48 resultados para Eklund, Hjalmar Magnus
Scavenger or Fc gamma receptors are important for capture and clearance of modified LDL particles by monocytes/macrophages. Uptake via scavenger receptors is not regulated by intracellular levels of cholesterol and in consequence, macrophages develop into foam cells in the arterial intima. The levels of scavenger receptor CD36 are increased in atherosclerotic lesions and there is evidence that some components of oxLDL auto-regulate the expression of this receptor. Fc gamma receptor expression is increased in cardiovascular diseases but it is not known weather their expression is regulated by oxLDL. The biological properties of oxLDLs vary depending on the degree of oxidation. In the present study we investigated the effect of LDL particles showing extensive or low oxidation (HoxLDL and LoxLDL) on the expression of CD36 and Fc gamma RII in a human monocytic cell line (THP-1), differentiated or not to macrophage, and the involvement of PPAR gamma. It was found that both forms of oxLDL are able to increase the expression of CD36 and Fc gamma RII and that this effect is dependent on the degree of oxidation and of the stage of cell differentiation ( monocyte or macrophage). We also showed that the increased expression of Fc gamma RII is dependent on PPAR. whereas that of the CD36 is independent of PPAR gamma. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel
The uptake of oxLDL by CD36 is not regulated by intracellular levels of cholesterol, leading to macrophage differentiation into foam cells which play a major role in atherosclerosis. Furthermore, oxLDL competes with PAF in macrophages for binding to PAF receptors (PAFR). Here we investigated the involvement of PAFR in CD36 expression and uptake of oxLDL by human monocytes/macrophages. Adherent peripheral blood mononuclear cells were treated with PAFR-antagonists (WEB2170, CV3988); inhibitors of ERK1/2 (PD98059), p38 (SB203580), JNK (SP600125) or diluents, before stimulation with oxLDL or PAF. After 24 h, uptake of FITC oxLDL and expression of CD36 was determined by flow cytometry and phosphorylation of MAP-kinases by Western blot. It was shown that the uptake of oxLDL was reduced by PAFR antagonists. CD36 expression was up-regulated by oxLDL, an effect reversed by PAFR antagonists. The up-regulation of CD36 and oxLDL uptake both required MAP-kinases activation. The oxLDL induced ERK1/2 and JNK but not p38 phosphorylation was reversed by PAFR-antagonists suggesting that oxLDL signalling involves PAFR dependent and independent pathways. In macrophages from PAFR(-/-) mice, oxLDL was unable to up-regulate CD36 expression and the oxLDL uptake was reduced compared to wild type. These results suggest that oxLDL interacts with PAFR in macrophages to increase CD36 expression and oxLDL uptake. Whereas pharmacological intervention at the level of PAFR would be beneficial in atherosclerosis remains to be determined. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel
Monocytes/macrophages and lymphocytes have a key role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis through the production of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. We evaluated mRNA expression and protein production of CCL2, CXCL8, CXCL9, CXCL10, IFN-gamma and IL-10 in vitro as well as the expression of the CCR2 and CXCR3 receptors in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and healthy controls in the presence or absence of oxidized LDL (oxLDL). Patients with CAD showed higher constitutive expression of CCL2, CXCL8, CXCL9, CXCL10 and IFN-gamma mRNA and, after stimulation with oxLDL, higher expression of CCL2 and CXCL8 mRNA than the control group. We also detected higher levels of CCL2 and CXCL8 in supernatants of oxLDL-stimulated PBMCs from CAD patients than in corresponding supernatants from controls. Patients with CAD had a higher percentage of constitutive CCR2(+) and CXCR3(+) cells after stimulation with oxLDL. Among CAD patients, the main differences between the stable (SA) and unstable angina (UA) groups were lower IL-10 mRNA production in the latter group. Altogether, our data suggest that PBMCs from CAD patients are able to produce higher concentrations of chemokines and cytokines involved in the regulation of monocyte and lymphocyte migration and retention in atherosclerotic lesions. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Parvimonas micra are gram positive anaerobic cocci isolated from the oral cavity and frequently related to polymicrobial infections in humans. Despite reports about phenotypic differences, the genotypic variation of P. micra and its role in virulence are still not elucidated. The aim of this study was to determine the genotypic diversity of P. micra isolates obtained from the subgingival biofilm of subjects with different periodontal conditions and to correlate these findings with phenotypic traits. Three reference strains and 35 isolates of P. micro were genotyped by 16S rRNA PCR-RFLP and phenotypic traits such as collagenase production, elastolytic and hemolytic activities were evaluated. 16S rRNA PCR-RFLP showed that P. micra could be grouped into two main clusters: C1 and C2; cluster C1 harbored three genotypes (HG1259-like, HG1467-like and ICBM0583-like) while cluster C2 harbored two genotypes (ATC03270-like and ICBM036). A wide variability in collagenolytic activity intensities was observed among all isolates, while elastolytic activity was detected in only two isolates. There was an association between hemolytic activity in rabbit erythrocytes and cluster C2. There was an association between hemolytic activity in rabbit erythrocytes and cluster C1. Although these data suggest a possible association between P. micra genetic diversity and their pathogenic potential, further investigations are needed to confirm this hypothesis. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Alfven eigenmodes (AE) driven by ion cyclotron resonance heating are usually registered by different diagnostic channels in the hot core plasmas of large tokamaks like JET and ASDEX Upgrade. These AE appear very near to the extremum points of Alfven wave continuum, which is modified by the geodesic effect due to poloidal mode coupling. It is shown that the AE spectrum may be explored as the magnetic spectroscopy (like Alfven cascades by Sharapov et al 2001 Phys. Lett. A 289 127) to determine the q-factor minimum and geodesic frequency at the magnetic axis in standard sawtoothed discharges without reversed shear.
