57 resultados para developmental cycle
Inflorescence and floral development of three species of Indigofera (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae), I. lespedezioides, I. spicata, and I. suffruticosa, were investigated and compared with that of other papilionoid groups, especially with members of the recently circumscribed Millettioid clade, which was merged as sister to Indigofereae in a recent cladistic analysis. Although Indigofera is a genus of special interest, because of its great richness in species and its economic importance, few studies have been made of floral development in the genus or in Indigofereae as a whole. Flower buds and inflorescences were analysed at several stages of development in the three species. Our results confirmed that Indigofera species bear a usual inflorescence type among legumes, the raceme, which comprises flowers initiated in acropetal succession, each with a subtending bract and no bracteoles initiated. The inception of the floral organs is as follows: sepals (5), petals (5), carpel (1), outer stamens (5), and, finally, inner stamens (5). Organ initiation in the sepal, petal, and both stamen whorls is unidirectional, from the abaxial side; the carpel cleft is adaxial. The vexillum is larger than other petals at maturity, covering the keels, which are fused edge-to-edge. Nine filaments are fused to form an adaxially open sheath, and the adaxial stamen of the inner whorl remains free (diadelphous androecium) in the mid-stage of development. Most of the infra-generic differences occurred in the later stages of development. Data on floral development in Indigofera obtained here were also compared with those from other members of Papilionoideae. This comparison showed that the early expression of zygomorphy is shared with other members of the Millettioid clade but is rarely found in other papilionoids, corresponding to a hypothetically morphological synapomorphy in the pair Indigoferae plus millettioids.
Tight control over circulating juvenile hormone (JH) levels is of prime importance in an insect`s life cycle. Consequently, enzymes involved in JH metabolism, especially juvenile hormone esterases (JHEs), play major roles during metamorphosis and reproduction. In the highly eusocial Hymenoptera, JH has been co-opted into additional functions, primarily in the development of the queen and worker castes and in age-related behavioral development of workers. Within a set of 21 carboxylesterases predicted in the honey bee genome we identified one gene (Amjhe-like) that contained the main functional motifs of insect JHEs. Its transcript levels during larval development showed a maximum at the switch from feeding to spinning behavior, coinciding with a JH titer minimum. In adult workers, the highest levels were observed in nurse bees, where a low JH titer is required to prevent the switch to foraging. Functional assays showed that Amjhe-like expression is induced by JH-III and suppressed by 20-hydroxyecdysone. RNAi-mediated silencing of Amjhe-like gene function resulted in a six-fold increase in the JH titer in adult worker bees. The temporal profile of Amjhe-like expression in larval and adult workers, the pattern of hormonal regulation and the knockdown phenotype are consistent with the function of this gene as an authentic JHE. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The aim of the present work was to characterize the egg production of Loxopagurus loxochelis. A total of 71 ovigerous females were obtained, 28% of which were simultaneously incubating eggs at different developmental stages. This phenomenon can be the result of incomplete fertilization, or may represent a rapid gonadal cycle by this species in this area, which is, to our understanding, the best explanation of this phenomenon. Egg volume decreased 25.6% during the incubation period. The reproductive output based on dry and wet weight was 6.8 and 19.3%, respectively. Water was the prevailing component of the eggs, representing 86.0% of the total weight at initial stage, increasing to 95.1% at the final stage. Ash content increased at the same time as a decrease in the organic content occurred, indicating the consumption of yolk and absorption of salts from the water medium. In conclusion, we hypothesized that this population has the capacity to copulate and deposit another brood even before the release of the larvae from the previous one, intensifying the reproductive effort of these hermit crabs as a strategy of adaptation in a region considered the northern limit of the geographical distribution of this species.
Morphological and physiological caste differences were compared from colonies of Dolichovespula maculata in middle and late phases of the colony cycle. The females showed three patterns of ovarian development and only females classified as queens were inseminated. In both phases, queens were larger than workers for most measures. Discriminant analyses showed high distinction of caste in both phases. We also found highly pronounced qualitative differences: workers had hairs covering the entire body whereas queens had no hair and also some colour differences in the gaster. These results indicate that D. maculata presents pre-imaginal differentiation as seen in other Vespinae, and that size variation occurs from colony to colony such that queens of one colony may be comparable to workers of a different colony although the castes are always distinguishable within colonies.
