99 resultados para proportional elections


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The magnetic europium chalcogenide semiconductors EuTe and EuSe are investigated by the spectroscopy of second harmonic generation (SHG) in the vicinity of the optical band gap formed by transitions involving the 4f and 5d electronic orbitals of the magnetic Eu(2+) ions. In these materials with centrosymmetric crystal lattice the electric-dipole SHG process is symmetry forbidden so that no signal is observed in zero magnetic field. Signal appears, however, in applied magnetic field with the SHG intensity being proportional to the square of magnetization. The magnetic field and temperature dependencies of the induced SHG allow us to introduce a type of nonlinear optical susceptibility determined by the magnetic-dipole contribution in combination with a spontaneous or induced magnetization. The experimental results can be described qualitatively by a phenomenological model based on a symmetry analysis and are in good quantitative agreement with microscopic model calculations accounting for details of the electronic energy and spin structure.


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We demonstrate that the short-range spin correlator < S(i)center dot S(j)>, a fundamental measure of the interaction between adjacent spins, can be directly measured in certain insulating magnets. We present magnetostriction data for the insulating organic compound NiCl(2)-4SC(NH(2))(2), and show that the magnetostriction as a function of field is proportional to the dominant short-range spin correlator. Furthermore, the constant of proportionality between the magnetostriction and the spin correlator gives information about the spin-lattice interaction. Combining these results with the measured Young's modulus, we are able to extract dJ/dz, the dependence of the superexchange constant J on the Ni interionic distance z.


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In a U(1)(*)-noncommutative gauge field theory we extend the Seiberg-Witten map to include the (gauge-invariance-violating) external current and formulate-to the first order in the noncommutative parameter-gauge-covariant classical field equations. We find solutions to these equations in the vacuum and in an external magnetic field, when the 4-current is a static electric charge of a finite size a, restricted from below by the elementary length. We impose extra boundary conditions, which we use to rule out all singularities, 1/r included, from the solutions. The static charge proves to be a magnetic dipole, with its magnetic moment being inversely proportional to its size a. The external magnetic field modifies the long-range Coulomb field and some electromagnetic form factors. We also analyze the ambiguity in the Seiberg-Witten map and show that at least to the order studied here it is equivalent to the ambiguity of adding a homogeneous solution to the current-conservation equation.


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Aims. Given that in most cases just thermal pressure is taken into account in the hydrostatic equilibrium equation to estimate galaxy cluster mass, the main purpose of this paper is to consider the contribution of all three non-thermal components to total mass measurements. The non-thermal pressure is composed by cosmic rays, turbulence and magnetic pressures. Methods. To estimate the thermal pressure we used public XMM-Newton archival data of five Abell clusters to derive temperature and density profiles. To describe the magnetic pressure, we assume a radial distribution for the magnetic field, B(r) proportional to rho(alpha)(g). To seek generality we assume alpha within the range of 0.5 to 0.9, as indicated by observations and numerical simulations. Turbulent motions and bulk velocities add a turbulent pressure, which is considered using an estimate from numerical simulations. For this component, we assume an isotropic pressure, P(turb) = 1/3 rho(g)(sigma(2)(r) + sigma(2)(t)). We also consider the contribution of cosmic ray pressure, P(cr) proportional to r(-0.5). Thus, besides the gas (thermal) pressure, we include these three non-thermal components in the magnetohydrostatic equilibrium equation and compare the total mass estimates with the values obtained without them. Results. A consistent description for the non-thermal component could yield a variation in mass estimates that extends from 10% to similar to 30%. We verified that in the inner parts of cool core clusters the cosmic ray component is comparable to the magnetic pressure, while in non-cool core clusters the cosmic ray component is dominant. For cool core clusters the magnetic pressure is the dominant component, contributing more than 50% of the total mass variation due to non-thermal pressure components. However, for non-cool core clusters, the major influence comes from the cosmic ray pressure that accounts for more than 80% of the total mass variation due to non-thermal pressure effects. For our sample, the maximum influence of the turbulent component to the total mass variation can be almost 20%. Although all of the assumptions agree with previous works, it is important to notice that our results rely on the specific parametrization adopted in this work. We show that this analysis can be regarded as a starting point for a more detailed and refined exploration of the influence of non-thermal pressure in the intra-cluster medium (ICM).


