328 resultados para Brazil-Malvinas Confluence


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This paper presents the results of a new investigation of the Guarani Aquifer System (SAG) in Sao Paulo state. New data were acquired about sedimentary framework, flow pattern, and hydrogeochemistry. The flow direction in the north of the state is towards the southwest and not towards the west as expected previously. This is linked to the absence of SAG outcrop in the northeast of Sao Paulo state. Both the underlying Piramboia Formation and the overlying Botucatu Formation possess high porosity (18.9% and 19.5%, respectively), which was not modified significantly by diagenetic changes. Investigation of sediments confirmed a zone of chalcedony cement close to the SAG outcrop and a zone of calcite cement in the deep confined zone. The main events in the SAG post-sedimentary history were: (1) adhesion of ferrugineous coatings on grains, (2) infiltration of clays in eodiagenetic stage, (3) regeneration of coatings with formation of smectites, (4) authigenic overgrowth of quartz and K-feldspar in advanced eodiagenetic stage, (5) bitumen cementation of Piramboia Formation in mesodiagenetic stage, (6) cementation by calcite in mesodiagenetic and telodiagenetic stages in Piramboia Formation, (7) formation of secondary porosity by dissolution of unstable minerals after appearance of hydraulic gradient and penetration of the meteoric water caused by the uplift of the Serra do Mar coastal range in the Late Cretaceous, (8) authigenesis of kaolinite and amorphous silica in unconfined zone of the SAG and cation exchange coupled with the dissolution of calcite at the transition between unconfined and confined zone, and (9) authigenesis of analcime in the confined SAG zone. The last two processes are still under operation. The deep zone of the SAG comprises an alkaline pH, Na-HCO(3) groundwater type with old water and enriched delta(13)C values (<-3.9), which evolved from a neutral pH, Ca-HCO(3) groundwater type with young water and depleted delta(13)C values (>-18.8) close to the SAG outcrop. This is consistent with a conceptual geochemical model of the SAG, suggesting dissolution of calcite driven by cation exchange, which occurs at a relatively narrow front recently moving downgradient at much slower rate compared to groundwater flow. More depleted values of delta(18)O in the deep confined zone close to the Parana River compared to values of relative recent recharged water indicate recharge occur during a period of cold climate. The SAG is a ""storage-dominated"" type of aquifer which has to be managed properly to avoid its overexploitation. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Lycopodiopsis derbyi Renault was analyzed on the basis of compressed silicified stems from four Guadalupian outcrops of the Parana Basin (Corumbatai Formation) in the State of Sao Paulo, Southern Brazil. Dichotomous stems have been recorded, and three different branch regions related to apoxogenesis are described. The most proximal region has larger, clearly rhomboidal leaf cushions, with protruding upper edges; the intermediate transitional region also has rhombic leaf cushions, but they are smaller and less elongated than the lower in the same axis; finally, the most distal region reveals only incipient cushions, with inconspicuous infrafoliar bladders; interspersed microphylls were still attached. A well preserved branch representative of this most distal region was sectioned; it has a siphonostelic cylinder similar to that previously described for L derbyi. The cortex, however, shows new traits, such as a short portion of elongated cells between the periderm and the external cortex (or leaf cushion tissue). The stems were apparently silicified prior to their final burial but were probably not transported for long distances. Their final burial may have taken place during storm events, which were common during the deposition of the Corumbatai Formation. These stems are commonly deformed due to compression, mainly because the internal cortical portions rapidly decayed prior to silicification due to their thin-walled tissue, and are therefore not preserved. The common alkalinity of a shallow marine environment such as that in which the Corumbatai Formation was deposited, should mobilize the silica and favors petrifaction. Based on the new data, an emended diagnosis is proposed and a modification of the identification key published by Thomas and Meyen in 1984 for Upper Paleozoic Lycopsida is suggested. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Middle to Late Holocene barriers are conspicuous landforms in southeastern and southern Brazilian regions. The barriers in the coastal zones of northern Santa Catarina, Parana and Sao Paulo states (27 degrees 19`-24 degrees 00`S) are formed mainly by beach ridge alignments and many barriers present foredune and blowout alignments in their seaward portion. The development of these eolian landforms appears to record a regional shift in coastal dynamics and barrier building. In this context, the Ilha Comprida barrier stands out for its well-developed and well-preserved foredunes and blowouts. Based on the presence or not and type of eolian landforms, the Ilha Comprida barrier can be divided seaward into inner, middle and outer units. The inner unit is formed entirely by beach ridges. The middle unit comprises a