87 resultados para cure
In a sample of censored survival times, the presence of an immune proportion of individuals who are not subject to death, failure or relapse, may be indicated by a relatively high number of individuals with large censored survival times. In this paper the generalized log-gamma model is modified for the possibility that long-term survivors may be present in the data. The model attempts to separately estimate the effects of covariates on the surviving fraction, that is, the proportion of the population for which the event never occurs. The logistic function is used for the regression model of the surviving fraction. Inference for the model parameters is considered via maximum likelihood. Some influence methods, such as the local influence and total local influence of an individual are derived, analyzed and discussed. Finally, a data set from the medical area is analyzed under the log-gamma generalized mixture model. A residual analysis is performed in order to select an appropriate model.
In this study, regression models are evaluated for grouped survival data when the effect of censoring time is considered in the model and the regression structure is modeled through four link functions. The methodology for grouped survival data is based on life tables, and the times are grouped in k intervals so that ties are eliminated. Thus, the data modeling is performed by considering the discrete models of lifetime regression. The model parameters are estimated by using the maximum likelihood and jackknife methods. To detect influential observations in the proposed models, diagnostic measures based on case deletion, which are denominated global influence, and influence measures based on small perturbations in the data or in the model, referred to as local influence, are used. In addition to those measures, the local influence and the total influential estimate are also employed. Various simulation studies are performed and compared to the performance of the four link functions of the regression models for grouped survival data for different parameter settings, sample sizes and numbers of intervals. Finally, a data set is analyzed by using the proposed regression models. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Most researches that have been done until today about the beneficial effects of hariparoha (Pothomorphe umbellata L. Miq) have been done with root extract of this species, but the use in large scale would compromise the sustainable exploration of this natutral resource. In this sense, the utilization of pariparoha leaves, substituting the roots, in the cosmetic industry does not put in risk the existence of the species. In this work the concentration of 4-nerolidyl-cathecol (4-NC) in leaf extract was determined by the analytical methodology validated in our laboratory. The concentration of 4-NC in leaf extract was around 30% less than that of root extract, obtained in the same way. Concerning the study of the photostability of a leaves extract solution containing 4-NC did not demonstrate meaningful alterations in the spectrometry, profile after 2 hours of exposure under UVB radiation, showing its stability under this conditions. Metalloproteinases (MMPs) cure endopeptidases that are zinc-dependent, involved in remodeling extracellular matrix (ECM), that are important in the appearance of typical photoaging wrinkles. In this work the capacity of leaf extract of P. umbellata to inhibit MMP-2 and 9 activities of hairless mouse skin in vitro by zymography gel was also evalutated. The leaf extract (0,1 mg/mL) inhibit in 80% activity of this enzymes, according to the densitometric zymography evaluation.
Wild chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) is one of the most popular herbal materials with both internal and external use to cure different health disturbances. As a consequence of its origin, chamomile could carry various microbial contaminants which offer different hazards to the final consumer. Reduction of the microbial load to the in force regulation limits represents an important phase in the technological process of vegetal materials, and the electron beam treatment might be an efficient alternative to the classical methods of hygienic quality assurance. The purpose of the study was to analyze the potential application of the electron beam treatment in order to assure the microbial safety of the wild chamomile. Samples of chamomile dry inflorescences were treated in electron beam (e-beam) of 6 MeV mean energy, at room temperature and ambient pressure. Some loss of the chemical compounds with bioactive role could be noticed, but the number of microorganisms decreased as a function on the absorbed dose. Consequently, the microbial quality of studied vegetal material inflorescences was improved by e-beam. irradiation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
To determine the ability of probiotic lactobacilli to improve the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) using a randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled trial. Fifty-five women diagnosed with VVC by vaginal discharge positive for Candida spp. (according to culture method) associated with at least one of the symptoms (itching and burning vaginal feeling, dyspareunia and dysuria), were treated with single dose of fluconazole (150 mg) supplemented every morning for the following 4 weeks with two placebo or two probiotic capsules (containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14). At 4 weeks, the probiotic treated group showed significantly less vaginal discharge associated with any of the above mentioned symptoms (10.3%vs 34.6%; P = 0.03) and lower presence of yeast detected by culture (10.3%vs 38.5%; P = 0.014). This study has shown that probiotic lactobacilli can increase the effectiveness of an anti-fungal pharmaceutical agent in curing disease. This novel finding of probiotic lactobacilli augmenting the cure rate of yeast vaginitis, not only offers an alternative approach to a highly prevalent condition that adversely affects the quality of life of women around the world, but also raises the question of how this combination works.
