84 resultados para foot rot
The ability to transfer weight from one lower limb to the other is essential for the execution of daily life activities and little is known about how weight transfer during unconstrained natural standing is affected by age. This study examined the weight transfer ability of elderly individuals during unconstrained standing (for 30 mill) in comparison to young adults. The subjects (19 healthy elderly adults, range 65-80 years, and 19 healthy young adults, range 18-30 years) stood with each foot on a separate force plate and were allowed to change their posture freely at any time. The limits of stability and base of support width during standing, measures of mobility (using the timed up and go and the preferred walking speed tests), and fear of falling were also measured. In comparison to the young adults, during unconstrained standing the elderly adults produced four times fewer weight transfers of large amplitude (greater than,half of their body weight). The limits of stability and base of support width were significantly smaller for the elderly adults but there were no significant differences in the measures of mobility and in the fear of falling score compared to young adults. The observed significant age-related decrease in the use of weight transfer during unconstrained standing, despite any difference in the measured mobility of the subjects, suggests that this task reveals unnoticed and subtle differences in postural control, which may help to better understand age related impairments in balance that the elderly population experiences. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Strength of leg peference and interlateral asymmetry in kinematics of kicking a ball for power were assessed in 6- to 10-year-old right-footed soccer player children. Leg preference was evaluated separately for three task categories: balance stabilization, soccer related mobilization, and general mobilization. The results showed that while both categories of mobilization tasks were featured by a consistent preference for the right leg, in stabilization tasks we observed lower scores and greater interindividual variability of leg preference. No effect of age was detected on leg preference. Analysis of peak foot velocity revealed similar increment of performance of the right and left legs from the ages 6-8 to 10 years. This finding supports the notion of stable Magnitude of interlateral asymmetries of performance during motor development. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Dev Psychobiol 50: 799-806, 2008.
The objective of this study was to compare the three-dimensional lower extremity running kinematics of young adult runners and elderly runners. Seventeen elderly adults (age 67-73 years) and 17 young adults (age 26-36 years) ran at 3.1ms-1 on a treadmill while the movements of the lower extremity during the stance phase were recorded at 120Hz using three-dimensional video. The three-dimensional kinematics of the lower limb segments and of the ankle and knee joints were determined, and selected variables were calculated to describe the movement. Our results suggest that elderly runners have a different movement pattern of the lower extremity from that of young adults during the stance phase of running. Compared with the young adults, the elderly runners had a substantial decrease in stride length (1.97 vs. 2.23m; P=0.01), an increase in stride frequency (1.58 vs. 1.37Hz; P=0.002), less knee flexion/extension range of motion (26 vs. 33; P=0.002), less tibial internal/external rotation range of motion (9 vs. 12; P0.001), larger external rotation angle of the foot segment (toe-out angle) at the heel strike (-5.8 vs. -1.0; P=0.009), and greater asynchronies between the ankle and knee movements during running. These results may help to explain why elderly individuals could be more susceptible to running-related injuries.
One mannanase and one of the three xylanases produced by Ceriporiopsis subvermispora grown on Pinus taeda wood chips were characterized. A combination of ion exchange chromatography and SDS-PAGE data revealed the existence of a high-molecular-weight mannanase of 150 kDa that was active against galactoglucomannan and xylan, Its activity was optimal at pH 4.5. The K(m) value with galactoglucomannan as substrate was 0.50 mg ml (1). One xylanase with molecular mass of 79 kDa was also purified and characterized. Its activity was optimal at 60 degrees C and pH 8.0. Its K(m) value with birchwood xylan as substrate was 1.65 mg ml (1). Both the mannanase and the 79 kDa xylanase displayed relatively high activity on carboxymethyl cellulose. The sensitivity of the xylanase and mannanase to various salts was evaluated. None of the tested salts inhibited the xylanase, but Mn(+2), Fe(+3), and Cu(+2) were strong inhibitors for the mannanase. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Biopulping fundamentals, technology and mechanisms are reviewed in this article. Mill evaluation of Eucalyptus grandis wood chips biotreated by Ceriporiopsis subvermispora on a 50-tonne pilot-plant demonstrated that equivalent energy savings can be obtained in lab- and mill-scale biopulping. Some drawbacks concerning limited improvements in pulp strength and contamination of the chip pile with opportunist fungi have been observed. The use of pre-cultured wood chips as inoculum seed for the biotreatment process minimized contamination problems related to the use of blended mycelium and corn-steep liquor in the inoculation step. Alkaline wash restored part of the brightness in biopulps and marketable brightness values were obtained by one-stage bleaching with 5% H2O2 when bio-TMP pulps were under evaluation. Considering the current scenario, the understanding of biopulping mechanisms has gained renewed attention because more resistant and competitive fungal species could be selected with basis on a function-directed screening project. A series of studies aimed to elucidate structural changes in lignin during wood biodegradation by C. subvermispora had indicated that lignin depolymerization occurs during initial stages of wood biotreatment. Aromatic hydroxyls did not increase with the split of aryl-ether linkages, suggesting that the ether-cleavage-products remain as quitione-type structures. On the other hand, cellulose is more resistant to the attack by C subvermispora. MnP-initiated lipid peroxidation reactions have been proposed to explain degradation of non-phenolic lignin substructures by C subvermispora, while the lack of cellobiohydrolases and the occurrence of systems able to suppress Fenton`s reaction in the cultures have explained non-efficient cellulose degradation by this biopulping fungus. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Lentinula edodes, commonly called shiitake, is considered a choice edible mushroom with exotic taste and medicinal quality. L. edodes grows very well and produces a range of enzymes when cultivated on eucalyptus residues. Development of appropriate experimental procedures for recovery and determination of enzymes became a widely important cash crop. In this work, enzymes produced by L. edodes were extracted using different pH buffer and determined regarding peroxidases and proteases. Lignin peroxidase (LiP) was not detected in the extracts based on veratryl alcohol or azure B oxidation. Proteases were very low while Mn-peroxidases (MnP) predominated. The optimal pH for MnP recovery was 5.0, under agitation at 25 degrees C. The oxidation of phenol red decreased after dark-colored small compounds or ions were eliminated by dialysis. The extract of L. edodes contained components of high molecular weight, such as proteases or high polyphenol, that could be involved in the LiP inactivation. L. edodes sample previously submitted to dialysis was also joined to UP of Phanerochaete chrysosporium and a total inhibition of UP was observed. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ceriporiopsis subvermispora is a promising white-rot fungus for biopulping. However, the underlying biochemistry involved in lignin removal and insignificant cellulose degradation by this species is not completely understood. This paper addresses this topic focusing on the involvement of ethanol-soluble extractives and wood transformation products in the biodegradation process. Cultures containing ethanol-extracted or in natura wood chips presented similar levels of extracellular enzymes and degradation of wood components. Fe3+-reducing compounds present in undecayed Pinus taeda were rapidly diminished by fungal degradation. Lignin-degradation products released during biodegradation restored part of the Fe3+-reducing activity. However, Fe3+ reduction was ineffective in presence of 0.5 mM oxalate at pH 4.5. Fungal consumption of Fe3+-reducing compounds and secretion of oxalic acid minimized the significance of Fenton`s reaction in the initial stages of wood biotreatment. This would explain limited polysaccharide degradation by the fungus that also lacks a complete set of hydrolytic enzymes. Scientific relevance of the paper: Ceriporiopsis subvermispora is a white-rot fungus suitable for biopulping processes because it degrades lignin selectively and causes significant structural changes on the wood components during the earlier decay stages. However, the intricate mechanism to explain lignin transformation and insignificant cellulose degradation by this species remains poorly understood. Some recent evidences pointed out for lipid peroxidation reactions as all initiating process explaining lignin degradation. On the other hand, alkylitaconic acids produced by the fungus via transformations of fatty acids occurring in wood showed to prevent polysaccharide degradation in Fenton reactions. In this context, one may conclude that the involvement of native wood substances or their transformation products in the overall wood biodegradation process induced by C subvermispora is still a matter of discussion. While free and esterified fatty acids present in wood extractives may be involved in the biosynthesis of alkylitaconic acids and in lipid peroxidation reactions, some extractives and lignin degradation products can reduce Fe3+, providing Fe2+ species needed to form OH radical via Fenton`s reaction. The present study focuses on this topic by evaluating the relevance of ethanol-soluble extractives and wood transformation products on the biodegradation of P. taeda by C subvermispora. For this, solid-state cultures containing ethanol-extracted and in natura wood chips were evaluated in details for up to 4 weeks. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In biopulping, efficient wood colonization by a selected white-rot fungus depends on previous wood chip decontamination to avoid the growth of primary molds. Although simple to perform in the laboratory, in large-scale biopulping trials, complete wood decontamination is difficult to achieve. Furthermore, the use of fungal growth promoters such as corn steep liquor enhances the risk of culture contamination. This paper evaluates the ability of the biopulping fungus Ceriporiopsis subvermispora to compete with indigenous fungi in cultures of fresh or poorly decontaminated Eucalyptus grandis wood chips. While cultures containing autoclaved wood chips were completely free of contaminants, primary molds grew rapidly when non-autoclaved wood chips were used, resulting in heavily contaminated cultures, regardless of the C. subvermispora inoculum/wood ratio evaluated (5, 50 and 3000 mg mycelium kg(-1) wood). Studies on benomyl-amended medium suggested that the fungi involved competed by consumption of the easily available nutrient sources, with C. subvermispora less successful than the contaminant fungi. The use of acid-washed wood chips decreased the level of such contaminant fungi, but production of manganese peroxidase and xylanases was also decreased under these conditions. Nevertheless, chemithermomechanical pulping of acid-washed samples biotreated under non-aseptic conditions gave similar fibrillation improvements compared to samples subjected to the standard biodegradation process using autoclaved wood chips.
