89 resultados para obesity, bariatric surgery, Food Frequency Questionnaire, Dietary Record, dietary habits
O objetivo foi estimar as regressões de calibração dos dados dietéticos mensurados pelo questionário quantitativo de freqüência alimentar (QQFA) utilizado no Natural History of HPV Infection in Men: o Estudo HIM. Uma amostra de 98 indivíduos do estudo HIM respondeu, por meio de entrevista, a um QQFA e três recordatórios de 24 horas (R24h). A calibração foi feita por meio de análise de regressão linear, tendo os R24h como variável dependente e o QQFA como variável independente. Idade, índice de massa corporal, atividade física, renda e escolaridade foram utilizadas como variáveis de ajuste nos modelos. As médias geométricas dos R24h e do QQFA corrigido pela calibração são estatisticamente iguais. Os gráficos de dispersão entre os instrumentos demonstraram aumento da correlação após a correção dos dados, porém observa-se maior dispersão dos pontos de acordo com a piora do poder explicativo dos modelos. A identificação das regressões de calibração dos dados dietéticos do estudo HIM permitirá a estimativa do efeito da dieta sobre a infecção por HPV, corrigida pelo erro de medida do QQFA
Investigou-se a associação entre padrões de dieta e câncer oral, como parte de um estudo multicêntrico latino-americano caso-controle de base hospitalar e incluiu 210 casos incidentes e 251 controles. Dados de consumo alimentar foram coletados por Questionário de Freqüência de Consumo Alimentar (QFCA). Análise fatorial identificou padrões alimentares, que foram categorizados em tercis. Calculou-se odds ratio (OR) com intervalo de 95 por cento de confiança (IC95 por cento ) por regressão logística múltipla não condicional. Os padrões "prudente", caracterizado em maioria por frutas e vegetais, e o padrão tradicional, por arroz e feijão, apresentaram associação inversa com o câncer oral para o mais elevado tercil, respectivamente: OR = 0,44; IC95 por cento : 0,25-0,75, valor de p de tendência (ptend) = 0,03; OR = 0,53; IC95 por cento : 0,30-0,93, ptend = 0,06. O padrão "lanches" não foi associado ao câncer oral. Além da proteção ao câncer oral conferida por dieta rica em vegetais e frutas, nossos dados sugerem que a dieta "tradicional" brasileira contendo em sua maioria arroz e feijão pode oferecer proteção ao câncer oral
Background & aims. This study aimed to determine the relationship between blood lead concentrations and calcium, iron and vitamin C dietary intakes of pregnant women. Methods. Included in the study were 55 women admitted to a hospital, for delivery, from June to August 2002. A food frequency questionnaire was applied to determine calcium, iron and vitamin C intakes, and a general questionnaire to obtain data on demographic-socioeconomic condition, obstetric history, smoking habit, and alcohol intake. Blood lead and haemoglobin were determined, respectively, by atomic absorption spectrometry and by the haemoglobinometer HemoCue®. Multiple linear regression models were used to determine the relationship between blood lead and calcium, iron and vitamin C intakes, and haemoglobin levels, controlling for confounders. Results. The final model of the regression analysis detected an inverse relationship between blood lead and age of the women (p=0.011), haemoglobin (p=0.001), vitamin C (p=0.012), and calcium intake (p<0.001) (R2=0.952). One hundred percent, 98.2% and 43.6% of the women were below the adequate intake (AI) for calcium, and below the recommended dietary allowances (RDA) for iron, and vitamin C, respectively. Conclusion. Despite the small sample size, the results of this study suggest that maternal age, haemoglobin, vitamin C intake, and calcium intake may interfere with blood concentrations of lead
AIM: To compare the performance of different types of abdominal drains used in bariatric surgery. METHODS: A vertical banded Roux-en-Y gastric bypass was performed in 33 morbidly obese patients. Drainage of the peritoneal cavity was performed in each case using three different types of drain selected in a randomized manner: a latex tubular drain, a Watterman tubulolaminar drain, and a silicone channeled drain. Drain permeability, contamination of the drained fluid, ease of handling, and patient discomfort were evaluated postoperatively over a period of 7 d. RESULTS: The patients with the silicone channeled drain had larger volumes of drainage compared to patients with tubular and tubulolaminar drains between the third and seventh postoperative days. In addition, a lower incidence of discomfort and of contamination with bacteria of a more pathogenic profile was observed in the patients with the silicone channeled drain. CONCLUSION: The silicone channeled drain was more comfortable and had less chance of occlusion, which is important in the detection of delayed dehiscence. (C) 2009 The WJG Press and Baishideng. All rights reserved.
