66 resultados para TFP Diversity
Understanding the mating patterns of populations of tree species is a key component of ex situ genetic conservation. In this study, we analysed the genetic diversity, spatial genetic structure (SGS) and mating system at the hierarchical levels of fruits and individuals as well as pollen dispersal patterns in a continuous population of Theobroma cacao in Para State, Brazil. A total of 156 individuals in a 0.56 ha plot were mapped and genotyped for nine microsatellite loci. For the mating system analyses, 50 seeds were collected from nine seed trees by sampling five fruits per tree (10 seeds per fruit). Among the 156 individuals, 127 had unique multilocus genotypes, and the remaining were clones. The population was spatially aggregated; it demonstrated a significant SGS up to 15m that could be attributed primarily to the presence of clones. However, the short seed dispersal distance also contributed to this pattern. Population matings occurred mainly via outcrossing, but selfing was observed in some seed trees, which indicated the presence of individual variation for self-incompatibility. The matings were also correlated, especially within ((r) over cap (p(m)) = 0.607) rather than among the fruits ((r) over cap (p(m)) = 0.099), which suggested that a small number of pollen donors fertilised each fruit. The paternity analysis suggested a high proportion of pollen migration (61.3%), although within the plot, most of the pollen dispersal encompassed short distances (28m). The determination of these novel parameters provides the fundamental information required to establish long-term ex situ conservation strategies for this important tropical species. Heredity (2011) 106, 973-985; doi:10.1038/hdy.2010.145; published online 8 December 2010
This research explores the social distribution of food knowledge in Ribeirao Preto, a city in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Through an analysis of the distribution of individual expertise in regard to the cultural model of food along the dimensions of healthfulness, practicality, and prestige, this research demonstrates that knowledge of the cultural model of food is most strongly shared in the upper class of the city. Qualitative and quantitative ethnographic research suggests that the social patterning of health-related food knowledge in Ribeirao Preto may serve to maintain class distinction.
Objective: Hantaviruses are rodent-borne RNA viruses that have caused hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome in several Brazilian regions. In the present study, geographical distribution, seroprevalence, natural host range, and phylogenetic relations of rodent-associated hantaviruses collected from seven counties of Southeastern Brazil were evaluated. Methods: ELISA, RT-PCR and phylogenetic analysis were used in this study. Results: Antibodies to hantavirus were detected in Bolomys lasiurus, Akodon sp. and Oligoryzomys sp., performing an overall seroprevalence of 5.17%. All seropositive rodents were associated with grasslands or woods surrounded by sugar cane fields. Phylogenetic analysis of partial S- and M-segment sequences showed that viral sequences isolated from B. lasiurus specimens clustered with Araraquara virus. However, a sequence from Akodon sp. shared 100% similarity with Argentinian/Chilean viruses based on the partial S- segment amino acid sequence. Conclusion: These results indicate that there are associations between rodent reservoirs and hantaviruses in some regions of Southeastern Brazil, and suggest the existence of additional hantavirus genetic diversity and host ecology in these areas. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel
Deforestation in southeast Brazil has led to the extinction of Hymenaea courbaril var. stilbocarpa and ex situ conservation has been established. In this study, the levels of genetic diversity and the effective population size of H. courbaril in a germplasm bank were investigated using six nuclear microsatellite loci. A total of 79 and 91 alleles were found in 65 seed-trees and their 176 offspring, respectively. Offspring have a higher average number of alleles per locus (A = 15.2) than seed-trees (A = 13.2), but lower observed heterozygosity (offspring: H (o) = 0.566; seed-trees: H (o) = 0.607). The estimate of outcrossing rate shows that the study population is perfectly outcrossed (t (m) = 0.978, P > 0.05). Significant deviations from random mating were detected through mating among relatives and correlated matings. The average variance in effective population size for each family was 2.63, with a total effective population size retained in the bank of 170.1. These results confirm that the preserved population of H. courbaril retains substantial genetic variability.
Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV-2) is associated with a broad range of syndromes. In this study, eight pig tissue samples from two Brazilian states were analyzed using six PCR primer pairs amplifying a 1705-bp fragment of the PCV-2 genome. The NJ distance-based method was used for the phylogenetic analysis with the eight field strains herein, 15 GenBank sequences and using PCV-1 as an out-group. This yielded two major clusters (A and B) for this viral species, with the Brazilian strains segregating with European and Asian sequences. Nucleotide identity was 99.7 to 100% among the sequences. This information can be used in further studies of pathogenesis related to PCV-2 in Brazil. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Insectivorous bats are the main reservoirs of rabies virus (RABV) in various regions of the world. The aims of this study were to (a) establish genealogies for RABV strains from different species of Brazilian insectivorous bats based on the nucleoprotein (N) and glycoprotein (G) genes, (b) investigate specific RABV lineages associated with certain genera of bats and (c) identify molecular markers that can distinguish between these lineages. The genealogic analysis of N and G from 57 RABV strains revealed seven genus-specific clusters related to the insectivorous bats Myotis, Eptesicus, Nyctinomops, Molossus, Tadarida, Histiotus and Lasiurus. Molecular markers in the amino acid sequences were identified which were specific to the seven clusters. These results, which constitute a novel finding for this pathogen, show that there are at least seven independent epidemiological rabies cycles maintained by seven genera of insectivorous bats in Brazil. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Recent studies indicated that Toxoplasma gondii isolates of many domestic animal hosts from Brazil are genetically and biologically different from those in USA and Europe. Despite of high pathogenicity of this parasite to small ruminants, the epidemiology and genetic diversity of T. gondii in these animals are not well understood in Brazil. In this study, a total of 28 T. gondii samples (16 isolates from sheep in Sao Paulo state, and 12 isolates from goats in the states of Sao Paulo and Rio Grande do Norte) were genotyped using genetic markers SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, CRAG, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1, Apico and CS3. Eleven genotypes were identified from these T. gondii isolates. Eight isolates (4 from sheep and 4 from goats) were grouped into the common clonal type Brl lineage. One sheep isolate was grouped to the type BrIII lineage. Five isolates grouped to three previously identified genotypes in Brazil, and 13 isolates grouped to six novel genotypes. Mixed genotype was found in one isolate from goat in Sao Paulo. No classical clonal Type I. II or III isolates were found, confirming previous reports that these clonal lineages are rare in Brazil. The allele types at the CS3 locus are strongly linked to mouse virulence of the parasite. The results of this study indicate that even though a large number of T. gondii genotypes have been identified from a variety of animal hosts in Brazil, high percentage of new genotypes are continuously identified from different animal species, suggesting extremely high diversity of T. gondii in the population. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
FAPESP (the Sao Paulo State research funding foundation)
To study the impact of Amazonian forest fragmentation on the mosquito fauna, an inventory of Culicidae was conducted in the upland forest research areas of the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project located 60 km north of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. The culicid community was sampled monthly between February 2002 and May 2003. CDC light traps, flight interception traps, manual aspiration, and net sweeping were used to capture adult specimens along the edges and within forest fragments of different sizes (1, 10, and 100 ha), in second-growth areas surrounding the fragments and around camps. We collected 5,204 specimens, distributed in 18 genera and 160 species level taxa. A list of mosquito taxa is presented with 145 species found in the survey, including seven new records for Brazil, 16 new records for the state of Amazonas, along with the 15 morphotypes that probably represent undescribed species. No exotic species [Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse)] were found within the sampled areas. Several species collected are potential vectors of Plasmodium causing human malaria and of various arboviruses. The epidemiological and ecological implications of mosquito species found are discussed, and the results are compared with other mosquito inventories from the Amazon region.
The Atlantic Forest deserves special attention due to its high level of species endemism and degree of threat. As in other tropical biomes, there is little information about the ecology of the organisms that occur there. The objectives of this study were to verify how fruit-feeding butterflies are distributed through time, and the relation with meteorological conditions. Species richness and Shannon index were partitioned additively at the monthly level, and beta diversity, used as a hierarchical measure of temporal species turnover, was calculated among months, trimesters, and semesters. Circular analysis was used to verify how butterflies are distributed along seasons and its relation with meteorological conditions. We sampled 6488 individuals of 73 species. Temporal diversity of butterflies was more grouped than expected by chance among the months of each trimester. Circular analyses revealed that diversity is concentrated in hot months (September-March), with the subfamily Brassolinae strongly concentrated in February-March. Average temperature was correlated with total abundance of butterflies, abundance of Biblidinae, Brassolinae and Morphinae, and richness of Satyrinae. The present results show that 3mo of sampling between September and March is enough to produce a nonbiased sample of the local assemblage of butterflies, containing at least 70 percent of the richness and 25 percent of abundance. The influence of temperature on sampling is probably related to butterfly physiology. Moreover, temperature affects resource availability for larvae and adults, which is higher in hot months. The difference in seasonality patterns among subfamilies is probably a consequence of different evolutionary pressures through time.
