59 resultados para INNER-CITY HOMES
Yeasts of the Cryptococcus genus are distributed in nature associated to animal and vegetal organic residues. Occasionally, species other than C. neoformans may be responsible for infectious diseases in human and animals. This study aims to determine the occurrence of Cryptococcus species in the atmosphere and bird droppings in the city of Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil, and to evaluate three virulence factors: capsule formation, growth at 37 degrees C and melanin production. We analyzed 86 environmental samples (54 droppings and 32 air). Of the 41 strains isolated, 15 were C. neoformans var. neoformans (12 droppings and 3 air), 15 C. albidus (12 droppings and 3 air), 9 C. laurentii (7 droppings and 2 air) and 2 C. uniguttulatus (from droppings). Capsules were produced by 93.3% of C. neoformans var. neoformans, 66.7% of C. albidus, 88.9% of C. laurentii and 50% (1/2) of C. uniguttulatus. All, strains of C. neoformans, 20% of C. albidus and 44.4% of C. laurentii were able to grow at 37 degrees C. The melanin production on DOPA agar was verified in C. neoformans (93.3%), C. albidus (26.7%) and C. laurentii (66.7%). We concluded that different Cryptococcus species coexist in the same ecological niche and they are able to produce virulence factors. (C) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Chicken eggs were inoculated with suspensions of ambient air particles (<= 10 mu m, PM(10)) from Sao Paulo city in 3, 0.3 or 0.03 mu g doses on one of the four early days of embryo development. On the eleventh day of development alterations were observed on embryos inoculated with PM(10) 3 mu g on the third day. Particles analysis showed high content of metals. Hence, embryos were also inoculated with PM(10) (3 mu g) combined with metal chelating EDTA. PM(10) (3 mu g) embryos presented underdevelopment (stage 29.44 +/- 11.4) compared to vehicle and positive controls (stage 36.44 +/- 0.51 Saline and stage 31.20 +/- 9.7 Cyclophosphamide, p <= 0.05); higher (47%) mortality rate (23% Saline and 42% Cyclophosphamide) and low (68%) viability (100% Saline and 70% Cyclophosphamide, p = 0.04). Effects were attenuated when embryos received PM(10) + EDTA (stage 33.63 +/- 0.94, 18.9% mortality rate and 82% viability). PM(10) from Sao Paulo city is embryotoxic and metal may be implicated in the toxic mechanism. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objective. To investigate the modes of water supply and the perception concerning the problems caused by this water among residents of a neighborhood without public supply of water, settled in an area previously used as a garbage dump in the city of Manaus, Brazil. Methods. One hundred and sixty-two semi-structured household interviews were conducted. In addition, a focal group with teachers from a local public school and a meeting with residents were held. The instruments employed focused on the perception and modes of water use and on the process of exposure to chemical contaminants through water. Results. Untreated well water was used by most families. This water was considered to be ""good"" by 64.8% of the individuals interviewed. Most residents (88.3%) declared knowledge about the garbage dump. Of these, 77.6% stated that the garbage dump caused health and environmental problems. However, qualitative analysis of the responses revealed that the residents were not aware of contamination by chemical elements or of the consequences of such contamination. The activities carried out with teachers revealed that they were partially aware of the problem, but did not design interventions to address the issue. In a meeting with neighborhood residents, the presence of social activism concerning the problem was identified, but it did not extend beyond the neighborhood or reach governmental spheres. Conclusions. The study identified a situation of critical exposure that tends to be maintained as a result of misperceptions and lack of social mobilization. The dissemination of research results to teachers and residents was useful to empower subjects.
Although lacking catalytic activity, the Lys49-PLA(2)s damage artificial membranes by a Ca2+-independent mechanism, and demonstrate a potent bactericidal effect. The relationship between the membrane-damaging activity and bactericidal effect of bothropstoxin-I (BthTx-1), a Lys49-PLA(2) from the venom of Bothrops jararacussu, was evaluated for the wildtype protein and a series of site-directed mutants in the active site and C-terminal regions of the protein. The membrane permeabilization effect against the inner and outer membranes of Escherichia coli K12 was evaluated by fluorescence changes of Sytox Green and N-phenyl-N-naphthylamine, respectively. With the exception of H48Q, all mutants reduced the bactericidal activity, which correlated with a reduction of the permeabilization effect both against the inner bacterial membrane. No significant differences in the permeabilization of the bacterial outer membrane were observed between the native, wild-type recombinant and mutant proteins. These results suggest different permeabilization mechanisms against the inner and outer bacterial membranes. Furthermore, the structural determinants of bacterial inner membrane damage identified in this study correlate with those previously observed for artificial membrane permeabilization, suggesting that a common mechanism of membrane damage underlies the two effects. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective. To analyze the association between police violence and homicide mortality rates taking into consideration the effect of contextual variables. Methods. This was an environmental, cross-sectional study that included the 96 census districts in the City of Sao Paulo. The association between the variables was analyzed using Spearman`s rank correlation and simple and multiple regression analysis. Results. Univariate analysis revealed a strong and significant association between homicide mortality coefficients and all the indicators of socioeconomic development and police violence. After controlling for potential confounding factors, the association between police violence and homicide mortality coefficients remained strong and significant. This significance was lost only after control for the size of the resident population. Conclusion. The results indicate that police action that violates basic human rights is not the right answer to urban violence. The combination of homicides from interpersonal violence and deaths from police violence results in negative socialization and promotes further violence.
