81 resultados para Secondary Sources
Bulk Zn(1-x)Co(x)O samples were synthesized via standard solid-state reaction route with different Co molar concentrations up to 21%. A detailed microstructural analysis was carried out to investigate alternative sources of ferromagnetism, such as secondary phases and nanocrystals embedded in the bulk material. Conjugating different techniques we confirmed the Zn replacement by Co ions in the wurtzite ZnO structure, which retains, however, a high crystalline quality. No segregated secondary phases neither Co-rich nanocrystals were detected. Superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry demonstrates a paramagnetic Curie-Weiss behavior with antiferromagnetic interactions. We discuss the observed room temperature paramagnetism of our samples considering the current models for the magnetic properties of diluted magnetic semiconductors. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3459885]
Lignin phenols were measured in the sediments of Sepitiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and in bedload sediments and suspended sediments of the four major fluvial inputs to the bay: Sao Francisco and Guandu Channels and the Guarda and Cacao Rivers. Fluvial suspended lignin yields (Sigma 8 3.5-14.6 mgC 10 g dw(-1)) vary little between the wet and dry seasons and are poorly correlated with fluvial chlorophyll concentrations (0.8-50.2 mu gC L(-1)). Despite current land use practices that favor grassland agriculture or industrial uses, fluvial lignin compositions are dominated by a degraded leaf-sourced material. The exception is the Guarda River, which has a slight influence from grasses. The Lignin Phenol Vegetation Index, coupled with acid/aldehyde and 3.5 Db/V ratios, indicate that degraded leaf-derived phenols are also the primary preserved lignin component in the bay. The presence of fringe Typha sp. and Spartina sp. grass beds surrounding portions of the Bay are not reflected in the lignin signature. Instead, lignin entering the bay appears to reflect the erosion of soils containing a degraded signature from the former Atlantic rain forest that once dominated the watershed, instead of containing a significant signature derived from current agricultural uses. A three-component mixing model using the LPVI, atomic N:C ratios, and stable carbon isotopes (which range between -26.8 and -21.8 parts per thousand) supports the hypothesis that fluvial inputs to the bay are dominated by planktonic matter (78% of the input), with lignin dominated by leaf (14% of the input) over grass (6%). Sediments are composed of a roughly 50-50 mixture of autochthonous material and terrigenous material, with lignin being primarily sourced from leaf. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Upland rice plants, cultivar `IAC 202,` were grown in nutrient solution until full tillering. Treatments consisted of ammonium nitrate (AN) or urea (UR) as nitrogen (N) source plus molybdenum (Mo) and/or nickel (Ni): AN + Mo + Ni, AN + Mo - Ni, AN - Mo + Ni, UR + Mo + Ni, UR + Mo - Ni, and UR - Mo + Ni. The experiment was carried out to better understand the effect of these treatments on dry-matter yield, chlorophyll, net photosynthesis rate, nitrate (NO3 --N), total N, in vitro activities of urease and nitrate reductase (NR), and Mo and Ni concentrations. In UR-grown plants, Mo and Ni addition increased yield of dry matter. Regardless of the N source, chlorophyll concentration and net photosynthesis rate were reduced when Mo or Ni were omitted, although not always significantly. The omission of either Mo or Ni led to a decrease in urease activity, independent of N source. Nitrate reductase activity increased in nutrient solutions without Mo, although NO3 --N increased. There was not a consistent variation in total N concentration. Molybdenum and Ni concentration in roots and shoots were influenced by their supply in the nutrient solution. Molybdenum concentration was not influenced by N sources, whereas Ni content in both root and shoots was greater in ammonium nitrate-grown plants. In conclusion, it can be hypothesized that there is a relationship between Mo and Ni acting on photosynthesis, although is an indirect one. This is the first evidence for a beneficial effect of Mo and Ni interaction on plant growth.
