374 resultados para Rocha sedimentar
Protimesius osvaldoi sp. nov. is described from the Reserva Biológica de Sooretama, state of Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil, being the first record of Stygnidae from this State and the southernmost record of the family in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (hitherto, the family was recorded down to Bahia only), extending in 210 km south of the previously known distribution. This is a large species, with armature of leg IV very reduced and penial morphology differing from the closest counterparts mainly in the ventral plate, which recedes deeply at the lateral borders and has the distal margin curved ventrally and by the presence of two small intermediate setae. Protimesius Roewer, 1913 consisted hitherto of 17 species, recorded from northern/northeastern Brazil and Amazonia of adjacent countries. A key is given for the 17 species of Protimesius for which males are known.
Croton celtidifolius Baill is a tree found in the Atlantic Forest South of Brazil, mainly in Santa Catarina. The bark and leaf infusions of this medicinal plant have been popularly used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. The anti-aggregant activity of C. celtidifolius crude extract (CE) and the column chromatography (CC) isolated compounds flavonoids, catechin and gallocatechin were evaluated in human blood platelets. The platelet-rich plasma (PRP) was incubated with different concentrations of flavonóides (50 - 200 µg/mL) to be tested before platelet aggregation was induced by the agonists adenosine 5'diphosphate (ADP) and collagen. At 200 µg/mL the CE, catechin and gallocatechin markedly inhibited platelet aggregation with the aggregant agents. Using ATP production as an index of platelet secretory capacity, we observed a decreased production of ATP in platelets treated with flavonoids when stimulated by collagen. On the other hand, the flavonoids did not promote inhibitory effect on prothrombin time (PT), thromboplastin time (APTT) and thrombin time (TT). In conclusion, these observations suggest that C. celtidifolius is likely to exert an inhibitory action on platelets in vitro by suppressing secretion and platelet aggregation.
In order to verify the influence of chronic and acute ambient oxygen levels from egg to adult stage of the zebrafish, in vivo oxygen consumption (MO2), critical tensions of oxygen (Pcrit), heart rate (fH) and total body lactate concentration (Lc) were determined for Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822) raised at 28 °C under normoxic (7.5 mgO2.L-1 or 80 mm.Hg-1) and hypoxic conditions (4.3 mgO2.L-1) and exposed to acute hypoxia during different developmental stages. Our findings confirmed that very early stages do not respond effectively to ambient acute hypoxia. However, after the stage corresponding to the age of 30 days, D. rerio was able to respond to acute hypoxia through effective physiological mechanisms involving aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. Such responses were more efficient for the fishes reared under hypoxia which showed that D. rerio survival capability increased during acclimation to mild hypoxia. Measurements of body mass and length showed that moderate hypoxia did not affect growth significantly until the fish reached the stage of 60 days. Moreover, a growth delay was verified for the hypoxic-reared animals. Also, the D. rerio eggs-to-larvae survival varied from 87.7 to 62.4% in animals reared under normoxia and mild hypoxia, respectively. However, the surviving animals raised under moderated hypoxia showed a better aptitude to regulate aerobic and anaerobic capacities when exposed to acute hypoxia.
Este trabalho expõe uma dedução da intensidade da luz espalhada por pequenas partículas na atmosfera, o que explica o porquê do azul do céu e o vermelho do pôr-do-sol. Mostramos, também, uma experiência bem simples, sobre os temas abordados, que foi elaborada com o intuito de aplicar a alunos do Ensino Médio
This paper examines the role of parent rock, pedogenetic processes and airborne pollution in heavy metal accumulation in soils from a remote oceanic island, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil. We studied five soil profiles developed from different volcanic rocks. Mineralogical composition and total concentrations of major and trace elements were determined in 43 samples. The obtained concentrations range for heavy metals were: Co: 26-261 ppm; Cu: 35-97 ppm; Cr: 350-1446 ppm; Ni: 114-691 ppm; Zn: 101-374 ppm; Hg: 2-150 ppb. The composition of soils is strongly affected by the geochemical character of the parent rock. Pedogenesis appears to be responsible for the accumulation of Zn, Co, and, to a lesser extent, of Ni and Cu, in the upper, Mn- and organic carbon-enriched horizons of the soil profiles. Pedogenic influence may also explain the relationship observed between Cr and the Fe. Hg is likely to have been added to the soil profile by long-range atmospheric transport. Its accumulation in the topsoil was further favoured by the formation of stable complexes with organic matter. Clay minerals do not appear to play an important role in the fixation of heavy metals.
Absolute dating methods have been used in chronological studies of geological processes and sedimentary units of Quaternary age in Central Amazonia, Brazil. Although radiocarbon dating has been very useful in archaeological research and soil studies, the temporal interval of this method is inefficient in evaluating the sedimentation aspects and geological events from the beginning of the Quaternary in the Amazon basin. The use of crystal luminescence dating has been one of the most promising tool for determining the absolute dating of Quaternary deposits in the Amazonian region. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, following the MAR and SAR protocols, in a tectonic-sedimentary study of Quaternary fluvial deposits in the confluence area of the Negro and Solimões rivers, indicated ages from 1.3 (Holocene) to about 67.4 kyears (Late Pleistocene) for these sediments. Low radioactive isotope concentrations were found about 2ppm for 235U and 238U; 5ppm for 232Th; and the 40K concentrations were almost zero. A comparison was made between MAR and SAR protocols taking into account the fluvial depositional process.