The effect of different culture conditions have been evaluated concerning the extracellular enzyme activities of the white-rot fungus Ceriporiopsis subvermispora growing on Eucalyptus grandis wood. The consequence of the varied fungal pretreatment on a subsequent chemithermomechanical pulping (CTMP) was addressed. In all cultures, manganese peroxidase (MnP) and xylanase were the predominant extracellular enzymes. The biopulping efficiency was evaluated based on the amount of fiber bundles obtained after the first fiberizing step and the fibrillation levels of refined pulps. It was found that the MnP levels in the cultures correlated positively with the biopulping benefits. On the other hand, xylanase and total oxalate levels did not vary significantly. Accordingly, it was not possible to determine whether MnP accomplishes the effect alone or depends on synergic action of other extracellular agents. Pulp strength and fiber size distribution were also evaluated. The average fiber length of CTMP pulps prepared from untreated wood chips was 623 mu m. Analogous values were observed for most of the biopulps; however, significant amounts of shorter fibers were found in the biopulp prepared from wood chips biotreated in cultures supplemented with glucose plus corn-steep liquor. Despite evidence of reduced average fiber length, biopulps prepared from these wood chips presented the highest improvement in tensile indexes (+28% at 23 degrees Schopper-Riegler).
Aims: The main objective of this study was to evaluate the behaviour of the brown-rot fungus Wolfiporia cocos under differential iron availability. Methods and Results: W. cocos was grown under three differential iron conditions. Growth, catecholate and hydroxamate production, and mycelial and extracellular Fe3+-reducing activities were determined. Iron starvation slowed fungal growth and accelerated pH decline. Some mycelial proteins of low molecular weight were repressed under iron restriction, whereas others of high molecular weight showed positive iron regulation. Mycelial ferrireductase activity decreased as culture aged, while Fe3+-reducing activity of low molecular reductants constantly increased. Hydroxamates production suffered only limited iron repression, whereas catecholates production showed to be more iron repressible. Conclusions: W. cocos seems to possess more than one type of iron acquisition mechanism; one involving secretion of organic acids and ferrireductases and/or extracellular reductants, and another relying on secretion of catecholates and hydroxamates chelators. Significance and Impact of the Study: This paper is the first to report the kinetic study of brown-rot fungus grown under differential iron availability, and the information provided here contributes to address more traditional problems in protecting wood from brown decay, and also makes a contribution in the general area of the physiology of brown-rot fungi.
The brown rot fungus Wolfiporia cocos and the selective white rot fungus Perenniporia medulla-panis produce peptides and phenolate-derivative compounds as low molecular weight Fe(3+)-reductants. Phenolates were the major compounds with Fe(3+)-reducing activity in both fungi and displayed Fe(3+)-reducing activity at pH 2.0 and 4.5 in the absence and presence of oxalic acid. The chemical structures of these compounds were identified. Together with Fe(3+) and H(2)O(2) (mediated Fenton reaction) they produced oxygen radicals that oxidized lignocellulosic polysaccharides and lignin extensively in vitro under conditions similar to those found in vivo. These results indicate that, in addition to the extensively studied Gloeophyllum trabeum-a model brown rot fungus-other brown rot fungi as well as selective white rot fungi, possess the means to promote Fenton chemistry to degrade cellulose and hemicellulose, and to modify lignin. Moreover, new information is provided, particularly regarding how lignin is attacked, and either repolymerized or solubilized depending on the type of fungal attack, and suggests a new pathway for selective white rot degradation of wood. The importance of Fenton reactions mediated by phenolates operating separately or synergistically with carbohydrate-degrading enzymes in brown rot fungi, and lignin-modifying enzymes in white rot fungi is discussed. This research improves our understanding of natural processes in carbon cycling in the environment, which may enable the exploration of novel methods for bioconversion of lignocellulose in the production of biofuels or polymers, in addition to the development of new and better ways to protect wood from degradation by microorganisms.
