63 resultados para power-law tori,analytic models,AGN,gas dynamics,stability
Motivated by the quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet CaV(2)O(4), we explore spin-orbital systems in which the spin modes are gapped but orbitals are near a macroscopically degenerate classical transition. Within a simplified model we show that gapless orbital liquid phases possessing power-law correlations may occur without the strict condition of a continuous orbital symmetry. For the model proposed for CaV(2)O(4), we find that an orbital phase with coexisting order parameters emerges from a multicritical point. The effective orbital model consists of zigzag-coupled transverse field Ising chains. The corresponding global phase diagram is constructed using field theory methods and analyzed near the multicritical point with the aid of an exact solution of a zigzag XXZ model.
Using the density matrix renormalization group, we investigate the Renyi entropy of the anisotropic spin-s Heisenberg chains in a z-magnetic field. We considered the half-odd-integer spin-s chains, with s = 1/2, 3/2, and 5/2, and periodic and open boundary conditions. In the case of the spin-1/2 chain we were able to obtain accurate estimates of the new parity exponents p(alpha)((p)) and p(alpha)((o)) that gives the power-law decay of the oscillations of the alpha-Renyi entropy for periodic and open boundary conditions, respectively. We confirm the relations of these exponents with the Luttinger parameter K, as proposed by Calabrese et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 095701 (2010)]. Moreover, the predicted periodicity of the oscillating term was also observed for some nonzero values of the magnetization m. We show that for s > 1/2 the amplitudes of the oscillations are quite small and get accurate estimates of p(alpha)((p)) and p(alpha)((o)) become a challenge. Although our estimates of the new universal exponents p(alpha)((p)) and p(alpha)((o)) for the spin-3/2 chain are not so accurate, they are consistent with the theoretical predictions.
We study the structural phase transitions in confined systems of strongly interacting particles. We consider infinite quasi-one-dimensional systems with different pairwise repulsive interactions in the presence of an external confinement following a power law. Within the framework of Landau's theory, we find the necessary conditions to observe continuous transitions and demonstrate that the only allowed continuous transition is between the single-and the double-chain configurations and that it only takes place when the confinement is parabolic. We determine analytically the behavior of the system at the transition point and calculate the critical exponents. Furthermore, we perform Monte Carlo simulations and find a perfect agreement between theory and numerics.
The evaluation of the electrical characteristics of technical HTS tapes are of the key importance in determining the design and operational features of superconducting power apparatuses as well as to understand the external factors which affect the superconducting performance. In this work we report the systematic measurements of the electric field versus current density, E-J relation of short samples for three commercial HTS tapes (BSCCO-2223 tapes, with and without steel reinforcement, and YBCO-coated conductor) at 77 K. In order to get sensitive and noiseless voltage signals the measurements were carried out with DC transport current and subjecting the broad surface tape to DC (0-300 mT) and AC (0-62 mT, 60 Hz) magnetic fields. The voltage is measured by a sensitive nanovoltmeter and the applied magnetic field is monitored by a Hall sensor placed on the tape broad surface. The comparison between the results obtained from the three tapes was done by fitting a power-law equation for currents in the vicinity of the critical current. For the current regime below the critical one a linear correlation of the electric field against the current density is observed. The BSCCO samples presented the same behavior, i.e., a decreasing of n-index with the increasing DC and AC magnetic field strength. Under AC field the decreasing slope of n-index is steeper as compared to DC field. The n-index curve for the YBCO tape showed similar behavior for AC field, however under DC field in the 0-390 mT range exhibited a slight decreasing of the n-index.
The present paper reports on the structural change and rheological behavior of mixtures of macromolecular suspensions (guar and xanthan gums) in crossflow microfiltration processing. Mixtures in suspension of guar and xanthan gums at low concentrations (1,000 ppm) and different proportions were processed by microfiltration with membrane of nominal pore size of 0.4 mu m. The rheological behavior of the mixtures was investigated in rotational viscometers at two different temperatures, 25 and 40 C, at the beginning and at the end of each experiment. The shear stress (t) in function of the shear rate (gamma) was fitted and analyzed with the power-law model. All the mixtures showed flow behavior index values (n) lower than 1, characterizing non-Newtonian fluids (pseudoplastic). The samples of both mixtures and permeates were also analyzed by absorbency spectroscopy in infrared radiation. The absorbency analysis showed that there is good synergism between xanthan and guar gums without structure modifications or gel formation in the concentration process by microfiltration.
