmci,i) were statistically indistinguishable. The PEEP value obtained using the deflation upper Pflex and the point of maximal compliance decrease on the deflation limb were significantly higher, and the true inflection point on the inflation limb and minimum PaCO(2) were significantly lower than the other variables. Conclusion: In this animal model of ARDS, dynamic tidal respiratory compliance, maximum PaO(2), maximum PaO(2) + PaCO(2), minimum shunt, inflation lower Pflex and Pmci,i yield similar values for PEEP following a recruitment maneuver.
BACKGROUND Marshall bundles (MBs) are the muscle bundles within the ligament of Marshall. OBJECTIVE This trial sought to the electrophysiological characteristics of the MB and the anatomical connections between MB and left atrium (LA) in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation (AF). METHODS We enrolled 72 patients (male: female 59: 13, age 59.9 +/- 9.4 years) who underwent MB mapping and ablation for AF. MB mapping was done via an endocardial or epicardial approach during sinus rhythm and AF. RESULTS Recordings were successful in 64 of 72 patients (89%). A single connection was noted in 11 of 64 patients between the MB and the coronary sinus (CS) muscle sleeves. The MB recordings showed distinct MB potentials with a proximal-to-distal activation pattern during sinus rhythm. During AF, organized passive activations and dissociated slow MB ectopic activities were commonly observed in this type of connection. Double connections to both CS and LA around left pulmonary veins were noted in 23 of 64 patients (36%). After the ablation of the distal connection, MB recording showed typical double potentials as in single connection. Multiple connections were noted in 30 of 64 patients (47%). During sinus rhythm, the earliest activation was in the middle of the MB. The activation patterns were irregular and variable in each patient. During AF, rapid and fractionated complex activations were noted in all patients of this group. CONCLUSION We documented 3 different types of MB-LA connections. Rapid and fractionated activations were most commonly observed in the MB that had multiple LA connections.