49 resultados para gama de hospedeiro
PURPOSE: Carcinoembriogenic antigen (CEA) is the most frequently used tumor marker in rectal cancer. A decrease in carcinoembriogenic antigen after radical surgery is associated with survival in these patients. Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy may lead to significant primary tumor downstaging, including complete tumor regression in selected patients. Therefore, we hypothesized that a decrease in CEA after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy could reflect tumor response to chemoradiotherapy, affecting final disease stage and ultimately survival. METHODS: Patients with distal rectal cancer managed by neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy and available pretreatment and postchemoradiotherapy levels of CEA were eligible for the study. Outcomes studied included final disease stage, relapse, and survival, and these were compared according to initial CEA level, postchemoradiotherapy CEA level, and the reduction in CEA. RESULTS: Overall 170 patients were included. Postchemoradiotherapy CEA levels < 5 ng/ml were associated with increased rates of complete clinical response and pathologic response. Additionally, postchemoradiotherapy CEA levels < 5 ng/ml were associated with increased overall and disease-free survival (P = 0.01 and P = 0.03). There was no correlation between initial CEA level or reduction in CEA and complete response or survival. CONCLUSION: A postchemoradiotherapy CEA level < 5 ng/ml is a favorable prognostic factor for rectal cancer and is associated with increased rates of earlier disease staging and complete tumor regression. Postchemoradiotherapy CEA levels may be useful in decision making for patients who may be candidates for alterative treatment strategies.
Background. This study aimed to evaluate manometric parameters that may explain improvement in anal incontinence using a silicone bulking agent. Methods. Incontinent patients having internal sphincter defects were prospectively selected and injected with a silicone bulking agent. Manometry and endoanal ultrasound were performed before and 3 months after injections. Twenty continent healthy volunteers were used only for manometric comparison. Results. Thirty-five patients (28 females; mean age 60.3 years) and 20 controls entered this study. Patients had lower resting and squeeze pressures compared with controls (P<.05). Length of the high-pressure zone increased from 1 to 1.7 cm postinjection (P=.002). Asymmetry index showed a significant change postinjection (P<.001). Conclusion. Despite considerable clinical improvement, no significant increase in manometric pressures was noted posttreatment. There was significant improvement in both high-pressure zone and asymmetry index, and these findings may explain the mechanism of action of the bulking agent injected.
Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a genetic disease characterized by multiple adenomatous colorectal polyps and different extracolonic manifestations (ECM). The present work is aimed to analyze the outcome after surgical treatment regarding complications and cancer recurrence. Charts from patients treated between 1977 and 2006 were retrospectively analyzed. Clinical and endoscopic data, results of treatment, pathological reports and information about recurrence were collected. Eighty-eight patients (41 men [46.6%] and 47 women [53.4%]) were assisted. At diagnosis, associated colorectal cancer (CRC) was detected in 53 patients (60.2%), whose average age was higher than those without CRC (40.0 vs. 29.5 years). At colonoscopy, polyposis was classified as attenuated in 12 patients (14.3%). Surgical treatment consisted in total proctocolectomy with ileostomy (PCI, 15 [17.4%]), restorative proctocolectomy (RPC, 27 [31.4%]), total colectomy with ileal-rectum anastomosis (IRA, 42 [48.8%]), palliative segmental resection (1 [1.2%]) and internal bypass (1 [1.2%]). Two patients were not operated on due to religious reasons and advanced disease. Complications occurred in 25 patients (29.0%), more commonly after RPC (48.1%). There was no operative mortality. Local or distant metastases were detected in six (11.3%) patients with CRC treated to cure. During the follow-up of 36 IRA, cancer developed in the rectal cuff in six patients (16.6%), whose average age was higher than in patients without rectal recurrence (45.8 vs. 36.6 years). Five of them have had colonic cancer in the resected specimen. Among the 26 patients followed after RPC, cancer in the ileal pouch developed in 1 (3.8%). (1) Within the present series, FAP patients presented a high incidence of associated CRC and diagnosis was generally established after the third decade of life; (2) operative complications occurred in about one third of the patients, being more frequent after the confection of an ileal reservoir; (3) rectal cancer after IRA was detected in 16.6% of patients and it was associated with greater age and previous colonic carcinoma; (4) both continuous and long-term surveillance of the rectal stump and ileal pouch are necessary during follow-up.