The electrostatic geodesic mode oscillations are investigated in rotating large aspect ratio tokamak plasmas with circular isothermal magnetic surfaces. The analysis is carried out within the magnetohydrodynamic model including heat flux to compensate for the non-adiabatic pressure distribution along the magnetic surfaces in plasmas with poloidal rotation. Instead of two standard geodesic modes, three geodesic continua are found. The two higher branches of the geodesic modes have a small frequency up-shift from ordinary geodesic acoustic and sonic modes due to rotation. The lower geodesic continuum is a newzonal flowmode (geodesic Doppler mode) in plasmas with mainly poloidal rotation. Limits to standard geodesic modes are found. Bifurcation of Alfven continuum by geodesic modes at the rational surfaces is also discussed. Due to that, the frequency of combined geodesic continuum extends from the poloidal rotation frequency to the ion-sound band that can have an important role in suppressing plasma turbulence.
Nanostrucured europium oxide and hydroxide films were obtained by pulsed Nd:YAG (532 nm) laser ablation of a europium metallic target, in the presence of a 1 mbar helium buffer atmosphere. Both the produced film and the ambient plasma were characterized. The plasma was monitored by an electrostatic probe, for plume expansion in vacuum or in the presence of the buffer atmosphere. The time evolution of the ion saturation current was obtained for several probe to substrate distances. The results show the splitting of the plume into two velocity groups, being the lower velocity profile associated with metal cluster formation within the plume. The films were obtained in the presence of helium atmosphere, for several target-to-substrate distances. They were analyzed by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, x-ray diffraction, and atomic force microscopy, for as-deposited and 600 degrees C treated-in-air samples. The results show that the as-deposited samples are amorphous and have chemical composition compatible with europium hydroxide. The thermally treated samples show x-ray diffraction peaks of Eu(2)O(3), with chemical composition showing excess oxygen. Film nanostructuring was shown to be strongly correlated with cluster formation, as shown by velocity splitting in probe current versus time plots. (C) 2010 American Vacuum Society. [DOI: 10.1116/1.3457784]
A new method for determining the temporal evolution of plasma rotation is reported in this work. The method is based upon the detection of two different portions of the spectral profile of a plasma impurity line, using a monochromator with two photomultipliers installed at the exit slits. The plasma rotation velocity is determined by the ratio of the two detected signals. The measured toroidal rotation velocities of C III (4647.4 angstrom) and C VI (5290.6 angstrom), at different radial positions in TCABR discharges, show good agreement, within experimental uncertainty, with previous results (Severo et al 2003 Nucl. Fusion 43 1047). In particular, they confirm that the plasma core rotates in the direction opposite to the plasma current, while near the plasma edge (r/a > 0.9) the rotation is in the same direction. This technique was also used to investigate the dependence of toroidal rotation on the poloidal position of gas puffing. The results show that there is no dependence for the plasma core, while for plasma edge (r/a > 0.9) some dependence is observed.
High-frequency extensions of magnetorotational instability driven by the Velikhov effect beyond the standard magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) regime are studied. The existence of the well-known Hall regime and a new electron inertia regime is demonstrated. The electron inertia regime is realized for a lesser plasma magnetization of rotating plasma than that in the Hall regime. It includes the subregime of nonmagnetized electrons. It is shown that, in contrast to the standard MHD regime and the Hall regime, magnetorotational instability in this subregime can be driven only at positive values of dln Omega/dlnr, where Omega is the plasma rotation frequency and r is the radial coordinate. The permittivity of rotating plasma beyond the standard MHD regime, including both the Hall regime and the electron inertia regime, is calculated.
The Velikhov effect leading to magnetorotational instability (MRI) is incorporated into the theory of ideal internal kink modes in a differentially rotating cylindrical plasma column. It is shown that this effect can play a stabilizing role for suitably organized plasma rotation profiles, leading to suppression of MHD (magnetohydrodynamic) instabilities in magnetic confinement systems. The role of this effect in the problem of the Suydam and the m = 1 internal kink modes is elucidated, where m is the poloidal mode number.
