79 resultados para Plastic injection
Although a new protocol of dobutamine stress echocardiography with the early injection of atropine (EA-DSE) has been demonstrated to be useful in reducing adverse effects and increasing the number of effective tests and to have similar accuracy for detecting coronary artery disease (CAD) compared with conventional protocols, no data exist regarding its ability to predict long-term events. The aim of this study was to determine the prognostic value of EA-DSE and the effects of the long-term use of beta blockers on it. A retrospective evaluation of 844 patients who underwent EA-DSE for known or suspected CAD was performed; 309 (37%) were receiving beta blockers. During a median follow-up period of 24 months, 102 events (12%) occurred. On univariate analysis, predictors of events were the ejection fraction (p <0.001), male gender (p <0.001), previous myocardial infarction (p <0.001), angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor therapy (p = 0.021), calcium channel blocker therapy (p = 0.034), and abnormal results on EA-DSE (p <0.001). On multivariate analysis, the independent predictors of events were male gender (relative risk [RR] 1.78, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.13 to 2.81, p = 0.013) and abnormal results on EA-DSE (RR 4.45, 95% CI 2.84 to 7.01, p <0.0001). Normal results on EA-DSE with P blockers were associated with a nonsignificant higher incidence of events than normal results on EA-DSE without beta blockers (RR 1.29, 95% CI 0.58 to 2.87, p = 0.54). Abnormal results on EA-DSE with beta blockers had an RR of 4.97 (95% CI 2.79 to 8.87, p <0.001) compared with normal results, while abnormal results on EA-DSE without beta blockers had an RR of 5.96 (95% CI 3.41 to 10.44, p <0.001) for events, with no difference between groups (p = 0.36). In conclusion, the detection of fixed or inducible wall motion abnormalities during EA-DSE was an independent predictor of long-term events in patients with known or suspected CAD. The prognostic value of EA-DSE was not affected by the long-term use of beta blockers. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (Am J Cardiol 2008;102:1291-1295)
Aims: We evaluated the effect of botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) injections in the trigone on the antireflux mechanism and evaluated its short-term efficacy. Materials and Methods: Between April and December 2006, 21 patients (10 men and 11 women) were prospectively evaluated. All were incontinent due to refractory NDO and underwent detrusor injection of 300 units of BTX-A, including 50 units into the trigone. Baseline and postoperative evaluation after eight weeks included cystogram, urinary tract ultrasound and urodynamics. Results: At baseline, 20 patients had no vesicoureteral (VUR) and one had grade II unilateral VUR. Postoperative evaluation revealed no cases of de novo VUR and the patient with preinjection VUR had complete resolution of the reflux. Ultrasound showed 5 (23.8%) patients with hydronephrosis before BTX-A injection and only one (4.8%) at the followup evaluation (p=0.066). After treatment, 9 (42.8%) patients became dry, 11 (52.4%) were improved and one (4.8%) had no improvement. Improved patients received antimuscarinic treatment and 8 (38.1%) became dry, with a final total continence rate of 80.1%. Cystometric capacity increased from 271 +/- 92 to 390 +/- 1189 ml (p = 0.002), reflex volume varied from 241 +/- 96 to 323 +/- 201 ml (p = 0.020) and maximum detrusor pressure reduced from 66 +/- 39 to 38 +/- 37 cm H2O (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Our results confirm the safety of trigone injections of BTX-A in terms of development of VUR and upper urinary tract damage. Whether they are beneficial for patients with NDO or other causes of voiding dysfunction will need further studies.