Background: The Helicobacter pylori reinfection seems to be higher in developing countries, than in developed ones. The aim of the study was to determine the annual recurrence rate of H. pylori, in Brazilian patients with peptic ulcer disease, in a 5-year follow-up. Methods: Patients, with peptic ulcer disease diagnosed by upper digestive endoscopy (UDE) and H. pylori infection verified by histological analysis, rapid urease test, polymerase chain reaction, and urea breath test (UBT), were treated for bacterial eradication. The cure of the infection was verified using the same tests, 3 months after. Clinical evaluation and UBT were performed after sixth and ninth month. After 1 year of follow-up, UBT and UDE were repeated. Up to the fifth year, patients were assessed twice a year and an UBT was performed annually. The patients included and all the reinfected were tested for 15 different genes of the H. pylori. Results: One hundred and forty-seven patients were followed: 19 for 1 year, eight for 2 years, four for 3 years, five for 4 years, and 98 for 5 years, totaling 557 patients/years. Recurrence did not occur in the first year. In the second year, two patients were reinfected; in the third, four patients; in the fourth, three patients; and in the fifth, one patient. The total of reinfected patients was 10. The annual reinfection rate was 1.8%. Conclusion: Brazil presents a low prevalence of H. pylori reinfection, similar to the developed countries.
Recurrence of mucosal leishmaniasis (ML) is frequent, but the causative mechanisms are unknown. Our aim was to compare cellular and cytokine patterns of lesions from ML that evolved to recurrence or cure in order to determine the risk factor associated with recurrence. Lesions were evaluated by immunohistochemistry before and after therapy, and patients were followed-up for five years. Higher levels of CD4(+) T and IFN-gamma-producing cells were detected in active lesions and decreased after therapy. Macrophages and IL-10 were markedly increased in cured patients. Conversely, CD8(+) T and NK cells were higher in relapsed than in cured cases. Notably, a decrease in these cells in addition to decreased IL-10 and IFN-gamma was also observed after therapy. These data suggest that exacerbated CD8(+) activity, in addition to a poor regulatory response, could underlie an unfavorable fate with regard to ML. These markers may be useful for predicting the prognosis of ML in lesion studies. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Treatment of large petroclival meningiomas causing brain stem compression is surgical removal followed by radiotherapy or radiosurgery if the lesion was partially resected. The management of small petroclival meningiomas is, however, controversial. Clinical observation, radiosurgery and surgical removal are the options of treatment. The natural history of these tumours is not well known. Published series of patients treated with radiosurgery are not comparable with surgical series because the latter also includes large size tumours. In this paper we present a series of 18 patients with small petroclival meningiomas (diameter <= 2.8cm) treated with radical surgical removal. Total resection (Simpson`s Grade 1) [43] was possible with minimal morbidity and no mortality. Background. We present a series of small petroclival meningiomas (SPM) treated by radical surgical removal and compare the outcome with other management modalities proposed for these lesions. Methods. Eighteen patients with SPM were surgically treated at our department of neurological surgery. The tumours were classified as small when they had a diameter < 3.0cm. Headaches (n = 12), diplopia (n = 8), facial hypoaesthesia (n = 3) and tinnitus (n = 6) were the most frequent symptoms at presentation. The approaches used were retrosigmoid (n = 14), fronto-orbito-zygomatic (n = 3) and presigmoid (n = 1). The post-operative follow-up ranged from 1 to 110 months (mean 41.8 months). Findings. Radical tumour resection (Simpson`s Grades 1 and 2) was achieved in all patients. There was no major morbidity or mortality related to the surgical procedure. Transient abducent nerve palsy was the only post-operative complication. The pre-operative cranial nerves deficits improved after surgery. Only one patient had persistent diplopia postoperatively. Conclusion. Radical surgical removal of SPM is possible with minimal morbidity and may cure the patient. The effectiveness and outcome of surgery for small petroclival meningiomas should be compared with series treated by radiosurgery.
