69 resultados para NUTRITION INFORMATION


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The purpose is to present a scientific research that led to the modeling of an information system which aimed at the maintenance of traceability data in the Brazilian wine industry, according to the principles of a service-oriented architecture (SOA). Since 2005, traceability data maintenance is an obligation for all producers that intend to export to any European Union country. Also, final customers, including the Brazilian ones, have been asking for information about food products. A solution that collectively contemplated the industry was sought in order to permit that producer consortiums of associations could share the costs and benefits of such a solution. Following an extensive bibliographic review, a series of interviews conducted with Brazilian researchers and wine producers in Bento Goncalves - RS, Brazil, elucidated many aspects associated with the wine production process. Information technology issues related to the theme were also researched. The software was modeled with the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and uses web services for data exchange. A model for the wine production process was also proposed. A functional prototype showed that the adopted model is able to fulfill the demands of wine producers. The good results obtained lead us to consider the use of this model in other domains.


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This paper presents results of research related to multicriteria decision making under information uncertainty. The Bell-man-Zadeh approach to decision making in a fuzzy environment is utilized for analyzing multicriteria optimization models (< X, M > models) under deterministic information. Its application conforms to the principle of guaranteed result and provides constructive lines in obtaining harmonious solutions on the basis of analyzing associated maxmin problems. This circumstance permits one to generalize the classic approach to considering the uncertainty of quantitative information (based on constructing and analyzing payoff matrices reflecting effects which can be obtained for different combinations of solution alternatives and the so-called states of nature) in monocriteria decision making to multicriteria problems. Considering that the uncertainty of information can produce considerable decision uncertainty regions, the resolving capacity of this generalization does not always permit one to obtain unique solutions. Taking this into account, a proposed general scheme of multicriteria decision making under information uncertainty also includes the construction and analysis of the so-called < X, R > models (which contain fuzzy preference relations as criteria of optimality) as a means for the subsequent contraction of the decision uncertainty regions. The paper results are of a universal character and are illustrated by a simple example. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A broader characterization of industrial wastewaters, especially in respect to hazardous compounds and their potential toxicity, is often necessary in order to determine the best practical treatment (or pretreatment) technology available to reduce the discharge of harmful pollutants to the environment or publicly owned treatment works. Using a toxicity-directed approach, this paper sets the base for a rational treatability study of polyester resin manufacturing. Relevant physical and chemical characteristics were determined. Respirometry was used for toxicity reduction evaluation after physical and chemical effluent fractionation. Of all the procedures investigated, only air stripping was significantly effective in reducing wastewater toxicity. Air stripping in pH 7 reduced toxicity in 18.2%, while in pH 11 a toxicity reduction of 62.5% was observed. Results indicated that toxicants responsible for the most significant fraction of the effluent`s instantaneous toxic effect to unadapted activated sludge were organic compounds poorly or not volatilized in acid conditions. These results led to useful directions for conducting treatability studies which will be grounded on actual effluent properties rather than empirical or based on the rare specific data on this kind of industrial wastewater. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A great deal of attention in the supply chain management literature is devoted to study material and demand information flows and their coordination. But in many situations, supply chains may convey information from different nature, they may be an important channel companies have to deliver knowledge, or specifically, technical information to the market. This paper studies the technical flow and highlights its particular requirements. Drawing upon a qualitative field research, it studies pharmaceutical companies, since those companies face a very specific challenge: consumers do not have discretion over their choices, ethical drugs must be prescribed by physicians to be bought and used by final consumers. Technical information flow is rich, and must be redundant and early delivered at multiple points. Thus, apart from the regular material channel where products and order information flow, those companies build a specialized information channel, developed to communicate to those who need it to create demand. Conclusions can be extended to supply chains where products and services are complex and decision makers must be clearly informed about technology-related information. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In order to provide adequate multivariate measures of information flow between neural structures, modified expressions of partial directed coherence (PDC) and directed transfer function (DTF), two popular multivariate connectivity measures employed in neuroscience, are introduced and their formal relationship to mutual information rates are proved.