The effect of intra-bone injection of differentiated rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMMSCs) into the femur of osteoporotic female rats was studied. Osteoporosis was induced in Wistar female rats by bilateral ovariectomy. Then, 0.75 million BMMSCs isolated from healthy rats were injected into the femurs of osteoporotic rats. Histomorphometric analysis and histology clearly revealed improvements in the treated group as compared to untreated group. In 2 months, the femurs of treated rats, unlike untreated rats, showed trabecular bone percentage almost similar to the femurs from control healthy rats. To confirm the origin of newly formed bone, the experiment was repeated with BMMSCs isolated from green fluorescent protein transgenic rats. Confocal microscopy demonstrated green fluorescent protein-positive cells at the surface of trabecular bone of the treated rats. We investigated in vitro osteogenic differentiation of BMMSCs isolated from osteoporotic rats by studying alkaline phosphatase activity, collagen synthesis, and the ability to form mineralized nodules. Osteoporotic BMMSCs showed less differentiation capabilities as compared to those isolated from healthy rats. The results clearly demonstrated the importance of BMMSCs in osteoporosis and that the disease can be treated by injection of BMMSCs.
Background: During the past 15 years, polymethylmethacrylate has been used as a synthetic permanent filler for soft-tissue augmentation. Methods: This. article reports 32 cases of complications seen at Hospital das Clinicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo, for procedures performed elsewhere. Results: The average age of the patients was 43.6 years (range, 22 to 70 years). Twenty-five patients were women. Sixteen injection procedures were performed by certified plastic surgeons, nine by dermatologists, two by urologists, and one by a nonphysician. Complications were classified into five groups according to main presentation as follows: tissue necrosis (five cases), an acute complication that can be related to technical mistakes but that can also be dependent on patient factors or caused by local infection; granuloma (10 cases), which usually presents as a subacute complication 6 to 12 months after the procedure; chronic inflammatory reactions (10 cases), which usually occur years later and can be related to a triggering event, Such as another operation or infection in the area that was injected (these reactions are immunogenic in origin and may have cyclic periods of activation and remission); chronic inflammatory reaction in the lips (six cases), which may be present with severe symptoms, especially with lymphedema, because of mobility of the lip; and infections (one case), which are rare but possible complications after filling procedures. Conclusions: Polymethylmethacrylate filler complications, despite being rare, are often permanent and difficult or even impossible to treat. Safety guidelines should be observed when considering use of polymethylmethacrylate for augmentation.
Introduction and objectives: Recurrent transplant pyelonephritis (RTP) secondary to vesico-ureteral reflux (VUR) to the transplant kidney (KTx) remains a significant cause of infectious complications with impact on patient and graft outcomes. Our objective was to verify the safety and efficacy of transurethral injection of Durasphere (R) to relieve RTP secondary to VUR after renal transplantation. Patients and methods: Between June 2004 and July 2008, eight patients with RTP (defined as two or more episodes of pyelonephritis after transplantation) and VUR to the KTx were treated with subureteral injections of Durasphere (R). The mean age at surgery was 38.8 +/- 13.8 yr (23-65). The patients were followed regularly every six months. The mean interval between the KTx and the treatment was 76 +/- 74.1 (10-238 months). The mean follow-up was 22.3 +/- 16.1 months (8-57 months). Results: Six patients (75%) were free of pyelonephritis during a mean period of follow-up of 23.2 +/- 17.1 months (8-57 months). Two of them had no VUR and four cases presented with G II VUR (pre-operative G IV three cases and one case G III). In one case, symptomatic recurrent cystitis made a second treatment necessary. This patient remained free of infections for three yr after the first treatment and for 18 months after the second treatment. Of the remaining two patients, one had six episodes of RTP before treatment in a period of three yr and only two episodes after treatment in two yr of follow-up. The last case had a new episode of pyelonephritis five months after treatment. Conclusions: Transurethral injection therapy with Durasphere (R) is a safe and effective minimally invasive treatment option for KTx patients with recurrent RTP. A second treatment seems to be necessary in some cases.
