47 resultados para Nucleus of the solitary tract


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Chicken (Gallus gallus) brains were used to investigate the typology and the immunolabel pattern for the subunits composing the AMPA-type glutamate receptors (GluR) of hindbrain neurons of the dorsal (dND) and ventral nuclei (vND) of the Deiter`s vestibular complex (CD), which is the avian correspondent of the lateral vestibular nucleus (LVN) of mammals. Our results revealed that neurons of both divisions were poor in GluR1. The vND, the GluR2/3+ and GluR4+ label presented no area or neuronal size preference, although most neurons were around 75%. The dND neurons expressing GluR2/3 are primarily around 85%, medium to large-sized 85%, and predominantly 60% located in the medial portion of the rostral pole and in the lateral portion of the caudal pole. The majority of dND neurons containing GluR4 are also around 75%, larger (70% are large and giant), exhibiting a distribution that seems to be complementary to that of GluR2/3+ neurons. This distinct arrangement indicates functional differences into and between the DC nuclei, also signaling that such variation could be attributed to the diverse nature of the subunit composition of the GluRs. Discussion addresses the morphological and functional correlation of the avian DC with the LVN of mammals in addition to the high morphological correspondence, To include these data into the modern comparative approach we propose to adopt a similar nomenclature for the avian divisions dND and vND that could be referred as dLVN and vLVN. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Redox processes associated with controlled generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by NADPH oxidase (Nox) add an essential level of regulation to signaling pathways underlying physiological processes. We evaluated the ROS generation in the main visual relays of the mammalian brain, namely the superior colliculus (SC) and the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (DLG), after ocular enucleation in adult rats. Dihydroethidium (DHE) oxidation revealed increased ROS generation in SC and DLG between 1 and 30 days postlesion. ROS generation was decreased by the Nox inhibitors diphenyleneiodonium chloride (DPI) and apocynin. Real-time PCR results revealed that Nox 2 was upregulated in both retinorecipient structures after deafferentation, whereas Nox 1 and Nox 4 were upregulated only in the SC. To evaluate the role of ROS in structural remodeling after the lesions, apocynin was given to enucleated rats and immunohistochemistry was conducted for markers of neuronal remodeling into SC and DLG. Immunohistochemical data showed that ocular enucleation produces an increase of neurofilament and microtubule-associated protein-2 immunostaining in both SC and DLG, which was markedly attenuated by apocynin treatment. Taken together, the findings of the present study suggest a novel role for Nox-induced ROS signaling in mediating neuronal remodeling in visual areas after ocular enucleation. (C) 2010 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Previous studies from our laboratory have documented that the medial hypothalamic defensive system is critically involved in processing actual and contextual predatory threats, and that the dorsal premammillary nucleus (PMd) represents the hypothalamic site most responsive to predatory threats. Anatomical findings suggest that the PMd is in a position to modulate memory processing through a projecting branch to specific thalamic nuclei, i.e., the nucleus reuniens (RE) and the ventral part of the anteromedial nucleus (AMv). In the present study, we investigated the role of these thalamic targets in both unconditioned (i.e., fear responses to predatory threat) and conditioned (i.e., contextual responses to predator-related cues) defensive behaviors. During cat exposure, all experimental groups exhibited intense defensive responses with the animals spending most of the time in the home cage displaying freezing behavior. However, during exposure to the environment previously associated with a cat, the animals with combined RE + AMv lesions, and to a lesser degree, animals with single AMv unilateral lesions, but not animals with single RE lesions, presented a reduction of contextual conditioned defensive responses. Overall, the present results provide clear evidence suggesting that the PMd`s main thalamic targets (i.e., the nucleus reuniens and the AMv) seem to be critically involved in the emotional memory processing related to predator cues. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The intestinal tract is a peculiar environment due to its constant contact with the microbiota agents, food antigens and other molecules. Such exposure requires the establishment of important regulatory mechanisms in order to avoid inflammatory response and self aggression. In this context, the GALT plays a very relevant role due to the presence of several different cellular populations which are the main players in this phenomenon. Moreover, it was described a while ago that the oral ingestion of a given molecule is able to induce systemic tolerance to the same molecule when it is used as an immunogen by parenteral route, known as oral tolerance. This observation led researches to use these mechanisms to induce tolerance against cognate antigens of different autoimmune diseases. In this context, in this review we focused on several tolerance inducing mechanisms which are relevant not only for the maintenance of intestinal tract but also for the suppression of T effector cells, such as Th1, Th2 and the newly described Th17 cells. To name a few, CD103(+) dendritic cells, Tr1 cells derived IL-10 secretion, Foxp3 conversion and CD4(+)LAP(+) regulatory cells induction are among the recently described features of the tolerogenic environment of the intestinal tract. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The prefrontal cortex (PFC) receives strong inputs from monoaminergic cell groups in the brainstem and also sends projections to these nuclei. Recent evidence suggests that the PFC exerts a powerful top-down control over the dorsal raphe nucleus (DR) and that it may be involved in the actions of pharmaceutical drugs and drugs of abuse. In the light of these findings, the precise origin of prefrontal inputs to DR was presently investigated by using the cholera toxin subunit b (CTb) as retrograde tracer. All the injections placed in DR produced retrograde labeling in the medial, orbital, and lateral divisions of the PFC as well as in the medial part of the frontal polar cortex. The labeling was primarily located in layer V. Remarkably, labeling in the medial PFC was denser in its ventral part (infralimbic and ventral prelimbic cortices) than in its dorsal part (dorsal prelimbic, anterior cingulate and medial precentral cortices). After injections in the rostral or caudal DR, the largest number of labeled neurons was observed in the medial PFC, whereas after injections in the mid-rostrocaudal DR, the labeled neurons were more homogeneously distributed in the three main PFC divisions. A cluster of labeled neurons also was observed around the apex of the rostral pole of the accumbens, especially after rostral and mid-rostrocaudal DR injections. Overall, these results confirm the existence of robust preftontal projections to DR, mainly derived from the ventral part of the medial PFC, and underscore a substantial contribution of the frontal polar cortex. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Anoplin, an antimicrobial, helical decapeptide from wasp venom, looses its biological activities by mere deamidation of its C-terminus. Secondary structure determination, by circular dichroism spectroscopy in amphipathic environments, and lytic activity in zwitterionic and anionic vesicles showed quite similar results for the amidated and the carboxylated forms of the peptide. The deamidation of the C-terminus introduced a negative charge at an all-positive charged peptide, causing a loss of amphipathicity, as indicated by molecular dynamics simulations in TFE/water mixtures and this subtle modification in a peptide`s primary structure disturbed the interaction with bilayers and biological membranes. Although being poorly lytic, the amidated form, but not the carboxylated, presented ion channel-like activity on anionic bilayers with a well-defined conductance step; at approximately the same concentration it showed antimicrobial activity. The pores remain open at trans-negative potentials, preferentially conducting cations, and this situation is equivalent to the interaction of the peptide with bacterial membranes that also maintain a high negative potential inside. Copyright (C) 2007 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Objective. To investigate the short-term effects of exposure to particulate matter from biomass burning in the Amazon on the daily demand for outpatient care due to respiratory diseases in children and the elderly. Methods. Epidemiologic study with ecologic time series design. Daily consultation records were obtained from the 14 primary health care clinics in the municipality of Alta Floresta, state of Mato Grosso, in the southern region of the Brazilian Amazon, between January 2004 and December 2005. Information on the daily levels of fine particulate matter was made available by the Brazilian National Institute for Spatial Research. To control for confounding factors ( situations in which a non-causal association between exposure and disease is observed due to a third variable), variables related to time trends, seasonality, temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, and calendar effects ( such as occurrence of holidays and weekends) were included in the model. Poisson regression with generalized additive models was used. Results. A 10 mu g/m(3) increase in the level of exposure to particulate matter was associated with increases of 2.9% and 2.6% in outpatient consultations due to respiratory diseases in children on the 6th and 7th days following exposure. Significant associations were not observed for elderly individuals. Conclusions. The results suggest that the levels of particulate matter from biomass burning in the Amazon are associated with adverse effects on the respiratory health of children.


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We study the nuclear quadrupole interaction at the nitrogen sites in the molecular and crystalline phases of the imidazole compound. We use PAW which is a state-of-the-art method to calculate the electronic structure and electric field gradient at the nucleus in the framework of the density functional theory. The quadrupole frequencies at both imino and amino N sites are in excellent agreement with measurements. This is the first time that the electric field gradient at crystalline imidazole is correctly treated by an ab initio theoretical approach.


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We present measurements of the charge balance function, from the charged particles, for diverse pseudorapidity and transverse momentum ranges in Au + Au collisions at root S(NN) = 200 GeV using the STAR detector at RHIC. We observe that the balance function is boost-invariant within the pseudorapidity coverage vertical bar-1.3, 1.3 vertical bar. The balance function properly scaled by the width of the observed pseudorapidity window does not depend on the position or size of the pseudorapidity window. This scaling property also holds for particles in different transverse momentum ranges. In addition, we find that the width of the balance function decreases monotonically with increasing transverse momentum for all centrality classes. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The RIBRAS facility (Radioactive Ion Beams in Brasil) is installed in connection with the 8MV Pelletron tandem of the University of Sao Paulo Physics Institute. It consists of two superconducting solenoids which focalize light radioactive secondary beams of low energy, produced by transfer reactions. Recent experimental results include the elastic scattering and transfer reactions of (6)He halo nucleus on (9)Be, (27)Al, (51)V and (120)Sn targets. The elastic scattering and transfer of (8)Li and (7)Be on several targets is also being studied. The transfer reaction (8)Li(p,alpha)(5)He of astrophysical interest was also Studied in the E(cm)=0.2-2.5 MeV energy range.


