78 resultados para 158-957E
Riparian forests are protected by Brazilian law to preserve rivers and their margins. A sugar cane field adjacent to a strip of young riparian forest bordering an older riparian forest along a stream was used to study the riparian forest as a buffer zone to prevent pesticides pollution. Concentrations of the herbicides diuron, hexazinone and tebuthiuron were determined in different soil layers of a Red Yellow Oxisol during 2003 and 2004. The determination was done by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with reverse phase C-18 column, through two mobile phases. Diuron and hexazinone concentration diminished between the sugar cane and riparian forest as buffer strip demonstrating a protective effect. However, tebuthiuron had about four times higher concentrations in the old riparian forest compared to the other areas. Concentrations were higher in the surface and decreased in deeper soil layers in the old riparian forest suggesting that this herbicide probably was introduced by air pollution. This pesticide concentrated in the canopy could be washed by rain to the soil adjacent to the stream. Our data suggest that climate conditions were responsible for enhanced volatilization exposing the old riparian forest to more air pollution that was captured by the higher canopy. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The recognition of temporally stable locations with respect to soil water content is of importance for soil water management decisions, especially in sloping land of watersheds. Neutron probe soil water content (0 to 0.8 m), evaluated at 20 dates during a year in the Loess Plateau of China, in a 20 ha watershed dominated by Ust-Sandiic Entisols and Aeolian sandy soils, were used to define their temporal stability through two indices: the standard deviation of relative difference (SDRD) and the mean absolute bias error (MABE). Specific concerns were (a) the relationship of temporal stability with soil depth, (b) the effects of soil texture and land use on temporal stability, and (c) the spatial pattern of the temporal stability. Results showed that temporal stability of soil water content at 0.2 m was significantly weaker than those at the soil depths of 0.6 and 0.8 m. Soil texture can significantly (P<0.05) affect the stability of soil water content except for the existence of an insignificant difference between sandy loam and silt loam textures, while temporal stability of areas covered by bunge needlegrass land was not significantly different from those covered by korshinsk peashrub. Geostatistical analysis showed that the temporal stability was spatially variable in an organized way as inferred by the degree of spatial dependence index. With increasing soil depth, the range of both temporal stability indices showed an increasing trend, being 65.8-120.5 m for SDRD and 148.8-214.1 m for MABE, respectively. This study provides a valuable support for soil water content measurements for soil water management and hydrological applications on sloping land areas. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fungal entomopathogens have been used more frequently than other types of pathogens for classical biological control. Among 136 programs using different groups of arthropod pathogens, 49.3% have introduced fungal pathogens (including both the traditional fungi and microsporidia). The most commonly introduced species was Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin, with 13 introductions, followed by Entomophaga maimaiga Humber, Shimazu & Soper, which was released seven times. The majority of introduction programs have focused on controlling invasive species of insects or mites (70.7%) rather than on native hosts (29.4%). Almost half of the introductions of traditional fungi targeted species of Hemiptera and 75% of the microsporidia introduced have been introduced against lepidopteran species. The United States was the country where most introductions of fungi took place (n = 24). From 1993 to 2007, no arthropod pathogens were released in the US due to the rigorous regulatory structure, but in 2008 two species of microsporidia were introduced against the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.). Establishment of entomopathogenic fungi in programs introducing traditional fungi was 32.1% and establishment was 50.0% for programs introducing microsporidia. In some programs, releases have resulted in permanent successful establishment with no non-target effects. In summary, classical biological control using fungal entomopathogens can provide a successful and environmentally friendly avenue for controlling arthropod pests, including the increasing numbers of invasive non-native species.
Data on fertilisation and embryo quality in dairy cattle are presented and the main factors responsible for the low fertility of single-ovulating lactating cows and embryo yield in superovulated dairy cattle are highlighted. During the past 50 years, the fertility in high-producing lactating dairy cattle has decreased as milk production increased. Recent data show conception rates to first service to be approximately 32% in lactating cows, whereas in heifers it has remained above 50%. Fertilisation does not seem to be the principal factor responsible for the low fertility in single-ovulating cows, because it has remained above 80%. Conversely, early embryonic development is impaired in high-producing dairy cows, as observed by most embryonic losses occurring during the first week after fertilisation. However, in superovulated dairy cattle, although fertilisation failure is more pronounced, averaging approximately 45%, the percentage of fertilised embryos viable at 1 week is quite high (>70%). Among the multifactorial causes of low fertility in lactating dairy cows, high feed intake associated with low concentrations of circulating steroids may contribute substantially to reduced embryo quality. Fertilisation failure in superovulated cattle may be a consequence of inappropriate gamete transport due to hormonal imbalances.