The search for an ideal filler for soft tissue augmentation still continues. Because aging changes are continuous, temporary fillers should be preferred against permanent ones. Since 1999, the poly-L-lactic acid filler (PLA) has been marketed in Europe as Newfill. As a synthetic biocompatible polymer, PLA originally was used in suture materials and screws. In 2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved PLA under the name of Sculptra for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus-related facial lipoatrophy. This study aimed to evaluate a 3-year follow-up investigation into the effect of PLA implant injection for the treatment of sunken nasolabial folds. Between October 2003 and February 2004, 10 women with a median age of 54 years (range, 43-60 years) were injected with polylactic acid hydrogel (Newfill) in the nasolabial fold area for aesthetic reasons. All the patients underwent three injections: one injection per month for 3 months. Evaluation of the results based on clinical examination and photography was performed at each session, at 6 months, and then 36 months after the third session. Injectable PLA was able to correct nasolabial folds successfully with a more lasting result than absorbable fillers commonly used in clinical practice, such as hyaluronic acid and collagen. Careful and standardized photographic documentation is indispensable.
Stem cells (SC) are potential therapeutic tools in the treatment of chronic renal diseases. Number and engraftment of SC in the injured sites are important for possible differentiation into renal cells and paracrine effect. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of subcapsular injection of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in the 5/6 nephrectomy model (5/6 Nx). MSC obtained from Wistar rats were isolated by their capacity to adhere to plastic surfaces, characterized by flow cytometry, and analyzed by their differentiation potential into osteoblasts. MSC (2 X 105) were injected into the subcapsule of the remnant kidney of male Wistar rats, and were followed for 15 or 30 days. 5/6 Nx rats showed significant hypertension at 15 and 30 days, which was reduced by MSC at 30 days. Increased albuminuria and serum creatinine at 15 and 30 days in 5/6 Nx rats were also reduced by subcapsular injection of MSC. We also observed a significant reduction of glomerulosclerosis index 30 days after injection of MSC. 4-6 diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride (DAPI)-stained MSC showed a migration of these cells into renal parenchyma 5, 15, and 30 days after subcapsular injection. In conclusion, our data demonstrated that subcapsular injection of MSC in 5/6 Nx rats is associated with renoprotective effects. These results suggest that locally implanted MSC in the kidney allow a large number of cells to migrate into the injured sites and demonstrate that subcapsular injection represent an effective route for MSC delivery.
Objective. Previously we showed that after intravenous injection a lipidic nanoemulsion concentrates in breast carcinoma tissue and other solid tumors and may carry drugs directed against neoplastic tissues. Use of the nanoemulsion decreases toxicity of the chemotherapeutic agents without decreasing the anticancer action. Currently, the hypothesis was tested whether the nanoemulsion concentrates in breast carcinoma tissue after locoregional injection. Methods. Three different techniques of injection of the nanoemulsion were tested in patients scheduled for surgical treatment: G1 (n=4) into the mammary tissue 5 cm away from the tumor; G2 (n=4) into the peritumoral mammary tissue; G3 (n=6) into the tumoral tissue. The nanoemulsion labeled with radioactive cholesteryl oleate was injected 12 h before surgery; plasma decay of the label was determined from blood samples collected over 24 h and the tissue fragments excised during the surgery were analyzed for radioactivity uptake. Results. Among the three nanoemulsion injection techniques, G3 showed the greatest uptake (data expressed in c.p.m/g of tissue) by the tumor (44,769 +/- 54,749) and by the lymph node (2356 +/- 2966), as well as the greatest concentration in tumor compared to normal tissue (844 +/- 1673). In G1 and G2, uptakes were, respectively, tumor: 60 +/- 71 and 843 +/- 1526; lymph node: 263 +/- 375 and 102 +/- 74; normal tissue: 139 +/- 102 and 217 +/- 413. Conclusions. Therefore, with intralesional injection of the nanoemulsion, a great concentration effect can be achieved. This injection technique may be thus a promising approach for drug-targeting in neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer treatment. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Inc.
