43 resultados para MALARIA PARASITE


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Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of human malaria, invades host erythrocytes using several proteins on the surface of the invasive merozoite, which have been proposed as potential vaccine candidates. Members of the multi-gene PfRh family are surface antigens that have been shown to play a central role in directing merozoites to alternative erythrocyte receptors for invasion. Recently, we identified a large structural polymorphism, a 0.58 Kb deletion, in the C-terminal region of the PfRh2b gene, present at a high frequency in parasite populations from Senegal. We hypothesize that this region is a target of humoral immunity. Here, by analyzing 371 P. falciparum isolates we show that this major allele is present at varying frequencies in different populations within Senegal, Africa, and throughout the world. For allelic dimorphisms in the asexual stage antigens, Msp-2 and EBA-175, we find minimal geographic differentiation among parasite populations from Senegal and other African localities, suggesting extensive gene flow among these populations and/or immune-mediated frequency-dependent balancing selection. In contrast, we observe a higher level of inter-population divergence (as measured by F(st)) for the PfRh2b deletion, similar to that observed for SNPs from the sexual stage Pfs45/48 loci, which is postulated to be under directional selection. We confirm that the region containing the PfRh2b polymorphism is a target of humoral immune responses by demonstrating antibody reactivity of endemic sera. Our analysis of inter-population divergence suggests that in contrast to the large allelic dimorphisms in EBA-175 and Msp-2, the presence or absence of the large PfRh2b deletion may not elicit frequency-dependent immune selection, but may be under positive immune selection, having important implications for the development of these proteins as vaccine candidates. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The circumsporozoite protein (CSP) of Plasmodium vivax, a major target for malaria vaccine development, has immunodominant B-cell epitopes mapped to central nonapeptide repeat arrays. To determine whether rearrangements of repeat motifs during mitotic DNA replication of parasites create significant CSP diversity under conditions of low effective meiotic recombination rates, we examined csp alleles from sympatric P. vivax isolates systematically sampled from an area of low malaria endemicity in Brazil over a period of 14 months. Nine unique csp types, comprising six different nona peptide repeats, were observed in 45 isolates analyzed. Identical or nearly identical repeats predominated in most arrays, consistent with their recent expansion. We found strong linkage disequilibrium at sites across the chromosome 8 segment flanking the csp locus, consistent with rare meiotic recombination in this region. We conclude that CSP repeat diversity may not be severely constrained by rare meiotic recombination in areas of low malaria endemicity. New repeat variants may be readily created by nonhomologous recombination even when meiotic recombination is rare, with potential implications for CSP-based vaccine development. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Merozoite surface proteins (MSPs) of the malaria parasites are major candidates for vaccine development targeting asexual blood stages. However, the diverse antigenic repertoire of these antigens that induce strain-specific protective immunity in human is a major challenge for vaccine design and often determines the efficacy of a vaccine. Here we further assessed the genetic diversity of Plasmodium vivax MSP4 (PvMSP4) protein using 195 parasite samples collected mostly from Thailand, Indonesia and Brazil. Overall, PvMSP4 is highly conserved with only eight amino acid substitutions. The majority of the haplotype diversity was restricted to the two short tetrapeptide repeat arrays in exon 1 and 2, respectively. Selection and neutrality tests indicated that exon 1 and the entire coding region of PvMSP4 were under purifying selection. Despite the limited nucleotide polymorphism of PvMSP4, significant genetic differentiation among the three major parasite populations was detected. Moreover, microgeographical heterogeneity was also evident in the parasite populations from different endemic areas of Thailand. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Temporal changes in the prevalence of antigenic variants in Plasmodium falciparum populations have been interpreted as evidence of immune-mediated frequency-dependent selection, but evolutively neutral processes may generate similar patterns of serotype replacement. Over 4 years, we investigated the population dynamics of P. falciparum polymorphisms the community level by using 11 putatively neutral microsatellite markers. Plasmodium falciparum Populations were less diverse than sympatric P. vivax isolates, with less multiple-clone infections, lower number of alleles per locus and lower Virtual heterozygosity, but both species showed significant multilocus linkage disequilibrium. Evolutively neutral P. falciparum polymorphisms showed a high turnover rate, with few lineages persisting for several months in the population. Similar results had previously been obtained, in the same community, for sympatric P. vivax isolates. In contrast, the prevalence of the 2 dimorphic types of a major antigen, MSP-2, remained remarkably stable throughout the Study period. We Suggest that the relatively fast turnover of parasite lineages represents the typical population dynamics of neutral polymorphisms in small populations, with clear implications for the detection of frequency-dependent selection of polymorphisms.


