41 resultados para driver comprehension


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Objective: The Traffic Engineering Company of the City of Sao Paulo (Brazil) observed a decrease in productivity, and an increase in sick leave, accidents and psychological distress among their parking inspection agents. To document this situation, qualitative research was undertaken to obtain an in-depth comprehension of work activity. Participants: Workers, managers and health and safety professionals contributed to the documentation of the problem and to the proposal of possible solutions. Methods: Ergonomic work analysis focusing on real work activity, as well as interviews with individual or groups of stakeholders, were conducted. Results: This research revealed that political-economic factors gradually contributed to: 1) an increasing work load; 2) growing fatigue throughout the day, increasing the workers` vulnerability to incidents and accidents and their tendency to react inappropriately to violence experienced on the street; and 3) excessive individual responsibility to manage dangerous situations. Conclusions: Recommendations to ameliorate the situation are proposed. These suggestions are discussed in terms of feasibility given the impact of macro social factors upon micro work activity, and the associated potential expansion of the ergonomist`s role.


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Objectives: Depression and dementia are highly prevalent in the elderly. Language impairment is an inherent component of Alzheimer`s disease (AD), which can also be encountered in depressed patients. The aim of this study wasto compare the profiles of language abilities in late-onset depression and mild AD groups. Methods: We studied 25 patients with late-onset depression (mean age 73.6 +/- 6.6 years; schooling 9.1 +/- 5.7 years) and 30 patients with mild AD (77.6 +/- 5.4 years; 7.5 +/- 7.1 years) using the Arizona Battery for Communication Disorders of Dementia (ABCD), compared to a group of 30 controls (73.8 +/- 5.8 years; 9.1 +/- 5.4 years). Cut-off scores to discriminate between Controls x Depression and Depression x AD were determined. Results: Depressed patients` scores were similar to AD in confrontation naming, concept definition, following commands, repetition and reading comprehension (sentence). Episodic memory and mental status subtests were useful in differentiating depressed patients from AD, a result that was reproduced when using analysis of covariance to control for the effect of age in the same subtests (p = 0.01 and 0.04, respectively). Conclusion: Language impairment resembling AD was found in the aforementioned language subtests of the ABCD in elderly depressed patients; the mental status and episodic memory subtests were useful to discriminate between AD and depression. The ABCD has proven to be a suitable tool for language evaluation in this population and should aid in the differentiation of AD and pseudodementia (as that of depression).


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OBJECTIVE: A giant fusiform aneurysm in the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) is rare, as is fenestration of the PCA and basilar apex variation. We describe the angiographic and surgical findings of a giant fusiform aneurysm in the P1-P2 PCA segment associated with PCA bilateral fenestration and superior cerebellar artery double origin. CLINICAL PRESENTATION: A 26-year-old woman presented with a 2-month history of visual blurring. Digital subtraction angiography showed a giant (2.5 cm) fusiform PCA aneurysm in the right P1-P2 segment. The 3-dimensional view showed a caudal fusion pattern from the upper portion of the basilar artery associated with a bilateral long fenestration of the P1 and P2 segments and superior cerebellar artery double origin. INTERVENTION: Surgical trapping of the right P1 -P2 segment, including the posterior communicating artery, was performed by a pretemporal approach. Angiograms performed 3 and 13 months after surgery showed complete aneurysm exclusion, and the PCA was permeated and filled the PCA territory. Clinical follow-up at 14 months showed the patient with no deficits and a return to normal life. CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the first report of a giant fusiform aneurysm of the PCA associated with P1-P2 segment fenestration and other variations of the basilar apex (bilateral superior cerebellar artery duplication and caudal fusion). Comprehension of the embryology and anatomy of the PCA and its related vessels and branches is fundamental to the decision-making process for a PCA aneurysm, especially when parent vessel occlusion is planned.