Biomass burning is an important source of atmospheric Particulate Matter (PM) in Brazil: the burning of forests in the northwest and of sugar cane plantations in the southeast are important examples. The objective of this work is the measurement of the PM emission profile of burning of sugar cane and other characteristic vegetative burning in the region of Sao Carlos-SP/Brazil. Samples of PM(10) and PM(2.5) were collected in different conditions, including small laboratory controlled burnings and real ones. The samples were analysed by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and 14 chemical elements quantified. t-Student tests were performed to compare the obtained profiles, using as a reference a vegetative burn profile taken from the USEPA data bank SPECIATE. All measured profiles presented significant amounts of Cl and K, which are confirmed as tracers of sugar cane foliage burning.
The flowpaths by which water moves from watersheds to streams has important consequences for the runoff dynamics and biogeochemistry of surface waters in the Amazon Basin. The clearing of Amazon forest to cattle pasture has the potential to change runoff sources to streams by shifting runoff to more surficial flow pathways. We applied end-member mixing analysis (EMMA) to 10 small watersheds throughout the Amazon in which solute composition of streamwater and groundwater, overland flow, soil solution, throughfall and rainwater were measured, largely as part of the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia. We found a range in the extent to which streamwater samples fell within the mixing space determined by potential flowpath end-members, suggesting that some water sources to streams were not sampled. The contribution of overland flow as a source of stream flow was greater in pasture watersheds than in forest watersheds of comparable size. Increases in overland flow contribution to pasture streams ranged in some cases from 0% in forest to 27-28% in pasture and were broadly consistent with results from hydrometric sampling of Amazon forest and pasture watersheds that indicate 17- to 18-fold increase in the overland flow contribution to stream flow in pastures. In forest, overland flow was an important contribution to stream flow (45-57%) in ephemeral streams where flows were dominated by stormflow. Overland flow contribution to stream flow decreased in importance with increasing watershed area, from 21 to 57% in forest and 60-89% in pasture watersheds of less than 10 ha to 0% in forest and 27-28% in pastures in watersheds greater than 100 ha. Soil solution contributions to stream flow were similar across watershed area and groundwater inputs generally increased in proportion to decreases in overland flow. Application of EMMA across multiple watersheds indicated patterns across gradients of stream size and land cover that were consistent with patterns determined by detailed hydrometric sampling.
Secondary forests are an increasingly common feature in tropical landscapes worldwide and understanding their regeneration is necessary to design effective restoration strategies. It has previously been shown that the woody species community in secondary forests can follow different successional pathways according to the nature of past human activities in the area, yet little is known about patterns of herbaceous species diversity in secondary forests with different histories of land use. We compared the diversity and abundance of herbaceous plant communities in two types of Central Amazonian secondary forests-those regenerating on pastures created by felling and burning trees and those where trees were felled only. We also tested if plant density and species richness in secondary forests are related to proximity to primary forest. In comparison with primary forest sites, forests regenerating on non-burned habitats had lower herbaceous plant density and species richness than those on burned ones. However, species composition and abundance in non-burned stands were more similar to those of primary forest, whereas several secondary forest specialist species were found in burned stands. In both non-burned and burned forests, distance from the forest edge was not related to herbaceous density and species richness. Overall, our results suggest that the natural regeneration of herbaceous species in secondary tropical forests is dependent on a site`s post-clearing treatment. We recommend evaluating the land history of a site prior to developing and implementing a restoration strategy, as this will influence the biological template on which restoration efforts are overlaid.
This article intends to contribute to the reflection on the Educational Statistics as being source for the researches on History of Education. The main concern was to reveal the way Educational Statistics related to the period from 1871 to 1931 were produced, in central government. Official reports - from the General Statistics Directory - and Statistics yearbooks released by that department were analyzed and, on this analysis, recommendations and definitions to perform the works were sought. By rending problematic to the documental issues on Educational Statistics and their usual interpretations, the intention was to reduce the ignorance about the origin of the school numbers, which are occasionally used in current researches without the convenient critical exam.
Secondary neurodegeneration takes place in the surrounding tissue of spinal cord trauma and modifies substantially the prognosis, considering the small diameter of its transversal axis. We analyzed neuronal and glial responses in rat spinal cord after different degree of contusion promoted by the NYU Impactor. Rats were submitted to vertebrae laminectomy and received moderate or severe contusions. Control animals were sham operated. After 7 and 30 days post surgery, stereological analysis of Nissl staining cellular profiles showed a time progression of the lesion volume after moderate injury, but not after severe injury. The number of neurons was not altered cranial to injury. However, same degree of diminution was seen in the caudal cord 30 days after both severe and moderate injuries. Microdensitometric image analysis demonstrated a microglial reaction in the white matter 30 days after a moderate contusion and showed a widespread astroglial reaction in the white and gray matters 7 days after both severities. Astroglial activation lasted close to lesion and in areas related to Wallerian degeneration. Data showed a more protracted secondary degeneration in rat spinal cord after mild contusion, which offered an opportunity for neuroprotective approaches. Temporal and regional glial responses corroborated to diverse glial cell function in lesioned spinal cord. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives: Main Objective: to identify ethical problems in primary care according to nurses` and doctors` perceptions. Secondary Objective: to know ethical issues of patient-professional relationships in primary care. Design: Synthesis to integrate and reinterpret primary results of qualitative studies. Setting: Primary healthcare centers, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil. Participants and/or context: Incidental sample of 34 nurses and 36 medical doctors working in primary healthcare centers selected by convenience. Methods: Individual, semi-structured interviews to identity situations considered as sources of ethical problems. The sample is socially representative of primary care health centers and professionals. Data collection assured discourse saturation. Hermeneutic-dialectical discourse analysis was used to study the results. Results: Patient-professional relationships and team work were the main sources of ethical problems. The most important problems were patient information, privacy, confidentiality, interpersonal relationship, linkage and patient autonomy. These issues reflect the recent changes in clinical relation ships and show the peculiarities of primary care with its continuous care which lasts a long time. Healthcare involves multiprofessional team work in the midst of the patient claims for autonomy. Good care of patients needs requires a relationship based on communication and cooperation, and includes feelings and values, with communication skills. Conclusions: Ethical problems in primary care are common situations. For quality and humane primary care the relationship should consist of dialogue, trust and cooperation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Espana, S.L. All rights reserved.
This work proposes a method based on both preprocessing and data mining with the objective of identify harmonic current sources in residential consumers. In addition, this methodology can also be applied to identify linear and nonlinear loads. It should be emphasized that the entire database was obtained through laboratory essays, i.e., real data were acquired from residential loads. Thus, the residential system created in laboratory was fed by a configurable power source and in its output were placed the loads and the power quality analyzers (all measurements were stored in a microcomputer). So, the data were submitted to pre-processing, which was based on attribute selection techniques in order to minimize the complexity in identifying the loads. A newer database was generated maintaining only the attributes selected, thus, Artificial Neural Networks were trained to realized the identification of loads. In order to validate the methodology proposed, the loads were fed both under ideal conditions (without harmonics), but also by harmonic voltages within limits pre-established. These limits are in accordance with IEEE Std. 519-1992 and PRODIST (procedures to delivery energy employed by Brazilian`s utilities). The results obtained seek to validate the methodology proposed and furnish a method that can serve as alternative to conventional methods.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of different carbon sources and the carbon/nitrogen ratio (C/N) on the production and main composition of insoluble extracellular polymers (EPS) produced in an anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (ASBBR) with immobilized biomass in polyurethane foam. The yield of EPS was 23.6 mg/g carbon, 13.3 mg/g carbon, 9.0 mg/g carbon and 1.4 mg/g carbon when the reactor was fed with glucose, soybean oil. fat acids, and meat extract, respectively. The yield of EPS decreased from 23.6 to 2.6 mg/g carbon as the C/N ratio was decreased from 13.6 to 3.4 gC/gN, using glucose as carbon source. EPS production was not observed under strict anaerobic conditions. The results suggest that the carbon source, microaerophilic conditions and high C/N ratio favor EPS production in the ASBBR used for wastewater treatment. Cellulose was the main exopolysaccharide observed in all experimental conditions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Rotifera density, biomass, and secondary production on two marginal lakes of Paranapanema River were compared after the recovery of hydrologic connectivity with the river (Sao Paulo State, Brazil). Daily samplings were performed in limnetic zone of both lakes during the rainy season immediately after lateral inflow of water and, in the dry period, six months after hydrologic connectivity recovery. In order to identify the factors that affect rotifer population dynamics, lake water level, volume, depth, temperature, transparency, dissolved oxygen, pH, alkalinity, conductivity, suspended solids, nutrients, and chlorophyll-a were determined. Variations of water physical and chemical factors that affect rotifer population were related to the lake-river degree of connection and to water level rising after drought. The water lateral inflow from the river resulted in an increase in lake water volume, depth, and transparency and a decrease in water pH, alkalinity, and suspended solids. The lake with the wider river connection, more frequent biota exchange, and larger amount of particulate and dissolved materials was richer and more diverse, while rotifer density, biomass, and productivity were lower in both periods studied. Density, biomass, and secondary production were higher in the lake with the smaller river connection and the higher physical and chemical stability. Our results show that the connectivity affects the limnological stability, associated to seasonality. Stable conditions, caused by low connectivity in dry periods, were related with high density, biomass and secondary production. Conversely, instability conditions in rainy periods were associated to elevated richness and diversity values, caused by exchange biota due to higher connectivity. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Carbonation is one of the main concerns for concrete service life in tropical countries. The mechanism and materials that produce it have been widely studied as well as natural and accelerated methods to report and analyze it. In spite of reported investigations, there is a need for information that could allow an adequate interpretation of the results of the standardization process. This lack of information can produce variations not only in the interpretation but also in the predictions of service life. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and discuss variables that could be sources of error, especially when performing accelerated tests. As a result, a methodologies to minimize variations when interpreting and comparing results is proposed, such as specimen geometry and preconditioning, spacing, relative humidity, and CO(2) concentration.
Direct stability analysis and numerical simulations have been employed to identify and characterize secondary instabilities in the wake of the flow around two identical circular cylinders in tandem arrangements. The centre-to-centre separation was varied from 1.2 to 10 cylinder diameters. Four distinct regimes were identified and salient cases chosen to represent the different scenarios observed, and for each configuration detailed results are presented and compared to those obtained for a flow around an isolated cylinder. It was observed that the early stages of the wake transition changes significantly if the separation is smaller than the drag inversion spacing. The onset of the three-dimensional instabilities were calculated and the unstable modes are fully described. In addition, we assessed the nonlinear character of the bifurcations and physical mechanisms are proposed to explain the instabilities. The dependence of the critical Reynolds number on the centre-to-centre separation is also discussed.
Witches` broom is a severe disease of Theobroma cacao L. (cacao), caused by the basidiomycete Moniliophthora perniciosa. The use of resistant cultivars is the ultimate method of control, but there are limited sources of resistance. Further, resistance from the most widely used source (`Scavina 6`) has been overcome after a few years of deployment. New sources of resistance have been intensively searched for in the Amazon basin. Here, we evaluated for witches` broom resistance, cacao accessions from various natural cacao populations originally collected in the Brazilian Amazon. Resistance of 43 families was evaluated under nursery and/or field conditions by artificial or natural infection, respectively, based on disease incidence. Screening for resistance by artificial inoculation under nursery conditions appeared to be efficient in identifying these novel resistance sources, confirmed by natural field evaluation over a nine-year period. The increase in natural field infection of `Scavina 6` was clearly demonstrated. Among the evaluated families with the least witches` broom incidence, there were accessions originally collected from distinct river basins, including the Jamari river (`CAB 0371`; `CAB 0388`; `CAB 0392`; and `CAB 0410`); Acre (`CAB 0169`); Javari (`CAB 0352`); Solimes (`CAB 0270`); and from the Purus river basin, the two most outstanding resistant accessions, `CAB 0208` and `CAB 0214`. The large genetic diversity found in cacao populations occurring at river basins from Acre and Amazonas states, Brazil, increased the chance that the selected resistant accessions would be genetically more dissimilar, and represent distinct sources of resistance to M. perniciosa from `Scavina 6`.