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Violacein is a violet pigment extracted from the gram-negative bacterium Chromobacterium violaceum. It presents bactericidal, tumoricidal, trypanocidal, and antileishmanial activities. We show that micromolar concentrations efficiently killed chloroquine-sensitive and -resistant Plasmodium falciparum strains in vitro; inhibited parasitemia in vivo, even after parasite establishment; and protected Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi-infected mice from a lethal challenge.


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Background. Malaria is one of the most significant infectious diseases in the world and is responsible for a large proportion of infant deaths. Toll-like receptors (TLRs), key components of innate immunity, are central to countering infection. Variants in the TLR-signaling pathway are associated with susceptibility to infectious diseases. Methods. We genotyped single nucleotide polymorphisms ( SNPs) of the genes associated with the TLR-signaling pathway in patients with mild malaria and individuals with asymptomatic Plasmodium infections by means of polymerase chain reaction. Results. Genotype distributions for the TLR-1 I602S differed significantly between patients with mild malaria and persons with asymptomatic infection. The TLR-1 602S allele was associated with an odds ratio ( OR) of 2.2 ( P = .003; P(corrected) = .015) for malaria among patients with mild malaria due to any Plasmodium species and 2.1 ( P = .015; P(corrected) = .75) among patients with mild malaria due to Plasmodium falciparum only. The TLR-6 S249P SNP showed an excess of homozygotes for the TLR-6 249P allele in asymptomatic persons, compared with patients with mild malaria due to any Plasmodium species (OR 2.1; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1-4.2; P = .01; P(corrected) = .05), suggesting that the TLR-6 249S allele may be a risk factor for malaria ( OR, 2.0; 95% CI, 1.1-3.7; P = 0.01; P(corrected) = .05). The TLR-9-1486C allele showed a strong association with high parasitemia ( P < .001). Conclusions. Our findings indicate that the TLR-1 and TLR- 6 variants are significantly associated with mild malaria, whereas the TLR-9-1486C/T variants are associated with high parasitemia. These discoveries may bring additional understanding to the pathogenesis of malaria.


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Little follow-up data on malaria transmission in communities originating from frontier settlements in Amazonia are available. Here we describe a cohort study in a frontier settlement in Acre, Brazil, where 509 subjects contributed 489.7 person-years of follow-up. The association between malaria morbidity during the follow-up and individual, household, and spatial covariates was explored with mixed-effects logistic regression models and spatial analysis. Incidence rates for Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum malaria were 30.0/100 and 16.3/100 person-years at risk, respectively. Malaria morbidity was strongly associated with land clearing and farming, and decreased after five years of residence in the area, suggesting that clinical immunity develops among subjects exposed to low malaria endemicity. Significant spatial clustering of malaria was observed in the areas of most recent occupation, indicating that the continuous influx of nonimmune settlers to forest-fringe areas perpetuates the cycle of environmental change and colonization that favors malaria transmission in rural Amazonia.


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Herein, we show that intraerythrocytic stages of Plasmodium falciparum have an active pathway for biosynthesis of menaquinone. Kinetic assays confirmed that plasmodial menaquinone acts at least in the electron transport. Similarly to Escherichia coli, we observed increased levels of menaquinone in parasites kept under anaerobic conditions. Additionally, the mycobacterial inhibitor of menaquinone synthesis Ro 48-8071 also suppressed menaquinone biosynthesis and growth of parasites, although off-targets may play a role in this growth-inhibitory effect. Due to its absence in humans, the menaquinone biosynthesis can be considered an important drug target for malaria. (c) 2010 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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The Plasmodium falciparum var gene family encodes large variant antigens, which are important virulence factors, and also targets of the humoral host response. The frequently observed mild outcomes of falciparum malaria in many places of the Amazon area prompted us to ask whether a globally restricted variant (var) gene repertoire is present in currently circulating and older isolates of this area. By exhaustive analysis of var gene tags from 89 isolates and clones taken during many years from all over the Brazilian Amazon, we estimate that there are probably no more than 350-430 distinct sequence types, less than for any similar sized area studied so far. Detailed analysis of the var tags from genetically distinct clones obtained from single isolates revealed restricted and redundant repertoires suggesting either a low incidence of infective bites or restricted variant gene diversity in inoculated parasites. Additionally, we found a structuring of var gene repertoires observed as a higher pairwise typing sharing in isolates from the same microregion compared to isolates from different regions. Fine analysis of translated var tags revealed that certain Distinct Sequence Identifiers (DSIDs) were differently represented in Brazilian/South American isolates when compared to datasets from other continents. By global alignment of worldwide var DBL alpha sequences and sorting in groups with more than 76% identity, 125 clusters were formed and more than half of all genes were found in nine clusters with 50 or more sequences. While Brazilian/South American sequences were represented only in 64 groups, African sequences were found in the majority of clusters. DSID type 1 related sequences accumulated almost completely in one single cluster, indicating that limited recombination occurs in these specific var gene types. These data demonstrate the so far highest pairwise type sharing values for the var gene family in isolates from all over an entire subcontinent. The apparent lack of specific sequences types suggests that the P. falciparum transmission dynamics in the whole Amazon are probably different from any other endemic region studied and possibly interfere with the parasite`s ability to efficiently diversify its variant gene repertoires. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Duffy binding protein of Plasmodium vivax (DBP) is a critical adhesion ligand that participates in merozoite invasion of human Duffy-positive erythrocytes. A small outbreak of P. vivax malaria, in a village located in a non-malarious area of Brazil, offered us an opportunity to investigate the DBP immune responses among individuals who had their first and brief exposure to malaria. Thirty-three individuals participated in the five cross-sectional surveys, 15 with confirmed P. vivax infection while residing in the outbreak area (cases) and 18 who had not experienced malaria (non-cases). In the present study, we found that only 20% (three of 15) of the individuals who experienced their first P. vivax infection developed an antibody response to DBP; a secondary boosting can be achieved with a recurrent P. vivax infection. DNA sequences from primary/recurrent P. vivax samples identified a single dbp allele among the samples from the outbreak area. To investigate inhibitory antibodies to the ligand domain of the DBP (cysteine-rich region II, DBP(II)), we performed in vitro assays with mammalian cells expressing DBP(II) sequences which were homologous or not to those from the outbreak isolate. In non-immune individuals, the results of a 12-month follow-up period provided evidence that naturally acquired inhibitory antibodies to DBP(II) are short-lived and biased towards a specific allele.