Background Accumulated fat is an accepted trigger of inflammation and metabolic syndrome but specific biochemical associations in males and females are still debated. In a prospective study, multiple variables were analyzed to search for gender-related correlations. Methods Bariatric candidates (n=94) were consecutively investigated. Age was 34.9 +/- 10.4 years (68.1% females) and body mass index (BMI) was 40.8 +/- 4.6 kg/m(2). Methods included anthropometrics, inflammatory indices (C-reactive protein (CRP), white blood cell count (WBC), ferritin) and general biochemical profile. Results Ferritin, but not CRP or WBC, was substantially more elevated in males. Serum albumin, uric acid, creatinine, and liver enzymes AST and ALT were also higher in men. Even after BMI was adjusted, all differences remained significant, and several, notably ferritin, withstood waist circumference control. Ferritin and CRP correlated with anthropometrics, glucose-related measurements, and liver enzymes, whereas WBC was only associated with triglycerides in females. Conclusions (1) Males displayed more severe inflammation according to ferritin profile, and also more signs of liver derangement; (2) all differences continued after BMI discrepancies were adjusted for, and ferritin was significant also after control of waist girth; (3) in both genders inflammatory markers often correlated with different anthropometrics, liver enzymes, and markers of glucose homeostasis; and (4) inflammatory and biochemical gender-related dissimilarities might have prognostic implications for cardiovascular risk and other comorbidities, and deserve additional studies.
Background/Objectives: We applied three dietary assessment methods and aimed at obtaining a set of physical, social and psychological variables that can discriminate those individuals who did not underreport (`never under-reporters`), those who underreported in one dietary assessment method (`occasional under-reporters`) and those who underreported in two or three dietary assessment methods (`frequent under-reporters`). Participants/Methods: Sixty-five women aged 18-57 years were recruited for this study. Total energy expenditure was determined by doubly labelled water, and energy intake was estimated by three 24-h diet recalls, 3-day food records and a food frequency questionnaire. A multiple discriminant analysis was used to identify which of those variables better discriminated the three groups: body mass index (BMI), income, education, social desirability, nutritional knowledge, dietary restraint, physical activity practice, body dissatisfaction and binge-eating symptoms. Results: Twenty-three participants were `never under-reporters`. Twenty-four participants were `occasional under-reporters` and 18 were `frequent under-reporters`. Four variables entered the discriminant model: income, BMI, social desirability and body dissatisfaction. According to potency indices, income contributed the most to the total discriminant power, followed in decreasing order by social desirability score, BMI and body dissatisfaction. Income, social desirability and BMI were the characteristics that mainly separated the `never under-reporters` from the under-reporters (occasional or frequent). Body dissatisfaction better discriminated the `occasional under-reporters` from the `frequent under-reporters`. Conclusions: `Frequent under-reporters` have a greater BMI, social desirability score, body dissatisfaction score and lower income. These four variables seemed to be able to discriminate individuals who are more prone to systematic under reporting. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2009) 63, 1192-1199; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2009.54; published online 15 July 2009
Experimental animal studies have shown that nicotine exposure during gestation alters the expression of fetal hypothalamic neuropeptides involved in the control of appetite. We aimed to determine whether the exposure to maternal smoking during gestation in humans is associated with an altered feeding behavior of the adult offspring. A longitudinal prospective cohort study was conducted including all births from Ribeirao Preto (Sao Paulo, Brazil) between 1978 and 1979. At 24 years of age, a representative random sample was re-evaluated and divided into groups exposed (n = 424) or not (n = 1586) to maternal smoking during gestation. Feeding behavior was analyzed using a food frequency questionnaire. Covariance analysis was used for continuous data and the chi(2) test for categorical data. Results were adjusted for birth weight ratio, body mass index, gender, physical activity and smoking, as well as maternal and subjects` schooling. Individuals exposed to maternal smoking during gestation ate more carbohydrates than proteins (as per the carbohydrate-to-protein ratio) than non-exposed individuals. There were no differences in the consumption of the macronutrients themselves. We propose that this adverse fetal life event programs the individual`s physiology and metabolism persistently, leading to an altered feeding behavior that could contribute to the development of chronic diseases in the long term.
