57 resultados para selection of tenderers
Mangrove sediments are anaerobic ecosystems rich in organic matter. This environment is optimal for anaerobic microorganisms, such as sulphate-reducing bacteria and methanogenic archaea, which are responsible for nutrient cycling. In this study, the diversity of these two functional guilds was evaluated in a pristine mangrove forest using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and clone library sequencing in a 50 cm vertical profile sampled every 5.0 cm. DGGE profiles indicated that both groups presented higher richness in shallow samples (0-30 cm) with a steep decrease in richness beyond that depth. According to redundancy analysis, this alteration significantly correlated with a decrease in the amount of organic matter. Clone library sequencing indicated that depth had a strong effect on the selection of dissimilatory sulphate reductase (dsrB) operational taxonomic units (OTUs), as indicated by the small number of shared OTUs found in shallow (0.0 cm) and deep (40.0 cm) libraries. On the other hand, methyl coenzyme-M reductase (mcrA) libraries indicated that most of the OTUs found in the shallow library were present in the deep library. These results show that these two guilds co-exist in these mangrove sediments and indicate important roles for these organisms in nutrient cycling within this ecosystem.
An analysis of the effect of an oil spill on mangrove sediments was carried out by contamination of mesocosms derived from two different mangroves, one with a history of contamination and one pristine. The association between N(2) fixers and hydrocarbon degradation was assessed using quantitative PCR (qPCR) for the genes rrs and nifH, nifH clone library sequencing and total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) quantification using gas chromatography. TPH showed that the microbial communities of both mangroves were able to degrade the hydrocarbons added; however, whereas the majority of oil added to the mesocosm derived from the polluted mangrove was degraded in the 75 days of the experiment, there was only partially degradation in the mesocosm derived from the pristine mangrove. qPCR showed that the addition of oil led to an increase in rrs gene copy numbers in both mesocosms, having almost no effect on the nifH copy numbers in the pristine mangrove. Sequencing of nifH clones indicated that the changes promoted by the oil in the polluted mangrove were greater than those observed in the pristine mesocosm. The main effect observed in the polluted mesocosm was the selection of a single phylotype which is probably adapted to the presence of petroleum. These results, together with previous reports, give hints about the relationship between N(2) fixation and hydrocarbon degradation in natural ecosystems.
The selection of candidate plus trees of desirable phenotypes from tropical forest trees and the rapid devastation of the natural environments in which these trees are found have created the need for a more detailed knowledge of the floral and reproductive biology of tropical tree species. In this article, the organogenic processes related to unisexual flower development in tropical mahogany, Swietenia macrophylla, are described. Mahogany inflorescences at different developmental stages were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy or optical microscopy of histological sections. The unisexual flowers of S. macrophylla are usually formed in a thyrse, in which the positions of the female and male flowers are not random. Differences between male and female flowers arise late during development. Both female and male flowers can only be structurally distinguished after stage 9, where ovule primordia development is arrested in male flowers and microspore development is aborted in female flower anthers. After this stage, male and female flowers can be distinguished by the naked eye as a result of differences in the dimensions of the gynoecium. The floral characteristics of S. macrophylla (distribution of male and female flowers within the inflorescence, and the relative number of male to female flowers) have practical implications for conservation strategies of this endangered species. (c) 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 156, 529-535.
