223 resultados para Facial-nerve Function
OBJECTIVE: A new nerve transfer technique using a healthy fascicle of the posterior cord for suprascapular nerve reconstruction is presented. This technique was used in a patient with posttraumatic brachial plexopathy resulting in upper trunk injury with proximal root stumps that were unavailable for grafting associated with multiple nerve dysfunction. CLINICAL PRESENTATION: A 45-year-old man sustained a right brachial plexus injury after a bicycle accident. Clinical evaluation and electromyography indicated upper trunk involvement. Trapezius muscle function and triceps strength were normal on physical examination. INTERVENTION: The patient underwent a combined supra- and infraclavicular approach to the brachial plexus. A neuroma-in-continuity of the upper trunk and fibrotic C5 and C6 roots were identified. Electrical stimulation of the phrenic and spinal accessory nerves produced no response. The suprascapular nerve was dissected from the upper trunk, transected, and rerouted to the infraclavicular fossa. A healthy fascicle of the posterior cord to the triceps muscle was transferred to the suprascapular nerve. At the time of the 1-year follow-up evaluation, arm abduction against gravity and external rotation reached 40 and 34 degrees, respectively. CONCLUSION: The posterior cord can be used as a source of donor fascicle to the suprascapular nerve after its infraclavicular relocation. This new intraplexal nerve transfer could be applied in patients with isolated injury of the upper trunk and concomitant lesion of the extraplexal nerve donors usually used for reinnervation of the suprascapular nerve.
PURPOSE: To compare the abilities of scanning laser polarimetry (SLP) with enhanced corneal compensation (ECC) and variable corneal compensation (VCC) modes for detection of retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) loss in eyes with band atrophy (BA) of the optic nerve. DESIGN. Cross-sectional study. METHODS: Thirty-seven eyes from 37 patients with BA and temporal visual field defect from chiasmal compression and 40 eyes from 40 healthy subjects were studied. Subjects underwent standard automated perimetry and RNFL measurements using an SLP device equipped with VCC and ECC. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were calculated for each parameter. Pearson correlation coefficients were obtained to evaluate the relationship between RNFL thickness parameters and severity of visual field loss, as assessed by the temporal mean defect. RESULTS: All RNFL thickness parameters were significantly lower in eyes with BA compared with normal eyes with both compensation modes. However, no statistically significant differences were observed in the areas under the ROC curves for the different parameters between GDx VCC and ECC (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc, Dublin, California, USA). Structure-function relationships also were similar for both compensation modes. CONCLUSIONS: No significant differences were found between the diagnostic accuracy of GDx ECC and that of VCC for detection of BA of the optic nerve. The use of GDx ECC does not seem to provide a better evaluation of RNFL loss on the temporal and nasal sectors of the peripapillary retina in subjects with BA of the optic nerve.
Masticatory muscle function three years after surgical correction of class III dentofacial deformity
Individuals with dentofacial deformities have masticatory muscle changes. The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of interdisciplinary treatment in patients with dentofacial deformities regarding electromyographic activity (EMG) of masticatory muscles three years after surgical correction. Thirteen patients with class III dentofacial deformities were studied, considered as group PI (before surgery) and group P3 (3 years to 3 years and 8 months after surgery). Fifteen individuals with no changes in facial morphology or dental occlusion were studied as controls. The participants underwent EMG examination of the temporal and masseter muscles during mastication and biting. Evaluation of the amplitude interval of EMG activity revealed a difference between P1 and P3 and no difference between P3 and the control group. In contrast, evaluation of root mean square revealed that, in general, P3 values were higher only when compared with PI and differed from the control group. There was an improvement in the EMG activity of the masticatory muscles, mainly observed in the masseter muscle, with values close to those of the control group in one of the analyses.