Introduction: Changes in gait cadence caused by challenging situations in daily life might induce higher demand for strength and propulsion in diabetic neuropathic (DN) subjects. Methods: Forty-six subjects (healthy and DN) walked at two cadences (self-selected and 25% higher). Kinematic and electromyographic data were obtained from lower limbs and compared across the gait cycle. Results: DN subjects showed a delayed peak in plantarflexor activity along the whole cycle (irrespective of cadence) compared with healthy subjects. However, during the imposed cadence, DN individuals showed reduced ankle range of motion along the entire cycle compared with the self-selected condition and healthy individuals walking at both cadences (P = 0.002). Conclusions: These findings suggest that when diabetic individuals face a new challenging situation that induces a higher demand for muscle strength and propulsion, the necessary range of motion and neuromuscular control around distal joints are insufficient. Muscle Nerve 44: 258-268, 2011
Background Diet seems to represent, directly or indirectly, 35% of all cancer reports. In this study, the influence of dietary protein on the growth of melanoma B16F10 was evaluated through analyses of cell cycle phases and proliferative capacity. Methods Flow cytometry and argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) technique were applied in mice bearing B16F10 melanoma cells fed on different dietary proteins. All data were submitted to statistical analyses. Results The G0/G1 phase increased for the animal groups fed bovine collagen hydrolysate (BCH) or BCH-P1 + whey protein isolate (WPI), compared with mice receiving only WPI, for all dietary groups treated and nontreated with paclitaxel. Mice that received BCH + WPI treated with paclitaxel showed the highest percentage of apoptosis compared with WPI group. AgNORs, total nucleolar organizer regions (NORs)/cells and dot number/cell for all dietary protein groups nontreated with paclitaxel were higher than for the WPI. The only two dietary protein groups treated with paclitaxel that presented higher total NORs and dot number/cell than the WPI group were BCH + WPI and BCH-P1 + WPI. Conclusions A significantly lower proliferative capacity and larger number of cells in the G0/G1 phase were observed for the dietary protein groups combining the two collagen hydrolysates, BCH or BCH-P1 with WPI, treated with paclitaxel. Castro GA, Maria DA, Rodrigues CJ, Sgarbieri VC. Analysis of cell cycle phases and proliferative capacity in mice bearing melanoma maintained on different dietary proteins.
Objective: High levels of domestic violence, mental illness, and alienation from authorities are associated with high incidence of children/adolescents living on the streets in low and middle income countries. The Equilibrium Project (Programa Equilibrio) was created to facilitate social reintegration through a virtual partnership between an academic psychiatric institute and highly vulnerable children and adolescents living on the streets, in group shelter with supervision, and in other high risk situations. Methods: Descriptive presentation of qualitative data and analysis of preliminary empirical data collected over a 24-month period. Results: Dialogue between academic professionals, street children, and city officials shaped The Equilibrium Project over the last 2 years. The program has progressively moved from a professional clinic setting to a community-based but protected activity center with recreational and professional services and an emphasis on linkage with social service agencies, city government and law enforcement officials in an academic research context. A total of 351 patients have been served of whom virtually all were neglected by their parents, 58.4% report physical or sexual abuse, 88.89% have been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder, 40.4% drug use. After 2 years of operation, 63.5% (n = 223) successfully completed or continue in treatment and 34.8% (n = 122) were reunited with their families. Conclusions and Practice implications: Program development guided by consumer input led to a successful program offering professional services in a protected community setting that facilitates social reintegration by providing ""go between"" services integrating relationships between alienated consumers and formal psychiatric, pediatric, social service, and criminal justice systems. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Although several stage-specific genes have been identified in Leishmania, the molecular mechanisms governing developmental gene regulation in this organism are still not well understood. We have previously reported an attenuation of virulence in Leishmania major and L braziliensis carrying extra-copies of the spliced leader RNA gene. Here, we surveyed the major differences in proteome and transcript expression profiles between the spliced leader RNA overexpressor and control lines using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and differential display reverse transcription PCR, respectively. Thirty-nine genes related to stress response, cytoskeleton, proteolysis, cell cycle control and proliferation, energy generation, gene transcription, RNA processing and post-transcriptional regulation have abnormal patterns of expression in the spliced leader RNA overexpressor line. The evaluation of proteolytic pathways in the mutant revealed a selective increase of cysteine protease activity and an exacerbated ubiquitin-labeled protein population. Polysome profile analysis and measurement of cellular protein aggregates showed that protein translation in the spliced leader RNA overexpressor line is increased when compared to the control line. We found that L major promastigotes maintain homeostasis in culture when challenged with a metabolic imbalance generated by spliced leader RNA surplus through modulation of intracellular proteolysis. However, this might interfere with a fine-tuned gene expression control necessary for the amastigote multiplication in the mammalian host. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Since the role of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in oral carcinogenesis is still unclear, the purpose of this study was to verify the association between the expression of p27, mdm2 and cathepsin B and by HPV-related oral lesions. Fifty-five oral biopsies were studied and HPV detection and typing (6/11, 16, 18, 31 and 33) were performed using polymerase chain reaction techniques. The distribution p27, mdm2 and cathepsin B was determined by immunohistochemistry. Twenty-one (38%) out of the 55 oral lesions tested positive for HPV, of which 6(33%) were HPV 6/11, 1 (5%) was HPV 16,14 (72%) were HPV 18 and none was HPV 33/31. Among the 55 biopsies, immunopostivity for p27, mdm2 and cathepsin B was observed in 17 (30.9%), 37 (67.2%) and 37 (67.2%), respectively. Among 21 HPV-positive oral lesions, immunopostivity of mdm2, p27 and cathepsin B was found, respectively, in 6 (33%) out of 18 benign lesions (BL), 4(22%) out of 18 potential malignant epithelial lesions (PMEL) and 11(57.9%) out of 19 malignant lesions (ML). High-risk HPV types may be associated with oral carcinoma, by cell-cycle control dysregulation, contributing to oral carcinogenesis and the overexpression of mdm2, p27 and cathepsin B. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Calpain5 expression is decreased in endometriosis and regulated by HOXA10 in human endometrial cells
Calpains have been implicated in the regulation of apoptosis. Here, we identified Calpain5 as a target of HOXA10 transcriptional regulation in endometrial cells as well as its aberrant regulation in endometriosis. Histologically confirmed biopsies of endometriosis were obtained from 20 women. Eutopic endometrium was collected by endometrial biopsy from 30 controls and from the 20 subjects with endometriosis. First trimester decidual samples were obtained from five subjects at the time of pregnancy termination. Immunohistochemistry was used to identify Calpain5 expression. Calpain5 was expressed in endometrial stromal and glandular cells throughout the menstrual cycle and in decidua. Calpain5 protein expression was decreased in both stromal and glandular cells from women with endometriosis compared with that of fertile controls. Human endometrial stromal and epithelial cell lines were transfected with pcDNA/HOXA10, HOXA10 siRNA or respective controls. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR was performed to determine expression of HOXA10 and Calpain5 in each group. Transfection of HESC cells with an HOXA10 expression construct led to increased Calpain5 expression, whereas transfection with siRNA resulted in decreased expression. In conclusion, Calpain5 expression is regulated by HOXA10. Calpain5 expression was decreased in endometriosis likely as a result of decreased HOXA10 expression. Decreased apoptosis in endometrial cells may promote the development of endometriosis through a pathway involving HOXA10, Calpain5 and caspase.
Several neuropsychiatry disorders have shown a sexual dimorphism in their incidence, symptom profile and therapeutic response. A better understanding of the impact of sex hormones in emotional processing sexual dimorphism could bring tight to this important clinical finding. Some studies have provided evidence of sex differences in the identification of emotional faces, however, results are inconsistent and such inconsistency could be related to the lack of experimental control of the sex hormone status of participants. More recently, a few studies evaluated the modulation of facial emotion recognition by the phase of the menstrual cycle and sex hormones, however, none of them directly compared these results with a group of men. We evaluated the accuracy of facial emotion recognition in 40 healthy volunteers. Eleven women were assigned to early follicular group, nine women to the ovulatory group and 10 women to luteal group, depending on the phase of menstrual cycle, and a group of 10 men were also evaluated. Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels were assessed. The performance of the groups in the identification of emotional faces varied depending on the emotion. Early follicular group were more accurate to perceive angry faces than all other groups. Sadness was more accurately recognized by early follicular group than by luteal group and regarding the recognition of fearful faces a trend to a better performance and a significantly higher accuracy was observed, respectively, in the early follicular group and in the ovulatory group, in comparison to men. In women, estrogen negatively correlated to the accuracy in perception of angry mate faces. Our results indicate sex hormones to be implicated in a sexual dimorphism in facial emotion recognition, and highlight the importance of estrogen specifically in the recognition of negative emotions such as sadness, anger and fear. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Urinary bladder cancer is the fourth most common malignancy in the Western world. Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) is the most common subtype, accounting for about 90% of all bladder cancers. The TP53 gene plays an essential role in the regulation of the cell cycle and apoptosis and therefore contributes to cellular transformation and malignancy; however, little is known about the differential gene expression patterns in human tumors that present with the wild-type or mutated TP53 gene. Therefore, because gene profiling can provide new insights into the molecular biology of bladder cancer, the present study aimed to compare the molecular profiles of bladder cancer cell lines with different TP53 alleles, including the wild type (RT4) and two mutants (5637, with mutations in codons 280 and 72; and T24, a TP53 allele encoding an in-frame deletion of tyrosine 126). Unsupervised hierarchical clustering and gene networks were constructed based on data generated by cDNA microarrays using mRNA from the three cell lines. Differentially expressed genes related to the cell cycle, cell division, cell death, and cell proliferation were observed in the three cell lines. However, the cDNA microarray data did not cluster cell lines based on their TP53 allele. The gene profiles of the RT4 cells were more similar to those of T24 than to those of the 5637 cells. While the deregulation of both the cell cycle and the apoptotic pathways was particularly related to TCC, these alterations were not associated with the TP53 status.