The paper discusses the availability of biomass in Brazil to supply charcoal to the steel industry on the bases of an initial global assessment of land potentially available for plantations and of Brazilian data that allows refining the assessment and specifying the issue of practical availability. Technical potentials are first assessed through a series of simple rules against direct competition with agriculture, forests and protected areas, and of quantitative criteria, whether geo-climatic (rainfall), demographic (population density) or legal (reserves). Institutional, social and economic factors are then identified and discussed so as to account for the practical availability of Brazilian biomass through six criteria. The ranking of nine Brazilian States according to these criteria brings out the necessary trade-offs in the selection of land for plantations that would efficiently supply charcoal to the steel industry. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A process has been elaborated for one-step low lignin content sugarcane bagasse hemicellulose extraction using alkaline solution of hydrogen peroxide. To maximize the hemicellulose yields several extraction conditions were examined applying the 2(4) factorial design: H(2)O(2) concentration from 2 to 6% (w/v), reaction time from 4 to 16 h, temperature from 20 to 60 degrees C, and magnesium sulfate absence or presence (0.5%, w/v). This approach allowed selection of conditions for the extraction of low and high lignin content hemicellulose. At midpoint the yield of hemicellulose was 94.5% with more than 88% of lignin removed. Lignin removal is suppressed at low extraction temperatures and in the absence of magnesium sulfate. Hemicellulose in 86% yield with low lignin content (5.9%) was obtained with 6% H(2)O(2) treatment for 4 h and 20 degrees C. This hemicellulose is much lighter in color than samples obtained at the midpoint condition and was found suitable for subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Modal filters may be obtained by a properly designed weighted sum of the output signals of an array of sensors distributed on the host structure. Although several research groups have been interested in techniques for designing and implementing modal filters based on a given array of sensors, the effect of the array topology on the effectiveness of the modal filter has received much less attention. In particular, it is known that some parameters, such as size, shape and location of a sensor, are very important in determining the observability of a vibration mode. Hence, this paper presents a methodology for the topological optimization of an array of sensors in order to maximize the effectiveness of a set of selected modal filters. This is done using a genetic algorithm optimization technique for the selection of 12 piezoceramic sensors from an array of 36 piezoceramic sensors regularly distributed on an aluminum plate, which maximize the filtering performance, over a given frequency range, of a set of modal filters, each one aiming to isolate one of the first vibration modes. The vectors of the weighting coefficients for each modal filter are evaluated using QR decomposition of the complex frequency response function matrix. Results show that the array topology is not very important for lower frequencies but it greatly affects the filter effectiveness for higher frequencies. Therefore, it is possible to improve the effectiveness and frequency range of a set of modal filters by optimizing the topology of an array of sensors. Indeed, using 12 properly located piezoceramic sensors bonded on an aluminum plate it is shown that the frequency range of a set of modal filters may be enlarged by 25-50%.
The anaerobic biological treatment of pentachlorophenol (PCP) and methanol as the main carbon source was investigated in a horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass (HAIB) reactor at 30 +/- 1 degrees C, during a 220-day trial period. The reactor biomass was developed as an attached biofilm on polyurethane foam particles, with 24 h of hydraulic retention time. The PCP concentrations, which ranged from 2.0 to 13.0 mg/L, were controlled by adding synthetic substrate. The HAIB reactor reduced 97% of COD and removed 99% of PCP. The microbial biofilm communities of the HAIB reactor amended with PCP, without previous acclimatization, were characterized by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) with specific Archaea oligonucleotide primers. The ARDRA technique provided an adequate analysis of the community, revealing the profile of the selected population along the reactor. The biomass activities in the HAIB reactor at the end of the experiments indicated the development of PCP degraders and the maintenance of the population of methanogenic Archaea, ensuring the high efficiency of the system treating PCP with added methanol as the cosubstrate. The use of the simplified ARDRA method enabled us to monitor the microbial population with the addition of high concentrations of toxic compounds and highlighting a selection of microorganisms in the biofilm. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This study evaluates the stability of hydrogen and organic acids production in an anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor (AFBR) that contains expanded clay (2.8-3.35 mm in diameter) as a support medium and is operated on a long-term basis. The reactor was inoculated with thermally pre-treated anaerobic sludge and operated with decreasing hydraulic retention time (HRT), from 8 h to 1 h, at a controlled temperature of 30 degrees C and a pH of about 3.8. Glucose (2000 mg L(-1)) was used as the substrate, generating conversion rates of 92-98%. Decreasing the HRT from 8 h to 1 h led to an increase in average hydrogen-production rates, with a maximum value of 1.28 L h(-1) L(-1) for an HRT of 1 h. In general, hydrogen yield production increased as HRT decreased, reaching 2.29 mol of H(2)/mol glucose at an HRT of 2 h and yielding a maximum hydrogen content of 37% in the biogas. No methane was detected in the biogas throughout the period of operation. The main soluble metabolites (SMP) were acetic acid (46.94-53.84% of SMP) and butyric acid (34.51-42.16% of SMP), with less than 15.49% ethanol. The steady performance of the AFBR may be attributed to adequate thermal treatment of the inoculum, the selection of a suitable support medium for microbial adhesion, and the choice of satisfactory environmental conditions imposed on the system. The results show that stable hydrogen production and organic acids production were maintained in the AFBR over a period of 178 days. (C) 2009 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The performance optimisation of overhead conductors depends on the systematic investigation of the fretting fatigue mechanisms in the conductor/clamping system. As a consequence, a fretting fatigue rig was designed and a limited range of fatigue tests was carried out at the middle high cycle fatigue regime in order to access an exploratory S-N curve for a Grosbeak conductor, which was mounted on a mono-articulated aluminium clamping system. Subsequent to these preliminary fatigue tests, the components of the conductor/clamping system, such as ACSR conductor, upper and lower clamps, bolt and nuts, were subjected to a failure analysis procedure in order to investigate the metallurgical free variables interfering on the fatigue test results, aiming at the optimisation of the testing reproducibility. The results indicated that the rupture of the planar fracture surfaces observed in the external At strands of the conductor tested under lower bending amplitude (0.9 mm) occurred by fatigue cracking (I mm deep), followed by shear overload. The V-type fracture surfaces observed in some At strands of the conductor tested under higher bending amplitude (1.3 mm) were also produced by fatigue cracking (approximately 400 mu m deep), followed by shear overload. Shear overload fracture (45 degrees fracture surface) was also observed on the remaining At wires of the conductor tested under higher bending amplitude (1.3 mm). Additionally, the upper and lower Al-cast clamps presented microstructure-sensitive cracking, which was folowed by particle detachment and formation of abrasive debris on the clamp/conductor tribo-interface, promoting even further the fretting mechanism. The detrimental formation of abrasive debris might be inhibited by the selection of a more suitable class of as-cast At alloy for the production of clamps. Finally, the bolt/nut system showed intense degradation of the carbon steel nut (fabricated in ferritic-pearlitic carbon steel, featuring machined threads with 190 HV), with intense plastic deformation and loss of material. Proper selection of both the bolt and nut materials and the finishing processing might prevent the loss in the clamping pressure during the fretting testing. It is important to control the specification of these components (clamps, bolt and nuts) prior to the start of large scale fretting fatigue testing of the overhead conductors in order to increase the reproducibility of this assessment. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aluminum (Al) toxicity is a major worldwide agricultural problem. At low pH, Al speciates into the soluble and phyto-toxic form Al(3+), inhibiting the root growth and affecting plant development. In Brazil, agriculture in acidic soils with elevated concentration of Al has significantly increased in the last decades. Therefore, in order to achieve efficient agriculture practices, the selection of plant cultivars with improved Al resistance has become crucial in this type of soils. In this work we have evaluated the Al resistance of six genotypes of grapevine rootstocks. The grapevine hardwood cuttings were grown in nutrient solution in the absence and presence of 250 and 500 mu M Al at pH 4.2. The phenotypic indexes of relative root growth, fresh and dry root weight, root area, hematoxylin staining profile, and Al content were evaluated for all six genotypes. These phenotypic indexes allowed us to identify the `Kober 5BB`, `Gravesac`, `Paulsen 1103`, and `IAC 766` grapevine rootstocks genotypes as the ones with the highest resistance to Al. Likewise, `IAC 572` and `R110` genotypes were the most Al-sensitive cultivars. We evaluated the root organic acid exudation profile in the most Al-resistant (`Kober 5BB`) and most Al-sensitive (`R110`) in plantlets cultivated in vitro in the absence and presence of 100, 200, and 400 mu M of Al. Among several compounds detected, citrate was the only organic acid related to the Al resistance phenotype observed in the `Kober 5BB` genotype. The high constitutive citrate exudation observed in `Kober 5BB` strongly suggests that exudation of this particular organic acid may impart Al-resistance/a melioration in grapevine.