Twelve samples with different grain sizes were prepared by normal grain growth and by primary recrystallization, and the hysteresis dissipated energy was measured by a quasi-static method. Results showed a linear relation between hysteresis energy loss and the inverse of grain size, which is here called Mager`s law, for maximum inductions from 0.6 to 1.5 T, and a Steinmetz power law relation between hysteresis loss and maximum induction for all samples. The combined effect is better described by a Mager`s law where the coefficients follow Steinmetz law.
Assuming that different energy dissipation mechanisms are at work along hysteresis, a hysteresis loss subdivision procedure has been proposed, using the induction at maximum permeability ( around 0.8 T, in electrical steels) as the boundary between the ""low-induction`` and the ""high-induction`` regions. This paper reviews the most important results obtained in 10 years of investigation of the effect of microstructure on these components of the hysteresis loss. As maximum induction increases, the ""low-induction loss`` increases linearly up to 1.2 T, while the ""high-induction loss`` is zero up to 0.7 T and then increases as a power law with n = 5. Low-induction loss behavior is linearly related to H(c) between 0.4 and 1.2 T. Grain size has a larger influence on low-induction losses than on high-induction losses. Texture has a much stronger influence on high loss than on low-induction loss, and it is related to the average magnetocrystalline energy. 6.5%Si steel shows smaler hysteresis loss at 1.5 T than 3.5%Si steel only because of its smaler high-induction component. The abrupt increase in hysteresis loss due to very small plastic deformation is strongly related to the high-induction loss component. These results are discussed in terms of energy dissipation mechanisms such as domain wall movement, irreversible rotation and domain wall energy dissipation at domain nucleation and annihilation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The study of non-Newtonian flow in plate heat exchangers (PHEs) is of great importance for the food industry. The objective of this work was to study the pressure drop of pineapple juice in a PHE with 50 degrees chevron plates. Density and flow properties of pineapple juice were determined and correlated with temperature (17.4 <= T <= 85.8 degrees C) and soluble solids content (11.0 <= X(s) <= 52.4 degrees Brix). The Ostwald-de Waele (power law) model described well the rheological behavior. The friction factor for non-isothermal flow of pineapple juice in the PHE was obtained for diagonal and parallel/side flow. Experimental results were well correlated with the generalized Reynolds number (20 <= Re(g) <= 1230) and were compared with predictions from equations from the literature. The mean absolute error for pressure drop prediction was 4% for the diagonal plate and 10% for the parallel plate.
A method based on a specific power-law relationship between the hydraulic head and the Boltzmann variable was recently presented. We generalized this relationship to a range of powers and extended the solution to include the saturated zone. As a result, the new solution satisfies the Bruce and Klute equation exactly.
Guignardia citricarpa, the causal agent of citrus black spot, forms airborne ascospores on decomposing citrus leaves and water-spread conidia on fruits, leaves and twigs. The spatial pattern of diseased fruit in citrus tree canopies was used to assess the importance of ascospores and conidia in citrus black spot epidemics in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The aggregation of diseased fruit in the citrus tree canopy was quantified by the binomial dispersion index (D) and the binary form of Taylor`s Power Law for 303 trees in six groves. D was significantly greater than 1 in 251 trees. The intercept of the regression line of Taylor`s Power Law was significantly greater than 0 and the slope was not different from 1, implying that diseased fruit was aggregated in the canopy independent of disease incidence. Disease incidence (p) and severity (S) were assessed in 2875 citrus trees. The incidence-severity relationship was described (R-2 = 88.7%) by the model ln(S) = ln(a) + bCLL(p) where CLL = complementary log-log transformation. The high severity at low incidence observed in many cases is also indicative of low distance spread of G. citricarpa spores. For the same level of disease incidence, some trees had most of the diseased fruit with many lesions and high disease severity, whereas other trees had most of the fruit with few lesions and low disease severity. Aggregation of diseased fruit in the trees suggests that splash-dispersed conidia have an important role in increasing the disease in citrus trees in Brazil.