Durand MT, Castania JA, Fazan R Jr, Salgado MC, Salgado HC. Hemodynamic responses to aortic depressor nerve stimulation in conscious L-NAME-induced hypertensive rats. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 300: R418-R427, 2011. First published November 24, 2010; doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00463.2010.-The present study investigated whether baroreflex control of autonomic function is impaired when there is a deficiency in NO production and the role of adrenergic and cholinergic mechanisms in mediating reflex responses. Electrical stimulation of the aortic depressor nerve in conscious normotensive and nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME)-induced hypertensive rats was applied before and after administration of methylatropine, atenolol, and prazosin alone or in combination. The hypotensive response to progressive electrical stimulation (5 to 90 Hz) was greater in hypertensive (-27 +/- 2 to -64 +/- 3 mmHg) than in normotensive rats (-17 +/- 1 to -46 +/- 2 mmHg), whereas the bradycardic response was similar in both groups (-34 +/- 5 to -92 +/- 9 and -21 +/- 2 to -79 +/- 7 beats/min, respectively). Methylatropine and atenolol showed no effect in the hypotensive response in either group. Methylatropine blunted the bradycardic response in both groups, whereas atenolol attenuated only in hypertensive rats. Prazosin blunted the hypotensive response in both normotensive (43%) and hypertensive rats (53%) but did not affect the bradycardic response in either group. Prazosin plus angiotensin II, used to restore basal arterial pressure, provided hemodynamic responses similar to those of prazosin alone. The triple pharmacological blockade abolished the bradycardic response in both groups but displayed similar residual hypotensive response in hypertensive (-13 +/- 2 to -27 +/- 2 mmHg) and normotensive rats (-10 +/- 1 to -25 +/- 3 mmHg). In conclusion, electrical stimulation produced a well-preserved baroreflex-mediated decrease in arterial pressure and heart rate in conscious L-NAME-induced hypertensive rats. Moreover, withdrawal of the sympathetic drive played a role in the reflex bradycardia only in hypertensive rats. The residual fall in pressure after the triple pharmacological blockade suggests the involvement of a vasodilatory mechanism unrelated to NO or deactivation of alpha(1)-adrenergic receptor.
The present study investigated morpho-functional relations of the aortic depressor nerve (ADN) 5, 15 and 120 days after the onset of streptozotocin-induced diabetes in rats. Time control animals received vehicle. Under pentobarbital anesthesia, ADN activity was recorded simultaneously with arterial pressure. After the recordings, nerves were prepared for light microscopy study and morphometry. ADN function was accessed by means of pressure-nerve activity curve (fitted by sigmoidal regression) and cross-spectral analysis between mean arterial pressure (MAP) and ADN activity. The relation between morphological (myelinated fibers number and density, total myelin area, total fiber area and percentage of occupancy) and functional (gain, signal/noise relation, frequency) parameters were accessed by linear regression analysis and correlation coefficient calculations. Functional parameters obtained by means of the sigmoidal regression curve as well as by cross-spectral analysis were similar in diabetic and control rats. Morphometric parameters of the ADN were similar between groups 5 days after the onset of diabetes. Average myelin area and myelinated fiber area were significantly smaller on diabetic rats 15 and 120 days after the onset of diabetes, being the myelinated fiber and respective axons area and diameter also smaller on 120 days group. Nevertheless, G ratio (ratio between axon and fiber diameter) was nearly 0.6 and not different between groups or experimental times. No significant relationship between morphological and functional parameters was detected in all experimental groups. The present study suggests that ADN diabetic neuropathy was time-dependent, with damage to myelinated fibers to be the primary event, not evidenced by physiological methods. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background. Morphological and dentofacial alterations have been attributed to impaired respiratory function. Objective. To examine the influence of mouth breathing (MB) on children facial morphology before and after adenoidectomy or adenotonsillectomy. Methods. Thirty-three MB children who restored nasal breathing (NB) after surgery and 22 NB children were evaluated. Both groups were submitted to lateral cephalometry, at time 1 (T1) before and at time 2 (T2) 28 months on average postoperatively. Results. Comparison between the MB and NB groups at T1 showed that mouth breathers had higher inclination of the mandibular plane; more obtuse gonial angle; dolichofacial morphology; and a decrease in the total and inferior posterior facial heights. Twenty-eight months after the MB surgical intervention, they still presented a dolichofacial morphologic pattern. During this period, MB altered the face growth direction and decreased their mandible plane inclination, with reduction in the SN.GoGn, PP.MP, SNGn, and ArGo.GoMe parameters as well as an increase in BaN.PtGn. Conclusion. After the MB rehabilitation, children between 3 and 6 years old presented significant normalization in the mandibular growth direction, a decrease in the mandible inclination, and an increase in the posterior facial height. Instead, they still persisted with a dolichofacial pattern when compared with nasal breathers.