Purpose. Total thyroidectomy (TT) with level VI and VII central neck dissection is the initial treatment for medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) without identifiable neck metastasis. Level II to V lateral neck dissection is performed if neck metastasis is present or suspected. We conducted this study to identify the frequency and clinical determinants of skip neck metastasis in MTC. Methods. We reviewed the medical records of 32 patients who underwent TT and bilateral neck dissection for MTC. The clinical features were correlated with pN status in the central versus lateral compartments of the neck. Results. Neck lymph node metastasis (pN+) was found in 20 patients (62.5%) and skip metastases were found in 7 (35%) patients. The sensitivity of the pN status of the central compartment of the neck to predict the pN status of the lateral compartment of the neck was 53.8% and specificity was 63.2%. We found pN+ in 90% of the patients with lymph nodes > 15mm in diameter versus 50% in those with lymph nodes < 1.5mm in diameter. Conclusions. There is skip metastasis in MTC. It is unsafe to use the lymph node status of the central compartment of the neck to define the pN status of the lateral neck. A lymph node greater than 15 mm in diameter is related to pN status.
Background. Clinical and pathologic examinations cannot always provide a prognosis for patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma. Membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) can act directly on carcinogenesis and takes part in 1 of the processes of metalloproteinase 2 activation, an enzyme related to prognostic impairment of patients with such tumor. Methods. Thirty-five patients who were submitted to surgery were followed up for an average of 74 months, Postoperative and final medical conditions were characterized for comparison with MT1-MMP immunostainings, performed in surgical paraffin blocks. A value of p < .05 was considered statistically significant. Results. Proposed index (association of proportion and intensity of immunostaining) and proportion of immunostained cells in primary specimens were correlated with cure or persistence after initial operations (p = .0216 and p = .0098, respectively). Conclusion. MT1-MMP immunostaining in primary tumor specimens is a new and complementary prognostic predictor in patients with medullary thyroid carcinomas. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Head Neck 32: 58-67, 2010
Objectives: To develop an index for the ratio of metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) to its tissue inhibitor (TIMP-2) in immunostained medullary thyroid carcinoma specimens and to correlate it with clinical and pathologic prognostic factors. Metalloproteinases, enzymes related to the degradation of the extracellular matrix, take part in carcinogenesis and have been associated with the prognosis of neoplasias. Nevertheless, medullary carcinoma is rarely considered in research analysis. Researchers tend to favor the ratio of enzymes to their inhibitors over the absolute concentrations of these enzymes. Design: Retrospective study of surgical samples. Setting: Head and Neck Surgery and Endocrinology Departments, Universidade de Sao Paulo Medical School Hospital. Patients: Surgical specimens from 33 patients who had been observed for a mean of 76.8 months (range, 4-201 months) were immunohistochemically stained for MMP-2 and TIMP-2. Only patients whose clinical and pathologic data were complete and whose specimens were preserved were included in the study. Main Outcome Measures: The ratio between the expressions of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 was based on a staining index (immunostaining extent and intensity) of each of the markers. Results: Proportionally large expressions of TIMP-2 over MMP-2 correlated with low occurrences of positive findings on initial cervical examination for the presence of thyroid nodules and/or lymphadenopathy (P = .02) and cervical lymph node metastases (P < .001), conditions correlated with prognosis. A correlation with cure at the end of follow-up (P = .01) was also observed. (P < .05 was considered statistically significant.) Conclusion: The ratio of MMP-2 to TIMP-2 expression is an additional and novel prognostic predictor of the outcome of medullary carcinoma treated surgically.
In the early postoperative period of Cushing`s disease patients, desmopressin may stimulate ACTH secretion in the remnant corticotrophic tumour, but not in nontumour suppressed cells. Objective The aim of this study is to evaluate the serum cortisol responses to desmopressin after pituitary surgery, establishing an optimal cut-off for absolute increment (Delta) of serum cortisol (F) suitable to predict recurrence risk. Design Retrospective case record study. Patients Fifty-seven Cushing`s disease patients submitted to pituitary surgery and desmopressin stimulation in the early postoperative with a long-term follow-up (20-161 months) were studied. Methods and measurements Serum cortisol levels after desmopressin test (10 mu g IV) 15-30 days after adenomectomy were used to determine Delta F (absolute increment of F: F peak - F baseline). Sensitivity and specificity of Delta F were calculated and a ROC curve was performed to establish an optimal cut-off for Delta F to predict recurrence risk. Results Fifteen patients had immediate postoperative failure (basal F > 165 nmol/l; 6 mu g/dl) and one patient was lost during the follow-up. Forty-one patients achieved initial remission and were followed-up. Five of 11 patients who recurred had Delta F > 193 nmol/l (7 mu g/dl), but none of 30 patients who remained in prolonged remission showed Delta F > 193 nmol/l after postoperative desmopressin stimulation. Conclusions Persistence of cortisol response (Delta F > 193 nmol/l) to desmopressin in the early postoperative period can help to identify Cushing`s disease patients with initial remission who present risk for later recurrence.