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It is known that patients may cease participating in a longitudinal study and become lost to follow-up. The objective of this article is to present a Bayesian model to estimate the malaria transition probabilities considering individuals lost to follow-up. We consider a homogeneous population, and it is assumed that the considered period of time is small enough to avoid two or more transitions from one state of health to another. The proposed model is based on a Gibbs sampling algorithm that uses information of lost to follow-up at the end of the longitudinal study. To simulate the unknown number of individuals with positive and negative states of malaria at the end of the study and lost to follow-up, two latent variables were introduced in the model. We used a real data set and a simulated data to illustrate the application of the methodology. The proposed model showed a good fit to these data sets, and the algorithm did not show problems of convergence or lack of identifiability. We conclude that the proposed model is a good alternative to estimate probabilities of transitions from one state of health to the other in studies with low adherence to follow-up.


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Superoxide dismutases (SODs) are a crucial class of enzymes in the combat against intracellular free radical damage. They eliminate superoxide radicals by converting them into hydrogen peroxide and oxygen. In spite of their very different life cycles and infection strategies, the human parasites Plasmodium falciparum, Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma brucei are known to be sensitive to oxidative stress. Thus the parasite Fe-SODs have become attractive targets for novel drug development. Here we report the crystal structures of FeSODs from the trypanosomes T. brucei at 2.0 angstrom and T. cruzi at 1.9 angstrom resolution, and that from P. falciparum at a higher resolution (2.0 angstrom) to that previously reported. The homodimeric enzymes are compared to the related human MnSOD with particular attention to structural aspects which are relevant for drug design. Although the structures possess a very similar overall fold, differences between the enzymes at the entrance to the channel which leads to the active site could be identified. These lead to a slightly broader and more positively charged cavity in the parasite enzymes. Furthermore, a statistical coupling analysis (SCA) for the whole Fe/MnSOD family reveals different patterns of residue coupling for Mn and Fe SODs, as well as for the dimeric and tetrameric states. In both cases, the statistically coupled residues lie adjacent to the conserved core surrounding the metal center and may be expected to be responsible for its fine tuning, leading to metal ion specificity.


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Components of the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) pathway are major players in processes known to generate genetic diversity, such as mutagenesis and DNA recombination. Trypanosoma cruzi, the protozoan parasite that causes Chagas disease has a highly heterogeneous population, composed of a pool of strains with distinct characteristics. Studies with a number of molecular markers identified up to six groups in the T. cruzi population, which showed distinct levels of genetic variability. To investigate the molecular basis for such differences, we analyzed the T. cruzi MSH2 gene, which encodes a key component of MMR, and showed the existence of distinct isoforms of this protein. Here we compared cell survival rates after exposure to genotoxic agents and levels of oxidative stress-induced DNA in different parasite strains. Analyses of msh2 mutants in both T. cruzi and T. brucei were also used to investigate the role of Tcmsh2 in the response to various DNA damaging agents. The results suggest that the distinct MSH2 isoforms have differences in their activity. More importantly, they also indicate that, in addition to its role in MMR, TcMSH2 acts in the parasite response to oxidative stress through a novel mitochondrial function that may be conserved in T. brucei. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.