107 resultados para Elderly, aging


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O estudo do uso do tempo considera a heterogeneidade do envelhecimento, analisando-o multifatorialmente, permitindo vislumbrar o estilo de vida de indivíduos idosos. Este estudo objetivou descrever o uso do tempo de 75 idosas (68,04 ± 8,36 anos), através das suas atividades diárias. Instrumentos utilizados: teste de cognição (Clock Completion Test), formulário para dados pessoais e entrevista estruturada (Time Diary) para relato das atividades diárias. Para decodificação e classificação das atividades diárias, utilizou-se a classificação australiana para estudos de uso do tempo, distribuindo-as em nove grupos de atividades principais. Foram verificados os contextos físico (local) e social (parceiros sociais) das atividades. Verificou-se que grande parte do tempo destinou-se às atividades obrigatórias (atividades domésticas e de cuidados pessoais). A maior proporção do tempo livre destinou-se ao lazer passivo (assistir televisão) com pouco envolvimento em atividades físicas. A casa e estar com membros da família ou sozinhas representaram o contexto físico e social mais presentes. O estudo permitiu um vislumbre do estilo de vida do grupo. Provavelmente houve influência de fatores individuais como idade, gênero, grau de instrução, estado civil e nível socioeconômico sobre os padrões encontrados para o uso do tempo.


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A transição demográfica pela qual o Brasil vem passando nos últimos anos produz como efeito um fenômeno mundialmente conhecido como envelhecimento populacional. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer os fatores relacionados à necessidade de tratamento odontológico percebida por idosos brasileiros. Foi realizado um aprofundamento dos resultados encontrados no levantamento epidemiológico nacional de saúde bucal de 2003. O tamanho total da amostra foi de 5.349 indivíduos. Modelos de regressão de Poisson foram realizadas para identificar as variáveis individuais envolvidas na autopercepção de necessidade de tratamento odontológico. As variáveis associadas à necessidade subjetiva de tratamento odontológico foram diferentes para idosos edêntulos e não edêntulos. Estes achados são importantes para o planejamento da oferta de serviços de saúde bucal para a população, fornecendo uma estimativa sobre os principais problemas que estes indivíduos demandam e quantos necessitariam de atendimento.


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FUNDAMENTO: Em razão das controvérsias existentes na literatura quanto aos possíveis benefícios do treinamento resistido (TR) sobre a pressão arterial de repouso (PA) e por causa da escassez de estudos com indivíduos idosos e hipertensos, o TR é pouco recomendado como forma de tratamento não-farmacológico da hipertensão arterial. OBJETIVO: Verificar os efeitos do TR progressivo sobre a pressão arterial de repouso (PA), a freqüência cardíaca (FC) e o duplo produto (DP) em idosas hipertensas controladas. MÉTODOS: Vinte mulheres idosas (66,8 ± 5,6 anos de idade) sedentárias, controladas com medicação anti-hipertensiva, realizaram 12 semanas de TR, compondo o grupo do treinamento resistido (GTR). Vinte e seis idosas (65,3 ± 3,4 anos de idade) hipertensas controladas não realizaram exercícios físicos durante a pesquisa, constituindo o grupo-controle. RESULTADOS: Houve redução significativa nos valores de repouso da pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), da pressão arterial média (PAM) e do DP após o TR. Não foram encontradas reduções significativas na pressão arterial diastólica (PAD) e na FC de repouso após o TR em ambos os grupos. A magnitude da queda no GTR foi de 10,5 mmHg, 6,2 mmHg e 2.218,6 mmHg x bpm para a PAS, PAM e o DP, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: O TR progressivo reduziu a PAS, PAM e o DP de repouso de idosas hipertensas, controladas com medicação anti-hipertensiva.