OBJECTIVE To investigate the effects of chronic ethanol consumption and diabetes on nitric oxide (NO)-mediated relaxation of cavernosal smooth muscle (CSM). MATERIAL AND METHODS Male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control, isocaloric, diabetic and ethanol-diabetic. The CSMs were mounted in organ chambers for measurement of isometric tension. Contraction of the strips was induced by electrical field stimulation (EFS, 1-32 Hz) and phenylephrine. We also evaluated the effect of ethanol consumption on the relaxation induced by acetylcholine (ACh; 0.01-1000 mu mol/L), sodium nitroprusside (SNP, 0.01-1000 mu mol/L) or EFS (1-32 Hz) in strips pre-contracted with phenylephrine (10 mu mol/L). Immunoexpression of endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) and inducible NOS (iNOS) was also accessed. RESULTS The endothelium-dependent relaxation induced by ACh was decreased in CSM from ethanol-diabetic rats when compared with the controls, with a mean (sem) of 21 (4) vs 37 (2)%. Similarly, the potency and maximal responses induced by SNP were reduced in the ethanol-diabetic [3.97 (0.38) and 85 (1)%, respectively] and diabetic groups [3.78 (0.56) and 81 (2)%, respectively] when compared with the controls [5.3 (0.22) and 90 (3)%, respectively] and isocaloric [5.3 (0.19) and 92 (1)%, respectively] groups. Noradrenergic nerve-mediated contractions of CSM in response to EFS were increased in rats from ethanol-diabetic and diabetic groups when compared with the control and isocaloric groups. Conversely, there were no differences in EFS-induced relaxation among the groups. The immunostaining assays showed overexpression of eNOS and iNOS in the CSM from diabetic and ethanol-diabetic rats when compared with the control and isocaloric rats. CONCLUSION There was an impairment of relaxation of CSM from ethanol-diabetic and diabetic rats that involved a decrease in the NO-cyclic guanosine monophosphate signalling pathway by endothelium-dependent mechanisms accompanied by a change in the CSM contractile sensitivity.
Genetic mutations responsible for oblique facial clefts (ObFC), a unique class of facial malformations, are largely unknown. We show that loss-of-function mutations in SPECC1L. are pathogenic for this human developmental disorder and that SPECC1L is a critical organizer of vertebrate facial morphogenesis. During murine embryogenesis, Speed 1 1 is expressed in cell populations of the developing facial primordial, which proliferate and fuse to form the face. In zebrafish, knockdown of a SPECC1L homolog produces a faceless phenotype with loss of jaw and facial structures, and knockdown in Drosophila phenocopies mutants in the integrin signaling pathway that exhibit cell-migration and -adhesion defects. Furthermore, in mammalian cells, SPECC1L colocalizes with both tubulin and actin, and its deficiency results in defective actin-cytoskeleton reorganization, as well as abnormal cell adhesion and migration. Collectively, these data demonstrate that SPECC1L functions in actin-cytoskeleton reorganization and is required for proper facial morphogenesis.
Reconstruction of bony facial contour deficiencies with polymethylmethacrylate implants: case report
Facial trauma can be considered one of the most serious aggressions found in the medical centers due to the emotional consequences and the possibility of deformity. In craniofacial surgery, the use of autologous bone is still the first choice for reconstructing bony defects or irregularities. When there is a shortage of donor bone or a patient refuses an intracranial operation, alloplastic materials such as polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) can be used. The PMMA prosthesis can be pre-fabricated, bringing advantages such as reduction of surgical time, easy technical handling and good esthetic results. This paper describes the procedures for rehabilitating a patient with PMMA implants in the region of the face, recovering the facial contours and esthetics of the patient.
OBJETIVO: o objetivo deste estudo prospectivo de 32 adolescentes com má oclusão de Classe II, divisão 1, associada a retrognatismo mandibular, tratados com aparelho de Herbst, construído sobre bandas e coroas metálicas, foi avaliar cefalometricamente as possíveis mudanças no padrão de crescimento facial. METODOLOGIA: as telerradiografias laterais foram obtidas ao início do tratamento (T1) e imediatamente após 12 meses de tratamento com o referido aparelho ortopédico (T2). Foram utilizados o quociente de Jarabak e o VERT de Ricketts (modificado) para determinação do padrão facial em T1 e T2. RESULTADOS: utilizando o quociente de Jarabak, os resultados evidenciaram que 27 casos (84,4%) apresentaram padrões hipodivergentes em T1 e permaneceram da mesma forma em T2. Cinco casos (15,6%) apresentaram padrão neutro em T1 e não exibiram mudanças em T2. Quando avaliado o VERT de Ricketts (modificado), não ocorreram mudanças no padrão facial em 31 pacientes. Em apenas um caso ocorreu mudança do tipo facial. CONCLUSÃO: baseado nos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que, após 12 meses de tratamento com aparelho de Herbst, não ocorreram mudanças verticais no padrão de crescimento facial dos pacientes estudados.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between malocclusion and self-perception of oral appearance/function, in 12/15-year-old Brazilian adolescents. The cluster sample consisted of 717 teenagers attending 24 urban public (n=611) and 5 rural public (n=107) schools in Maringá/PR. Malocclusion was measured using the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI), in accordance with WHO recommendations. A parental questionnaire was applied to collect information on esthetic perception level and oral variables related to oral health. Univariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed. Multiple logistic regression confirmed that for 12-year-old, missing teeth (OR=2.865) and presence of openbite (open occlusal relationship) (OR=2.865) were risk indicators for speech capability. With regard to 15-year-old, presence of mandibular overjet (horizontal overlap) (OR=4.016) was a risk indicator for speech capability and molar relationship (OR=1.661) was a risk indicator for chewing capability. The impact of malocclusion on adolescents' life was confirmed in this study. Speech and chewing capability were associated with orthodontic deviations, which should be taken into consideration in oral health planning, to identify risk groups and improve community health services.
This paper reports a rare case of acute severe orbital abscess manifested 2 days after a facial trauma without bone fracture in a 20-year-old Afro-American female. The symptoms worsened within the 24 h prior to hospital admission resulting in visual disturbances such as diplopia and photophobia. The clinical findings at the first consultation included fever, periorbital swelling and redness, ptosis, proptosis and limitation of ocular movements upwards, downwards, to the right and to the left. Computed tomography scan showed proptosis with considerable soft tissue swelling on the left side and no fracture was evidenced in the facial skeleton, including the zygomatic-orbital complex. After hospital admission and antibiotic therapy intravenously the patient was conducted to the operation room and submitted to incision and drainage under general anesthesia. The orbit was approached thorough both eyelids and the maxillary sinus was reached only through the Caldwell-Luc approach. The postoperative period was uneventful and the rapid improvement of symptoms was remarkable. Visual acuity and ocular motility returned to the normal ranges within 2 days after the surgical intervention. After 12 postoperative days, the patient presented with significative improvement in the ptosis and proptosis, and acceptable scars.
Class III skeletal malocclusion may present several etiologies, among which maxillary deficiency is the most frequent. Bone discrepancy may have an unfavorable impact on esthetics, which is frequently aggravated by the presence of accentuated facial asymmetries. This type of malocclusion is usually treated with association of Orthodontics and orthognathic surgery for correction of occlusion and facial esthetics. This report presents the treatment of a patient aged 15 years and 1 month with Class III skeletal malocclusion, having narrow maxilla, posterior open bite on the left side, anterior crossbite and unilateral posterior crossbite, accentuated negative dentoalveolar discrepancy in the maxillary arch, and maxillary and mandibular midline shift. Clinical examination also revealed maxillary hypoplasia, increased lower one third of the face, concave bone and facial profiles and facial asymmetry with mandibular deviation to the left side. The treatment was performed in three phases: presurgical orthodontic preparation, orthognathic surgery and orthodontic finishing. In reviewing the patient's final records, the major goals set at the beginning of treatment were successfully achieved, providing the patient with adequate masticatory function and pleasant facial esthetics.
This study analyzed the effects of the unilateral removal and dissection of the masseter muscle on the facial growth of young rats. A total of 30 one-month-old Wistar rats were used. Unilateral complete removal of the masseter muscle was performed in the removal group, and detachment followed by repositioning of the masseter muscle was performed in the dissection group, while only surgical access was performed in the sham-operated group. The animals were sacrificed at three months of age. Axial radiographic projections of the skulls and lateral projections of the hemimandibles were taken. Cephalometric evaluations were made and the values obtained were submitted to statistical analyses. In the removal group, there were contour alterations of the angular process, and a significant homolateral difference in the length of the maxilla and a significant bilateral difference in the height of the mandibular body and the length of the mandible were observed. Comparison among groups revealed significance only in the removal group. It was concluded that the experimental removal of the masseter muscle during the growing period in rats induced atrophic changes in the angular process, as well as asymmetry of the maxilla and shortening of the whole mandible.
PURPOSE: To investigate the facial symmetry of rats submitted to experimental mandibular condyle fracture and with protein undernutrition (8% of protein) by means of cephalometric measurements. METHODS: Forty-five adult Wistar rats were distributed in three groups: fracture group, submitted to condylar fracture with no changes in diet; undernourished fracture group, submitted to hypoproteic diet and condylar fracture; undernourished group, kept until the end of experiment, without condylar fracture. Displaced fractures of the right condyle were induced under general anesthesia. The specimens were submitted to axial radiographic incidence, and cephalometric mensurations were made using a computer system. The values obtained were subjected to statistical analyses among the groups and between the sides in each group. RESULTS: There was significative decrease of the values of serum proteins and albumin in the undernourished fracture group. There was deviation of the median line of the mandible relative to the median line of the maxilla, significative to undernutrition fracture group, as well as asymmetry of the maxilla and mandible, in special in the final period of experiment. CONCLUSION: The mandibular condyle fracture in rats with proteic undernutrition induced an asymmetry of the mandible, also leading to consequences in the maxilla.