There is evidence that several fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are involved in growth and development of the corpus luteum (CL), but many FGFs have not been investigated in this tissue, including FGF10. The objective of this study was to determine if FGF10 and its receptor (FGFR2B) are expressed in the CL. Bovine CL were collected from an abattoir and classed as corpus hemorrhagica (stage 1), developing (stage 11), developed (stage 111), and regressed (stage IV) CL. Expression of FGF10 and FGFR2B mRNA was measured by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Both genes were expressed in bovine CL, and FGF10 expression did not differ between stages of CL development. FGF10 protein was localized to large and small luteal cells by immunohistochemistry. FGFR2B expression was approximately threefold higher in regressed compared to developing and developed CL (P < 0.05). To determine if FGF10 and FGFR2B expression is regulated during functional luteolysis, cattle were injected with PGF2 alpha and CL collected at 0, 0.5, 2, 4, 12, 24, 48, and 64 hr thereafter (n = 5 CL/time point), and mRNA abundance was measured by real-time RT-PCR. FGF10 mRNA expression did not change during functional luteolysis, whereas FGFR2B mRNA abundance decreased significantly at 2, 4, and 12 hr after PGF2a, and returned to pretreatment levels for the period 24-64 hr post-PGF2 alpha. These data suggest a potential role for FGFR2B signaling during structural luteolysis in bovine CL.
There is evidence that fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are involved in the regulation of growth and regression of the corpus luteum (CL). However, the expression pattern of most FGF receptors (FGFRs) during CL lifespan is still unknown. The objective of the present study was to determine the pattern of expression of `B` and `C` splice variants of FGFRs in the bovine CL. Bovine CL were collected from an abattoir and classed as corpora hemorrhagica (Stage I), developing (Stage II), developed (Stage III) or regressed (Stage IV) CL. Expression of FGFR mRNA was measured by semiquantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and FGFR protein was localised by immunohistochemistry. Expression of mRNA encoding the `B` and `C` spliced forms of FGFR1 and FGFR2 was readily detectable in the bovine CL and was accompanied by protein localisation. FGFR1C and FGFR2C mRNA expression did not vary throughout CL lifespan, whereas FGFR1B was upregulated in the developed (Stage III) CL. FGFR3B, FGFR3C and FGFR4 expression was inconsistent in the bovine CL. The present data indicate that FGFR1 and FGFR2 splice variants are the main receptors for FGF action in the bovine CL.
Recently we conducted the molecular characterization of Rangelia vitalii, a protozoan with high pathogenicity for young dogs in southern Brazil. To date, the descriptions of the disease have been restricted to natural infection cases. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the parasitemia, biological cycles and clinical-pathological findings in dogs experimentally infected with R. vitalii in the acute phase of disease, and also aimed to test a therapeutic protocol based on the diminazene aceturate. For this study, we used 12 young dogs (females), separated into two groups. Group A was composed of healthy dogs, not-infected (n = 5), and Group B consisted of animals infected with R. vitalii (n = 7). After infection, the animals were monitored by blood smear examinations, which showed intra-erythrocytic forms of the parasite 5 days post-infection (PI). Parasitemia increased progressively in these animals and had the highest peak of circulating parasites between 9 and 11 days PI. Subsequently, the parasitemia reduced and the protozoan was seen inside the leukocytes in days 17, 19 and 21 PI. The most prominent clinical signs observed at the 20 day PI of experiment were lethargy, fever and anorexia. We observed a decrease of hematocrit of infected animals compared with not-infected dogs, featuring a moderate anemia. Pathological evaluation of one dog in Group B at day 21 PI revealed splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and hemorrhages at necropsy. Histological examination showed only follicular hyperplasia in the spleen and lymph nodes, and the etiologic agent in the vascular endothelium. At 21 days PI, it was performed the treatment of dogs in Group B (n = 6) with a single dose of diminazene aceturate, which showed a curative efficacy of 100% in cleaning R. vitalii from blood of infected dogs. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.