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Determinar el impacto de las enfermedades crónicas y el número de enfermedades en los diversos aspectos de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (HRQOL) en adultos mayores de São Paulo, Brasil. MÉTODOS: Se empleó la encuesta de salud SF-36® para evaluar el impacto de las enfermedades crónicas de mayor prevalencia sobre la HRQOL. Se realizó un estudio poblacional transversal con un muestreo por conglomerados estratificado en dos etapas. Se obtuvieron los datos de una encuesta multicéntrica sobre la salud aplicada mediante entrevistas en hogares de varios municipios del estado de São Paulo. Se evaluaron siete enfermedades -artritis, dolor de espalda, depresión/ansiedad, diabetes, hipertensión arterial, osteoporosis y accidentes cerebrovasculares- y sus efectos sobre la calidad de vida. RESULTADOS: De los 1 958 adultos mayores de 60 años o más, 13,6% informaron no padecer ninguna de las enfermedades, mientras 45,7% presentaron tres enfermedades crónicas o más. La presencia de cualquiera de las siete enfermedades crónicas estudiadas influyó significativamente en la puntuación de casi todas las escalas de la SF-36®. La HRQOL alcanzó valores inferiores cuando la persona tenía depresión/ansiedad, osteoporosis o había sufrido un accidente cerebrovascular. A mayor número de enfermedades, mayores eran los efectos negativos en las dimensiones de la SF-36®. La presencia de tres enfermedades o más afectó significativamente la HRQOL en todas las áreas. Las escalas más afectadas por las enfermedades fueron dolor físico, salud general y vitalidad. CONCLUSIONES: Se encontró una alta prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas en la población de adultos mayores; la magnitud del efecto sobre la HRQOL dependió del tipo de enfermedad. Estos resultados destacan la importancia de prevenir y controlar las enfermedades crónicas para reducir la comorbilidad y disminuir su impacto sobre la HRQOL en los adultos mayores


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O envelhecimento populacional é um fato marcante da transição demográfica. O estudo das causas básicas em idosos permite visualizar seu perfil epidemiológico, embora possa ser prejudicado pela alta proporção de causas mal definidas. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever a mortalidade dos idosos por essas causas no Brasil. A fonte dos dados foi o Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade do Ministério da Saúde.Entre as variáveis, a principal modalidade foi a causa básica mal definida [ Capítulo XVIII da Classificação Estatística Internacional de Doenças e Problemas Relacionados à Saúde-Décima Revisão (CID-10)]. O decréscimo desses óbitos em idosos foi de 35 por cento entre 1996 e 2005.Considerando os óbitos de 60 a 69 anos e os de 80 e mais anos, as proporções de mal definidos aumentaram em 9,9 por cento e 14,8 por cento, respectivamente, no ano de 2005. Métodos visando a sua diminuição são sugeridos, salientando-se que o fato mais importante é o de os médicos preencherem adequadamente as declarações de óbito- com as reais causas básicas, conseqüênciais e terminais-, objetivo maior dos estudiosos


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Background: The aim of this study was analyze associations between the practice of walking and environmental perception among elderly Brazilians in a region of low socioeconomic level. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 385 elderly people aged 60 years and over. To evaluate walking, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), long version (leisure and transport modules) was used. The environment was evaluated by means of the Neighborhood Environmental Walkability Scale (NEWS) (adapted Brazilian version). For the statistical analysis, multiple logistic regression models were created separately for men and women. The practice of at least 150 minutes a week of walking was the dependent variable, and the variables of environmental perception were the independent variables. All the models were controlled for schooling level and age. Results: The proportion of elderly people active in walking was 56.9% for the men and 26.4% for the women. The perception of the presence of soccer fields (OR = 4.12) and their proximity, within ten minutes' walk from home (OR = 3.43), were associated with the practice of walking among the men. The perception of the presence of public squares (OR = 4.70) and the proximity of primary healthcare units, within ten minutes' walk from home (OR = 3.71), were associated with the practice of walking among the women. An association with adequate perception of vehicle traffic remained at the threshold of significance for the women. Conclusion: Accessibility of leisure structures such as football fields and public squares and of health services such as primary healthcare units were important environmental variables associated with the practice of walking among elderly people living in a region of low socioeconomic level in Brazil. These variables need to be taken into consideration when aiming to promote the practice of walking among elderly people living in similar regions.


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Understanding why we age is a long-lived open problem in evolutionary biology. Aging is prejudicial to the individual, and evolutionary forces should prevent it, but many species show signs of senescence as individuals age. Here, I will propose a model for aging based on assumptions that are compatible with evolutionary theory: i) competition is between individuals; ii) there is some degree of locality, so quite often competition will be between parents and their progeny; iii) optimal conditions are not stationary, and mutation helps each species to keep competitive. When conditions change, a senescent species can drive immortal competitors to extinction. This counter-intuitive result arises from the pruning caused by the death of elder individuals. When there is change and mutation, each generation is slightly better adapted to the new conditions, but some older individuals survive by chance. Senescence can eliminate those from the genetic pool. Even though individual selection forces can sometimes win over group selection ones, it is not exactly the individual that is selected but its lineage. While senescence damages the individuals and has an evolutionary cost, it has a benefit of its own. It allows each lineage to adapt faster to changing conditions. We age because the world changes.