narrow belt of blowouts (up to 15 m high) aligned alongshore. Blowout lobes pointing NNW are indicative of their generation by southern winds. The outer unit is represented by low (<= 1 m high) active or stabilized foredunes and a small transgressive dunefield (similar to 1 km(2)). Twenty-seven luminescence ages (SAR protocol) obtained for the beach ridges, foredunes, and blowouts of these three units allow definition of a precise chronology of these landforms and calculation of rates of coastal progradation. The inner unit presents ages greater than 1004 +/- 88 years. The blowouts of the middle unit show ages from 575 +/- 47 to 172 +/- 18 years. The ages of the outer unit are less than 108 +/- 10 years. Rates of coastal progradation for the inner and outer units are 0.71-0.82 m/year and 0.86-2.23 m/year, respectively. The main phase of blowout development correlates well with the Little Ice Age (LIA) climatic event. These results indicate that southern winds in subtropical Brazil became increasingly more intense and/or frequent during the LIA. These conditions persist to the present and are responsible for the development of the eolian landforms in the outer unit. Thus, barrier geomorphology can record global climatic events. The sensitivity of barrier systems in subtropical Brazil to Late Holocene climate changes was favored by the relative sea level stillstand during this time. Luminescence dating makes it possible to analyze barrier geomorphology during Late Holocene climate changes operating on timescales of a hundred to thousand years. These results improve our knowledge of barrier building and will help in the evaluation of the impact of future climate changes on coastal settings. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents the groundwater favorability mapping on a fractured terrain in the eastern portion of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Remote sensing, airborne geophysical data, photogeologic interpretation, geologic and geomorphologic maps and geographic information system (GIS) techniques have been used. The results of cross-tabulation between these maps and well yield data allowed groundwater prospective parameters in a fractured-bedrock aquifer. These prospective parameters are the base for the favorability analysis whose principle is based on the knowledge-driven method. The mutticriteria analysis (weighted linear combination) was carried out to give a groundwater favorabitity map, because the prospective parameters have different weights of importance and different classes of each parameter. The groundwater favorability map was tested by cross-tabulation with new well yield data and spring occurrence. The wells with the highest values of productivity, as well as all the springs occurrence are situated in the excellent and good favorabitity mapped areas. It shows good coherence between the prospective parameters and the well yield and the importance of GIS techniques for definition of target areas for detail study and wells location. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ilha Comprida is a regressive barrier island located in southeastern Brazil that was formed essentially by Quaternary sandy sediments. Ilha Comprida sediments were analyzed to assess heavy mineral indices and grain size variables. The spatial variation of heavy minerals and grain size was interpreted in terms of the present barrier dynamics and the barrier`s evolution since the Middle Holocene. These analyses allowed for the identification of the main factors and processes that control the variation of heavy minerals and grain size on the barrier. Rutile and zircon (RZi) and tourmaline and hornblende (THi) are significantly sensitive to provenance and exhibit the contributions of the Ribeira de Iguape River sediments, which reach the coast next to the northeastern end of Ilha Comprida. In addition to the influence of provenance, TZi responds mainly to hydraulic sorting processes. This agrees with a sediment transport pattern characterized by a divergence of two resultant net alongshore drifts southwest of the barrier. The sediments from the Ribeira de Iguape River reach the barrier directly through the river mouth and indirectly after temporary storage in the inner shelf. The combination of grain size and heavy mineral analyses is a reliable method for determining sediment transport patterns and provenance. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Glyptodon sp. fossil remains can be found throughout Brazil. However, little information is available about their chronological distribution. With the intention to contribute to this issue, we present, as far as we know, the first direct radiocarbon date for 1 specimen of this genus found in Brazil. The osteoderm MZSP-PV660 found in Abismo do Fossil Cave (SP-145), Iporanga, Sao Paulo, Brazil, was dated by accelerator mass spectrometry at the Beta Analytic Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory. The (14)C date obtained was between 20,680 and 21,370 calibrated years before the present. Unfortunately, the scant (and often imprecise or unreliable) chronological data regarding this species and genus in Brazil and elsewhere in South America precludes a robust comparison among the dates available and the one presented here. Nevertheless, our finding supports the existence of this genus in South America at least until the Last Glacial Maximum.