Objective. To evaluate the perception of eating practices and the stages of change among adolescents. Methods. Cross-sectional study involving a representative sample of 390 adolescents from 11 public schools in the city of Piracicaba, Brazil, in 2004. Food consumption was identified by a food frequency questionnaire and the perception of eating practices evaluation was conducted by comparing food consumption and individual classification of healthy aspects of the diet. The participants were classified within stages of change by means of a specific algorithm. A reclassification within new stages of change was proposed to identify adolescents with similar characteristics regarding food consumption and perception. Results. Low consumption of fruit and vegetables and high consumption of sweets and fats were identified. More than 44% of the adolescents had a mistaken perception of their diet. A significant relationship between the stages of change and food consumption was observed. The reclassification among stages of change, through including the pseudo-maintenance and non-reflective action stages was necessary, considering the high proportion of adolescents who erroneously classified their diets as healthy. Conclusion. Classification of the adolescents into stages of change, together with consumption and perception data, enabled identification of groups at risk, in accordance with their inadequate dietary habits and non-recognition of such habits. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
To determine whether changes in dietary intakes predict weight loss, we studied 80 overweight adults who attended a nutritional counseling program during 6 months of follow-up at a primary health care center in Brazil. Habitual diet was assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire at baseline and after 6 months. The mean age (+/-SD) of the participants was 46.5 +/- 9.5 years, and their mean body mass index was 29 +/- 3 kg/m(2) at baseline. After 6 months, the differences in body weight and fruit/vegetable intake were -1.4 +/- 3 kg and 109 +/- 320 g daily, respectively. Using multiple linear regression models adjusted for age, sex, changes in walking time, and total energy intake, the increased intake of dietary fiber from fruits/vegetables was associated with a greater weight loss (beta 1 [95% confidence interval (CI)] = -0.180 [-0.269, -0.0911) after 6 months of follow-up. Similar results were observed for increased intake of vegetables (beta 1 [95% CI] = -0.00497 [-0.008, -0.0021) and fruits (beta 1 [95% CI] = -0.00290 [-0.005, -0.001]) as predictors of weight loss. The increase of 100 g/d of vegetables and fruits represented a body weight loss of 500 and 300 g after 6 months, respectively (P <.05). Our findings support the relevance of increased intakes of fruits and vegetables that may help avoid weight gain in overweight adults. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
OBJETIVO: Analisar o consumo de frutas, verduras e legumes em mulheres, segundo fatores sócio-demográficos, econômicos e comportamentais. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi constituída de 311 mulheres de três áreas de estudo, do município de Cotia, na área metropolitana de São Paulo, selecionadas por amostragem por conglomerado em dois estágios. O consumo de frutas, verduras e legumes foi avaliado por questionário de freqüência alimentar. Os diferenciais de consumo foram estudados por análise multivariada de regressão logística. RESULTADOS: A chance de baixo consumo de frutas foi maior nas mulheres do bairro pobre, com baixa escolaridade, donas de casa e desempregadas, com baixa renda familiar e tabagistas. Os diferenciais de consumo de verduras foram associados mais à cultura alimentar do que à pobreza: as mais jovens apresentaram chances sensivelmente maiores de baixo consumo de verduras. O tabagismo e o sedentarismo associaram-se ao baixo consumo. Os legumes foram associados tanto ao nível socioeconômico, quanto à cultura alimentar. Foram pouco consumidos pelas mulheres mais jovens e, de um modo geral, por aquelas de pouca escolaridade e baixa renda familiar. Também, o etilismo e o sedentarismo aumentaram as chances de baixo consumo desses alimentos. CONCLUSÃO: O consumo de frutas, verduras e legumes apresentou diferenciais relacionados ao nível socioeconômico, à cultura alimentar e aos hábitos comportamentais.