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We present a scheme for quasiperfect transfer of polariton states from a sender to a spatially separated receiver, both composed of high-quality cavities filled by atomic samples. The sender and the receiver are connected by a nonideal transmission channel -the data bus- modelled by a network of lossy empty cavities. In particular, we analyze the influence of a large class of data-bus topologies on the fidelity and transfer time of the polariton state. Moreover, we also assume dispersive couplings between the polariton fields and the data-bus normal modes in order to achieve a tunneling-like state transfer. Such a tunneling-transfer mechanism, by which the excitation energy of the polariton effectively does not populate the data-bus cavities, is capable of attenuating appreciably the dissipative effects of the data-bus cavities. After deriving a Hamiltonian for the effective coupling between the sender and the receiver, we show that the decay rate of the fidelity is proportional to a cooperativity parameter that weighs the cost of the dissipation rate against the benefit of the effective coupling strength. The increase of the fidelity of the transfer process can be achieved at the expense of longer transfer times. We also show that the dependence of both the fidelity and the transfer time on the network topology is analyzed in detail for distinct regimes of parameters. It follows that the data-bus topology can be explored to control the time of the state-transfer process.


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The contribution of the detector dynamics to the weak measurement is analyzed. According to the usual theory [Y. Aharonov, D. Z. Albert, and L. Vaidman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 1351 (1988)] the outcome of a weak measurement with preselection and postselection can be expressed as the real part of a complex number: the weak value. By accounting for the Hamiltonian evolution of the detector, here we find that there is a contribution proportional to the imaginary part of the weak value to the outcome of the weak measurement. This is due to the coherence of the probe being essential for the concept of complex weak value to be meaningful. As a particular example, we consider the measurement of a spin component and find that the contribution of the imaginary part of the weak value is sizable.


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We investigate the performance of a variant of Axelrod's model for dissemination of culture-the Adaptive Culture Heuristic (ACH)-on solving an NP-Complete optimization problem, namely, the classification of binary input patterns of size F by a Boolean Binary Perceptron. In this heuristic, N agents, characterized by binary strings of length F which represent possible solutions to the optimization problem, are fixed at the sites of a square lattice and interact with their nearest neighbors only. The interactions are such that the agents' strings (or cultures) become more similar to the low-cost strings of their neighbors resulting in the dissemination of these strings across the lattice. Eventually the dynamics freezes into a homogeneous absorbing configuration in which all agents exhibit identical solutions to the optimization problem. We find through extensive simulations that the probability of finding the optimal solution is a function of the reduced variable F/N(1/4) so that the number of agents must increase with the fourth power of the problem size, N proportional to F(4), to guarantee a fixed probability of success. In this case, we find that the relaxation time to reach an absorbing configuration scales with F(6) which can be interpreted as the overall computational cost of the ACH to find an optimal set of weights for a Boolean binary perceptron, given a fixed probability of success.


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Molecular dynamics simulations of the glass-forming liquid 2Ca(NO(3))(2)center dot 3KNO(3) (CKN) were performed from high temperature liquid states down to low temperature glassy states at six different pressures from 10(-4) to 5.0 GPa. The temperature dependence of the structural relaxation time indicates that the fragility of liquid CKN changes with pressure. In line with recent proposal [Scopigno , Science 302, 849 (2003)], the change on liquid fragility is followed by a proportional change of the nonergodicity factor of the corresponding glass at low temperature. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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This article analyzes the Brazilian political system from the local perspective. Following Cox (1997), we review the problems with electoral coordination that emerge from a given institutional framework. Due to the characteristics of the Brazilian Federal system and its electoral rules, linkage between the three levels of government is not guaranteed a priori, but demands a coordinating effort by the parties' leadership. According to our hypothesis, the parties are capable of coordinating their election strategies at different levels in the party system. Regression models based on two-stage least squares (2SLS) and TOBIT, analyzing a panel of Brazilian municipalities with data from the 1994 and 2000 elections, show that the proportion of votes received by a party in a given election correlates closely with its previous votes in majoritarian elections. Despite institutional incentives, the Brazilian party system shows evidence that it is organized nationally to the extent that it links the competition for votes at the three levels of government (National, State, and Municipal).