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Three species of chondrichthyans are reported from conglomeratic sandstone at the base of the Lower Permian (Artinskian) Irati Formation (Parana Basin) near Rio Claro, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The fossils include: 1) dispersed teeth of the petalodont ltapyrodus punctatus Silva Santos 1990, first described from the Permian (Artinskian) Pedra do Fogo Formation, Parnaiba Basin, Northeast Brazil; 2) a new species of tooth of the Order Orodontiformes; and 3) a new species of finspine of the Order Ctenacanthiformes. These fossils occur in an allochthonous assemblage of vertebrate remains including other Chondrichthyes, Xenacanthiformes and cladodonts, paleonisciform bony fish, and tetrapods. This discovery is a significant contribution to the sparse record of South American Chondrichthyes from the Early Permian and raises questions regarding the paleoenvironmental adaptations among these fish within Paleozoic basins of Brazil at this time. (C) 2010 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The stratigraphic subdivision and correlation of dune deposits is difficult, especially when age datings are not available. A better understanding of the controls on texture and composition of eolian sands is necessary to interpret ancient eolian sediments. The Imbituba-Jaguaruna coastal zone (Southern Brazil, 28 degrees-29 degrees S) stands out due to its four well-preserved Late Pleistocene (eolian generation 1) to Holocene eolian units (eolian generations 2, 3, and 4). In this study, we evaluate the grain-size and heavy-mineral characteristics of the Imbituba-Jaguartma eolian units through statistical analysis of hundreds of sediment samples. Grain-size parameters and heavy-mineral content allow us to distinguish the Pleistocene from the Holocene units. The grain size displays a pattern of fining and better sorting from generation 1 (older) to 4 (younger), whereas the content of mechanically stable (dense and hard) heavy minerals decreases from eolian generation 1 to 4. The variation in grain size and heavy-mineral content records shifts in the origin and balance (input versus output) of eolian sediment supply attributable mainly to relative sea-level changes. Dunefields submitted to relative sea-level lowstand conditions (eolian generation 1) are characterized by lower accumulation rates and intense post-depositional dissection by fluvial incision. Low accumulation rates favor deflation in the eolian system, which promotes concentration of denser and stable heavy minerals (increase of ZTR index) as well as coarsening of eolian sands. Dissection involves the selective removal of finer sediments and less dense heavy minerals to the coastal source area. Under a high rate of relative sea-level rise and transgression (eolian generation 2), coastal erosion prevents deflation through high input of sediments to the coastal eolian source. This condition favors dunefield growth. Coastal erosion feeds sand from local sources to the eolian system. including sands from previous dunefields (eolian generation 1) and from drowned incised valleys. Therefore, dunefields corresponding to transgressive phases inherit the grain-size and heavy-mineral characteristics of previous dunefields, leading to selective enrichment of finer sands and lighter minerals. Eolian generations 3 and 4 developed during a regressive-progradational phase (Holocene relative sea level highstand). The high rate of sediment supply during the highstand phase prevents deflation. The lack of coastal erosion favors sediment supply from distal sources (fluvial sediments rich in unstable heavy minerals). Thus, dunefields of transgressive and highstand systems tracts may be distinguished from dunefields of the lowstand systems tract through high rates of accumulation (low deflation) in the former. The sediment source of the transgressive dunefields (high input of previously deposited coastal sands) differs from that of the highstand dunefields (high input of fluvial distal sands). Based on this case study, we propose a general framework for the relation between relative sea level, sediment supply and the texture and mineralogy of eolian sediments deposited in siliciclastic wet coastal zones similar to the Imbituba-Jaguaruna coast (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Anomalous and natural concentrations of Cr(6+), occasionally exceeding the permitted limit for human consumption (0.05 mg/L), have been detected in groundwater in the northwestern region of the state of Sao Paulo. As part of a water-rock interaction investigation, this article describes the chemical and mineralogical characterization of rock samples taken from boreholes in the municipality of Urania, with