Listas de alimentos relacionadas ao consumo alimentar de um grupo de idosos: análises e perspectivas
INTRODUÇÃO: A despeito do aumento expressivo da população idosa nos últimos anos, são escassos os estudos brasileiros relacionados ao consumo alimentar desses indivíduos. OBJETIVOS: Propor uma lista de alimentos mais consumidos por idosos residentes na Zona Leste de São Paulo e analisar os alimentos que contribuem para o consumo de nutrientes relevantes ao estado nutricional e, consequentemente, à saúde dos idosos. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 100 indivíduos acima de 60 anos, frequentadores de um centro de referência. Para caracterização do estado nutricional foi calculado o Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC). Para elaboração das listas de alimentos foram aplicados dois recordatórios alimentares de 24 horas (RA24h) em duas estações diferentes do ano, que foram analisados quanto à frequência de consumo de cada alimento e quanto à contribuição percentual de energia, macronutrientes, fibras, cálcio e vitamina D. RESULTADOS: Com relação ao estado nutricional, 52% apresentaram o IMC < 28 kg/m²; 15% entre 28 e 30 kg/m²; 26% entre 30 e 35 kg/m² e 7% com IMC > 35 kg/m². O aspecto positivo da dieta foi a preservação de hábitos saudáveis como o consumo de arroz e feijão, e também de vegetais verde-escuros. Como aspecto negativo observou-se que a dieta dos idosos é monótona, pois poucos alimentos contribuem para o consumo de vários nutrientes. Além disso, houve um elevado consumo de carboidratos refinados em detrimento do consumo de alimentos integrais. CONCLUSÕES: As listas de alimentos obtidas, além de permitirem a reflexão sobre intervenções educativas, permitem o desenvolvimento subsequente de um Questionário de Frequência Alimentar específico para esse grupo.
O maior entrave para o estudo da síndrome metabólica na adolescência consiste na carência de pontos de corte consolidados para tal grupo etário. O presente estudo se propôs a caracterizar os marcadores de risco para a síndrome metabólica em adolescentes do sexo feminino e verificar as possíveis correlações existentes entre variáveis analisadas. Tal estudo foi realizado com 60 adolescentes, do sexo feminino, entre 14 e 18 anos de idade. Foram analisados o índice de massa corporal e seus derivados, as circunferências da cintura (C) e quadril (Q), o percentual de gordura corporal (%G) e as dosagens plasmáticas de colesterol total (CT), frações (LDL e HDL) e glicemia de jejum. Apesar da predominância da eutrofi a (90%), encontraram-se alterações importantes: elevado percentual de gordura corporal (78,3%), níveis alterados de lipídios sangüíneos, 23,3% (CT), 15% (LDL) e 5% (HDL), glicemia de jejum alterada em 6,7%, sendo que em uma das adolescentes foi diagnosticado o diabetes Mellitus. Observaram-se correlações signifi cantes entre HDL e relação C/Q (r = -0,276; p=0,032) e LDL e %G (r = 0,296; p=0,021) e entre o número de alterações apresentadas pelas adolescentes e os valores %G (r=0,300, p=0,020); CT (r=0,536, p<0,001) e LDL (r=0,506, p<0,001). A importância de tais alterações neste grupo etário se justifi ca em função do seu signifi cado clínico, uma vez que irão predispor ao aumento das taxas de morbi-mortalidade por doenças crônicas não transmissíveis na vida adulta
Selenium (Se) intake is generally from food, whose Se content depends on soil Se and plant accumulation. For humans, adequate Se intake is essential for several selenoenzymes. In the Lower Tapajos region of the Brazilian Amazon, Se status is elevated with large inter-community variability. Se intake in this region, where Hg exposure is among the highest in the world, may be important to counteract mercury (Hg) toxicity. The present study was conducted in 2006 with 155 persons from four communities of the Lower Tapajos. The objectives were: i) to evaluate Se content in their typical diet and drinking water; ii) to compare food Se concentrations with respect to geographic location; and iii) to examine the contribution of consumption of different food items to blood Se. More than 400 local foods and 40 drinking water samples were collected. Participants responded to an interview-administered food frequency