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In this paper, we study the effects of introducing contrarians in a model of Opinion Dynamics where the agents have internal continuous opinions, but exchange information only about a binary choice that is a function of their continuous opinion, the CODA model. We observe that the hung election scenario that arises when contrarians are introduced in discrete opinion models still happens. However, it is weaker and it should not be expected in every election. Finally, we also show that the introduction of contrarians make the tendency towards extremism of the original model weaker, indicating that the existence of agents that prefer to disagree might be an important aspect and help society to diminish extremist opinions.


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This work work evaluates linoleic acid peroxidation reactions initiated by Fe(3+)-reducing compounds recovered from Eucalyptus grandis, biotreated with the biopulping fungus Ceriporiopsis subvermispora. The aqueous extracts from biotreated wood had the ability to reduce Fe(3+) ions from freshly prepared solutions. The compounds responsible for the Fe(3+)-reducing activity corresponded to UV-absorbing substances with apparent molar masses from 3 kDa to 5 kDa. Linoleic acid peroxidation reactions conducted in the presence of Fe(3+) ions and the Fe(3+)-reducing compounds showed that the rate of O(2) consumption during peroxidation was proportional to the Fe(3+)-reducing activity present in each extract obtained from biotreated wood. This peroxidation reaction was coupled with in-vitro treatment of ball-milled E. grandis wood. Ultraviolet data showed that the reaction system released lignin fragments from the milled wood. Size exclusion chromatography data indicated that the solubilized material contained a minor fraction representing high-molar-mass molecules excluded by the column and a main low-molar-mass peak. Overall evaluation of the data suggested that the Fe(3+)-reducing compounds formed during wood biodegradation by C subvermispora can mediate lignin degradation through linoleic acid peroxidation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Zirconium oxide inclusion in Bi2212 superconducting tapes and bulks was studied as possible artificial pinning centers (APC). In order to analyze the zirconium oxide APC addition in Bi2212 samples, magnetization measurements were performed in bulks and transport properties measurements were performed on tapes. In magnetization measurements, the critical current densities are proportional to the width of the magnetization loop at each applied magnetic field. Addition of ZrO(2) in Bi2212 superconductors broadened the magnetization loop and enhanced the critical current densities at 4.2 K in bulks, as a clear indication that ZrO(2) addition improved the pinning and acted as APCs. In contrast, the transport critical current densities decreased in tapes.


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This paper presents a compact embedded fuzzy system for three-phase induction-motor scalar speed control. The control strategy consists in keeping constant the voltage-frequency ratio of the induction-motor supply source. A fuzzy-control system is built on a digital signal processor, which uses speed error and speed-error variation to change both the fundamental voltage amplitude and frequency of a sinusoidal pulsewidth modulation inverter. An alternative optimized method for embedded fuzzy-system design is also proposed. The controller performance, in relation to reference and load-torque variations, is evaluated by experimental results. A comparative analysis with conventional proportional-integral controller is also achieved.


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In this paper we use the Hermite-Biehler theorem to establish results on the design of proportional plus integral plus derivative (PID) controllers for a class of time delay systems. Using the property of interlacing at high frequencies of the class of systems considered and linear programming we obtain the set of all stabilizing PID controllers. As far as we know, previous results on the synthesis of PID controllers rely on the solution of transcendental equations. This paper also extends previous results on the synthesis of proportional controllers for a class of delay systems Of retarded type to a larger class of delay systems. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, nonlinear dynamic equations of a wheeled mobile robot are described in the state-space form where the parameters are part of the state (angular velocities of the wheels). This representation, known as quasi-linear parameter varying, is useful for control designs based on nonlinear H(infinity) approaches. Two nonlinear H(infinity) controllers that guarantee induced L(2)-norm, between input (disturbances) and output signals, bounded by an attenuation level gamma, are used to control a wheeled mobile robot. These controllers are solved via linear matrix inequalities and algebraic Riccati equation. Experimental results are presented, with a comparative study among these robust control strategies and the standard computed torque, plus proportional-derivative, controller.