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Our objective is to verify the modulatory effects of bromazepam on EEG theta absolute power when subjects were submitted to a visuomotor task (i.e., car driver task). Sample was composed of 14 students (9 males and 5 females), right handed, with ages varying between 23 and 42 years (mean = 32.5 +/- 9.5), absence of mental or physical impairments, no psychoactive or psychotropic substance use and no neuromuscular disorders (screened by a clinical examination). The results showed an interaction between condition and electrodes (p=0.034) in favor of F8 electrode compared with F7 in both experimental conditions (t-test; p=0.001). Additionally, main effects were observed for condition (p=0.001), period (p=0.001) and electrodes (p=0.031) in favor of F4 electrode compared with F3. In conclusion, Br 6 mg of bromazepam may interfere in sensorimotor processes in the task performance in an unpredictable scenario allowing that certain visuospatial factors were predominant. Therefore, the results may reflect that bromazepam effects influence the performance of the involved areas because of the acquisition and integration of sensory stimuli processes until the development of a motor behavior based on the same stimuli. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Neurocognitive impairment is known to occur in euthymic bipolar patients, but language alterations have not been thoroughly investigated. The aim of this study is to examine the performance in language tests of a sample of elderly patients with bipolar disorder. Methods: We studied 33 eurthymic elderly patients with bipolar disorder but no dementia and 33 healthy individuals, matched for age and education, who were compared in terms of their CAMCOG global score and its subitems. Results: The scores obtained in language-related abilities for patients and controls, respectively, were: language (total): 27.3 (1) and 28.5 (1), p < 0.0001)comprehension: 8.6 (0.5) and 8.9 (0.3), p = 0.006; production: 18.7 (1) and 19.6 (0.9), p = < 0.0001; abstraction: 6.8 (1.1) and 7.3 (0.7), p = 0.016; verbal fluency: 16.3 (4.3) and 19.6 (4.1), p = 0.003. Conclusion: A mild but significant impairment in language-related ability scores was detected when comparing patients and controls.


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Objective: The purpose of the present study was to assess the social skills of euthymic patients with bipolar disorder. Methods: A group of 25 outpatients with bipolar disorder type I were evaluated in comparison with a group of 31 healthy volunteers who were matched in terms of level of education, age, sex and intelligence. Both groups were assessed using a self-report questionnaire, the Brazilian Inventario de Habilidades Sociais (IHS, Social Skills Inventory). Two Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale subtests ( Picture Arrangement and Comprehension) were also used in order to assess subject ability to analyse social situations and to make judgements, respectively. Results: Patients with bipolar disorder had lower IHS scores for the domains that assessed conversational skills/social self-confidence and social openness to new people/situations. Patients with anxiety disorders had high scores for the domain that assessed self-confidence in the expression of positive emotions. No differences were found between patients and controls in performance on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Picture Arrangement and Comprehension subtests. Conclusions: Euthymic patients with bipolar disorder present inhibited and overattentive behaviour in relation to other people and their environment. This behaviour might have a negative impact on their level of social functioning and quality of life.


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Objective: To introduce a new coupling system between screw driver and interference screw, and biomechanical tests that validate the safety of its application. Methods: The new system was submitted to biomechanical torsion assays. Two types of analysis were performed: maximum torque of manual insertion of the screws into bovine bone; destructive assays of torsion of the system using an INSTRON 55MT machine. The same tests were also performed on a control group, using a commercially available interference screw coupling system (Acufex (R)). Results: In the tests on manual insertion of screws in bovine femurs, the average values found with a digital torque meter were 1.958 N/m for Acufex (R) and 2.563 N/m for FMRP. Considering p>0.05, there were no statistical differences between the two groups (p=0.02) in the values for maximum torque of insertion, in the two systems studied. The average values for maximum torque of torsion resisted by the screw were 15N/m for the Acufex (R) screw and 13N/m for the FMRP screw, again with no statistical differences between the two groups (p>0.05). In the evaluation of angular deformation, there was also no significant difference between the two screw types (p=0.15). Conclusion: The new coupling system for interference screws developed at FMRP-USP revealed a torsion resistance that is comparable with the system already available on the market and regulated for international use.