questionnaire and provided blood samples. Food, water and blood Se levels were assessed by ICP-MS. Since Brazil nuts may also contain significant levels of barium (Ba) and strontium (Sr), these elements were likewise analyzed in nuts. The highest Se concentrations were found in Brazil nuts, but concentrations were highly variable (median: 13.9 mu g/g; range: 0.4-158.4 mu g/g). Chicken, game meat, eggs and beef also contained considerable levels of Se, with median concentrations from 0.3 to 1.4 mu g/g. There was no particular geographic distribution of food Se. Se concentration in drinking water was very low (<1.4 mu g/L). Blood Se covered a (103-1500 mu g/L), and was positively related to regular consumption of Brazil nuts, domestic chicken and game meat. Brazil nuts were found to contain highly variable and often very high concentrations of Ba (88.0 mu g/g, 1.9-1437 mu g/g) and Sr (38.7 mu g/g, 3.3-173 mu g/g). Further studies should address multiple nutrient/toxic interactions in the diet and related effects on health. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Collapsed skin folds after bariatric weight loss are often managed by plastic procedures, but changes in dermal composition and architecture have rarely been documented. Given the potential consequences on surgical outcome, a prospective histochemical study was designed. The hypothesis was that a deranged dermal fiber pattern would accompany major changes in adipose tissue. Female surgical candidates undergoing postbariatric abdominoplasty (n = 40) and never obese women submitted to control procedures (n = 40) were submitted to double abdominal biopsy, respectively in the epigastrium and hypogastrium. Histomorphometric assessment of collagen and elastic fibers was executed by the Image Analyzer System (Kontron Electronic 300, Zeiss, Germany). Depletion of collagen, but not of elastic fibers, in cases with massive weight loss was confirmed. Changes were somewhat more severe in epigastrium (P = 0.001) than hypogastrium (P = 0.007). Correlation with age did not occur. (1) Patients displayed lax, soft skin lacking sufficient collagen fiber network. (2) Elastic fiber content was not damaged, and was even moderately increased in epigastrium; (3) Preoperative obesity negatively correlated with hypogastric collagen concentration; (4) Future studies should pinpoint the roles of obesity, and especially of massive weight loss, on dermal architecture and response to surgery.
Patients with primary head and neck cancers have a higher risk of developing esophageal cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate esophageal cancer prevalence, its risk factors (ethanol and tobacco consumption) and dietary habits in patients with head and neck cancer. Three hundred and twenty-six adults with primary head and neck cancer were followed by a retrospective observational study in a general university hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Flexible videoendoscopy with lugol chromoscopy was the method used to investigate esophageal cancer prevalence. All subjects were interviewed face-to-face, revealing detailed information about their tobacco and alcohol use, as well as their dietary habits. Thirty-six patients with esophageal cancer were diagnosed and the overall prevalence rate was 11.04%. Patients who developed second esophageal tumors had the following characteristics: earlier age of initial ethanol consumption (P < 0.05), longer duration period of ethanol consumption (P < 0.05) and higher weekly consumption rate (P < 0.05). There was an increased risk of esophageal carcinoma in those patients who both smoked and drank (P < 0.05). There was no association between carcinoma of the esophagus and dietary habits in patients who developed esophageal neoplasms, compared with those who did not. Prevalence rate of esophageal neoplasms was 11.04% in patients with head and neck carcinoma, whose ethanol consumption was associated with esophageal cancer. There was an increased risk between ethanol and tobacco consumption and esophageal carcinoma development. On the other hand, there was no association regarding dietary habits between patients who developed esophageal cancer and those who did not.