206 resultados para Human-antibodies
Background and Aims. HTLV-I-transformed T cells secrete biologically active forms of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF). In addition, HTLV-I-transformed cells have a high capacity of adhesion to endothelial cells. Methods. We measured the circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) and mature endothelial cells (MECs) by flow cytometry in 27 HTLV-I carriers in comparison to 30 healthy, age- and gender-matched subjects. All subjects had HTLV-I positivity confirmed by Western blot and/or polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The numbers of different subpopulations of EPCs and MECSs were evaluated by four-color flow cytometry using a panel of monoclonal antibodies. All reactions were done in duplicate to confirm reproducibility of the results. Results. The median age of all 27 HTLV-I carriers enrolled in this study was 45 years (range: 27-65 years); 11(41%) were male and 16 (59%) were female. The median age of the 30 healthy subjects in the control group was 45.5 years (range: 20-63 years); 11 (36.6%) were male and 19 (63.4%) were female. The number of EPCs was significantly higher in HTLV-I carriers (median 0.8288 cells/mu L, range: 0.0920-3.3176 cells/mu L) as compared to control group (median 0.4905 cells/mu L, range: 0.0000-1.5660 cells/mu L) (p = 0.035). In contrast, the median of the MECs in the HTLV-I carriers was 0.6380 cells/mu L (range: 0.0473-5.7618 cells/mu L) and 0.4950 cells/mu L (range: 0.0000-4.0896 cells/mu L) in the control group, with no statistical difference (p = 0.697). Conclusions. We demonstrated that EPCs, but not MECs, are increased in the peripheral blood of HTLV-I carriers. (C) 2011 IMSS. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is the most common mesenchymal neoplasm of the gastrointestinal tract. Discovered on GIST-1 (DOG1) is a recently described protein expressed in GISTs irrespective of mutation status. The aim of this study was to investigate the immunohistochemical expression of DOG1 using 2 different monoclonal antibodies (DOG1.1 and the commercially available K9 antibody) in 668 GIST cases and to compare the results with the expression of KIT. DOG1 and KIT expression also were studied in most human normal tissues and several nonmesenchymal and mesenchymal tumors other than GIST. KIT was expressed in 643 (96.3%) GISTs. DOG1.1 and K9 were positive in 538 (80.5%) and 642 (96.1%) GIST cases, respectively. In 25 (3.7%) KIT-negative GIST cases, DOG1 was expressed in 5 (20.0%) and 19 (76.0%) using DOG1.1 and K9 antibodies, respectively. Only 0.9% of GISTs were negative for KIT, DOG1.1, and K9. Most normal human tissues did not reveal KIT and DOG1 expression. DOG1.1 was positive in only 2 of 57 synovial sarcomas and 1 of 61 soft tissue leiomyosarcomas. K9 was positive in 5 of 57 synovial sarcomas, 1 of 14 angiosarcomas, 1 of 61 soft tissue leiomyosarcomas, 3 of 4 adenoid cystic carcinomas of the head and neck, and in myoepithelial cells of 9 of 11. broadenomas of the breast. In conclusion, the commercially available K9 is of great utility for the diagnosis of most KIT-negative GISTs, and the combination of both KIT and K9 antibody in a panel of immunohistochemistry can define the diagnosis of GIST in more than 99% of cases.
