122 resultados para Mucous membrane enzymes
An experiment was implemented to study fluid flow in a pressure media. This procedure successfully combines nuclear magnetic resonance imaging with a pressure membrane chamber in order to visualize the non-wetting and wetting fluid flows with controlled boundary conditions. A specially designed pressure membrane chamber, made of non-magnetic materials and able to withstand 4 MPa, was designed and built for this purpose. These two techniques were applied to the drainage of Douglas fir sapwood. In the study of the longitudinal flow, narrow drainage fingers are formed in the latewood zones. They follow the longitudinal direction of wood and spread throughout the sample length. These fingers then enlarge in the cross-section plane and coalesce until drainage reaches the whole latewood part. At the end of the experiments, when the drainage of liquid water in latewood is completed, just a few sites of percolation appear in earlywood zones. This difference is a result of the wood anatomical structure, where pits, the apertures that allow the sap to flow between wood cells, are more easily aspirated in earlywood than in latewood. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: Ascorbic acid is a very important compound for plants. It has essential functions, mainly as an antioxidant and growth regulator. Ascorbic acid biosynthesis has been extensively studied, but studies in fruits are very limited. In this work we studied the influence of five enzymes involved in synthesis (L-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase, GalLDH, EC, oxidation (ascorbate oxidase, EC, and ascorbate peroxidase, APX, EC and recycling (monodehydroascorbate reductase, EC, and dehydroascorbate reductase, DHAR, EC on changes in ascorbic acid content during development and ripening of mangoes (Mangifera indica L. cv. Keitt) and during the ripening of white pulp guavas (Psidium guayava L. cv. Paloma). RESULTS: It was found that there was a balance between the activities of GalLDH, APX and DHAR, both in mangoes and guavas. CONCLUSIONS: Equilibrium between the enzymatic activities of synthesis, catabolism and recycling is important for the regulation of ascorbic acid content in mango and guava. These results have contributed to understanding some of the changes that occur in ascorbic acid levels during fruit ripening. (C) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry.
To understand the role of peptidases in seminal physiology of Crotalus durissus terrificus, intra- and inter-seasonal activity levels of acid (APA), basic (APB), puromycin-sensitive (APN-PS) and puromycin-insensitive neutral (APN-PI), cystyl (CAP), dipeptidyl-IV (DPPIV), type-1 pyroglutamyl (PAP-I) and prolyl-imino (PIP) aminopeptidases as well as prolyl endopeptidase (POP) were evaluated in soluble (SF) and/or membrane-bound (MF) fractions of semen collected from the ductus deferens of the male reproductive tract and from the posterior portion of the uterus. Seminal APB, PIP and POP were detected in SF, while other peptidases were detected in SF and MF. Only the convoluted posterior uterus in winter and autumn had semen. Relative to other examined peptidases, in general, APN-PI, APN-PS and APB activities were predominant in the semen from the uterus and throughout the year in the semen from the ductus deferens, suggesting their great relevance in the seminal physiology of C. d. terrificus. The levels of peptidase activities in the ductus deferens semen varied seasonally and were different from those of semen in the uterus, suggesting that their modulatory actions on susceptible peptides are integrated to the male reproductive cycle events and spermatozoa viability of this snake.
To understand the role of peptidases in seminal physiology of Crotalus durissus terrificus, activity levels of representative enzymes in semen and their sensitivities to inhibitors, cofactors, and peptide hormones were evaluated. The existence of seminal fractions and the association of peptidases with these fractions were also characterized for the first time in snakes. The prominent inhibitors of aminopeptidases (APs) were amastatin for acid, basic, and neutral; bestatin for basic; and diprotin A for dipeptidyl-IV. Cystyl and prolylimino AN were similarly susceptible to the majority of these inhibitors. The basic and neutral were characterized as metallo-peptidases, acid AP was activated by MnCl(2), and cystyl, prolyl-imino, and type I pyroglutamyl were characterized as sulphydryl-dependent APs. Angiotensin II, vasotocin, bradykinin, fertilization-promoting peptide, and TRH altered the majority of these peptidase activities; these peptides are possible substrates and/or modulators of these peptidases. Peptidase activities were found in all seminal fractions: seminal plasma (SP), prostasome-like (PR) structures, and soluble (S-) and membrane-bound fractions (MFs) of spermatozoa. The levels of activity of each peptidase varied among different seminal fractions. In SP, the higher activities were puromycin-insensitive neutral and basic APs. in PR, the higher activity was puromycin-insensitive neutral AP. In spermatozoa, the higher activity in subcellular SF was puromycin-sensitive neutral, while in MF both puromycin-sensitive and -insensitive neutral AN were equally higher than the other examined peptidases. Data suggested that these peptidases, mainly basic and neutral, have a high relevance in regulating seminal functions of C. d. terrificus.
