47 resultados para Fusion approaches
For magnetically confined plasmas in tokamaks, we have numerically investigated how Lagrangian chaos at the plasma edge affects the plasma confinement. Initially, we have considered the chaotic motion of particles in an equilibrium electric field with a monotonic radial profile perturbed by drift waves. We have showed that an effective transport barrier may be created at the plasma edge by modifying the electric field radial profile. In the second place, we have obtained escape patterns and magnetic footprints of chaotic magnetic field lines in the region near a tokamak wall with resonant modes due to the action of an ergodic magnetic limiter. For monotonic plasma current density profiles we have obtained distributions of field line connections to the wall and line escape channels with the same spatial pattern as the magnetic footprints on the tokamak walls. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We have investigated plasma turbulence at the edge of a tokamak plasma using data from electrostatic potential fluctuations measured in the Brazilian tokamak TCABR. Recurrence quantification analysis has been used to provide diagnostics of the deterministic content of the series. We have focused our analysis on the radial dependence of potential fluctuations and their characterization by recurrence-based diagnostics. Our main result is that the deterministic content of the experimental signals is most pronounced at the external part of the plasma column just before the plasma radius. Since the chaoticity of the signals follows the same trend, we have concluded that the electrostatic plasma turbulence at the tokamak plasma edge can be partially explained by means of a deterministic nonlinear system. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We address the effect of solvation on the lowest electronic excitation energy of camphor. The solvents considered represent a large variation in-solvent polarity. We consider three conceptually different ways of accounting for the solvent using either an implicit, a discrete or an explicit solvation model. The solvatochromic shifts in polar solvents are found to be in good agreement with the experimental data for all three solvent models. However, both the implicit and discrete solvation models are less successful in predicting solvatochromic shifts for solvents of low polarity. The results presented suggest the importance of using explicit solvent molecules in the case of nonpolar solvents. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The tunneling of composite systems, where breakup may occur during the barrier penetration process, is considered in connection with the fusion of halo-like radioactive, neutron- and proton-rich nuclei, on heavy targets. The large amount of recent and new data clearly indicates that breakup hinders the fusion at energies near and below the Coulomb barrier. However, clear evidence for enhancement due to halo properties seems to over ride the breakup hindrance at lower energies, owing, to a large extent, to the extended matter density distribution. In particular we report here that at sub-barrier energies the fusion cross section of the Borromean two-neutron halo nucleus (6)He with the actinide nucleus (238)U is significantly enhanced as compared to the fusion of a similar projectile with no halo. This conclusion differs from that of the original work, where it was claimed that no such enhancement ensues. This sub-barrier fusion enhancement is also observed in the (6)He + (209)Bi system. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We show that halo effects enhance fusion cross sections of weakly bound systems, comparing with the situation when there is no-halo. We introduce dimensionless fusion functions and energy variable quantity to investigate systematical trends in the fusion cross sections of weakly bound nuclei at near-barrier energies. We observe very clearly complete fusion suppression at energies above the barrier due to dynamic effects of the breakup on fusion. We explain this suppression in terms of the repulsive polarization potential produced by the breakup.
Using the Sao Paulo potential and the barrier penetration formalism we have calculated the astrophysical factor S(E) for 946 fusion reactions involving stable and neutron-rich isotopes of C, O, Ne, and Mg for center-of-mass energies E varying from 2 to approximate to 18-30 MeV (covering the range below and above the Coulomb barrier). We have parameterized the energy dependence, S(E), by an accurate universal 9-parameter analytic expression and present tables of fit parameters for all the reactions. We also discuss the reduced 3-parameter version of our fit which is highly accurate at energies below the Coulomb barrier, and outline the procedure for calculating the reaction rates. The results can be easily converted to thermonuclear or pycnonuclear reaction rates to simulate various nuclear burning phenomena, in particular, stellar burning at high temperatures and nucleosynthesis in high density environments. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
We use a new technique to investigate the systematic behavior of near barrier complete fusion, total fusion and total reaction cross sections of weakly bound systems. A dimensionless fusion excitation function is used as a benchmark to which renormalized fusion data are compared and dynamic breakup effects can be disentangled from static effects. The same reduction procedure is used to study the effect of the direct reaction mechanisms on the total reaction cross section.