This work work evaluates linoleic acid peroxidation reactions initiated by Fe(3+)-reducing compounds recovered from Eucalyptus grandis, biotreated with the biopulping fungus Ceriporiopsis subvermispora. The aqueous extracts from biotreated wood had the ability to reduce Fe(3+) ions from freshly prepared solutions. The compounds responsible for the Fe(3+)-reducing activity corresponded to UV-absorbing substances with apparent molar masses from 3 kDa to 5 kDa. Linoleic acid peroxidation reactions conducted in the presence of Fe(3+) ions and the Fe(3+)-reducing compounds showed that the rate of O(2) consumption during peroxidation was proportional to the Fe(3+)-reducing activity present in each extract obtained from biotreated wood. This peroxidation reaction was coupled with in-vitro treatment of ball-milled E. grandis wood. Ultraviolet data showed that the reaction system released lignin fragments from the milled wood. Size exclusion chromatography data indicated that the solubilized material contained a minor fraction representing high-molar-mass molecules excluded by the column and a main low-molar-mass peak. Overall evaluation of the data suggested that the Fe(3+)-reducing compounds formed during wood biodegradation by C subvermispora can mediate lignin degradation through linoleic acid peroxidation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pinus taeda wood chips were treated with the biopulping fungus Ceriporiopsis subvermispora in soybean-oil-amended cultures The secretion of oxalic acid and the accumulation of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances were significantly increased in soybean-oil-amended cultures By contrast the secretion of hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes was not altered in the cultures Biotreated wood samples were characterized for weight and component losses as well as by in-situ thioacidolysis Residual lignins were also extracted from biotreated wood using a mild-non-razing extraction procedure The lignins were characterized by (31)P nuclear magnetic resonance ((31)P-NMR) spectroscopy Soybean oil amendment in the cultures was found to affect lignin degradation routes however it inhibited depolymerization reactions detectable in the residual lignin that was retained in the biotreated wood As a consequence chemithermomechanical pulping of the biotreated samples was not improved by soybean oil amendment in the cultures Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved
Ceriporiopsis subvermispora is a white-rot fungus used in biopulping processes and seems to use the fatty acid peroxidation reactions initiated by manganese-peroxidase (MnP) to start lignin degradation. The present work shows that C. subvermispora was able to peroxidize unsaturated fatty acids during wood biotreatment under biopulping conditions. In vitro assays showed that the extent of linoleic acid peroxidation was positively correlated with the level of MnP recovered from the biotreated wood chips. Milled wood was treated in vitro by partially purified MnP and linoleic acid. UV spectroscopy and size exclusion chromatography (SEC) showed that soluble compounds similar to lignin were released from the milled wood. SEC data showed a broad elution profile compatible with low molar mass lignin fractions. MnP-treated milled wood was analyzed by thioacidolysis. The yield of thioacidolysis monomers recovered from guaiacyl and syringyl units decreased by 33% and 20% in MnP-treated milled wood, respectively. This has suggested that lignin depolymerization reactions have occurred during the MnP/linoleic acid treatment. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this work, pyrolysis-molecular beam mass spectrometry analysis coupled with principal components analysis and (13)C-labeled tetramethylammonium hydroxide thermochemolysis were used to study lignin oxidation, depolymerization, and demethylation of spruce wood treated by biomimetic oxidative systems. Neat Fenton and chelator-mediated Fenton reaction (CMFR) systems as well as cellulosic enzyme treatments were used to mimic the nonenzymatic process involved in wood brown-rot biodegradation. The results suggest that compared with enzymatic processes, Fenton-based treatment more readily opens the structure of the lignocellulosic matrix, freeing cellulose fibrils from the matrix. The results demonstrate that, under the current treatment conditions, Fenton and CMFR treatment cause limited demethoxylation of lignin in the insoluble wood residue. However, analysis of a water-extractable fraction revealed considerable soluble lignin residue structures that had undergone side chain oxidation as well as demethoxylation upon CMFR treatment. This research has implications for our understanding of nonenzymatic degradation of wood and the diffusion of CMFR agents in the wood cell wall during fungal degradation processes.