BACKGROUND: Purification of a-toxin produced by Clostridium perfringens type A in aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) was studied with a full two-level factorial design on two factors (concentrations of 8000 g mol(-1) PEG and phosphate salt at pH 8.0), to estimate the influence of these factors on the purification results. RESULTS: The partition coefficient (K), purification factor (PF) and activity yield (Y) were strongly influenced by the PEG and phosphate concentrations. Raising the levels of the two factors increased these responses. The highest purification factor (5.7) was obtained with PEG and phosphate concentrations of 17.5% and 15%, respectively. CONCLUSION: These results support the proposal that polymer excluded volume and hydrophobic interactions are the factors that drive the alpha-toxin in PEG/phosphate aqueous two-phase systems. (c) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry
Selenium (Se) intake is generally from food, whose Se content depends on soil Se and plant accumulation. For humans, adequate Se intake is essential for several selenoenzymes. In the Lower Tapajos region of the Brazilian Amazon, Se status is elevated with large inter-community variability. Se intake in this region, where Hg exposure is among the highest in the world, may be important to counteract mercury (Hg) toxicity. The present study was conducted in 2006 with 155 persons from four communities of the Lower Tapajos. The objectives were: i) to evaluate Se content in their typical diet and drinking water; ii) to compare food Se concentrations with respect to geographic location; and iii) to examine the contribution of consumption of different food items to blood Se. More than 400 local foods and 40 drinking water samples were collected. Participants responded to an interview-administered food frequency questionnaire and provided blood samples. Food, water and blood Se levels were assessed by ICP-MS. Since Brazil nuts may also contain significant levels of barium (Ba) and strontium (Sr), these elements were likewise analyzed in nuts. The highest Se concentrations were found in Brazil nuts, but concentrations were highly variable (median: 13.9 mu g/g; range: 0.4-158.4 mu g/g). Chicken, game meat, eggs and beef also contained considerable levels of Se, with median concentrations from 0.3 to 1.4 mu g/g. There was no particular geographic distribution of food Se. Se concentration in drinking water was very low (<1.4 mu g/L). Blood Se covered a (103-1500 mu g/L), and was positively related to regular consumption of Brazil nuts, domestic chicken and game meat. Brazil nuts were found to contain highly variable and often very high concentrations of Ba (88.0 mu g/g, 1.9-1437 mu g/g) and Sr (38.7 mu g/g, 3.3-173 mu g/g). Further studies should address multiple nutrient/toxic interactions in the diet and related effects on health. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Probiotic properties of Lactobacillus amylovorus DSM 16698 were previously demonstrated in piglets. Here, its potential as a human probiotic was studied in vitro, using the TIM-1 system, which is fully validated to simulate the human upper gastrointestinal tract. To evaluate the effect of the food matrix composition on the survival of L amylovorus DSM 16698 in TIM-1, the microorganism was inoculated alone or with prebiotic galactooligosaccharides (GOS), partially skimmed milk (PSM) and/or commercial probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12 (Bb-12). Samples were collected from TIM-1 for six hours, at one-hour intervals and L amylovorus populations were enumerated on MRS agar plates with confirmation of identity of selected isolates by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting. The cumulative survival for L amylovorus alone (control) was 30% at the end of the experiment (t = 6 h). Co-administration of L amylovorus with GOS. PSM and/or Bb-12 increased its survival in comparison with the control significantly from the 4th hour after ingestion onwards (P<0.05). Furthermore, by the use of High Performance Anion Exchange Chromatography, both L amylovorus and Bb-12 were observed to promptly degrade GOS compounds in samples collected from TIM-1, as assessed at t = 2 h. Hence, food matrix composition interfered with survival and growth of L. amylovorus during passage through TIM-1, providing leads towards optimization of probiotic properties in vivo. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The filamentous fungus A. phoenicis produced high levels of beta-D-fructofuranosidase (FFase) when grown for 72 hrs under Solid-State Fermentation (SSF), using soy bran moistened with tap water (1:0.5 w/v) as substrate/carbon source. Two isoforms (I and II) were obtained, and FFase II was purified 18-fold to apparent homogeneity with 14% recovery. The native molecular mass of the glycoprotein (12% of carbohydrate content) was 158.5 kDa with two subunits of 85 kDa estimated by SDS-PAGE. Optima of temperature and pH were 55 degrees C and 4.5. The enzyme was stable for more than 1 hr at 50 degrees C and was also stable in a pH range from 7.0 to 8.0. FFase II retained 80% of activity after storage at 4 degrees C by 200 hrs. Dichroism analysis showed the presence of random and beta-sheet structure. A. phoenicis FFase II was activated by Mn(2+), Mg(2+) and Co(2+), and inhibited by Cu(2+), Hg(2+) and EDTA. The enzyme hydrolyzed sucrose, inulin and raffinose. K(d) and V(max) values were 18 mM and 189 U/mg protein using sucrose as substrate.