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Data collected by the Pierre Auger Observatory through 31 August 2007 showed evidence for anisotropy in the arrival directions of cosmic rays above the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuz`min energy threshold, 6 x 10(19) eV. The anisotropy was measured by the fraction of arrival directions that are less than 3.1 degrees from the position of an active galactic nucleus within 75 Mpc (using the Veron-Cetty and Veron 12th catalog). An updated measurement of this fraction is reported here using the arrival directions of cosmic rays recorded above the same energy threshold through 31 December 2009. The number of arrival directions has increased from 27 to 69, allowing a more precise measurement. The correlating fraction is (38(-6)(+7))%, compared with 21% expected for isotropic cosmic rays. This is down from the early estimate of (69-(+11)(13))%. The enlarged set of arrival directions is examined also in relation to other populations of nearby extragalactic objects: galaxies in the 2 Microns All Sky Survey and active galactic nuclei detected in hard X-rays by the Swift Burst Alert Telescope. A celestial region around the position of the radiogalaxy Cen A has the largest excess of arrival directions relative to isotropic expectations. The 2-point autocorrelation function is shown for the enlarged set of arrival directions and compared to the isotropic expectation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Sunsas-Aguapei province (1.20-0.95 Ga), SW Amazonian Craton, is a key area to study the heterogeneous effects of collisional events with Laurentia, which shows evidence of the Grenvillian and Sunsas orogens. The Sunsas orogen, characterized by an allochthonous collisional-type belt (1.11-1.00 Ga), is the youngest and southwestern most of the events recorded along the cratonic fringe. Its evolution occurred after a period of long quiescence and erosion of the already cratonized provinces (>1.30 Ga), that led to sedimentation of the Sunsas and Vibosi groups in a passive margin setting. The passive margin stage was roughly contemporary with intraplate tectonics that produced the Nova Brasilandia proto-oceanic basin (<1.21 Ga), the reactivation of the Ji-Parana shear zone network (1.18-1.12 Ga) and a system of aborted rifts that evolved to the Huanchaca-Aguapei basin (1.17-1.15 Ga). The Sunsas belt is comprised by the metamorphosed Sunsas and Vibosi sequences, the Rincon del Tigre mafic-ultramafic sill and granitic intrusive suites. The latter rocks yield epsilon(Nd(t)) signatures (-0.5 to -4.5) and geochemistry (S,1, A-types) suggesting their origin associated with a continental arc setting. The Sunsas belt evolution is marked by ""tectonic fronts"" with sinistral offsets that was active from c. 1.08 to 1.05 Ga, along the southern edge of the Paragua microcontinent where K/Ar ages (1.27-1.34 Ga) and the Huanchaca-Aguapei flat-lying cover attest to the earliest tectonic stability at the time of the orogen. The Sunsas dynamics is coeval with inboard crustal shortening, transpression and magmatism in the Nova Brasilandia belt (1.13-1.00 Ga). Conversely, the Aguapei aulacogen (0.96-0.91 Ga) and nearby shear zones (0.93-0.91 Ga) are the late tectonic offshoots over the cratonic margin. The post-tectonic to anorogenic stages took place after ca. 1.00 Ga, evidenced by the occurrences of intra-plate A-type granites, pegmatites, mafic dikes and sills, as well as of graben basins. Integrated interpretation of the available data related to the Sunsas orogen supports the idea that the main nucleus of Rodinia incorporated the terrains forming the SW corner of Amazonia and most of the Grenvillian margin, as a result of two independent collisional events, as indicated in the Amazon region by the Ji-Parana shear zone event and the Sunsas belt, respectively. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The stratigraphic subdivision and correlation of dune deposits is difficult, especially when age datings are not available. A better understanding of the controls on texture and composition of eolian sands is necessary to interpret ancient eolian sediments. The Imbituba-Jaguaruna coastal zone (Southern Brazil, 28 degrees-29 degrees S) stands out due to its four well-preserved Late Pleistocene (eolian generation 1) to Holocene eolian units (eolian generations 2, 3, and 4). In this study, we evaluate the grain-size and heavy-mineral characteristics of the Imbituba-Jaguartma eolian units through statistical analysis of hundreds of sediment samples. Grain-size parameters and heavy-mineral content allow us to distinguish the Pleistocene from the Holocene units. The grain size displays a pattern of fining and better sorting from generation 1 (older) to 4 (younger), whereas the content of mechanically stable (dense and hard) heavy minerals decreases from eolian generation 1 to 4. The variation in grain size and heavy-mineral content records shifts in the origin and balance (input versus output) of eolian sediment supply attributable