Background Mucinous component is associated with distinct clinical and pathological features and poor survival in colorectal cancer. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in outcomes of patients with mucinous colorectal adenocarcinoma according to the type of mucin expressed. Materials and Methods Immunohistochemistry was performed in all tumors of patients who underwent radical surgery between 1998 and 2003 with mucinous colorectal cancer using antibodies against MUC1, 2, and 5. Correlation between immunoexpression and clinical, pathological features and survival was performed. Results Of the 418 patients treated in this period, only 35 had a mucinous adenocarcinoma. Of these, 25 were positive for 1 or more mucin expression. MUC2 expression correlated with tumor site and depth of penetration, while MUC5 expression correlated to tumor site. Overall survival was significantly worse for patients with MUC2 expression, and disease-free survival was significantly worse for patients with MUC1 expression. Conclusions Mucin expression may have significant correlation to specific clinical-pathological features and survival of patients with mucinous-type colorectal adenocarcinoma. These differences may reflect distinct molecular mechanisms involved in carcinogenesis of mucinous colorectal adenocarcinoma.
Background: The optimal interval between neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy (CRT) and surgery in the treatment of patients with distal rectal cancer is controversial. The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether this interval has an impact on survival. Methods and Materials: Patients who underwent surgery after CRT were retrospectively reviewed. Patients with a sustained complete clinical response (cCR) 1 year after CRT were excluded from this study. Clinical and pathologic characteristics and overall and disease-free survival were compared between patients undergoing surgery 12 weeks or less from CRT and patients undergoing surgery longer than 12 weeks from CRT completion and between patients with a surgery delay caused by a suspected cCR and those with a delay for other reasons. Results: Two hundred fifty patients underwent surgery, and 48.4% had CRT-to-surgery intervals of 12 weeks or less. There were no statistical differences in overall survival (86% vs. 81.6%) or disease-free survival rates (56.5% and 58.9%) between patients according to interval (<= 12 vs. >1 2 weeks). Patients with intervals of 12 weeks or less had significantly higher rates of Stage III disease (34% vs. 20%; p = 0.009). The delay in surgery was caused by a suspected cCR in 23 patients (interval, 48 +/- 10.3 weeks). Five-year overall and disease-free survival rates for this subset were 84.9% and 51.6%, not significantly different compared with the remaining group (84%; p = 0.96 and 57.8 %; p = 0.76, respectively). Conclusions: Delay in surgery for the evaluation of tumor response after neoadjuvant CRT is safe and does not negatively affect survival. These results support the hypothesis that shorter intervals may interrupt ongoing tumor necrosis. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc.
PURPOSE: This study was designed to identify the mucosa-associated microflora in patients with severe ulcerative colitis before and after restorative proctocolectomy with ileoanal pouch construction in comparison with historic controls. METHODS: Ten patients with a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis were evaluated. Mucus was collected during colonoscopy from all segments of the colon and terminal ileum before surgery, and from the ileal pouch two and eight months after ileostomy closure. The prevalence and mean concentration of the mucosa-associated microflora were compared over time and with historic controls. RESULTS: Veillonella sp was the most prevalent bacterium in patients and controls. Klebsiella sp was significantly more prevalent in the ileum of controls, was not found in patients with ulcerative colitis, and after proctocolectomy returned to values found in controls. Some bacteria such as Enterobacter sp, Staphylococcus sp (coag-), Bacteroides sp (npg), Lactobacillus sp, and Veillonella sp had higher mean concentrations in the ileal pouch of patients after surgery than in controls. CONCLUSION: No bacterium was identified that could be exclusively responsible for the maintenance of the inflammatory process. The mucosa-associated microflora of patients with ulcerative colitis underwent significant changes after proctocolectomy with ileal pouch construction and returned to almost normal values for some bacteria.