The Apical Membrane Antigen-1 (AMA-1) of Plasmodium sp. has been suggested as a vaccine candidate against malaria. This protein seems to be involved in merozoite invasion and its extra-cellular portion contains three distinct domains: DI, DII, and DIII. Previously, we described that Plasmodium vivax AMA-1 (PvAMA-1) ectodomain is highly immunogenic in natural human infections. Here, we expressed each domain, separately or in combination (DI-II or DII-III), as bacterial recombinant proteins to map immunodominant epitopes within the PvAMA-1 ectodomain. IgG recognition was assessed by ELISA using sera of P. vivax-infected individuals collected from endemic regions of Brazil or antibodies raised in immunized mice. The frequencies of responders to recombinant proteins containing the DII were higher than the others and similar to the ones observed against the PvAMA-1 ectodomain. Moreover, ELISA inhibition assays using the PvAMA-1 ectodomain as substrate revealed the presence of many common epitopes within DI-II that are recognized by human immune antibodies. Finally, immunization of mice with the PvAMA-1 ectodomain induced high levels of antibodies predominantly to DI-II. Together, our results indicate that DII is particularly immunogenic during natural human infections, thus indicating that this region could be used as part of an experimental sub-unit vaccine to prevent vivax malaria. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Sunless tanning formulas have become increasingly popular in recent years for their ability to give people convincing tans without the dangers of skin cancer. Most sunless tanners currently on the market contain dihydroxyacetone (DHA), a keto sugar with three carbons. The temporary pigment provided by these formulasis designed to resemble a UV-induced tan. This study evaluated the effectiveness of carbomer gels and cold process self emulsifying bases on skin pigmentation, using different concentrations of a chemical system composed of DHA and N-acetyl tyrosine, which are found in moulted snake skins and their effectiveness was tested by Mexameter (R) MX 18. Eight different sunless tanning formulas were developed, four of which were gels and four of which were emulsions (base, base plus 4.0%, 5.0% and 6.0% (w/w) of a system of DHA and N-acetyl tyrosine). Tests to determine the extent of artificial tanning were done by applying 30 mg cm(-2) of each formula onto standard sizes of moulted snake skin (2.0 cm x 3.0 cm). A Mexameter (R) MX 18 was used to evaluate the extent of coloration in the moulted snake skin at T(0) (before the application) and after 24, 48, 72, 168, 192 and 216 h. The moulted snake skins can be used as an alternative membrane model for in vitro sunless tanning efficacy tests due to their similarity to the human stratum corneum. The DHA concentration was found to influence the initiation of the pigmentation in both sunless tanning systems (emulsion and gel) as well as the time required to increases by a given amount on the tanning index. In the emulsion system, the DHA concentration also influenced the final value on the tanning index. The type of system (emulsion or gel) has no influence on the final value in the tanning index after 216 h for samples with the same DHA concentration.
A variety of raw materials have been used in fermentation process. This study shows the use of rice straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate, as the only source of nutrient, to produce high added-value products. In the present work, the activity of the enzymes xylose reductase (XR); xylitol dehydrogenase (XD); and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) during cultivation of Candida guilliermondii on rice straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate was measured and correlated with xylitol production under different pH values (around 4.5 and 7.5) and initial xylose concentration (around 30 and 70 g l(-1)). Independent of the pH value and xylose concentration evaluated, the title of XD remained constant. On the other hand, the volumetric activity of G6PD increased whereas the level of XR decreased when the initial xylose concentration was increased from 30 to 70 g l(-1). The highest values of xylitol productivity (Q (P) a parts per thousand 0.40 g l(-1)) and yield factor (Y (P/S) a parts per thousand 0.60 g g(-1)) were reached at highest G6PD/XR ratio and lowest XR/XD ratio. These results suggest that NADPH concentrations influence the formation of xylitol more than the activity ratios of the enzymes XR and XD. Thus, an optimal rate between G6PD and XR must be reached in order to optimize the xylitol production.