For the past half a century, Latin American scholars have been pointing toward the emergence of new social actors as agents of social and political democratization. The first wave of actors was characterized by the emergence of novel agents-mainly, new popular movements-of social transformation. At first, the second wave, epitomized by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), was celebrated as the upsurge of a new civil society, but later on, it was the target of harsh criticism. The literature often portrays this development in Latin American civil society as a displacement trend of actors of the first wave by the second wave-""NGOization""-""and even denounces new civil society as rootless, depoliticized, and functional to retrenchment. Thus, supposedly, NGOization encumbers social change. The authors argue that NGOization diagnosis is a flawed depiction of change within civil society. Rather than NGOization related to the depoliticization and neoliberalization of civil society, in Mexico City and Sao Paulo, there has been modernization of organizational ecologies, changes in the functional status of civil society, and interestingly, specialization aimed at shaping public agenda. The authors argue that such specialization, instead of encumbering social change, brings about different repertoires of strategies and skills purposively developed for influencing policy and politics. Their argument relies on comparative systematic evidence. Through network analysis, they examine the organizational ecology of civil society in Mexico City and Sao Paulo.
Little attention has been given to the contextual politics of service delivery reforms. By focusing on cases of reform in the healthcare sector and, to a lesser extent, in the main policies in the social service sector in India, Mexico and Brazil, this article explores two dimensions of analysis which have enormous relevance in understanding the reach and effectiveness of service delivery reforms: (1) the historical timing of reforms and sectorial baselines, and (2) the degree and institutional locus of local discretion in policy. Findings show that depending on both dimensions, there is an extraordinary variation as to the degree, interests involved and meaning of changes which, in theory, correspond to these countries` commitment to the service delivery reforms, However, consideration of the contextual politics is relevant not for the sake of diversity but for the similarities that this diversity reveals, pointing to underlying analytic dimensions that receive attention in this article.
Does race influence political behavior in Brazil? Using data from Belo Horizonte, Brazil, we explore whether an individual`s propensity to take part in a political association is affected by race, independent of socioeconomic position and of the availability of resources derived from this position. We found that white individuals participate more in political associations than do black individuals; however, after taking into account the differences in all types of resources, we found no difference in participation by racial groups. Nevertheless, by interacting race, skills, and income, it turns out that different racial groups use the same resources differently. A white individual`s propensity to participate politically is significantly more affected by income than a similar black individual`s propensity. Therefore, we argue that race mediates the effect of resources on political participation, which means that either different groups may use different resources or different groups can differ in how intensively they use resources.
Objectives: The high incidence of respiratory disorders is one of the main problems in perinatal medical care. With the increased use of intubation, the incidence of laryngeal injury causing stenosis has also increased. The principal constriction point in the infant`s larynx is the midcricoid area. We sought to provide detailed morphometric data on the anatomy of the cricoid cartilage and its relationship with growth and body characteristics of fetuses at 5 to 9 months of gestational age. Methods: Nineteen larynges obtained from 17 stillborn infants and 2 newborn infants ranging in gestational age from 5 to 9 months were studied. Measurements of the cricoid cartilage were made with a millimeter-graded caliper. Results: Weight was the variable most correlated with cricoid measurements. The cricoid lumen configuration showed an almost elliptic shape and did not change with gestational age. The mean inner subglottic cricoid area was 19.27 +/- 9.62 mm(2) and was related to weight and body surface area. Cricoid growth was more pronounced at the outer portion of the cartilage. Conclusions: The cricoid lumen configuration was elliptic, and its mean area was smaller than that of available endotracheal tubes. This lumen area was most influenced by weight and height.
In this study, blood serum trace elements, biochemical and hematological parameters were obtained to assess the health status of an elderly population residing in So Paulo city, SP, Brazil. Results obtained showed that more than 93% of the studied individuals presented most of the serum trace element concentrations and of the hematological and biochemical data within the reference values used in clinical laboratories. However, the percentage of elderly presenting recommended low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentrations was low (70%). The study indicated positive correlation between the concentrations of Zn and LDL-cholesterol (p < 0.06).
To explore the hypothesis that air pollution promotes cardiovascular changes, Swiss mice were continuously exposed, since birth, in two open-top chambers (filtered and nonfiltered for airborne particles <= 0.3 mu m) placed 20 m from a street with heavy traffic in downtown Sao Paulo, twenty-four hours per day for four months. Fine particle (PM(2.5)) concentration was determined gravimetrically; hearts were analyzed by morphometry. There was a reduction of the PM(2.5) inside the filtered chamber (filtered = 8.61 +/- 0.79 mu g/m(3), nonfiltered = 18.05 +/- 1.25 mu g/m(3), p < .001). Coronary arteries showed no evidence of luminal narrowing in the exposed group but presented higher collagen content in the adventitia of LV large-sized and RV midsized vessels (p = .001) and elastic fibers in both tunicae adventitia and intima-media of almost all sized arterioles from both ventricles (p = .03 and p = .001, respectively). We concluded that chronic exposure to urban air since birth induces mild but significant vascular structural alterations in normal individuals, presented as coronary arteriolar fibrosis and elastosis. These results might contribute to altered vascular response and ischemic events in the adulthood.