Anisotropy of thermal stresses in confined dusty plasmas is considered. It is shown that in a multi-component low-temperature plasma containing electrons, ions and dust, the complicated dependence of the ion viscosity on ion temperature gradients leads to a plasma equilibrium state with anisotropic pressure. This pressure anisotropy can be of the order of the ion pressure in some limiting cases, in which the ion Larmor radius or the ion mean free path are of the order of the characteristic length of the plasma nonuniformity. For a sufficiently large dust number density, they contribute to the plasma pressure anisotropy and to its spatial dependence. Currently, it is not yet clear whether this equilibrium state is stable or not. Under these conditions, some convective plasma flows can arise in confinement devices. Therefore, this question needs special consideration.
The one-fluid magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) theory of magnetorotational instability (MRI) in an ideal plasma is presented. The theory predicts the possibility of MRI for arbitrary 0, where 0 is the ratio of the plasma pressure to the magnetic field pressure. The kinetic theory of MRI in a collisionless plasma is developed. It is demonstrated that as in the ideal MHD, MRI can occur in such a plasma for arbitrary P. The mechanism of MRI is discussed; it is shown that the instability appears because of a perturbed parallel electric field. The electrodynamic description of MRI is formulated under the assumption that the dispersion relation is expressed in terms of the permittivity tensor; general properties of this tensor are analyzed. It is shown to be separated into the nonrotational and rotational parts. With this in mind, the first step for incorporation of MRI into the general theory of plasma instabilities is taken. The rotation effects on Alfven waves are considered.
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles are the major cholesterol-carrying lipoprotein in the human circulation from the liver to peripheral tissues. High levels of LDL-Cholesterol (LDL-C) are known risk factor for the development of coronary artery disease (CAD). The most common approach to determine the LDLC in the clinical laboratory involves the Friedewald formula. However, in certain situations, this approach is inadequate. In this paper we report on the enhancement on the Europium emission band of Europium chlortetracycline complex (CTEu) in the presence of LDL. The emission intensity at 615 nm of the CTEu increases with increasing amounts of LDL. This phenomenon allowed us to propose a method to determine the LDL concentration in a sample composed by an aqueous solution of LDL. With this result we obtained LDL calibration curve, LOD (limit of detection) of 0.49 mg/mL and SD (standard deviation) of 0.003. We observed that CTEu complex provides a wider dynamic concentration-range for LDL determination than that from Eu-tetracycline previously. The averaged emission lifetimes of the CTEu and CTEu with LDL (1.5 mg/mL) complexes were measured as 15 and 46 Its, respectively. Study with some metallic interferents is presented. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND Oxidized lipoproteins and antioxidized low-density lipoprotein (anti-oxLDL) antibodies (Abs) have been detected in plasma in response to blood pressure (BP) elevation, suggesting the participation of the adaptive immune system. Therefore, treatment of hypertension may act on the immune response by decreasing oxidation stimuli. However, this issue has not been addressed. Thus, we have here analyzed anti-oxLDL Abs in untreated (naive) hypertensive patients shortly after initiation of anti hypertensive therapeutic regimens. METHODS Titers of anti-oxLDL Abs were measured in subjects with recently diagnosed hypertension on stage 1 (n = 94), in primary prevention of coronary disease, with no other risk factors, and naive of anti hypertensive medication at entry. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive perindopril, hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ), or indapamide (INDA) for 12 weeks, with additional perindopril if necessary to achieve BP control. Abs against copper-oxidized LDL were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. RESULTS Twelve-week antihypertensive treatment reduced both office-based and 24-h ambulatory BP measurements (P < 0.0005). The decrease in BP was accompanied by reduction in thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) (P < 0.05), increase in anti-oxLDL Ab titers (P < 0.005), and improvement in flow-mediated dilation (FMD) (P < 0.0005), independently of treatment. Although BP was reduced, we observed favorable changes in anti-oxLDL titers and FMD. CONCLUSIONS We observed that anti-oxLDL Ab titers increase after antihypertensive therapy in primary prevention when achieving BP targets. Our results are in agreement with the concept that propensity to oxidation is increased by essential hypertension and anti-oxLDL Abs may be protective and potential biomarkers for the follow-up of hypertension treatment.
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is known as `bad` cholesterol. If too much LDL circulates in the blood it can be retained in the walls of the arteries, causing atherosclerosis. In this paper we showed an alternative method to quantify LDL using the europium tetracycline (EuTc) indicator. The optical properties of the EuTc complex were investigated in aqueous solutions containing LDL. An enhancement was observed of the europium luminescence in the solutions with LDL compared those without the lipoprotein. A method to quantify the amount of LDL in a sample, based on EuTc enhanced luminescence, is proposed. The enhancement mechanism is also discussed. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.