A partial pseudo-ternary phase diagram has been studied for the cethyltrimethylammonium bromide/isooctane:hexanol:butanol/potassium phosphate buffer system, where the two-phase diagram consisting of the reverse micelle phase (L-2) in equilibrium with the solvent is indicated. Based on these diagrams two-phase systems of reverse micelles were prepared with different compositions of the compounds and used for extraction and recovery of two enzymes, and the percentage of enzyme recovery yield monitored. The enzymes glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and xylose redutase (XR) obtained from Candida guilliermondii yeast were used in the extraction procedures. The recovery yield data indicate that micelles having different composition give selective extraction of enzymes. The method can thus be used to optimize enzyme extraction processes. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The Apical Membrane Antigen 1 (AMA-1) is considered a promising candidate for development of a malaria vaccine against asexual stages of Plasmodium. We recently identified domain II (DII) of Plasmodium vivax AMA-1 (PvAMA-1) as a highly immunogenic region recognised by IgG antibodies present in many individuals during patent infection with P. vivax. The present study was designed to evaluate the immunogenic properties of a bacterial recombinant protein containing PvAMA-1 DII. To accomplish this, the recombinant protein was administered to mice in the presence of each of the following six adjuvants: Complete/Incomplete Freund`s Adjuvant (CFA/IFA), aluminium hydroxide (Alum), Quil A, QS21 saponin, CpG-ODN 1826 and TiterMax. We found that recombinant DII was highly immunogenic in BALB/c mice when administered in the presence of any of the tested adjuvants. Importantly, we show that DII-specific antibodies recognised the native AMA-1 protein expressed on the surface of P. vivax merozoites isolated from the blood of infected patients. These results demonstrate that a recombinant protein containing PvAMA-1 DII is immunogenic when administered in different adjuvant formulations, and indicate that this region of the AMA-1 protein should continue to be evaluated as part of a subunit vaccine against vivax malaria. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Guttiferone-A (GA) is a natural occurring polyisoprenylated benzophenone with cytotoxic action in vitro and anti-tumor action in rodent models. We addressed a potential involvement of mitochondria in GA toxicity (1-25 mu M) toward cancer cells by employing both hepatic carcinoma (HepG2) cells and succinate-energized mitochondria, isolated from rat liver. In HepG2 cells GA decreased viability, dissipated mitochondrial membrane potential, depleted ATP and increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels. In isolated rat-liver mitochondria GA promoted membrane fluidity increase, cyclosporine A/EGTA-insensitive membrane permeabilization, uncoupling (membrane potential dissipation/state 4 respiration rate increase), Ca(2+) efflux, ATP depletion, NAD(P)H depletion/oxidation and ROS levels increase. All effects in cells, except mitochondrial membrane potential dissipation, as well as NADPH depletion/oxidation and permeabilization in isolated mitochondria, were partly prevented by the a NAD(P)H regenerating substrate isocitrate. The results suggest the following sequence of events: 1) GA interaction with mitochondrial membrane promoting its permeabilization; 2) mitochondrial membrane potential dissipation; 3) NAD(P)H oxidation/depletion due to inability of membrane potential-sensitive NADP(+) transhydrogenase of sustaining its reduced state; 4) ROS accumulation inside mitochondria and cells; 5) additional mitochondrial membrane permeabilization due to ROS; and 6) ATP depletion. These GA actions are potentially implicated in the well-documented anti-cancer property of GA/structure related compounds. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Suramin is a polysulphonated napthylurea antiprotozoal and anthelminitic drug, which also presents inhibitory activity against a broad range of enzymes. Here we evaluate the effect of suramin on the hydrolytic and biological activities of secreted human group IIA phospholipase A(2) (hsPLA(2)GIIA). The hsPLA(2)GIIA was expressed in E. coli, and refolded from inclusion bodies. The hydrolytic activity of the recombinant enzyme was measured using mixed dioleoylphosphatidylcholine/dioleoylphosphatidylglycerol (DOPC/DOPG) liposomes. The activation of macrophage cell line RAW 264.7 by hsPLA(2) GIIA was monitored by NO release, and bactericidal activity against Micrococcus luteus was evaluated by colony counting and by flow cytometry using the fluorescent probe Sytox Green. The hydrolytic activity of the hsPLA(2) GIIA was inhibited by a concentration of 100 nM suramin and the activation of macrophages by hsPLA(2) GIIA was abolished at protein/suramin molar ratios where the hydrolytic activity of the enzyme was inhibited. In contrast, both the bactericidal activity of hsPLA(2) GIIA against Micrococcus luteus and permeabilization of the bacterial inner membrane were unaffected by suramin concentrations up to 50 mu M. These results demonstrate that suramin selectively inhibits the activity of the hsPLA(2) GIIA against macrophages, whilst leaving the anti-bacterial function unchanged.