Purpose: The number of retrieved lymph nodes during radical surgery has been considered of great importance to ensure adequate staging and radical resection. However, this finding may not be applicable after neoadjuvant therapy in which, not only is there a decrease in lymph nodes recovered, but also a subgroup of patients with absence of lymph nodes in the resected specimen. Methods: Patients with absence of lymph nodes were compared with patients with ypN0 disease and patients with ypN+ disease. Results: Thirty-two patients (11 percent) had absence of lymph nodes, 171 patients (61 percent) had ypN0 disease, and 78 patients (28 percent) had ypN+ disease. Patients with absence of lymph nodes had significantly lower ypT status (ypT0-1, 40 vs. 13 percent; P < 0.001) and decreased risk of perineural invasion (6 vs. 21 percent; P = 0.04) compared with ypN0 patients. Five-year disease-free survival (74 percent) was similar to patients with ypN0 (59 percent; P = 0.2), and both were significantly better than patients with ypN+ disease (30 percent; P < 0.001). Conclusions: Absence of lymph nodes retrieved from the resected specimen is associated with favorable pathologic features (ypT and perineural invasion status) and good disease-free survival rates. In this setting, absence of retrieved lymph nodes may reflect improved response to neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy rather than inappropriate or suboptimal oncologic radicality.
Background Standardization of total mesorectal excision (TME) had a great impact on decreasing local recurrence rates for the treatment of rectal cancer. However, exact numbers and distribution of lymph nodes (LN) along the mesorectum remains controversial with some studies suggesting that few LNs are present in the distal third of the mesorectum. Methods Eighteen fresh cadavers without a history of rectal cancer were studied. The rectum was removed by TME and then was divided into right lateral, posterior and left lateral sides, which were further subdivided into 3 levels (upper, middle and lower). A pathologist determined the number and sizes of the LNs in each of the nine areas, b linded to their anatomical origin. Results Overall, the mesorectum had a mean of 5.7 LNs (SD=3.7) and on average each LN had a maximum diameter of 3.0 mm (SD=2.7). There was no association between the mean number or size of LNs with gender, BMI, or age. There was a significantly higher prevalence of LNs in the posterior location (2.8 per mesorectum) than in the two lateral locations (0.8 and 1.2 per mesorectum; p=0.02). The distribution of LNs in the three levels of the rectum was not significant. Conclusions The distribution of LNs reinforces the fact that TME should always include the distal third of the mesorectum. Care must be taken to not violate the posterior aspect of the mesorectum.
Background/Aims: Specific treatment of chronic hepatitis C is effective in 50% of patients, improving the]liver`s fibrosis, necroinflammatory changes and steatosis. However, in patients still viremic after treatment the extension of these benefits remains doubtful. The evolution of the disease in this group and its relationship to demographic data, biometric indices and time lapse between biopsies was evaluated. Methodology: In 141 patients, paired biopsies were classified and compared according to fibrosis grading. Necroinflammation, steatosis, demographic data (age and gender), body mass index (BMI) and time lapse between biopsies were compared with fibrosis grading. Results: The grade of fibrosis of the patients, after approximately 3.5 years time lapse between biopsies, could be classified into 4 groups; Improved: 29(20.0%), Unaltered: 64(45.0%), Worsened: 48(34%) and Cirrhotic: 14(9.93%). For necroinflammation, the Improved/Unaltered groups were statistically similar but different from the Worsened and Cirrhotic. The mean age, BMI and time lapse between biopsies were statistically similar in all groups. Steatosis occurred in 35 (24.82%) between biopsies and its incidence was reduced in the Worsened and Cirrhotic groups. Conclusions: Fibrosis turned into cirrhosis in a significant number of patients, after a short time lapse. The reverse correlation of steatosis to fibrosis and its occurrence during the time lapse between biopsies suggests it might induce hepatic necrosis and contribute to fibrogenesis.