Aims: The aims of the present study were to characterize fatal traffic accident victims in a major urban center in Brazil and their association with alcohol consumption. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 907 fatal traffic accident victims in Sao Paulo, in 2005. Results: Adult males between the ages of 25 and 54 represented the majority of cases with positive blood alcohol concentrations (BAC). Overall, males had a higher proportional BAC and mean BAC than females. Pedestrians, particularly those with no detectable BAC, were typically older than other victims. Most accidents (total and BAC-positive) happened on weekends between midnight and 6 a.m. Considering all victims, 39.4% were positive (BAC over 0.1 g/l). When only drivers (automobile, motorcycle and bicycle) were evaluated. 42.3% had BAC over the legal limit (0.6 g/l). Conclusions: Alcohol is associated with nearly half of all traffic accident deaths in the city of Sao Paulo. especially for days and times associated with parties and bars (weekends between 12 a.m. and 6 a.m.). (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is an important neuromodulator found in central and peripheral neurons. NPY was investigated in the peripheral auditory pathway of conventional housed rats and after nontraumatic sound stimulation in order to localize the molecule and also to describe its response to sound stimulus. Rats from the stimulation experiment were housed in monitored sound-proofed rooms. Stimulated animals received sound stimuli (pure tone bursts of 8 kHz, 50 ms duration presented at a rate of 2 per second) at an intensity of 80 dB sound pressure level for 1 hr per day during 7 days. After euthanizing, rat cochleae were processed for one-color immunohistochemistry. The NPY immunoreactivity was detected in inner hair cells (IHC) and also in pillar and Deiters` cells of organ of Corti, and in the spiral ganglion putative type I (1,009 m3) and type II (225 m3) neurons. Outer hair cells (OHC) showed light immunoreaction product. Quantitative microdensitometry showed strong and moderate immunoreactions in IHC and spiral ganglion neurons, respectively, without differences among cochlear turns. One week of acoustic stimulation was not able to induce changes in the NPY immunoreactivity intensity in the IHC of cochlea. However, stimulated rats showed an overall increase in the number of putative type I and type II NPY immunoreactive spiral ganglion neurons with strong, moderate, and weak immunolabeling. Localization and responses of NPY to acoustic stimulus suggest an involvement of the neuropeptide in the neuromodulation of afferent transmission in the rat peripheral auditory pathway.
Conclusion: The cochlear implant was beneficial as an attempt to restore hearing and improve communication abilities in this patient with profound sensorineural hearing loss secondary to Susac syndrome. Objective: To report the audiological outcomes of cochlear implantation (CI) in a young woman with Susac syndrome after a 6-month follow-up period. Susac syndrome is a rare disorder. It is clinically characterized by a typical triad of sensorineural deafness, encephalopathy, and visual defect, due to microangiopathy involving the brain, inner ear, and retina. Methods: This was a retrospective review of a case at a tertiary referral center. After diagnosis, the patient was evaluated by a multidisciplinary team and received a cochlear implant in her right ear. Results: The patient achieved 100% open-set sentence recognition in noise conditions and 92% monosyllable and 68% medial consonant recognition in quiet conditions after 6 months of implant use. She reported the use of the telephone 3 months after activation.
Study Objective: To estimate the relationship between the depth of lesions of rectal endometriosis and the percentage of the circumference of the bowel segment affected by the disease. Design: A prospective pathologic analysis of 45 surgical specimens of bowel endometriosis obtained by laparoscopic segmental resection of the rectosigmoid (Canadian Task Force classification II-1). Setting: Tertiary referral hospital. Patients: forty-five patients were submitted to a segmental resection of the rectum due to endometriosis between July 2004 and September 2006. Interventions: Morphometric aspects of endometriotic lesions were analyzed, such as size and thickness of the lesion, deepest layer of bowel affected by lesion, and percentage of circumference of bowel affected by endometriosis. Measurements and Main Results: Results showed that in lesions that reached the submucous layer of the bowel, the circumference affected was 31.6% greater than in lesions that reached only the outer muscular layer, whereas in lesions that reached the mucous layer, the circumference affected was 52.5% greater than in those that reached the outer muscular layer of the bowel. In addition, 89.3% of lesions with an affected circumference greater than 40% were those affecting the submucous or mucous layers of the bowel. These results suggest that when a lesion reaches these 2 deepest layers of the rectosiamoid, risk increases that the circumference affected will be greater than 40% (relative risk = 1.5; 95% CI: 1.0-2.3; p =.03). Conclusion: In endometriotic lesions affecting the rectosigmoid beyond the inner muscular layer of the bowel wall, more than 40% of the circumference of the rectosigmoid is affected by the disease, confirming the recommendation of segmental resection of the bowel for this form of the disease.