Semi-interpenetrating networks (Semi-IPNs) with different compositions were prepared from poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS), tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS), and poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) by the sol-gel process in this study. The characterization of the PDMS/PVA semi-IPN was carried out using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and swelling measurements. The presence of PVA domains dispersed in the PDMS network disrupted the network and allowed PDMS to crystallize, as observed by the crystallization and melting peaks in the DSC analyses. Because of the presence of hydrophilic (-OH) and hydrophobic (Si-(CH(3))(2)) domains, there was an appropriate hydrophylic/hydrophobic balance in the semi-IPNs prepared, which led to a maximum equilibrium water content of similar to 14 wt % without a loss in the ability to swell less polar solvents. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 115: 158-166, 2010
We assessed the responses of hematological parameters and their relationship to the anaerobic threshold of Brazilian soccer players during a training program. Twelve athletes were evaluated at the beginning (week 0, T1), in the middle (week 6, T2), and at the end (week 12, T3) of the soccer training program. On the first day at 7:30 AM, before collecting the blood sample at rest for the determination of the hematological parameters, the athletes were conducted to the anthropometric evaluation. On the second day at 8:30 AM, the athletes had their anaerobic threshold measured. Analysis of variance with Newman-Keuls`post hoc was used for statistical comparisons between the parameters measured during the soccer training program. Correlations between the parameters analyzed were determined using the Pearson`s correlation coefficient. Erythrocytes concentration, hemoglobin, and hematocrit were significantly increased from T1 to T2. The specific soccer training program led to a rise in erythrocytes, hemoglobin, and hematocrit from T1 to T2. We assumed that these results occurred due to the plasma volume reduction and may be explained by the soccer training program characteristics. Furthermore, we did not observe any correlation between the anaerobic threshold and the hematological parameters.
The mineralogy and origin of micas were investigated in incipient soils surrounding a modem alkaline-saline lake of Nhecolandia, a sub-region of Pantanal wetland. Soils were sampled along a toposequence and analyzed by XRD, TEM-EDS, and ICP-MS. The studied micas, mainly concentrated in a green horizon, are dioctahedral, strongly associated with Fe(3+) and Al, and interstratified with smectite layers. Classification of individual crystals shows that glauconite and Fe-illite are the dominant micas, but one crystal of illite was recognized. Si-rich amorphous materials are associated with small crystallites in the mica-enriched horizon. A recent study shows that water samples from the studied lake and the surrounding water table have high pH, negative Eh, temperatures up to 40 C. high concentration of K. and low concentration of Si(OH)(4). Experimental studies of micas synthesis reported in the literature show that similar water conditions allow for dioctahedral mica crystallization from initial precipitation of amorphous hydroxides. Therefore, water characteristics combined with presence of Si-rich amorphous materials in the mica-enriched horizon suggest that the micas of the study area are neoformed. The alternated origin of illite, glauconite, and Fe-illite mixed-layer minerals probably occurs due to seasonal variations of pH. temperature, and chemical composition of waters in microenvironments, since the changes at this scale are possibly faster and more extreme. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background Differences between women and men have been documented for both diagnostic testing and treatment in cardiology. This analysis evaluates whether low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) success rates according to current guidelines and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels differ by gender in the L-TAP 2 population. Methods Patients aged >= 20 years with dyslipidemia on stable lipid-lowering therapy were assessed in 9 countries between September 2006 and April 2007. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol goal attainment by cardiovascular risk level and region and determinants of low HDL-C were compared between genders. Results Of 9,955 patients (45.3% women) evaluated, women had a significantly lower overall LDL-C success rate than men (71.5% vs 73.7%, P = .014), due entirely to the difference in the high-risk/coronary heart disease (CHD) group (LDL-C goal <100 mg/dL, 62.6% vs 70.6%, P < .0001) Among CHD patients with >= 2 additional risk factors, only 26.7% of women and 31.5% of men (P = .021) attained the optional LDL-C goal of <70 mg/dL. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol was <50 mg/dL in 32.2% of women and <40 mg/dL in 26.8% of men (P < .0001), including 38.2% of women and 29.8% of men in the high risk/CHD group (P < .0001). Predictors of low HDL-C in women included diabetes, smoking, waist circumference, and hypertension. Conclusions Cholesterol treatment has, improved substantially since the original L-TAP a decade ago, when only 39% of women attained their LDL-C goal. However, high-risk women are undertreated compared to men, and a substantial opportunity remains to reduce their cardiovascular risk. (Am Heart J 2009; 158:860-6.)