Cell surface proteins are excellent targets for diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. By using bioinformatics tools, we generated a catalog of 3,702 transmembrane proteins located at the surface of human cells (human cell surfaceome). We explored the genetic diversity of the human cell surfaceome at different levels, including the distribution of polymorphisms, conservation among eukaryotic species, and patterns of gene expression. By integrating expression information from a variety of sources, we were able to identify surfaceome genes with a restricted expression in normal tissues and/or differential expression in tumors, important characteristics for putative tumor targets. A high-throughput and efficient quantitative real-time PCR approach was used to validate 593 surfaceome genes selected on the basis of their expression pattern in normal and tumor samples. A number of candidates were identified as potential diagnostic and therapeutic targets for colorectal tumors and glioblastoma. Several candidate genes were also identified as coding for cell surface cancer/testis antigens. The human cell surfaceome will serve as a reference for further studies aimed at characterizing tumor targets at the surface of human cells.
Objective: To analyze the antiangiogenic effects of the selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor parecoxib on the growth of endometrial implants in a rat model of peritoneal endometriosis. Design: Pharmacologic interventions in an experimental model of peritoneal endometriosis. Setting: Research laboratory in the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Animal(s): Twenty female Sprague-Dawley rats with experimentally induced endometriosis. Intervention(s): After implantation and establishment of autologous endometrium onto the peritoneum abdominal wall, rats were randomized into groups and treated with parecoxib or the vehicle by IM injection for 30 days. Main Outcome Measure(s): Vascular density, the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptor Flk-1, the distribution of activated macrophages, the expression of COX-2, and the prostaglandin concentration in the endometriotic lesions treated with parecoxib were analyzed. Result(s): The treatment significantly decreased the implant size, and histologic examination indicated mostly atrophy and regression. A reduction in microvessel density and in the number of macrophages, associated with decreased expression of VEGF and Flk-1, also were observed. The treatment group showed a low concentration of prostaglandin E(2). Conclusion(s): These results suggest that the use of COX-2 selective inhibitors could be effective to suppress the establishment and growth of endometriosis, partially through their antiangiogenic activity. (Fertil Steril (R) 2010; 93: 2674-9. (C) 2010 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)
Objective: To investigate the effects of the rate of airway pressure increase and duration of recruitment maneuvers on lung function and activation of inflammation, fibrogenesis, and apoptosis in experimental acute lung injury. Design: Prospective, randomized, controlled experimental study. Setting: University research laboratory. Subjects: Thirty-five Wistar rats submitted to acute lung injury induced by cecal ligation and puncture. Interventions: After 48 hrs, animals were randomly distributed into five groups (seven animals each): 1) nonrecruited (NR); 2) recruitment maneuvers (RMs) with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) for 15 secs (CPAP15); 3) RMs with CPAP for 30 secs (CPAP30); 4) RMs with stepwise increase in airway pressure (STEP) to targeted maximum within 15 secs (STEP15); and 5) RMs with STEP within 30 secs (STEP30). To perform STEP RMs, the ventilator was switched to a CPAP mode and positive end-expiratory pressure level was increased stepwise. At each step, airway pressure was held constant. RMs were targeted to 30 cm H(2)O. Animals were then ventilated for 1 hr with tidal volume of 6 mL/kg and positive end-expiratory pressure of 5 cm H(2)O. Measurements and Main Results: Blood gases, lung mechanics, histology (light and electronic microscopy), interleukin-6, caspase 3, and type 3 procollagen mRNA expressions in lung tissue. All RMs improved oxygenation and lung static elastance and reduced alveolar collapse compared to NR. STEP30 resulted in optimal performance, with: 1) improved lung static elastance vs. NR, CPAP15, and STEP15; 2) reduced alveolar-capillary membrane detachment and type 2 epithelial and endothelial cell injury scores vs. CPAP15 (p < .05); and 3) reduced gene expression of interleukin-6, type 3 procollagen, and caspase 3 in lung tissue vs. other RMs. Conclusions: Longer-duration RMs with slower airway pressure increase efficiently improved lung function, while minimizing the biological impact on lungs. (Crit Care Med 2011; 39:1074-1081)