Background: Myocardial infarction remains as a major cause of mortality worldwide and a high rate of survivors develop heart failure as a sequel, resulting in a high morbidity and elevated expenditures for health system resources. We have designed a multicenter trial to test for the efficacy of autologous bone marrow (ABM) mononuclear cell (MC) transplantation in this subgroup of patients. The main hypothesis to be tested is that treated patients will have a significantly higher ejection fraction (EF) improvement after 6 months than controls. Methods: A sample of 300 patients admitted with ST elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI) and left ventricle (LV) systolic dysfunction, and submitted to successful mechanical or chemical recanalization of the infarct-related coronary artery will be selected for inclusion and randomized to either treated or control group in a double blind manner. The former group will receive 100 x 106 MC suspended in saline with 5% autologous serum in the culprit vessel, while the latter will receive placebo (saline with 5% autologous serum). Implications: Many phase I/II clinical trials using cell therapy for STEMI have been reported, demonstrating that cell transplantation is safe and may lead to better preserved LV function. Patients with high risk to develop systolic dysfunction have the potential to benefit more. Larger randomized, double blind and controlled trials to test for the efficacy of cell therapies in patients with high risk for developing heart failure are required.
Background. This study aimed to evaluate manometric parameters that may explain improvement in anal incontinence using a silicone bulking agent. Methods. Incontinent patients having internal sphincter defects were prospectively selected and injected with a silicone bulking agent. Manometry and endoanal ultrasound were performed before and 3 months after injections. Twenty continent healthy volunteers were used only for manometric comparison. Results. Thirty-five patients (28 females; mean age 60.3 years) and 20 controls entered this study. Patients had lower resting and squeeze pressures compared with controls (P<.05). Length of the high-pressure zone increased from 1 to 1.7 cm postinjection (P=.002). Asymmetry index showed a significant change postinjection (P<.001). Conclusion. Despite considerable clinical improvement, no significant increase in manometric pressures was noted posttreatment. There was significant improvement in both high-pressure zone and asymmetry index, and these findings may explain the mechanism of action of the bulking agent injected.
Objectives: Injectable corticosteroids have been used in phonosurgery to prevent scarring of the vocal fold because of their effects of wound healing, and to ensure better voice quality. We histologically evaluated the effects of dexamethasone sodium phosphate infiltration on acute vocal fold wound healing in rabbits 3 and 7 days after surgically induced injury by quantification of the inflammatory reaction and collagen deposition. Methods: A standardized surgical incision was made in the vocal folds of 12 rabbits, and 0.1 mL dexamethasone sodium phosphate (4 mg/mL) was injected into the left vocal fold. The right vocal fold was not injected and served as the control. The larynges were collected 3 and 7 days after surgery. For histologic analysis, the vocal folds were stained with hematoxylin-eosin for quantification of the inflammatory response and with picrosirius red for qunatification of collagen depostion. Results: There was no quantitative difference in the inflammatory response between vocal folds injected with the corticosteroid and control vocal folds. However, the rate of collage deposition was significantly lower in the corticosteroid-treated group at 3 and 7 days after injury (p = 0.002). Conclusions: The present results suggest that dexamethasone reduces collagen depostion during acute vocal fold wound healing.
Background and Aims: Submucosal injection of a viscoelastic solution prolongs submucosal lift, thus, facilitating endoscopic mucosal resection. Our objective was to assess the safety and clinical effectiveness of 0.4% hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) as a submucosal injectant for endoscopic mucosal resection. Patients and Methods: A prospective, open-label, multicenter, phase 2 study was conducted at 2 academic institutions in Brazil. Eligible participants included patients with early gastrointestinal tumors larger than 10 mm. Outcomes evaluated included complete resection rates, volume of HPMC injected, duration of the submucosal cushion as assessed visually, histology of the resected leisons, and complication rates. Results: Over a 12-month period, 36 eligible patients with superficial neoplastic lesions (stomach 14, colon 11, rectum 5, esophagus 3, duodenum 3) were prospectively enrolled in the study. The mean size of the resected specimen was 20.4 mm (10 to 60 mm). The mean volume of 0.4% HPMC injected was 10.7 mL (range 4 to 35 mL). The mean duration of the submucosal fluid cushion was 27 minutes (range 9 to 70 min). Complete resection was successfully completed in 89%. Five patients (14%) developed immediate bleeding requiring endoclip and APC application. Esophageal perforation occurred in 1 patient requiring surgical intervention. There were no local or systemic adverse events related to HPMC use over the follow-up period (mean 2.2 mo). Conclusion: HPMC solution (0.4%) provides an effective submucosal fluid cushion and is safe for endoscopic resection of early gastrointestinal neoplastic lesions.