The influence of four variables, specifically PEG molar mass (400, 1,000, and 8,000 g/mol), concentrations of PEG and phosphate salts (15, 20, and 25% for both), and agitation intensity (110, 150, and 200 rpm), on clavulanic acid (CA) extraction by extractive fermentation with PEG/phosphate salts aqueous two-phase system was investigated in shaken flasks using a 2(4-1)-fractional factorial design. After selection of the two most significant variables (agitation intensity and PEG molar mass), an optimization study conducted according to a 2(2)-central composite design revealed that 25% PEG 8,000 g/mol and phosphate salts at 240 rpm (run 6) were the best conditions for the extractive fermentation, leading to the best results in terms of partition coefficient (k = 8.2), yield of CA in the PEG-rich phase (eta(T) = 93%) and productivity (P = 5.3 mg/Lh). As a first attempt to make a scale-up of these results, the effectiveness of the extractive fermentation was then checked in a bench-scale bioreactor under conditions as close as possible to the optimum ones determined in flasks. The highest CA concentration obtained in the PEG-rich phase (691 mg/L) was 30% higher than in flasks, thus demonstrating the potential of such a new process, integrating the production and extraction steps, as a promising, low-cost tool to obtain high yields of this and similar products. (C) 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 27: 95-103, 2011
Molecular modi. cation is a quite promising strategy in the design and development of drug analogs with better bioavailability, higher intrinsic activity and less toxicity. In the search of new leads with potential antimicrobial activity, a new series of 14 4-substituted [N`-(benzofuroxan-5-yl) methylene] benzohydrazides, nifuroxazide derivatives, were synthesized and tested against standard and multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains. The selection of the substituent groups was based on physicochemical properties, such as hydrophobicity and electronic effect. These properties were also evaluated through the lipophilic and electrostatic potential maps, respectively, considering the compounds with better biological pro. le. Twelve compounds exhibited similar bacteriostatic activity against standard and multidrug-resistant strains. The most active compound was the 4-CF(3) substituted derivative, which presented a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value of 14.6-13.1 mu g/mL, and a ClogP value of 1.87. The results highlight the benzofuroxan derivatives as potential leads for designing new future antimicrobial drug candidates. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Emulsions containing liquid crystals present interesting properties and advantages such as the skin moisturize increase, active release modulation, and emulsion stabilization. In this work, emulsions containing annatto, coffee and tea tree oils, and nonionic surfactants were developed. The HLB method was used for selection of surfactants. The required HLB value was established (9.0). Liquid crystals were attained when used the surfactant mixture Ceteareth-5 and Steareth-2 and identified as lamellar. The emulsions showed pseudoplastic behavior and tixotropy. The ternary diagram was useful in the selection of the proportion of surfactant and oily phase considering skin compatibility and liquid crystal presence.
The herbal extract of Schizolobium parahyba leaves is used commonly in the Brazil central region to treat snakebites. This study evaluates the acute toxicological effects of Schizolobium parahyba aqueous extract in mice 24 h after intraperitoneal administration. Acute toxicity was evaluated using biochemical, hematological and histopathological assays. Alterations in the levels of transaminases, bilirubin, albumin and prothrombrin time were observed, and these are likely to occur due to hepatic injury, which was confirmed by light microscopy. Liver histopathological analysis revealed the presence of lymph plasmocitary inflammatory infiltrate, but no other histopathological alterations were observed in any of the other organs analysed. The data confirm the low toxicity of the extract of Schizolobium parahyba and provide a model for the selection of a dose that does not cause injuries in the organism. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Crotoxin is the main toxic component of the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus venom. It is composed of two different subunits: CA, crotapotin, and CB (basic subunit of cortoxin isolated from C. d. terrificus), a weakly toxic phospholipase A(2) with high enzymatic activity. The phospholipases A(2) are abundant in snake venoms and are responsible for disruption of cell membrane integrity via hydrolysis of its phospholipids. However, in addition to their normal digestive action, a wide range of pharmacological activities, such as neurotoxic, myotoxic, oedema-inducing, hypotensive, platelet-aggregating, cardiotoxic, and anticoagulant effects have been attributed to venom phospholipases A(2). In this study, we used a non-immune human single-chain fragment variable library, Griffin.1 (Medical Research Council, Cambridge, UK) for selection of recombinant antibodies against antigens present in C. d. terrificus venom and identification of specific antibodies able to inhibit the phospholipase activity. Two clones were identified as capable of inhibiting partially this activity in vitro. These clones were able to reduce in vivo the myotoxic and oedema-inducing activity of CB and the lethality of C. d. terrificus venom and crotoxin, but had no effect on the in vitro anticoagulant activity of CB. These results demonstrate the potential of using recombinant single-chain fragment variable libraries in the production of antivenoms.