Over the past 35 years, more than two thirds of the Cerrado`s original expanse has been taken by agriculture. Even if some attempts have been made to conserve closed cerrado physiognomies, open cerrado physiognomies, richer in species and more fragile, have been systematically ignored. These open physiognomies are used by almost half of the Cerrado bird species, many of which being endemics. Using data from 11 surveys carried out in Cerrado landscapes, we asked what would happen to bird functional diversity if open cerrado species became extinct. Open cerrado birds would be able to keep on average 59% of the functional diversity. If they became extinct, on average 27% of the functional diversity would be lost. In this case, the remaining functional diversity would be lower than what would be expected by chance in five sites. Although many functions were shared by both open cerrado and forest species, there was some degree of complementarity between them, highlighted by the decrease in functional diversity when the former became extinct. Destruction of open cerrado physiognomies would lead to a habitat simplification, decrease in bird functional diversity, and, ultimately, to a considerable impact on community functioning. Thus, open cerrado physiognomies must receive much more conservation attention than they are currently receiving, because they maintain a high bird functional diversity that would otherwise be considerably diminished Were open cerrado species to become extinct.
Tropical rainforests are becoming increasingly fragmented and understanding the genetic consequences of fragmentation is crucial for conservation of their flora and fauna. We examined populations of the toad Rhinella ornata, a species endemic to Atlantic Coastal Forest in Brazil, and compared genetic diversity among small and medium forest fragments that were either isolated or connected to large forest areas by corridors. Genetic differentiation, as measured by F(ST), was not related to geographic distance among study sites and the size of the fragments did not significantly alter patterns of genetic connectivity. However, population genetic diversity was positively related to fragment size, thus haplotype diversity was lowest in the smallest fragments, likely due to decreases in population sizes. Spatial analyses of genetic discontinuities among groups of populations showed a higher proportion of barriers to gene flow among small and medium fragments than between populations in continuous forest. Our results underscore that even species with relatively high dispersal capacities may, over time, suffer the negative genetic effects of fragmentation, possibly leading to reduced fitness of population and cases of localized extinction. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection frequently persists despite substantial virus-specific immune responses and the combination of pegylated interferon (INF)-alpha and ribavirin therapy. Major histocompatibility complex class I restricted CD8+ T cells are responsible for the control of viraemia in HCV infection, and several studies suggest protection against viral infection associated with specific HLAs. The reason for low rates of sustained viral response (SVR) in HCV patients remains unknown. Escape mutations in response to cytotoxic T lymphocyte are widely described; however, its influence in the treatment outcome is ill understood. Here, we investigate the differences in CD8 epitopes frequencies from the Los Alamos database between groups of patients that showed distinct response to pegylated alpha-INF with ribavirin therapy and test evidence of natural selection on the virus in those who failed treatment, using five maximum likelihood evolutionary models from PAML package. The group of sustained virological responders showed three epitopes with frequencies higher than Non-responders group, all had statistical support, and we observed evidence of selection pressure in the last group. No escape mutation was observed. Interestingly, the epitope VLSDFKTWL was 100% conserved in SVR group. These results suggest that the response to treatment can be explained by the increase in immune pressure, induced by interferon therapy, and the presence of those epitopes may represent an important factor in determining the outcome of therapy.
With the availability of a large amount of genomic data it is expected that the influence of single nucleotide variations (SNVs) in many biological phenomena will be elucidated. Here, we approached the problem of how SNVs affect alternative splicing. First, we observed that SNVs and exonic splicing regulators (ESRs) independently show a biased distribution in alternative exons. More importantly, SNVs map more frequently in ESRs located in alternative exons than in ESRs located in constitutive exons. By looking at SNVs associated with alternative exon/intron borders (by their common presence in the same cDNA molecule), we observed that a specific type of ESR, the exonic splicing silencers (ESSs), are more frequently modified by SNVs. Our results establish a clear association between genetic diversity and alternative splicing involving ESSs.
The bare-faced curassow (Crax fasciolata) is a large Neotropical bird that suffers anthropogenic pressure across much of its range. A captive population is maintained for conservation management, although there has been no genetic screening of stocks. Based on the six microsatellite markers developed for Crax globulosa, the genetic variability of C. fasciolata and possible differences between a wild and a captive population were investigated. Only three loci were polymorphic, with a total of 27 alleles. More than half of these alleles were private to the wild (n = 8) or captive (n = 7) populations. Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were restricted to the captive population. Despite the number of private alleles, genetic drift has probably promoted differentiation between populations. Our results indicate that wild C. fasciolata populations are genetically impoverished and structured, but species-specific microsatellite markers will be necessary for a more reliable assessment of the species` genetic diversity.