Serum hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA [eve[ is a predictor of the development of cirrhosis and hepatocellullar carcinoma in chronic hepatitis B patients. Nevertheless, the distribution of viral load levels in chronic HBV patients in Brazil has yet to be described. This cross-sectional study included 564 participants selected in nine Brazilian cities located in four of the five regions of the country using the database of a medical diagnostics company. Admission criteria included hepatitis B surface antigen seropositivity, availability of HBV viral toad samples and age >= 18 years. Mates comprised 64.5% of the study population. Mean age was 43.7 years. Most individuals (62.1%) were seronegative for the hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg). Median serum ALT level was 34 U/L. In 58.5% of the patients HBV-DNA levels ranged from 300 to 99,999 copies/mL; however, in 21.6% levels were undetectable. Median HBV-DNA level was 2,351 copies/mL. Over 60% of the patients who tested negative for HBeAg and in whom ALT level was less than 1.5 times the upper limit of the normal range had HBV-DNA levels > 2,000 IU/mL, which has been considered a cut-off point for indicating a liver biopsy and/or treatment. In conclusion, HBV-DNA level identified a significant proportion of Brazilian individuals with chronic hepatitis B at risk of disease progression. Furthermore, this tool. enables those individuals with high HBV-DNA levels who are susceptible to disease progression to be identified among patients with normal or stightly elevated ALT.
Background Metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) is one of the most treatment-resistant malignancies. Despite all new therapeutic advances, almost all patients develop resistance to treatment and cure is rarely seen. In the present study, we evaluated the antitumor effect of a bicistronic retrovirus vector encoding both endostatin (ES) and interleukin (IL)-2 using an orthotopic metastatic RCC mouse model. Methods Balb/C-bearing Renca cells were treated with NIH/3T3-LendIRES-IL-2-SN cells. In the survival studies, mice were monitored daily until they died. At the end of the in vivo experiment, serum levels of IL-2 and ES were measured, the lung was weighed, and the number of metastatic nodules, nodule area, tumor vessels and proliferation of tumor-infiltrating Renca cells were determined. Results Inoculation of NIH/3T3-LendIRES-IL-2-SN cells resulted in an increase in ES and IL-2 levels in the treated group (p < 0.05). There was a significant decrease in lung wet weight, lung nodule area and tumor vessels in the treated group compared to the control group (p < 0.001). The proliferation of Renca cells in the bicistronic-treated group was significantly reduced compared to the control group (p < 0.05). Kaplan-Meier survival curves showed that the probability of survival was significantly higher for mice submitted to bicistronic therapy (log-rank test, p = 0.0016). Bicistronic therapy caused an increase in the infiltration of CD4, CD4 interferon (IFN)gamma-producing, CD8, CD8 IFN gamma-producing and natural killer (CD49b) cells. Conclusions Retroviral bicistronic gene transfer led to the secretion of functional ES and IL-2 that was sufficiently active to: (i) inhibit tumor angiogenesis and tumor cell proliferation and (ii) increase the infiltration of immune cells (C) Copyright. 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Background/Purpose: The median survival for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) has progressively increased over the past decades. Since the introduction of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-based chemotherapy, followed by hepatic resection of metastases, and more recently the adoption of newer chemotherapeutic regimens associated with targeted therapy, the gains are getting more substantial. Despite the recognition of the potential for long-term survival after surgical resection of metastatic disease, long-term survival data to determine the potential curative role of chemotherapy alone is lacking. Methods: We performed a retrospective review of 2751 patients who presented with mCRC at The MD Anderson Cancer Center from 1990 through 2003. Patients alive at 5 years who achieved complete response with chemotherapy and were not submitted to any surgical or interventional procedures directed to the metastatic sites were included in the analysis. Results: The 5-year overall survival rate for all patients with mCRC during this period was 10.8%. Among these long-term survivors, 2.2% achieved a sustained complete response after chemotherapy (all 6 with fluoropyrimidines and 2 with irinotecan) as the only treatment modality and were without evidence of disease until the last follow-up visit (median of 10.3 years). This number corresponds to 0.24% (6 of 2541) of all patients with mCRC included in this review. Conclusion: Cure with chemotherapy alone is possible for a very small number of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. Improved therapies are increasing complete response rates, but the impact of modern chemotherapy on durable complete responses will require additional follow up.