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Pharmacological studies have been focused on the involvement of different neural pathways in the organization of antinociception that follows tonic-clonic seizures, including 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)-, norepinephrine-, acetylcholine- and endogenous opioid peptide-mediated mechanisms, giving rise to more in-depth comprehension of this interesting post-ictal antinociceptive phenomenon. The present work investigated the involvement of 5-HT(1A/1B), 5-HT(6), and 5-HT(7) serotonergic receptors through peripheral pretreatment with methiothepin at doses of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 mg/kg in the organization of the post-ictal antinociception elicited by pharmacologically (with pentylenetetrazole at 64 mg/kg)-induced tonic-clonic seizures. Methiothepin at 1.0 mg/kg blocked the post-ictal antinociception recorded after the end of seizures, whereas doses of 2.0 and 3.0 mg/kg potentiated the post-ictal antinociception. The nociceptive thresholds were kept higher than those of the control group. However, when the same 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors antagonist was microinjected (at 1.0, 3.0 and 5.0 mu g/0.2 mu L) in the dorsal raphe nucleus, a mesencephalic structure rich in serotonergic neurons and 5-HT receptors, the post-ictal hypo-analgesia was consistently antagonized. The present findings suggest a dual effect of methiothepin, characterized by a disinhibitory effect on the post-ictal antinociception when peripherally administered (possibly due to an antagonism of pre-synaptic 5-HT(1A) serotonergic autoreceptors in the pain endogenous inhibitory system) and an inhibitory effect (possibly due to a DRN post-synaptic 5-HT(1B), 5-HT(6), and 5-HT(7) serotonergic receptors blockade) when centrally administered. The present data also Suggest that serotonin-mediated mechanisms of the dorsal raphe nucleus exert a key-role in the modulation of the post-ictal antinociception. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Farnesoic acid O-methyl transferase (FAMeT) is the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of methyl farnesoate (MF) from farnesoic acid (FA) in the biosynthetic pathway of juvenile hormone (JH). This work reports the cloning, sequencing, and expression of FAMeT gene from the stingless bee Melipona scutellaris (MsFAMeT). The MsFAMeT in silica analysis showed that greatest sequence similarity is found in Apis mellifera and other insects, while relatively less similarity is shown in crustaceans. Evidence of alternative splicing of a 27 nucleotide (nt) microexon explains the presence of the detected isoforms, 1 and 2. The expression analysis of the two isoforms showed a marked difference when castes were compared, suggesting that they could be involved differently in the JH metabolism in M. scutellaris, providing new insights for the comprehension of female plasticity.


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Speech understanding disorders in the elderly may be due to peripheral or central auditory dysfunctions. Asymmetry of results in dichotic testing increases with age, and may reflect on a lack of inter-hemisphere transmission and cognitive decline. Aim: To investigate auditory processing of aged people with no hearing complaints. Study design: clinical prospective. Materials and Methods: Twenty-two voluntary individuals, aged between 55 and 75 years, were evaluated. They reported no hearing complaints and had maximal auditory thresholds of 40 dB HL until 4 KHz, 80% of minimal speech recognition scores and peripheral symmetry between the ears. We used two kinds of tests: speech in noise and dichotic alternated dissyllables (SSW). Results were compared between males and females, right and left ears and between age groups. Results: There were no significant differences between genders, in both tests. Their Left ears showed worse results, in the competitive condition of SSW. Individuals aged 65 or older had poorer performances than those aged 55 to 64. Conclusion: Central auditory tests showed worse performance with aging. The employment of a dichotic test in the auditory evaluation setting in the elderly may help in the early identification of degenerative processes, which are common among these patients.


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Enzymes are crucial for the metabolism of macromolecular substrates. In the great majority of cells, most enzymes are constitutive. Nevertheless, inducible enzymes can predominate, determining specialized cell functions. Within this context, histochemistry/immunohistochemistry and biochemistry were used to investigate expression of peroxidase and reduced nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-oxidase, as well as the expression and activity of cathepsin D and acid phosphatase, in trophoblast cells within the endotheliochorial labyrinth and marginal hematoma of the term cat placenta. In the marginal hematoma, elevated Cathepsin D expression and activity was accompanied by erythrophagocytosis. In contrast, acid phosphatase activity was much more intense in the labyrinth, where metabolic exchanges occur. Peroxidase and NAD(P)H-oxidase were predominantly active in trophoblast cells within endosomal vesicles of different placental compartments, indicating that, although reactive oxygen species might participate in endosomal/lysosomal processes, they are not territorially specific or functional markers. These findings highlight differential characteristics of cathepsin D and acid phosphatase activity within each placental compartment, thereby contributing to the comprehension of the territorial role played by the placenta and facilitating future metabolic studies. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.