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A generalized version of the nonequilibrium linear Glauber model with q states in d dimensions is introduced and analyzed. The model is fully symmetric, its dynamics being invariant under all permutations of the q states. Exact expressions for the two-time autocorrelation and response functions on a d-dimensional lattice are obtained. In the stationary regime, the fluctuation-dissipation theorem holds, while in the transient the aging is observed with the fluctuation-dissipation ratio leading to the value predicted for the linear Glauber model.


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The aim of this study was to test a novel phytocompound in an experimental model of antitumor-induced immunosuppression. Five groups of mice were considered: young (Y) and aged (A) that were given intraperitoneally 10 doses of cyclophosphamide (CPX, 25mg/kg/bw) or CPX plus (150 mg/kg/bw) of the nutraceutical DTS (Denshichi-Tochiu-Sen), and control. After sacrifice, macrophage chemotaxis and serum levels of IFN-gamma, IL-2, and GM-CSF were determined. Liver and urinary bladder were examined histologically, as were the liver and kidney for redox enzymes. CPX significantly decreased macrophage chemotaxis and all cytokines (p < 0.05, A >> Y). DTS restored macrophage function and cytokine concentration (p < 0.001) and partly improved the necro-inflammatory score and substance P receptor expression in the bladder and the redox status in liver and kidney (p < 0.05). Such data suggest that DTS effectively prevents CPX-induced immune suppression and oxidative-inflammatory damage, which are particularly enhanced in aged organisms.


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The objective was to determine whether aging of sperm caused by incubation at normothermic (38.5 C) or heat shock (40 C) temperatures for 4 h prior to oocyte insemination affects sperm motility, fertilizing ability, competence of the resultant embryo to develop to the blastocyst stage and blastocyst sex ratio. In the first experiment, the percent of sperm that were motile was reduced by aging (P<0.001) and the reduction in motility was greater for sperm at 40 C compared to sperm at 38.5 C (P<0.01). In the second experiment, oocytes were inseminated with aged sperm. A smaller percent of oocytes fertilized with sperm aged at either temperature cleaved by Day 3 after insemination than oocytes fertilized with fresh sperm (P<0.05). There was no effect of sperm aging on the percent of oocytes or cleaved embryos that developed to the blastocyst stage. Aging of sperm before fertilization at 38.5 C reduced the percent of blastocysts that were male (P=0.08). In the third experiment, incubation of sperm at 38.5 C or 40 C for 4 h did not reduce fertilizing ability of sperm as determined by pronuclear formation at 18 h post insemination. In conclusion, aging of sperm reduced cleavage rate and the percent of blastocysts that were males but had no effect on the developmental capacity of the. embryo. The effect of aging on cleavage rate may represent reduced motility and errors occurring after fertilization and pronuclear formation. Aging at a temperature characteristic of maternal hyperthermia had little additional effect except that polyspermy was reduced. Results indicate that embryo competence for development to the blastocyst stage is independent of sperm damage as a result of aging for 4 h at normothermic or hyperthermic temperatures.