Realistic coupled-channel calculation results for the (18)[O] + (58,60,64)Ni systems in the bombarding energy range 34.5 <= E(Lab) <= 6-5 MeV are presented. The overall agreement with existing experimental data is quite good. Our calculations predict an unexpected fusion suppression for above-barrier energies, with an important contribution of the two neutron ((18)O, (16)O) transfer channel couplings. The sub-barrier fusion enhancement and the above barrier suppression, predicted by the calculations, are consistent with the nuclear structure of the Ni region. Comparisons with recently reported similar effects in reactions induced by the (6)He projectile are discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The traditional reduction methods to represent the fusion cross sections of different systems are flawed when attempting to completely eliminate the geometrical aspects, such as the heights and radii of the barriers, and the static effects associated with the excess neutrons or protons in weakly bound nuclei. We remedy this by introducing a new dimensionless universal function, which allows the separation and disentanglement of the static and dynamic aspects of the breakup coupling effects connected with the excess nucleons. Applying this new reduction procedure to fusion data of several weakly bound systems, we find a systematic suppression of complete fusion above the Coulomb barrier and enhancement below it. Different behaviors are found for the total fusion cross sections. They are appreciably suppressed in collisions of neutron-halo nuclei, while they are practically not affected by the breakup coupling in cases of stable weakly bound nuclei. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We study the effects of several approximations commonly used in coupled-channel analyses of fusion and elastic scattering cross sections. Our calculations are performed considering couplings to inelastic states in the context of the frozen approximation, which is equivalent to the coupled-channel formalism when dealing with small excitation energies. Our findings indicate that, in some cases, the effect of the approximations on the theoretical cross sections can be larger than the precision of the experimental data.
A new technique to analyze fusion data is developed. From experimental cross sections and results of coupled-channel calculations a dimensionless function is constructed. In collisions of strongly bound nuclei this quantity is very close to a universal function of a variable related to the collision energy, whereas for weakly bound projectiles the effects of breakup coupling are measured by the deviations with respect to this universal function. This technique is applied to collisions of stable and unstable weakly bound isotopes.
We describe how the method of detection of delayed K x-rays produced by the electron capture decay of the residual nuclei can be a powerful tool in the investigation of the effect of the breakup process on the complete fusion (CF) cross-section of weakly bound nuclei at energies close to the Coulomb barrier. This is presently one of the most interesting subjects under investigation in the field of low-energy nuclear reactions, and the difficult experimental task of separating CF from the incomplete fusion (ICF) of one of the breakup fragments can be achieved by the x-ray spectrometry method. We present results for the fusion of the (9)Be + (144)Sm system. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The bare nucleus S(E) factors for the (2)H(d, p)(3)H and (2)H(d.n)(3)He reactions have been measured for the first time via the Trojan Horse Method off the proton in (3)He from 1.5 MeV down to 2 key. This range overlaps with the relevant region for Standard Big Bang Nucleosynthesis as well as with the thermal energies of future fusion reactors and deuterium burning in the Pre-Main-Sequence phase of stellar evolution. This is the first pioneering experiment in quasi free regime where the charged spectator is detected. Both the energy dependence and the absolute value of the S(E) factors deviate by more than 15% from available direct data with new S(0) values of 57.4 +/- 1.8 MeVb for (3)H + p and 60.1 +/- 1.9 MeV b for (3)He + n. None of the existing fitting curves is able to provide the correct slope of the new data in the full range, thus calling for a revision of the theoretical description. This has consequences in the calculation of the reaction rates with more than a 25% increase at the temperatures of future fusion reactors. (C) 2011 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.
We report an effective approach for the construction of a biomimetic sensor of multicopper oxidases by immobilizing a cyclic-tetrameric copper(II) species, containing the ligand (4-imidazolyl)ethylene-2-amino-1-ethylpyridine (apyhist), in the Nafion (R) membrane on a vitreous carbon electrode surface. This complex provides a tetranuclear arrangement of copper ions that allows an effective reduction of oxygen to water, in a catalytic cycle involving four electrons. The electrochemical reduction of oxygen was studied at pH 9.0 buffer solution by using cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, rotating disk electrode voltammetry and scanning electrochemical microscopy techniques. The mediator shows good electrocatalytic ability for the reduction of O(2) at pH 9.0, with reduction of overpotential (350 mV) and increased current response in comparison with results obtained with a bare glassy carbon electrode. The heterogeneous rate constant (k(ME)`) for the reduction of O(2) at the modified electrode was determined by using a Koutecky-Levich plot. In addition, the charge transport rate through the coating and the apparent diffusion coefficient of O(2) into the modifier film were also evaluated. The overall process was found to be governed by the charge transport through the coating, occurring at the interface or at a finite layer at the electrode/coating interface. The proposed study opens up the way for the development of bioelectronic devices based on molecular recognition and self-organization. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.