Os isótopos estáveis de O, H e S foram utilizados para investigar a origem das rochas magmáticas nos Terrenos Jauru e Pontes e Lacerda do SW do Craton Amazônico, estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. No Terreno Jauru as rochas granitóides do Greenstone belt Alto Jauru e da Suíte Cachoeirinha apresentam valores de δ18O entre +9,0‰ e +6,3‰ que indicam derivação a partir de magmas juvenis. Na Suíte Intrusiva Rio Branco valores de δ18O para rochas básicas estão entre +5,4‰ e +5,8‰ e para rochas félsicas entre +8,7‰ e +9,0‰; rochas intermediárias apresentam valores entre +7,3‰ e +8,3‰. Os valores mais baixos de δ18O, obtidos nas rochas básicas, são compatíveis com derivação mantélica, porém as rochas félsicas apresentam valores de δ18O compatíveis com origem crustais. Análises de isótopos estáveis de H (rocha total) forneceram valores de δD entre - 83‰ e -92‰, diferente das assinaturas de rochas metamórficas e de águas meteóricas. Resultados em sulfetos para isótopos estáveis de S em rochas básicas e intermediárias desta suíte apresentam valores de δ34S coerentes com uma fonte mantélica (entre + 0,7‰ e +3,8‰), enquanto os valores de δ34S (entre +5,2‰ e +6,1‰) obtidos nas rochas félsicas sugerem participação crustal na sua gênese. Na Suíte Santa Helena (Terreno Pontes e Lacerda) os resultados obtidos para δ18O se agrupam entre +4,4‰ e +8,9‰ indicando uma origem mantélica. O presente estudo confirma a importância da aplicação de isótopos estáveis para a compreensão de processos magmáticos e evolução crustal.
This work presents a study of selected outcrops from the Pedra das Torrinhas Formation of the Guaritas Group (Cambrian, Camaquã Basin), near the basin bordering Encantadas Fault Zone. The studied succession includes alluvial fan deposits that pass laterally into eolian deposits. Sedimentary facies and architectural element analysis were performed, followed by sedimentary petrography and microscopic porosity analysis, aiming to characterize the porosity of the deposits and its spatial distribution. The main objective was to contribute to a better understanding of the porosity spatial distribution in depositional systems characterized by the interaction between alluvial and eolian processes, with special reference to deposits formed prior to the development of terrestrial plants. Porosity values are related to depositional processes, with higher porosities associated to eolian dune deposits (mean of 8.4%), and lower porosity related to interdunes (mean of 3.4%) and alluvial fans (mean of 4.3%). Architectural elements analysis revealed the spatial relationships of these deposits, a response to the interplay of the eolian and alluvial processes. The integration of porosity data reveals that the interaction of alluvial and eolian processes results in heterogeneous distribution of porosity at the facies association scale. Eolian reworking of alluvial facies increases porosity whereas sheet-flood and other alluvial processes in the interdune areas reduce porosity.
Tidal processes were important for deposition of the Barreiras Formation located in northern Brazil, while correlatable deposits in northeastern Brazil have been traditionally related to continental environments. Facies analysis in southern Alagoas revealed that the Barreiras Formation consists of cross-stratified conglomerates and sandstones (facies Sx and Cgx), compound cross-stratified sandstones (facies Cx), and heterolithic beddings (facies H). A significant portion of these deposits occurs within channel morphologies displaying fining and thinning upward successions. An abundance of sedimentary features is comparable to those from the northern Brazilian counterpart. These include: tidal bundles; herringbone cross-stratification; heterolithic beddings with sandstone and mudstone beds in sharp contacts; and ichnofossils mostly consisting of Ophiomorpha nodosa, Skolithos and Planolites. Altogether, these features point to a marginal marine depositional setting dominated by tidal processes, which are related to an estuarine system, an interpretation also provided for the Barreiras Formation in northern Brazil. The widespread occurrence of deposits with unambiguous evidence of tidal processes in the Barreiras Formation of northern Brazil, and now in the State of Alagoas, leads to argue that the early/middle Miocene worldwide marine transgression might have left a much more widespread sedimentary record along the Brazilian coast than currently regarded.