Aim To compare morphometric data of the eyelid fissure and the levator muscle function (LF) before and up to 6 months after transcutaneous injection with five units of Botox (R) in patients with upper lid retraction (ULR) from congestive or fibrotic thyroid eye disease (TED). Methods Twenty-four patients with ULR from TED were submitted to transcutaneous injection of 5 units (0.1 ml) of Botox in one eye only. Patients were divided into two groups: 12 with congestive-stage TED (CG), and 12 with fibrotic-stage TED (FG). Bilateral lid fissure measurements using digital imaging and computer-aided analysis were taken at baseline and at regular intervals 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months after unilateral Botox injection. Mean values taken at different follow-up points were compared for the two groups. Results Most patients experienced marked improvement in ULR, with a mean reduction of 3.81 mm in FG and 3.05 mm in CG. The upper eyelid margin reflex distance, fissure height and total area of exposed interpalpebral fissure were significantly smaller during 1 month in CG and during 3 months in FG. Reduction in LF and in the difference between lateral and medial lid fissure measurements was observed in both groups. The treatment lasted significantly longer in FG than in CG. Conclusions A single 5-unit Botox injection improved ULR, reduced LF and produced an adequate lid contour in patients with congestive or fibrotic TED. The effect lasts longer in patients with fibrotic orbitopathy than in patients with congestive orbitopathy.
A shift in the activation of pulmonary macrophages characterized by an increase of IL-1, INF-alpha and IL-6 production has been induced in mice infected with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. It is still unclear whether a functional shift in the resident alveolar macrophage population would be responsible for these observations due to the expression of cell surface molecules. We investigated pulmonary macrophages by flow cytometry from mice treated with P. brasiliensis derivatives by intratracheal route. In vivo labeling with the dye PKH26GL was applied to characterize newly recruited pulmonary macrophages from the bloodstream. Pulmonary macrophages from mice inflamed with P. brasiliensis derivatives showed a high expression of the surface antigens CD11b/CD18 and CD23 among several cellular markers. The expression of these markers indicated a pattern of activation of a subpopulation characterized as CD11b(+) or CD23(+), which was modulated in vitro by IFN-gamma and IL-4. Analysis of monocytes labelled with PKH26GL demonstrated that CD11b(+) cells did infiltrate the lung exhibiting a proinflammatoni pattern of activation, whereas CD23(+) cells were considered to be resident in the lung. These findings may contribute to better understand the pathology of lung inflammation caused by P. brasiliensis infection. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Early Alzheimer`s disease (AD) pathophysiology is characterized by synaptic changes induced by degradation products of amyloid precursor protein (APP). The exact mechanisms of such modulation are unknown. Here, we report that nanomolar concentrations of intraaxonal oligomeric (o)A beta 42, but not oA beta 40 or extracellular oA beta 42, acutely inhibited synaptic transmission at the squid giant synapse. Further characterization of this phenotype demonstrated that presynaptic calcium currents were unaffected. However, electron microscopy experiments revealed diminished docked synaptic vesicles in oA beta 42-microinjected terminals, without affecting clathrin-coated vesicles. The molecular events of this modulation involved casein kinase 2 and the synaptic vesicle rapid endocytosis pathway. These findings open the possibility of a new therapeutic target aimed at ameliorating synaptic dysfunction in AD.