Crustacean color change results from the differential translocation of chromatophore pigments, regulated by neurosecretory peptides like red pigment concentrating hormone (RPCH) that, in the red ovarian chromatophores of the freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium olfersi, triggers pigment aggregation via increased cytosolic cGMP and Ca(2+) of both smooth endoplasmatic reticulum (SER) and extracellular origin. However, Ca(2+) movements during RPCH signaling and the mechanisms that regulate intracellular [Ca(2+)] are enigmatic. We investigate Ca(2+) transporters in the chromatophore plasma membrane and Ca(2+) movements that occur during RPCH signal transduction. Inhibition of the plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase by La(3+) and indirect inhibition of the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger by ouabain induce pigment aggregation, revealing a role for both in Ca(2+) extrusion. Ca(2+) channel blockade by La(3+) or Cd(2+) strongly inhibits slow-phase RPCH-triggered aggregation during which pigments disperse spontaneously. L-type Ca(2+) channel blockade by gabapentin markedly reduces rapid-phase translocation velocity; N- or P/Q-type blockade by omega-conotoxin MVIIC strongly inhibits RPCH-triggered aggregation and reduces velocity, effects revealing RPCH-signaled influx of extracellular Ca(2+). Plasma membrane depolarization, induced by increasing external K(+) from 5 to 50 mM, produces Ca(2+)-dependent pigment aggregation, whereas removal of K(+) from the perfusate causes pigment hyperdispersion, disclosing a clear correlation between membrane depolarization and pigment aggregation; K(+) channel blockade by Ba(2+) also partially inhibits RPCH action. We suggest that, during RPCH signal transduction, Ca(2+) released from the SER, together with K(+) channel closure, causes chromatophore membrane depolarization, leading to the opening of predominantly N- and/or P/Q-type voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels, and a Ca(2+)/cGMP cascade, resulting in pigment aggregation. J. Exp. Zool. 313A:605-617, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The reconstitution of membrane proteins into liposomes is a useful tool to prepare antigenic components that induce immunity. We have investigated the influence of the dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC)/cholesterol molar ratio on the incorporation of a GPI-protein from Leishmania amazonensis on liposomes and Langmuir monolayers. The latter system is a well behaved and practical model, for understanding the effect of variables such as surface composition and lipid packing on protein incorporation. We have found that the DPPC/cholesterol molar ratio significantly alters the incorporation of the GPI-protein. In the absence of cholesterol, reconstitution is more difficult and proteoliposomes cannot be prepared, which we correlated with disruption of the DPPC layer. Our results provide important information that Could be employed in the development of a vaccine system for this disease or be used to produce other GPI-systems for biotechnological application. (c) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We have characterized the kinetic properties of ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 1 (E-NTPDase1) from rat osseous plate membranes. A novel finding of the present study is that the solubilized enzyme shows high- and low-affinity sites for the substrate in contrast with a single substrate site for the membrane-bound enzyme. In addition, contrary to the Michaelian chraracteristics of the membrane-bound enzyme, the site-site interactions after solubilization with 0.5% digitonin plus 0.1% lysolecithin resulted in a less active ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase, showing activity of about 398.3 nmol Pi min(-1) mg(-1). The solubilized enzyme has M(r) of 66-72 kDa, and its catalytic efficiency was significantly increased by magnesium and calcium ions; but the ATP/ADP activity ratio was always < 2.0. Partial purification and kinetic characterization of the rat osseous plate E-NTPDase1 in a solubilized form may lead to a better understanding of a possible function of the enzyme as a modulator of nucleotidase activity or purinergic signaling in matrix vesicle membranes. The simple procedure to obtain the enzyme in a solubilized form may also be attractive for comparative studies of particular features of the active sites from this and other ATPases.
This paper describes the use of the electrostatic layer-by-layer (LbL) technique for the preparation of bioanodes with potential application in ethanol/O(2) biofuel cells. More specifically, the LbL technique was employed for immobilization of dehydrogenase enzymes and polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers onto carbon paper support. Both mono (anchoring only the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, ADH) and bienzymatic (anchoring both ADH and aldehyde dehydrogenase, AldDH) systems were tested. The amount of ADH deposited onto the Toray (R) paper was 95 ng cm(-2) per bilayer. Kinetic studies revealed that the LbL technique enables better control of enzyme disposition on the bioanode, as compared with the results obtained with the bioanodes prepared by the passive adsorption technique. The power density values achieved for the mono-enzymatic system as a function of the enzyme load ranged from 0.02 to 0.063 mW cm(-2) for the bioanode containing 36 ADH bilayers. The bioanodes containing a gas diffusion layer (GDL) displayed enhanced performance, but their mechanical stability must be improved. The bienzymatic system generated a power density of 0.12 mW cm(-2). In conclusion, the LbL technique is a very attractive approach for enzyme immobilization onto carbon platform, since it enables strict control of enzyme disposition on the bioanode surface with very low enzyme consumption. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.