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There is little empirical data about the impact of digital inclusion on cognition among older adults. This paper aimed at investigating the effects of a digital inclusion program in the cognitive performance of older individuals who participated in a computer learning workshop named ""Idosos On-Line`` (Elderly Online). Forty-two aged individuals participated in the research study: 22 completed the computer training workshop and 20 constituted the control group. All subjects answered a sociodemographic questionnaire and completed the Addenbrooke`s cognitive examination, revised (ACE-R), which examines five cognitive domains: orientation and attention, memory, verbal fluency, language, and visuo-spatial skills. It was noted that the experimental group`s cognitive performance significantly improved after the program, particularly in the language and memory domains, when compared to the control group. These findings suggest that the acquisition of new knowledge and the use of a new tool, that makes it possible to access the Internet, may bring gains to cognition. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Although the Clock Drawing Test (CDT) is the second most used test in the world for the screening of dementia, there is still debate over its sensitivity specificity, application and interpretation in dementia diagnosis. This study has three main aims: to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the CDT in a sample composed of older adults with Alzheimer`s disease (AD) and normal controls; to compare CDT accuracy to the that of the Mini-mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Cambridge Cognitive Examination (CAMCOG), and to test whether the association of the MMSE with the CDT leads to higher or comparable accuracy as that reported for the CAMCOG. Methods: Cross-sectional assessment was carried out for 121 AD and 99 elderly controls with heterogeneous educational levels from a geriatric outpatient clinic who completed the Cambridge Examination for Mental Disorder of the Elderly (CAMDEX). The CDT was evaluated according to the Shulman, Mendez and Sunderland scales. Results: The CDT showed high sensitivity and specificity. There were significant correlations between the CDT and the MMSE (0.700-0.730; p < 0.001) and between the CDT and the CAMCOG (0.753-0.779; p < 0.001). The combination of the CDT with the MMSE improved sensitivity and specificity (SE = 89.2-90%; SP = 71.7-79.8%). Subgroup analysis indicated that for elderly people with lower education, sensitivity and specificity were both adequate and high. Conclusions: The CDT is a robust screening test when compared with the MMSE or the CAMCOG, independent of the scale used for its interpretation. The combination with the MMSE improves its performance significantly, becoming equivalent to the CAMCOG.


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In 1997 we examined the prevalence of dementia among the Japanese elderly immigrants living in the Sao Paulo metropolitan area (n = 166). Herein, we followed up on these subjects for causes of death and dementia incidence. We were able to contact 108 subjects: 54 were already dead. The most common cause of death was cardiac disease. For dementia, 31.6% of the dead subjects were found to have developed dementia before they died, and 20.8% of the living subjects were demented. As for the baseline the clinical dementia rating (CDR), 20.8% of CDR 0 and 50.0% of CDR 0.5 subjects developed dementia in the dead group; whereas in the living group, 23.9% of CDR 0 and 52.6% of CDR 0.5 developed dementia. As a whole, the incidence was 34.2% per 1000 person-years. Cardiac disease as the most common cause of death was probably due to the higher prevalence of diabetes mellitus. Compared with the previous study, the lower incidence of dementia from the CDR 0.5 group may have been due to a higher mortality rate. This is the first study on the incidence of dementia in elderly Japanese immigrants in Brazil. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The ubiquitin-proteasome system governs the half-life of most cellular proteins. Calorie restriction (CR) extends the maximum life span of a variety of species and prevents oxidized protein accumulation. We studied the effects of CR on the ubiquitin-proteasome system and protein turnover in aging Saccharomyces cerevisiae. CR increased chronological life span as well as proteasome activity compared to control cells. The levels of protein carbonyls, a marker of protein oxidation, and those of polyubiquitinated proteins were modulated by CR. Controls, but not CR cells, exhibited a significant increase in oxidized proteins. In keeping with decreased proteasome activity, polyubiquitinated proteins were increased in young control cells compared to time-matched CR cells, but were profoundly decreased in aged control cells despite decreased proteasomal activity. This finding is related to a decreased polyubiquitination ability due to the impairment of the ubiquitin-activating enzyme in aged control cells, probably related to a more oxidative microenvironment. CR preserves the ubiquitin-proteasome system activity. Overall, we found that aging and CR modulate many aspects of protein modification and turnover. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background/Aims: To investigate the association between cortisol levels, chronic stress and coping in subjects with amnestic-type mild cognitive impairment (aMCI). Methods: Cortisol levels were measured using morning saliva samples from 33 individuals with aMCI and from 41 healthy elderly. Chronic stress was evaluated with the Stress Symptoms List (SSL), whereas coping strategies were assessed using the Jalowiec Coping Scale. Results: aMCI subjects with high SSL scores presented higher cortisol levels (p = 0.045). Furthermore, aMCI subjects who employed emotion-focused coping had higher SSL scores (p = 0.023). Conclusion: The association between increased cortisol secretion, chronic stress and coping strategies may be modulated by the presence or absence of cognitive impairment, where memory deficit awareness constitutes an additional potential factor involved in high stress severity. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel