36 resultados para SUB-ARC MANTLE


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Trace element and isotopic data obtained for mantle spinel Iherzolites and diorite dykes from the Baldissero massif (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Western Italy) provide new, valuable constraints on the petrologic and geodynamic evolution of the Southern Alps in Paleozoic to Mesozoic times. Whole rock and mineral chemistry indicates that Baldissero Iherzolites can be regarded as refractory mantle residues following limited melt extraction. In particular, the Light Rare Earth Elements (LREE)-depleted and fractionated compositions of whole rock and clinopyroxene closely match modelling results for refractory residues after low degrees (similar to 4-5%) of near-fractional melting of depleted mantle, possibly under garnet-facies conditions. Following this, the peridotite sequence experienced subsolidus re-equilibration at lithospheric spinel-facies conditions and intrusion of several generations of dykes. However, Iherzolites far from dykes show very modest metasomatic changes, as evidenced by the crystallisation of accessory titanian pargasite and the occurrence of very slight enrichments in highly incompatible trace elements (e.g. Nb). The Re-Os data for Iherzolites far from the dykes yield a 376 Ma (Upper Devonian) model age that is considered to record a partial melting event related to the Variscan orogenic cycle s.l. Dioritic dykes cutting the mantle sequence have whole rock, clinopyroxene and plagioclase characterised by high radiogenic Nd and low radiogenic Sr, which point to a depleted to slightly enriched mantle source. Whole rock and mafic phases of diorites have high Mg# values that positively correlate with the incompatible trace element concentrations. The peridotite at the dyke contact is enriched in orthopyroxene, iron and incompatible trace elements with respect to the Iherzolites far from dykes. Numerical simulations indicate that the geochemical characteristics of the diorites can be explained by flow of a hydrous, silica-saturated melt accompanied by reaction with the ambient peridotite and fractional crystallisation. The composition of the more primitive melts calculated in equilibrium with the diorite minerals show tholeiitic to transitional affinity. Internal Sm-Nd, three-point isochrons obtained for two dykes suggest an Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic emplacement age (from 204 31 to 198 29 Ma). Mesozoic igneous events are unknown in the southern Ivrea-Verbano Zone (IVZ), but the intrusion of hydrous melts, mostly silica-saturated, have been well documented in the Finero region, i.e. the northernmost part of IVZ and Triassic magmatism with calc-alkaline to shoshonitic affinity is abundant throughout the Central-Eastern Alps. The geochemical and chronological features of the Baldissero diorites shed new light on the geodynamic evolution of the Southern Alps before the opening of the Jurassic Tethys. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Zirconium- and Ba-rich minerals are found in gabbroic rocks from the Ponte Nova alkaline mafic-ultramafic massif in southeastern Brazil. The unusual mineralogical assemblage includes zirconolite, baddeleyite, Ba-rich alkali feldspar, and Ba- and Ti-rich biotite. Zirconolite of the Ponte Nova massif has higher levels of Zr (up to 1.172 apfu) than those registered in other terrestrial rocks and a prominent enrichment in the light rare-earth elements. Baddeleyite contains small quantities of Hf, Ti, and Fe. The Ba-rich alkali feldspar and Ba- and Ti-rich biotite contain up to 9.25 and 7.35 wt% BaO, respectively, and the biotite contains up to 12.01 wt% TiO(2). In the different intrusions of the Ponte Nova massif, such an unusual assemblage typifies the residual magma after the crystallization of clinopyroxene and olivine from previously enriched basanitic parental magma. The different trends of enrichments in REE and Th + U found for zirconolite of the intrusions of the Ponte Nova massif provide a better understanding of the variable degrees of enrichment of incompatible elements of the distinct gabbroic bodies. A lithospheric mantle source enriched in incompatible elements by the metasomatic action of volatile-rich fluids and with the presence of phlogopite or amphibole (or both) and other minor accessory phases could explain the presence of the Zr- and Ba-rich minerals in this gabbroic massif.