Introduction: Recruitment maneuvers (RMs) seem to be more effective in extrapulmonary acute lung injury (ALI), caused mainly by sepsis, than in pulmonary ALI. Nevertheless, the maintenance of adequate volemic status is particularly challenging in sepsis. Since the interaction between volemic status and RMs is not well established, we investigated the effects of RMs on lung and distal organs in the presence of hypovolemia, normovolemia, and hypervolemia in a model of extrapulmonary lung injury induced by sepsis. Methods: ALI was induced by cecal ligation and puncture surgery in 66 Wistar rats. After 48 h, animals were anesthetized, mechanically ventilated and randomly assigned to 3 volemic status (n = 22/group): 1) hypovolemia induced by blood drainage at mean arterial pressure (MAP)approximate to 70 mmHg; 2) normovolemia (MAP approximate to 100 mmHg), and 3) hypervolemia with colloid administration to achieve a MAP approximate to 130 mmHg. In each group, animals were further randomized to be recruited (CPAP = 40 cm H(2)O for 40 s) or not (NR) (n = 11/group), followed by 1 h of protective mechanical ventilation. Echocardiography, arterial blood gases, static lung elastance (Est, L), histology (light and electron microscopy), lung wet-to-dry (W/D) ratio, interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1 beta, caspase-3, type III procollagen (PCIII), intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) mRNA expressions in lung tissue, as well as lung and distal organ epithelial cell apoptosis were analyzed. Results: We observed that: 1) hypervolemia increased lung W/D ratio with impairment of oxygenation and Est, L, and was associated with alveolar and endothelial cell damage and increased IL-6, VCAM-1, and ICAM-1 mRNA expressions; and 2) RM reduced alveolar collapse independent of volemic status. In hypervolemic animals, RM improved oxygenation above the levels observed with the use of positive-end expiratory pressure (PEEP), but increased lung injury and led to higher inflammatory and fibrogenetic responses. Conclusions: Volemic status should be taken into account during RMs, since in this sepsis-induced ALI model hypervolemia promoted and potentiated lung injury compared to hypo-and normovolemia.
Chemoradiation therapy is now considered the preferred initial treatment strategy for distal rectal cancer because of the observation of better local disease control and significant tumor downstaging. Downstaging has become an important clinical outcome as patients with complete pathological response are associated with improved survival. Even though radiation alone may result in low local recurrence rates, the use of additional radiosensitizing agents may provide an increase in local disease control in addition to improved tumor regression rates. Several compounds have been investigated in the setting of neoadjuvant multimodality treatment of rectal cancer with variable rates of treatment-related toxicity and complete pathological response. The balance between complete pathological response and toxicity should aid in the management decision for the use of radiosensitizing agents in the neoadjuvant setting for the treatment of rectal cancer. Anti-Cancer Drugs 22: 308-310 (C) 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Multimodality treatment of rectal cancer, with the combination of radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery has become the preferred approach to locally advanced rectal cancer The use of neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy (CRT) has resulted in reduced toxicity rates, significant tumor down-sizing and downstaging, better chance of sphincter preservation, and improved functional results A proportion of patients treated with neoadjuvant CRT may ultimately develop complete clinical response Management of these patients with complete clinical response remains controversial and approaches including radical resection, transanal local excision, and observation alone without immediate surgery have been proposed The use of strict selection criteria of patients after neoadjuvant CRT has resulted in excellent long-term results with no oncological compromise after observation alone in patients with complete clinical response Recurrences are detectable by clinical assessment and frequently amenable to salvage procedures