mainly to relative sea-level changes. Dunefields submitted to relative sea-level lowstand conditions (eolian generation 1) are characterized by lower accumulation rates and intense post-depositional dissection by fluvial incision. Low accumulation rates favor deflation in the eolian system, which promotes concentration of denser and stable heavy minerals (increase of ZTR index) as well as coarsening of eolian sands. Dissection involves the selective removal of finer sediments and less dense heavy minerals to the coastal source area. Under a high rate of relative sea-level rise and transgression (eolian generation 2), coastal erosion prevents deflation through high input of sediments to the coastal eolian source. This condition favors dunefield growth. Coastal erosion feeds sand from local sources to the eolian system. including sands from previous dunefields (eolian generation 1) and from drowned incised valleys. Therefore, dunefields corresponding to transgressive phases inherit the grain-size and heavy-mineral characteristics of previous dunefields, leading to selective enrichment of finer sands and lighter minerals. Eolian generations 3 and 4 developed during a regressive-progradational phase (Holocene relative sea level highstand). The high rate of sediment supply during the highstand phase prevents deflation. The lack of coastal erosion favors sediment supply from distal sources (fluvial sediments rich in unstable heavy minerals). Thus, dunefields of transgressive and highstand systems tracts may be distinguished from dunefields of the lowstand systems tract through high rates of accumulation (low deflation) in the former. The sediment source of the transgressive dunefields (high input of previously deposited coastal sands) differs from that of the highstand dunefields (high input of fluvial distal sands). Based on this case study, we propose a general framework for the relation between relative sea level, sediment supply and the texture and mineralogy of eolian sediments deposited in siliciclastic wet coastal zones similar to the Imbituba-Jaguaruna coast (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The results of geological mapping, chemical analysis and radiometric dating of metabasic rocks of Betara Formation, and mapping and dating of those present in the Betara basement nucleus together with mylonitic granodiorite and syenogranite are reported here. U-Pb analysis of bulk zircon fractions from the metabasic rocks of the basement nucleus yielded a Statherian age of 1790 +/- 22 Ma, while the metabasic rocks from the upper part of the Betara Formation yielded a Calymmian age between 1500 and 1450 Ma. This age is a minimum for the deposition of the Betara Formation. The older metabasic rocks are associated with post-tectonic, possibly anorogenic syenogranite, while the younger ones are gabbro or very porphyritic ankaramite whose REE patterns are consistent with crystallization from an N-MORB parent magma. The observations and data point to the probable events associated with extensional processes of the end of Paleoproterozoic and early Mesoproterozoic. Similar registers of Statherian (1.80-1.75 Ga) and Calymmian (1.50-1.45 Ga) extensional events are recorded in other parts of the South American and African continents. The Neoproterozoic witnessed the formation and junction of the tectonic slices which formed the Apiai domain during the assemblage of western Gondwana. (C) 2010 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of tamoxifen on the weight and thickness of the urethral epithelium of castrated female rats. Methods: Forty castrated adult female Wistar-Hannover rats were randomly divided into two groups: Group I (n = 20) in which the animals received only the vehicle (propylene glycol) and Group 11 (n = 20) in which the rats received tamoxifen 250 mu g/day by gavage. After 30 days of treatment, all animals were sacrificed and the urethra was immediately removed for weighing. Next, the urethra was divided into the proximal and distal segments, which were fixed in 10% formaldehyde and submitted to routine histological techniques for morphometric study. The data were analyzed using the weighted minimum mean-square error method and Student`s t-test for two independent samples (p < 0.05). Results: There was a significant increase in the mean weight of the urethra in the rats of Group 11 compared to the control group, 32.0 +/- 2.0 mg and 22.0 +/- 1.6 mg, respectively (p < 0.001). The mean thickness of the distal urethral epithelium of the animals treated with tamoxifen was significantly greater than that of the control group, 42.8 +/- 2.0 mu m and 36.6 +/- 1.5 mu m, respectively (p < 0.001). There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups with respect to the epithelial thickness of the proximal urethra (p = 0.514). Conclusion: Treating castrated adult rats with 250 mu g/day of tamoxifen for 30 days may increase the weight of the urethra and the thickness of the distal urethral epithelium. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.