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The Amazonian Craton comprises an Archean domain surrounded by four successively younger Proterozoic tectonic provinces. Within the Rio-Negro-Juruena province the Serra da Providencia Intrusive Suite (1.60 and 1.53 Ga) consists of A-type rapakivi granites, charnockites and mangerites genetically associated with diabase dikes, gabbros and amphibolites lites. The original mafic melts were derived from a depleted mantle source (epsilon(Nd(T)) + 2.5 to +2.8; epsilon(Sr(T)) - 12.1). Underplated mafic magma induced melting of a short-lived fielsic crust, thus originating coeval felsic-inafic magmatism in a continental intraplate setting. The Colorado Complex, assigned to the Rondonian-San Ignacio province, comprises 1.35-1.36 Ga intrusive bimodal magmatism represented by monzonite gneisses associated with amphibolite, gabbro and metadiabase dikes intercalated with metasediments with detrital zircon that yield U-Pb ages of 1.35 to 1.42 Ga. Mafic samples display juvenile signatures (epsilon(Nd(T)) 0.0 to +5.2; epsilon(Sr(T)) -5.0 to -30.7) and are less contaminated than the Serra da Previdencia and Nova Brasiladndia ones. The generation of the basaltic magma is related to the subduction of an oceanic slab below the peridotite wedge (intraoceanic arc setting). Fluids and/or small melts from the slab impregnated the mantle. The Nova Brasilandia Sequence (Sunsas-Aguapei province) comprises a metasedimentary sequence intruded by 1.10-1.02 Ga metadiabases, gabbros, meta-gabbros, and amphibolites associated with granitic plutons (bimodal magmatism). The original tholeiitic magmas, derived from a depleted source (epsilon(Nd(T)) = +3.1 to +5.0), in a proto-oceanic setting, underwent subsequent contamination by the host rocks, as indicated by the isotopic and trace element data.


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The Serrinha magmatic suite (Mineiro belt) crops out in the southern edge of the Sao Francisco craton, comprising the Brito quartz-diorite, Brumado de Cima and Brumado de Baixo granodiorites, granophyres and felsic sub-volcanic and volcanic rocks, part of which intruded into the Nazareno greenstone belt. The suite rocks have petrographic features that are consistent with magma supercooling due to the low water content combined with volatile loss, leading to crystallization of quartz and alkaline feldspar at the rims of plagioclase phenocrysts (granophyric intergrowth). The investigated rocks are sub-alkaline, calc-alkaline and show low content in rare earth elements. The U-Pb zircon crystallization ages for the Brumado de Cima granodiorite [2227 +/- 22 (23) Ma] and a coeval granophyre [2211 +/- 22 (23) Ma], coupled with available single-zircon Pb evaporation ages for the Brito and Brumado de Baixo plutons, are significantly older than the ""Minas orogeny"" (ca. 2100-2050 Ga) of Quadrilatero Ferrifero area, eastward from the Serrinha suite. Our data establish an early Rhyacian event tectonically linked with the evolution of the Mineiro belt. The bulk Nd isotopic signature [low negative to positive epsilon(Nd(t)) values] of the Serrinha samples are consistent with the important role of Paleoproterozoic mantle components in the magma genesis. The integrated geologic, geochemical and isotopic information suggests that Paleoproterozoic evolution of the Mineiro belt initiated in a passive continental margin basin with deposition of the Minas Supergroup at ca. 2500 Ma. This stage was succeeded by outboard rupture of the oceanic lithosphere with development and coalescence of progressively younger magmatic arcs during Rhyacian time. One of the earliest arcs formed the Serrinha suite. The tectonic collage of the Serrinha and Ritapolis (2190-2120 Ma) arcs produced the NE-SW Lenheiro shear zone, resulting in mylonitization and recrystallization of both the granitoid intrusions and host rocks. As a matter of fact juxtaposition of distinct magmatic units in age and origin took place along the Lenheiros structure in this sector of the Mineiro belt. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A paleomagnetic study was carried out on the Late Jurassic Sarmiento Ophiolitic Complex (SOC) exposed in the Magallanes fold and thrust belt in the southern Patagonian Andes (southern Chile). This complex, mainly consisting of a thick succession of pillow-lavas, sheeted dikes and gabbros, is a seafloor remnant of the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Rocas Verdes basin that developed along the south-western margin of South America. Stepwise thermal and alternating field demagnetization permitted the isolation of a post-folding characteristic remanence, apparently carried by fine grain (SD?) magnetite, both in the pillow-lavas and dikes. The mean ""in situ"" direction for the SOC is Dec: 286.9 degrees, Inc: -58.5 degrees, alpha-95: 6.9 degrees, N: 11 (sites). Rock magnetic properties, petrography and whole-rock K-Ar ages in the same rocks are interpreted as evidence of correlation between remanence acquisition and a greenschist facies metamorphic overprint that must have occurred during latest stages or after closure and tectonic inversion of the basin in the Late Cretaceous. The mean remanence direction is anomalous relative to the expected Late Cretaceous direction from stable South America. Particularly, a declination anomaly over 50 degrees is suggestively similar to paleomagnetically interpreted counter clockwise rotations found in thrust slices of the Jurassic El Quemado Fm. located over 100 km north of the study area in Argentina. Nevertheless, a significant ccw rotation of the whole SOC is difficult to reconcile with geologic evidence and paleogeographic models that suggest a narrow back-arc basin sub-parallel to the continental margin. A rigid-body 30 degrees westward tilting of the SOC block around a horizontal axis trending NNW, is considered a much simpler explanation, being consistent with geologic evidence. This may have occurred as a consequence of inverse reactivation of old normal faults, which limit both the SOC exposures and the Cordillera Sarmiento to the East. The age of tilting is unknown but it must postdate remanence acquisition in the Late Cretaceous. Two major orogenic events of the southern Patagonian Andes, in the Eocene (ca. 42 Ma) and Middle Miocene (ca. 12 Ma), respectively, could have caused the proposed tilting. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The metamorphosed banded iron formation from the Nogoli Metamorphic Complex of western Sierra de San Luis, Eastern Sierras Pampeanas of Argentina (Nogoli area, 32 degrees 55`S-66 degrees 15`W) is classified as an oxide facies iron formation of Algoma Type, with a tectonic setting possibly associated with an island arc or back arc, on the basis of field mapping, mineral and textural arrangements and whole rock geochemical features. The origin of banded iron formation is mainly related to chemical precipitation of hydrogenous sediments from seawater in oceanic environments. The primary chemical precipitate is a result of solutions that represent mixtures of seawater and hydrothermal fluids, with significant dilution by maficultramafic volcanic and siliciclastic materials. Multi-stage T(DM) model ages of 1670, 1854 and 1939 Ma and positive, mantle-like xi Nd((1502)) values of +3.8, +1.5 and +0.5 from the banded iron formation are around the range of those mafic to ultramafic meta-volcanic rocks of Nogoli Metamorphic Complex, which are between 1679 and 1765 Ma and +2.64 and +3.68, respectively. This Sm and Nd isotopic connection suggests a close genetic relationship between ferruginous and mafic-ultramafic meta-volcanic rocks, as part of the same island arc or back arc setting. A previous Sm-Nd whole rock isochron of similar to 1.5 Ga performed on mafic-ultramafic meta-volcanic rocks led to the interpretation that chemical sedimentation as old as Mesoproterozoic is possible for the banded iron formation. A clockwise P-T path can be inferred for the regional metamorphic evolution of the banded iron formation, with three distinctive trajectories: (1) Relict prograde M(1)-M(3) segment with gradual P and T increase from greenschist facies at M(1) to amphibolite facies at M(3). (2) Peak P-T conditions at high amphibolite-low granulite facies during M(4). (3) Retrograde counterpart of M(4), that returns from amphibolite facies and stabilizes at greenschist facies during M(5). Each trajectory may be regarded as produced by different tectonic events related to the Pampean? (1) and the Famatinian (2 and 3) orogenies, during the Early to Middle Paleozoic. The Nogoli Metamorphic Complex is interpreted as part of a greenstone belt within the large Meso- to Neoproterozoic Pampean Terrane of the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas of Argentina. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.