Objective: GH secretagogues (GHS) produce exaggerated ACTH and cortisol responses in Cushing`s disease (CD) patients, attributable to their direct action on GH-releasing peptide receptor type la (GHSR-1a). However, there are no studies correlating the ill vivo response to GHS and GHSR-1a mRNA expression in ACTH-dependent Cushing`s syndrome (CS) patients. The aim of this study is to correlate the patterns of ACTH and cortisol response to GH-releasing peptide-6 (GHRP-6) to GHSR-1a expression in ACTH-dependent CS patients Design: Prospective study in a tertiary referral hospital center. Fifteen CD patients and two ectopic ACTH syndrome (EAS) patients were studied. Methods: Tumor fragments were submitted to RNA extraction, and GHSR-1a expression was studied through real-time qPCR and compared with normal tissue samples. The patients were also submitted to desmopressin test and vasopressin receptor type 1B (AVPR1B) mRNA analysis by qPCR. Results: GHSR-1a expression was similar in normal pituitary samples and in corticotrophic tumor samples. GHSR-1a expression was higher in patients (CD and EAS) presenting ill vivo response to GHRP-6. Higher expression of AVPR1B was observed in the EAS patients responsive to desmopressin, as well as in corticotrophic tumors, as compared with normal pituitary samples, but no correlation between AVPR1B expression and response to desmopressin was observed in the CD patients. Conclusions: Our results revealed a higher expression of GHSR-1a in the ACTH-dependent CS patients responsive to GHRP-6, suggesting an association between receptor gene expression and ill vivo response to the secretagogue in both the CD and the EAS patients.
Lactic acid is the predominant acid present in the vagina. We evaluated the consequences of lactic acid, at physiological levels present in the vagina, on cytokine responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) obtained from 10 individuals in the presence or absence of bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Preincubation of PBMCs in 15 mM lactic acid before the addition of lipopolysaccharide resulted in a 246% mean increase in interleukin-23 (IL-23) secretion over that released in the presence of lipopolysaccharide alone (P=0.0068). The lipopolysaccharide-induced production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, IL-6, IL-10 and IL-12 was unaffected by lactic acid. IL-23 stimulation was not observed if the lactic acid was neutralized before its addition to the culture medium or if hydrochloric acid was substituted for lactic acid. In the absence of lipopolysaccharide, lactic acid did not stimulate the production of IL-23 or any of the other cytokines. The increase in IL-23 production was proportional to the lactic acid concentration over a 15-60 mM range. We conclude that at body sites characterized by lactic acid accumulation, such as in the human vagina, exposure to gram-negative bacteria results in selective IL-23 production, leading to a subsequent preferential stimulation of the Th17 T lymphocyte pathway.
In animal models, interstitial angiotensin II (ang II) and AT1 receptor (AT1R) are key mediators of renal inflammation and fibrosis in progressive chronic nephropathies. We hypothesized that these molecules were overexpressed in patients with progressive glomerulopathies. In this observational retrospective study, we described the expression of ang II and AT1R by immunohistochemistry in kidney biopsies of 7 patients with minimal change disease (MCD) and in 25 patients with progressive glomerulopathies (PGPs). Proteinuria, serum albumin, and serum creatinine were not statistically different between MCD and PGP patients. Total expression of ang II and AT1R was not statistically different between MCD (108.7 +/- 11.5 and 73.2 +/- 13.6 cells/mm(2), respectively) and PGN patients (100.7 +/- 9.0 and 157.7 +/- 13.8 cells/mm(2), respectively; p>0.05). Yet, interstitial expression of ang II and AT1R (91.6 +/- 16.0 and 45.6 +/- 5.4 cells/mm(2), respectively) was higher in patients with PGN than in those with MCD (22.0 +/- 4.1 and 17.9 +/- 2.9 cells/mm(2), respectively, p<0.05), as was the proportion of interstitial fibrosis (11.0 +/- 0.7% versus 6.1 +/- 1.2%, p<005). In patients with MCD, ang II and AT1R expressions predominate in the tubular compartment (52% and 36% of the positive cells, respectively). In those with PGP, the interstitial expression of ang II and AT1R predominates (58% and 45%, respectively). In conclusion, interstitial expression of ang II and AT1R is increased in patients with progressive glomerulopathies. The relationship of these results and interstitial fibrosis and disease progression in humans warrants further investigations.