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A thermodynamic information system for diagnosis and prognosis of an existing power plant was developed. The system is based on an analytic approach that informs the current thermodynamic condition of all cycle components, as well as the improvement that can be obtained in the cycle performance by the elimination of the discovered anomalies. The effects induced by components anomalies and repairs in other components efficiency, which have proven to be one of the main drawbacks in the diagnosis and prognosis analyses, are taken into consideration owing to the use of performance curves and corrected performance curves together with the thermodynamic data collected from the distributed control system. The approach used to develop the system is explained, the system implementation in a real gas turbine cogeneration combined cycle is described and the results are discussed. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In greenhouse potato cultivation, mineral nutrition is one of the main factors contributing to high yields and better product quality. Knowledge about the amount of nutrients accumulated in the plants at each growing phase provides important information that helps the establishment of a more balanced fertilizer application. The objective of this research was to determine the time course of macronutrients uptake and accumulation in potato plants for seed-tuber production, grown in nutrient solution. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, using in vitro material from the pre-basic category of the `Atlantic` variety. The plants were collected weekly from 14 days after transplanting (DAT) until 70 DAT The experimental design was a completely randomized block with 9 treatments to sampling times and four replicates. The highest nutrient requirement in the plant shoot occurred at the periods between 28 and 56 DAT while in the tubers it was after 49 DAT The maximum accumulation sequence of macronutrients was K > N > S > Ca > P > Mg.


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This paper reports on a study of phytoseiids collected from the La Selva Biological Field Station, the ALAS (Arthropods of La Selva) Project, made available to us by the Canadian National Collection via Dr. E. E. Lindquist. This material includes two new species, Proprioseiopsis versus n. sp. and Transeius costarricensis n. sp., three new records for Central America, and additional information for nine species previously reported from La Selva.


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The koinobiont Cotesia flavipes responds to and is influenced by biochemical changes in the host hemolymph composition, Diatraea saccharalis. Changes in the composition of macronutrients may occur due to the hosts own development or by changes induced after parasitization. These changes occur to facilitate parasitoid invasion and to make the host internal environment suitable to parasitoid immature development. Therefore, changes in the availability of stored and circulating nutrients may correlate with the nutritional requirements of specific parasitoid immature stages. In here, we describe changes in the biochemical composition of parasitized and control larvae at different stages of parasitoid development to gain information on C flavipes host regulation and on its quantitative immature nutritional requirements. Total proteins, lipids and carbohydrates free in the hemolymph or stored in host fat bodies, and the SDS-PAGE protein profile of the hemolymph were evaluated in control and parasitized 6th instar during the whole parasitoid development. Changes in the total protein available in the host hemolymph were detected soon after parasitization, but carbohydrate and lipids were observed to differ only towards parasitoid larvae egression. Although C. flavipes affected the availability of all macronutrients observed in the host hemolymph, lipids and proteins stored in the host fat bodies were unaffected. However, carbohydrate concentration at the end of parasitoid larval development was much lower in parasitized than in control larvae at the same stage of development. SDS-PAGE analysis indicated C flavipes up-regulated two host proteins (125 and 48 kDa) and released two parasitism-specific proteins towards the end of parasitoid larval development. We provide a discussion on the role these changes may have on the process of host regulation and their possible requirement to sustain parasitoid development. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium dose effect in the graft box of lemon tree (of the family Rutaceae) nutrition and production. The aim of the study was to evaluate the graft box of lemon tree (of the family Rutaceae) nutritional state and its components of growth in function of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium dose by fertilization. The experimental outlining was entirely made casually in factorial scheme 3(3) + 1, being 3 factors (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium - NPK), 3 doses and in evidence (without fertilization), with 3 repetitions. The experimental milt was constituted by two tubes of 2,8 cm diameter and 12,3 cm high with a graft box (Hipobioto) of lemon tree (of the family Rutaceae) in each tube. The doses used were constituted by doses of N (460; 920 e 18,10 mg dm(-3)), P (50; 100 e 200 mg dm(-3)) and K (395; 790 e 1580 mg dm(-3)). The fertilization with N and K was carried out by fertirrigations and the P added to the substract of Pinus rind and vermiculite before the seeding. when the plants were 133 days after the germination they were subdivided in radicular system and air part for the determinations of the dry matter mass, height, foliar area, stem diameter and contents of nutrients. The N, K and P doses of 920 mg dm(-3), 790 mg dm(-3), 100 mg dm(-3), respectively, were enough for the suitable development of the graft box of lemon tree (of the family Rutaceae) in tubes.


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The effects of irrigation with reclaimed wastewater (RWW) were compared with well water (WW) on citrus (Citrus paradisi Macfad. X Citrus aurantium L) nutrition. The deviation from the optimum percentage (DOP) index of macro- and micro-nutrients were used to evaluate the nutritional status: optimal (DOP = 0), deficiency (DOP < 0) or excess (DOP > 0). After 11 years of RWW irrigation the influence on nutrient concentration in plants decreased in the order: B > Zn > Mn = Ca > Cu > Mg > P > K. Reclaimed wastewater irritation positively affected citrus nutrition as it rendered the concentration of macronutrients, i.e. P, Ca, and K. closer to their optimum levels (Sigma DOP(macro) = 7). However micro-nutrients tended to be excessive in plants (EDOP(micro) = 753) due to imbalanced supply of these elements in the RWW, particularly, for B and Cu. Citrus groves with long-term RWW irrigation may exercised caution in monitoring concentrations of B and Cu to avoid plant toxicity and soil quality degradation. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Diseases outbreaks are a major concern in intensive fish farming because fish are exposed to stressors which may negatively affect their physiology. This study set out to determine effects of dietary levamisole (Levamisole HCl; SIGMA (R)) on performance and hematology of pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus, juveniles. Fish (55.94 g) were stocked into 24 plastic aquaria (500 L; 15 fish per aquarium) and fed for 30 d with a commercial diet with 0, 50, 100, 200, 400, and 800 mg/kg levamisole, and for an extra 15 d, with a control diet in a totally randomized design trial (n = 4). Biometrical and hematological data were collected. No significant differences in growth parameters were recorded for either control or supplemented diets. Hematological parameters, such as hemoglobin, plasma glucose, white blood count (WBC), and differential leukocyte count were influenced (P < 0.05) levamisole. WBC, lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, and special granulocytic cell numbers decreased significantly after 15 d. Dietary levamisole at 100 mg/kg diet for 15 d increased leukocyte production in juvenile pacu. However, levamisole administration for more than 15 d presented toxicity to lymphopoietic tissues. Information about long-period administration, mode of action in weight gain, effects on hematology of levamisole in freshwater fish nutrition are scarce and necessary for its safe use in aquaculture.


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Nutrition in bean plants and anthracnose intensity in function of silicon and copper application. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of calcium silicate and copper sulfate on anthracnose intensity and nutrition of bean plants. The experiment was conducted using an experimental design in randomized blocks following a 4 x 4 factorial arrangement , (four levels of calcium silicate and four levels of copper sulfate) and two additional treatments (plants without inoculation and plants sprinkled with Benomyl). Four evaluations of the incidence and severity of anthracnose were done, in addition to measuring, total leaf area. At the end of the evaluations, incidence: and data were integrated over time, obtaining the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC). Contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Si and lignin were determined in the aerial Part. A linear decrease of the intensity AUDPC was observed with the increase of the doses of calcium silicate. The severity AUDPC was influenced by the doses of copper, obtaining a reduction of 35% on the higher dosage. The supply of silicon and copper altered the content of the K, mg, S, Zn, Ca and Si in the aerial part of the bean plants.


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The variation in the Ca:Mg ratio in amendments used to neutralize soil acidity is one way of altering the availability of those nutrients to the plants in acid soils. The objective of the work was to evaluate the effect of different proportions of calcium and magnesium in the form of CaCO(3) and MgCO(3) Oil the nutrient uptake, and initial production of dry matter by corn plants. The study was carried out in greenhouse conditions, in Lages, SC, with a completely randomized experimental design, with three replications. The treatments were the application of equivalent to 21.0 t ha(-1) of lime, using mixtures of CaCO(3) and MgCO(3) in several proportions to obtain different Ca:Mg ratios (1: 1, 2:1, 4:1, 8:1, 16:1 and 32:1), on a Humic Alic Cambisol, with 310 g kg(-1) of clay. The application of treatments caused the following Ca:Mg ratios in the CEC: 1. 1: 1, 2.1:1, 4.0:1, 8.1:1, 16.4:1 and 31.8:1. The high concentrations of exchangeable Ca in soil caused by addition of lime with high Ca content inhibited the uptake of Mg and K by the corn plants. The increase in the soil Ca:Mg ratio reduced the dry matter production and height of plants in the initial stage of development.


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The bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacities of polyphenolic extracts of 18 fresh and dry native non-traditional fruits from Brazil were determined using ABTS, DDPH, FRAP and beta-carotene bleaching methods. The study provides an adaptation of these methods, along with an evaluation of the compounds related to antioxidant potential. The results show promising perspectives for the exploitation of non-traditional tropical fruit species with considerable levels of nutrients and antioxidant capacity. Although evaluation methods and results reported have not yet been sufficiently standardised, making comparisons difficult, our data add valuable information to current knowledge of the nutritional properties of tropical fruits, such as the considerable antioxidant capacity found for acerola - Malpighia emarginata and camu-camu - Myrciaria dubia (ABTS, DPPH and FRAP) and for puca-preto - Mouriri pusa (all methods). (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.