Although human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 2 (HTLV-2) is considered of low pathogenicity, serological diagnosis is important for counseling and monitoring. The confirmatory tests most used are Western blot (WB) and PCR. However, in high-risk populations, about 50% of the indeterminate WB were HTLV-2 positives by PCR. The insensitivity of the WB might be due to the use of recombinant proteins of strains that do not circulate in our country. Another possibility may be a high level of immunosuppression, which could lead to low production of virus, resulting in low stimulation of antibody. We found one mutation, proline to serine in the envelope region in the position 184, presented at least 1/3 of the samples, independent the indeterminate WB profile. In conclusion, we found no correlation of immune state, HTLV-2 proviral load, or env diversity in the K55 region and WB indeterminate results. We believe that the only WB kit available in the market is probably more accurate to detect HTLV-1 antibodies, and some improvement for HTLV-2 detection should be done in the future, especially among high-risk population. J. Med. Virol. 82:837-842,2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
This study evaluated four polymorphisms located in the DC-SIGN (CD209) gene promoter region (positions -336, -332 -201 and -139) in DNA samples from four Brazilian ethnic groups (Caucasians, Afro-Brazilian, Asians and Amerindians) to establish the population distribution of these single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and correlated DC-SIGN polymorphisms and infection in samples from human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1)-infected individuals. To identify CD209 SNPs, 452 bp of the CD209 promoter region were sequenced and the genotype and allelic frequencies were evaluated. This is the first study to show genetic polymorphism in the CD209 gene in distinct Brazilian ethnic groups with the distribution of allelic and genotypic frequency. The results showed that -336A and -139A SNPs were quite common in Asians and that the -201T allele was not observed in Caucasians, Asians or Amerindians. No significant differences were observed between individuals with HTLV-1 disease and asymptomatic patients. However, the -336A variant was more frequent in HTLV-1 -infected patients [HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP), 80%; healthy asymptomatic HTLV-1 carriers, 90 %] than in the control group (70 %) [P=0.0197, odds ratio (OR)=2.511, 95 % confidence interval (CI)=1.218-5.179). In addition, the -139A allele was found to be associated with protection against HTLV-1 infection (P=0.0037, OR=0.3758, 95% CI=0.1954-0.7229) when the HTLV-1 -infected patients as a whole were compared with the healthy-control group. These observations suggest that the -139A allele may be associated with HTLV-1 infection, although no significant association was observed among asymptomatic and HAM/TSP patients. In conclusion, the variation observed in SNPs -336 and -139 indicates that this lectin may be of crucial importance in the susceptibility/transmission of HTLV-1 infections.
OBJECTIVE: To determine contribution of reinfection with new strains of cytomegalovirus in cytomegalovirus seromimmune women to incidence of congenital cytomegalovirus infection. STUDY DESIGN: In 7848 women studied prospectively for congenital cytomegalovirus infection from a population with near universal cytomegalovirus seroimmunity, sera from 40 mothers of congenitally infected infants and 109 mothers of uninfected newborns were analyzed for strain-specific anticytomegalovirus antibodies. RESULTS: All women were cytomegalovirus seroimmune at first prenatal visit. Reactivity for 2 cytomegalovirus strains was found in 14 of 40 study mothers and in 17 of 109 control mothers at first prenatal visit (P=.009). Seven of 40 (17.5%) study women and 5 of 109 (4.6%) controls (P=.002) acquired antibodies reactive with new cytomegalovirus strains during pregnancy. Evidence of infection with more than 1 strain of cytomegalovirus before or during current pregnancy occurred in 21 of 40 study mothers and 22 of 109 controls (P<.0001). CONCLUSION: Maternal reinfection by new strains of cytomegalovirus is a major source of congenital infection in this population.
Background: We have previously shown that 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) is immunogenic in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected mothers and provides vaccine-induced antibodies to the infant. We compared the nasopharyngeal pneumococcal colonization (NPC) rates in <6-month-old infants born to HIV-infected mothers, according to immunization with PPV during pregnancy. Methods: NPC was evaluated in 45 term infants born to vaccinated women (PPV+) and in 60 infants in a control group (PPV-), at 2 months (+/- 30 days), 4 months (+/- 30 days), and 6 months (+/- 30 days) of age. Results: A total of 82 infants completed the study (at least 2 of 3 evaluations), 35 (77%) in the PPV+ and 47 (78.3%) in the PPV- groups, respectively. Infant gender, HIV infection status, number of adults, children, and smokers in the household, day-care attendance, occurrence of respiratory signs, and cotrimoxazole use were similar in both groups. NPC rates increased equally with age in both groups (2 months = 26.7% vs. 25.6%; 4 months = 34.5% vs. 38.6%; 6 months = 38.7% vs. 56.3%, in PPV+ and PPV-, respectively). After controlling for potential confounders, we found no association between maternal vaccination and infant pneumococcal carriage (adjusted odds ratio = 0.70; 95% confidence interval: 0.23, 2.21) Conclusions: Vaccination of HIV-infected mothers with PPV did not protect infants younger than 6 months of age from nasopharyngeal pneumococcal carriage.