Stevia rebaudiana, a South American plant normally used as a natural herbal sweetener, has been suggested as exerting beneficial effects on human health, including as an antihypertensive and antihyperglycemic. The present experiment was undertaken to evaluate the renal excretion of steviol, the aglycone of several natural products extracted from the leaves of S. rebaudiana, and to clarify the actual participation of this compound on the renal excretion of glucose in rats, which has been previously suggested as the preferential action of steviol on the Na+-glucose renal tubular transport system. Steviol was obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of stevioside with pectinase. Thirty normal male Wistar rats weighing 345 g were used. After a control period, steviol was infused iv at three doses (0.5, 1.0 and 3.0 mg.kg-1/h), according to classical clearance techniques. During all the experiments no significant changes in inulin clearance (Cin) and p-aminohipuric acid clearance (C PAH) were observed. Administration of steviol resulted in a statistically significant increase in the fractional sodium excretion (FeNa+), fractional potassium excretion (FeK+), urinary flow as percent of glomerular filtration rate (V/GFR) and glucose clearance (C G) when compared to controls, but these effects were absent with the dose of 0.5 mg.kg-1/h. The steviol clearance (C S) was higher than the Cin and lower than the C PAH at all the doses employed in this study. The data suggest that steviol is secreted by renal tubular epithelium, causing diuresis, natriuresis, kaliuresis and a fall in renal tubular reabsorption of glucose.
PURPOSE: Compare parents' reports of youth problems (PRYP) with adolescent problems self-reports (APSR) pre/post behavioral treatment of nocturnal enuresis (NE) based on the use of a urine alarm. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Adolescents (N = 19) with mono-symptomatic (primary or secondary) nocturnal enuresis group treatment for 40 weeks. Discharge criterion was established as 8 weeks with consecutive dry nights. PRYP and APSR were scored by the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and Youth Self-Report (YSR). RESULTS: Pre-treatment data: 1) Higher number of clinical cases based on parent report than on self-report for Internalizing Problems (IP) (13/19 vs. 4/19), Externalizing Problems (EP) (7/19 vs. 5/19) and Total Problem (TP) (11/19 vs. 5/19); 2) Mean PRYP scores for IP (60.8) and TP (61) were within the deviant range (T score ≥ 60); while mean PRYP scores for EP (57.4) and mean APSR scores (IP = 52.4, EP = 49.5, TP = 52.4) were within the normal range. Difference between PRYP' and APSR' scores was significant. Post treatment data: 1) Discharge for majority of the participants (16/19); 2) Reduction in the number of clinical cases on parental evaluation: 9/19 adolescents remained within clinical range for IP, 2/19 for EP, and 7/19 for TP. 3) All post-treatment mean scores were within the normal range; the difference between pre and post evaluation scores was significant for PRYP. CONCLUSIONS: The behavioral treatment based on the use of urine alarm is effective for adolescents with mono-symptomatic (primary and secondary) nocturnal enuresis. The study favors the hypothesis that enuresis is a cause, not a consequence, of other behavioral problems.
O objetivo do estudo foi investigar o efeito do tratamento para enurese sobre os escores de outros problemas de comportamento. Foram coletadas as informações de 97 prontuários de crianças e adolescentes atendidos no período de 2002 a 2006 em uma clínica-escola de psicologia, em programa específico para enurese com uso do alarme de urina. Os dados sobre problemas de comportamento foram avaliados por meio do Child Behavior Checklist, respondido pelas mães antes e depois do tratamento. Foi encontrada uma redução significativa nos escores de problemas de comportamento, independentemente do sucesso ou não no tratamento para enurese.
Modelos teóricos inspirados na teoria da história de vida têm avaliado padrões de reprodução humanos em países desenvolvidos, com resultados ainda não conclusivos. Em vista das condições de vida na população brasileira, foram investigadas relações entre marcos da carreira reprodutiva feminina, condições ambientais e variáveis psicossociais relacionadas às condições de criação. Foram entrevistadas 606 mulheres em seis estados. Os resultados apóiam a teoria da história de vida, mostrando associações entre condições de vida na infância e início da vida sexual e da reprodução, mas não com a idade da menarca. Sugerimos que diferentes marcadores da vida reprodutiva podem estar sob controle de diferentes fenômenos e que a diversidade de condições da população brasileira oferece contextos alternativos para testar hipóteses.
This paper reports a study of electrochemical degradation of the chloramphenicol antibiotic in aqueous medium using a flow-by reactor with DSA® anode. The process efficiency was monitored by chloramphenicol concentration analysis with liquid chromatography (HPLC) during the experiments. Analysis of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) was performed to estimate the degradation degree and Ion Chromatography (IC) was performed to determinate inorganic ions formed during the eletrochemical degradation process. In electrochemical flow-by reactor, 52% of chloramphenicol was degraded, with 12% TOC reduction. IC analysis showed the production of chloride ions (25 mg L-1), nitrate ions (6 mg L-1) and nitrite ions (4.5 mg L-1).
INTRODUÇÃO: A dengue é causa de preocupação em países como o Brasil. OBJETIVO: Verificar a soropositividade dos pacientes do ambulatório de especialidades do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) para anticorpos antidengue, relacionando os resultados com os dados sociodemográficos. METODOLOGIA: Foram respondidos 184 questionários de avaliação sociodemográfica e de conhecimento sobre a transmissão da dengue. Foi utilizado o método de imunoensaio enzimático (ELISA) para pesquisar imunoglobulina da classe M (IgM) e da classe G (IgG) contra os vírus. RESULTADOS: Quinze por cento dos pacientes apresentaram IgG contra o vírus, sem a presença de IgM. CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes demonstraram conhecimento sobre a doença e sua prevenção, independentemente da classe econômica. A infecção assintomática deve ser avaliada, principalmente nos casos de doença febril.