The elevated plus-maze is a device widely used to assess rodent anxiety under the effect of several treatments, including pharmacological agents. The animal is placed at the center of the apparatus, which consists of two open arms and two arms enclosed by walls, and the number of entries and duration of stay in each arm are measured for a 5-min exposure period. The effect of an anxiolytic drug is to increase the percentage of time spent and number of entries into the open arms. In this work, we propose a new measure of anxiety levels in the rat submitted to the elevated plus-maze. We represented the spatial structure of the elevated plus-maze in terms of a directed graph and studied the statistics of the rat`s transitions between the nodes of the graph. By counting the number of times each transition is made and ordering them in descending frequency we represented the rat`s behavior in a rank-frequency plot. Our results suggest that the curves obtained under different pharmacological conditions can be well fitted by a power law with an exponent sensitive to both the drug type and the dose used. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work we show that the dengue epidemic in the city of Singapore organized itself into a scale-free network of transmission as the 2000-2005 outbreaks progressed. This scale-free network of cluster comprised geographical breeding places for the aedes mosquitoes, acting as super-spreaders nodes in a network of transmission. The geographical organization of the network was analysed by the corresponding distribution of weekly number of new cases. Therefore, our hypothesis is that the distribution of dengue cases reflects the geographical organization of a transmission network, which evolved towards a power law as the epidemic intensity progressed until 2005. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The steady-state heat transfer in laminar flow of liquid egg yolk - an important pseudoplastic fluid food - in circular and concentric annular ducts was experimentally investigated. The average convection heat transfer coefficients, determined by measuring temperatures before and after heating sections with constant temperatures at the tube wall, were used to obtain simple new empirical expressions to estimate the Nusselt numbers for fully established flows at the thermal entrance of the considered geometries. The comparisons with existing correlations for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids resulted in excellent agreement. The main contribution of this work is to supply practical and easily applicable correlations, which are, especially for the case of annulus, rather scarce and extensively required in the design of heat transfer operations dealing with similar shear-thinning products. In addition, the experimental results may support existing theoretical analyses.
Variations in the spatial configuration of the interstellar magnetic field (ISMF) near the Sun can be constrained by comparing the ISMF direction at the heliosphere found from the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) spacecraft observations of a ""Ribbon"" of energetic neutral atoms (ENAs), with the ISMF direction derived from optical polarization data for stars within similar to 40 pc. Using interstellar polarization observations toward similar to 30 nearby stars within similar to 90 degrees of the heliosphere nose, we find that the best fits to the polarization position angles are obtained for a magnetic pole directed toward ecliptic coordinates of lambda, beta similar to 263 degrees, 37 degrees (or galactic coordinates of l, b similar to 38 degrees, 23 degrees), with uncertainties of +/- 35 degrees based on the broad minimum of the best fits and the range of data quality. This magnetic pole is 33 degrees from the magnetic pole that is defined by the center of the arc of the ENA Ribbon. The IBEX ENA ribbon is seen in sight lines that are perpendicular to the ISMF as it drapes over the heliosphere. The similarity of the polarization and Ribbon directions for the local ISMF suggests that the local field is coherent over scale sizes of tens of parsecs. The ISMF vector direction is nearly perpendicular to the flow of local interstellar material (ISM) through the local standard of rest, supporting a possible local ISM origin related to an evolved expanding magnetized shell. The local ISMF direction is found to have a curious geometry with respect to the cosmic microwave background dipole moment.
Clusters of galaxies are the most impressive gravitationally-bound systems in the universe, and their abundance (the cluster mass function) is an important statistic to probe the matter density parameter (Omega(m)) and the amplitude of density fluctuations (sigma(8)). The cluster mass function is usually described in terms of the Press-Schecther (PS) formalism where the primordial density fluctuations are assumed to be a Gaussian random field. In previous works we have proposed a non-Gaussian analytical extension of the PS approach with basis on the q-power law distribution (PL) of the nonextensive kinetic theory. In this paper, by applying the PL distribution to fit the observational mass function data from X-ray highest flux-limited sample (HIFLUGCS), we find a strong degeneracy among the cosmic parameters, sigma(8), Omega(m) and the q parameter from the PL distribution. A joint analysis involving recent observations from baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) peak and Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) shift parameter is carried out in order to break these degeneracy and better constrain the physically relevant parameters. The present results suggest that the next generation of cluster surveys will be able to probe the quantities of cosmological interest (sigma(8), Omega(m)) and the underlying cluster physics quantified by the q-parameter.