Nitric oxide (NO) exerts important physiological and pathological roles in humans. The study of NO requires the immunolocalization of its synthesizing enzymes, neuronal, endothelial and inducible NO synthases (NOS). NOS are labile to formalin-fixation and paraffin-embedding, which are used to prepare human archival tissues. This lability has made NOS immunohistochemical studies difficult, and a detailed protocol is not yet available. We describe here a protocol for the immunolocalization of NOS isoforms in human archival cerebellum and non-nervous tissues, and in rat tissues and cultured cells. Neuronal NOS antigenicity in human archival and rat nervous tissue sections was microwave-retrieved in 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 9.5, for 20 min at 900W. Neuronal NOS was expressed in stellate, basket, Purkinje and granule cells in human and rat cerebellum. Archival and frozen human cerebellar sections showed the same neuronal NOS staining pattern. Archival cerebellar sections not subjected to antigen retrieval stained weakly. Antigenicity of inducible NOS in human lung was best retrieved in 10 mM sodium citrate buffer, pH 6.0, for 15 min at 900W. Inflammatory cells in a human lung tuberculoma were strongly stained by anti-inducible NOS antibody. Anti-endothelial NOS strongly stained kidney glomeruli. Cultured PC12 cells were strongly stained by anti-neuronal NOS without antigen retrieving. The present immunohistochemistry protocol is easy to perform, timeless, and suitable for the localization of NOS isoforms in nervous and non-nervous tissues, in human archival and rat tissues. It has been extensively used in our laboratory, and is also appropriate for other antigens. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The study evaluated the efficiency of diagnostic laboratory methods to detect anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in paired serum and aqueous humour samples from experimentally infected pigs. 18-mixed breed pigs were used during the experiment; these were divided into two groups, G I (infected group, n = 10) and G2 (uninfected group, n = 8). Infection was performed with 4 x 10(4) VEG strain oocysts at day 0 by the oral route in G1 animals. All pigs were euthanized at day 60, when retina, aqueous humour, and blood samples were collected. Anti-T gondii antibody levels were assessed in serum (s) and aqueous humour (ah) by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), modified agglutination test (MAT), m-ELISA (using crude membranes from T gondii tachyzoites as antigen) and r-ELISA (using rhoptries from T gondii tachyzoites as antigen). Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) of samples from the retina were performed by using Tox4 and Tox5 primers. Antibody titers of G1 animals ranged from 128 to 1024 and from 16 to 256 in serum and aqueous humour, respectively. There were differences in the correlation coefficients between IFA(s) x IFA (ah) (r = 0.62, P = 0.05), MAT(s) x MAT (ah) (r = 0.97, P < 0.0001); however, there was no significant difference between r-ELISA(s) x r-ELISA (ah) (r = 0. 14, P = 0.7). Antibodies present in serum and aqueous humour recognized similar antigens. Samples of retina were positive by PCR in 30% (3/10) of infected pigs. G2 animals remained without antibody levels and were PCR negative throughout the experiment. These results suggest that the use of a combination of tests and immunoblotting for paired aqueous humour and serum samples could improve the sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of ocular toxoplasmosis. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Considering the importance of neosporosis in the animal health and production, the frequency of antibodies to Neospora caninum was evaluated in dairy cattle of the Southwestern region of Mato Grosso State, Brazil, in addition to serum samples obtained from dogs and humans living in the farms. A total of 1036 serum samples were analyzed, from which 932 were from dairy bovine females, 37 from dogs and 67 from humans, from 24 farms and examined by the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). Reactive human scrum samples were retested by Western-blotting to confirm the results. Antibodies to N. caninum were found in 499 cattle sera (53.5 %), with at least one positive in each farm, 25 dog sera (67.6 %) and seven human sera (10.5 %). There was no significant difference in the number of positive cattle sera according to age group. The results indicate a wide dissemination of N caninum in the studied region.
Considering the potential role of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) in the inflammation process in placenta when infected by pathogens, we investigated the production of this cytokine in chorionic villous explants obtained from human first-trimester placentas stimulated with soluble antigen from Toxoplasma gondii (STAg). Parallel cultures were performed with villous explants stimulated with STAB, interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), or STAB plus IFN-gamma. To assess the role of placental MIF on monocyte adhesiveness to human trophoblast, explants were co-cultured with human myelomonocytic THP-1 cells in the presence or absence of supernatant from cultures treated with STAB (SPN), SPN plus anti-MIF antibodies, or recombinant MIF. A significantly higher concentration of MIF was produced and secreted by villous explants treated with STAB or STAB plus IFN-gamma after 24-hour culture. Addition of SPN or recombinant MIF was able to increase THP-1 adhesion, which was inhibited after treatment with anti-MIF antibodies. This phenomenon was associated with intercellular adhesion molecule expression by villous explants. Considering that the processes leading to vertical dissemination of T. gondii remain widely unknown, our results demonstrate that MIF production by human first-trimester placenta is up-regulated by parasite antigen and may play an essential role as an autocrine/paracrine mediator in placental infection by T. gondii.
Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) infection is common in sub-Saharan Africa, but its prevalence in Mozambique is unknown. The seroprevalence of HHV-8 in a cohort of individuals seen at public health centers in Northern (n = 208), Central (n = 226), or Southern (n = 318) Mozambique was examined. All individuals were interviewed to obtain socioeconomic, demographic and clinical data and were tested for serum anti-HHV-8 antibodies using an immunofluorescence assay. The overall frequency of HHV-8 antibodies was 21.4% and, in spite of the diversity of epidemiological characteristics of the tested individuals, did not differ significantly among regions: 18.7%, 24.3% and 21.4% in the North, Center, and South, respectively (chi(2), 2.37; P = 0.305). The variables that were associated significantly with the presence of HHV-8 antibodies were gender, age, level of education, number of siblings and HIV serostatus, but these differed across the regions. In the North, although tested individuals lived under poor socioeconomic conditions, no association between HHV-8 infection and household variables was detected, with the exception of the number of siblings (P = 0.042). In the Central region, HHV-8 infection was associated with gender (P = 0.010), the number of household members (P = 0.031), and the place of attendance (P = 0.021). In the South, HHV-8 infection was associated with the number of siblings (P = 0.023) and HIV status (P = 0.002). The overall prevalence of HHV-8 seropositivity increased with age. These results demonstrate that Mozambique is another country in Africa with endemic HHV-8 infection, and, because of the AIDS epidemic, continued access to antiretroviral treatment is necessary to avert an outbreak of AIDS-Kaposi`s sarcoma. J. Med. Virol. 82:1216-1223, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Differences in the prevalence of human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) and Kaposi`s sarcoma (KS) have been described, depending on the study population and their geographic origin. A cross-sectional study aimed at detecting the frequency and titers of antibodies against HHV-8 latent and lytic antigens in serum samples from individuals with different risk-factors for HHV-8 infection, as well as predictive marker identification in patients with KS, was conducted. Serum samples were collected from seven groups of individuals: 75 patients with AIDS-KS, 5 with classic KS, 16 with African KS, 495 with HIV/AIDS, 805 patients with chronic kidney disease, 683 handicapped individuals, and 757 health care workers. Samples were evaluated for the presence and titers of HHV-8-specific antibodies to latent and lytic antigens using ""in house"" immunofluorescence assays. The results were analyzed by the Chi-square, Fisher`s exact test, Kruskal-Wallis and/or Mann-Whitney U-tests. The frequencies of HHV-8 antibodies were as follows: 87.5-100% in patients with KS, 20.4% in patients with HIV/AIDS, 18% in patients with chronic kidney disease, 1.6% in handicapped individuals, and 1.1% in health care workers. A greater number of samples were antibody positive to lytic antigens. Elevated titers of antibodies to latent and lytic antigens, mostly among patients with KS, were detected. Using established serological assays, different ""at-risk"" populations for HHV-8 infection/disease were detected in this geographic area, confirming HIV/AIDS and identifying patients with chronic kidney disease as high-risk groups. It is suggested that a longitudinal evaluation of antibody titers in patients with chronic kidney disease be undertaken to confirm their predictive value in the development of KS. J. Med. Virol. 81: 1292-1297, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Abnormal surface expression of HLA-DR by leukocytes is associated with a poor prognosis in critical care patients. Critical care patients often receive total parenteral nutrition with lipid emulsion (LE). In this study we evaluated the influence of fish oil LE (FO) on human monocyte/macrophage (M phi) expression of surface HLA-DR under distinct activation states. Mononuclear leukocytes from the peripheral blood of healthy volunteers (n = 18) were cultured for 24 hours without LE (control) or with 3 different concentrations (0.1, 0.25, and 0.5%) of the follow LE: a) pure FO b) FO in association (1:1 v/v) with LE composed of 50% medium-chain trygliceride and 50% soybean oil (MCTSO), and c) pure MCTSO. The leukocytes were also submitted to different cell activation states, as determinate by INF-gamma addition time: no INF-gamma addition, 18 hours before, or at the time of LE addition. HLA-DR expression on M phi surface was evaluated by flow cytometry using specific monoclonal antibodies. In relation to controls (for 0.1%, 0.25%, and 0.5%: 100) FO decreased the expression of HLA-DR when added alone [in simultaneously-activated M phi, for 0.1%: 70 (59 +/- 73); for 0.25%: 51 (48 +/- 56); and for 0.5%: 52.5(50 +/- 58)] or in association with MCTSO [in simultaneously-activated M phi, for 0.1%: 50.5 (47 +/- 61); for 25%: 49 (45 +/- 52); and for 05 %: 51 (44 +/- 54) and in previously-activated M phi, for 1.0 % : 63 (44 +/- 88); for 0.25%: 70 (41 +/- 88); and for 0.5%: 59.5 (39 +/- 79)] in culture medium (Friedman p<0.05). In relation to controls (for 0.1%, 0.25%, and 0.5%: 100), FO did not influence the expression of these molecules on non-activated M phi [for 0.1 % : 87.5 (75 +/- 93); for 0.25%: 111 (98 +/- 118); and for 0.5%: 101.5 (84 +/- 113)]. Results show that parenteral FO modulates the expression of HLA-DR on human M phi surface accordingly to leukocyte activation state. Further clinical studies evaluating the ideal moment of fish oil LE infusion to modulate leukocyte functions may contribute to a better understanding of its immune modulatory properties.
Mycoplasmal lipid-associated membrane proteins (LAMPs) and Mycoplasma arthritidis mitogen (MAM superantigen) are potent stimulators of the immune system. The objective of this work was to detect antibodies to MAM and LAMPs of Mycoplasma hominis and M. fermentans in the sera of patients affected by rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) to identify mycoplasmal products that can be involved in the etiopathogenesis of these autoimmune diseases. Serum samples from female RA and SLE patients and controls, recombinant MAM, and LAMPs of M. hominis PG21 and M. fermentans PG18 were used in Western blot assays. A similar frequency of sera from patients and controls reactive to MAM was detected. A larger number of M. hominis and M. fermentans LAMPs were recognized by sera from RA patients than controls, but no differences were detected between sera from SLE patients and controls. Among the LAMPs recognized by IgG antibodies from RA patients, proteins of molecular masses in a range of < 49 and a parts per thousand yen20 KDa (M. hominis) and < 102 and a parts per thousand yen58 KDa (M. fermentans) were the most reactive. These preliminary results demonstrate the strong reactivity of antibodies of RA patients with some M. hominis and M. fermentans LAMPs. These LAMPs could be investigated as mycoplasmal antigens that can take part in the induction or amplification of human autoimmune responses.
We studied the levels of immunoglobulins in colostrum, milk and sera from two common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) mothers (M1 and M2), and in sera from their newborn infants. During pregnancy they continued intravenous immunoglobulin therapy (IVIG). Antibody levels from maternal and cord blood collected at delivery and colostrum and milk, collected on the 3rd and 7th post-partum days, respectively, were analyzed. Although cord/maternal blood ratios of total immunoglobulins and subclasses, as well as specific antibodies differed between M1 and M2, both showed good placental transfer of anti-protein and anti-polysaccharide antibodies, despite lower cord/maternal blood ratios in M2. Anti-Streptococcus pneumoniae antibody avidity indexes were similar between paired maternal and cord serum. Both mothers` colostrum and milk samples showed only traces of IgA, and IgM and IgG levels in colostrum were within normal range in M1, whereas M2 presented elevated IgG and low IgM levels, when compared with healthy mothers. The study of colostrum and milk activity showed that they strongly inhibited enteropathogenic Escherichia coli adhesion in vitro. CVID patients must be informed about the relevance of regular IVIG administration during pregnancy, not only for their own health but also for their immune immature offspring. Breast-feeding should be encouraged as colostra from these CVID patients strongly inhibited E. coli adhesion to human epithelial cells thus providing immunological protection plus nutritional and psychological benefits for the infant.