the objective of identifying Cr-bearing minerals and determining how chromium is associated with these minerals. Rock sample analysis were performed using X-ray Fluorescence, X-ray Diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy, electron microprobe and sequential extraction techniques. Chemical analyses indicated that the quartzose sandstones show a geochemical anomaly of chromium, with an average content of 221 ppm, which is higher than the reported chromium content of generic sandstones (35 ppm). Diopside was identified as the primary Cr-bearing mineral potentially subject to weathering processes, with a chromium content of up to 1.2% as Cr(2)O(3). Many of the diopside grains showed dissolution features, confirming the occurrence of weathering. Sequential extraction experiments indicated that 99.3% of the chromium in samples is tightly bonded to minerals, whereas 0.24% is weakly bonded via adsorption. Assuming hypothetically that all adsorbed chromium is released via desorption, the theoretical Cr concentration in water would be one order of magnitude higher than the concentrations of Cr(6+) detected in groundwater. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Bocaina Plateau, which is situated on the eastern flank of the continental rift of southeastern Brazil, is the highest part of the Serra do Mar. Topographic relief in this area is suggested to be closely related to its complex tectono-magmatic evolution since the breakup of Western Gondwana and opening of the South Atlantic Ocean. Apatite fission track ages and track length distributions from 27 basement outcrops were determined to assess these hypotheses and reconstruct the denudation history of the Bocaina Plateau. The ages range between 303 +/- 32 and 46 +/- 5 Ma, and are significantly younger than the stratigraphic ages. Mean track lengths vary from 13.44 +/- 1.51 to 11.1 +/- 1.48 mu m, with standard deviations between 1.16 and 1.83 mu m. Contrasting ages within a single plateau and similar ages at different altitudes indicate a complex regional tectonothermal evolution. The thermal histories inferred from these data imply three periods of accelerated cooling related to the Early Cretaceous continental breakup, Early Cretaceous alkaline magmatism, and the Paleogene evolution of the continental rift of southeastern Brazil. The oldest fission track ages (>200 Ma) were obtained in the Serra do Mar region, suggesting that these areas were a long-lived source of sediments for the Parana, Bauru, and Santos basins. (C) 2010 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The results of geological mapping, chemical analysis and radiometric dating of metabasic rocks of Betara Formation, and mapping and dating of those present in the Betara basement nucleus together with mylonitic granodiorite and syenogranite are reported here. U-Pb analysis of bulk zircon fractions from the metabasic rocks of the basement nucleus yielded a Statherian age of 1790 +/- 22 Ma, while the metabasic rocks from the upper part of the Betara Formation yielded a Calymmian age between 1500 and 1450 Ma. This age is a minimum for the deposition of the Betara Formation. The older metabasic rocks are associated with post-tectonic, possibly anorogenic syenogranite, while the younger ones are gabbro or very porphyritic ankaramite whose REE patterns are consistent with crystallization from an N-MORB parent magma. The observations and data point to the probable events associated with extensional processes of the end of Paleoproterozoic and early Mesoproterozoic. Similar registers of Statherian (1.80-1.75 Ga) and Calymmian (1.50-1.45 Ga) extensional events are recorded in other parts of the South American and African continents. The Neoproterozoic witnessed the formation and junction of the tectonic slices which formed the Apiai domain during the assemblage of western Gondwana. (C) 2010 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the first U-Pb baddeleyite/zircon date for a felsic volcanic rock from the Parana Large Igneous Province in south Brazil. The new date of 134.3 +/- 0.8 Ma for a hypocrystalline Chapeco-type dacite from Ourinhos (northern Parana basin) is an important regional time marker for the onset of flood basalt volcanism in the northern and western portion of the province. The dated dacite was erupted onto basement rocks and is overlain by a high-Ti basalt sequence, interpreted to be correlative with Pitanga basalts elsewhere. This new U-Pb date for the Ourinhos dacite is consistent with the local stratigraphy being slightly older than the few reliable step-heating (40)Ar/(39)Ar dates currently available for overlying high-Ti basalts (133.6-131.5 Ma). This indicates an similar to 3 Ma time span for the building of the voluminous high-Ti lava sequence of the Parana basin. On the other hand, it overlaps the (40)Ar/(39)Ar dates (134.8-134.1 Ma) available for the stratigraphically older low-Ti basalt (Gramado + Esmeralda types) and dacite-rhyolite (Palmas type) sequences from South Brazil, which is consistent with the short-lived character of this volcanism and its rapid succession by the high-Ti sequence. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Amazonian craton in the Sao Felix do Xingu city, southeast region of the Para state, north of Brazil, hosts exceptionally well-preserved Paleoproterozoic bimodal magmatic units grouped in the Sobreiro and Santa Rosa formations. These formations are correlated to the Uatuma magmatic event, which is largely distributed in the Amazonian craton occupying more than 1,500,000 km(2). Geological mapping and petrographical observations reveal distinct spectra of volcanic facies in both formations. The basal calc-alkaline Sobreiro Formation is composed mainly of andesitic and dacitic lava flows and associated volcaniclastic facies of autoclastic origin, with subordinate pyroclastic flow deposits. This formation shows inferred eruption style that is similar to those in Flood Basalt Provinces, with rare scutulum-type lava shields. The upper A-type Santa Rosa Formation was generated by multicyclic explosive and effusive episodes predominantly associated with large fissures and is materialized by voluminous ignimbrites with subordinated ash-fall tuff, crystal tuff, lapilli-tuff, co-ignimbritic breccias, rhyolitic dikes and domes, and associated granitic porphyries and equigranular granitic intrusions. Ignimbrite and rhyolite dikes reveal conspicuous vertical flow pattern pointing to a fissure-controlled eruption, similar to Sierra Madre Occidental ignimbrite province. The proposed evolutionary model for the Sao Felix do Xingu units differs from those of other occurrences related to the Uatuma magmatic event in the Amazonian craton, characterized by predominance of A-type volcanism and contemporaneous granites. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Earthen mounds with archaeological artifacts have been well known in Marajo Island since the 19th century. Their documented dimensions are impressive, e.g., up to 20m high, and with areas large as 90 ha. The mounds, locally known as lesos, impose a significant. relief on the very low-lying landscape of this region, which averages 4 to 6 in above present. sea level. These features have been traditionally interpreted as artificial constructions of the Marajoara culture, designed for defense, cemetery purposes, or escape from flooding. Here, we provide sedimentological and geomorphological data that suggest an alternative origin for these structures that is more consistent with their monumental sizes. Rather than artificial, the Marajoara tesos seem to consist of natural morphological features related to late Pleistocene and Holocene fluvial, and possibly tidal-influenced, paleochannels and paleobars that became abandoned as depositional conditions changed through dine. Although utilized and modified by the Marajoara since at least 2000 years ago, these earthen mounds contain a significant non-anthropogenically modified sedimentary substratum. Therefore, the large Marajoara tesos are not entirely artificial. Ancient, Marajoara cultures took advantage of these natural, preexisting elevated surfaces to base their communities and develop their activities, locally increasing the sizes of these fluvial landforms. This alternative interpretation suggests less cumulative labor investment, in the construction of the mounds and might. have significant implications for reconstructing the organization of the Marajoara culture. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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A large area in northeastern Marajo Island, northern Brazil, has been characterized geomorphologically, applying information acquired from Landsat imagery. This study was combined with detailed sedimentologic analysis of continuous cores, which provided a record of depositional settings developed in this area through the Holocene. The results revealed well-preserved, meandering to anastomosed drainage networks of wide palaeochannels that were superimposed by a narrower palaeochannel system. In both cases, the sedimentary record consists of sands, heterolithic deposits and muds, locally rich in plant debris. The strata are organized into fining upward successions that reach approximately 18 m thick in the wide channels and 4 m thick in the narrow channels. Sedimentary features suggestive of a coastal location for the wider palaeochannels and reworking of sediments by tidal currents include the prevalence of well to moderately sorted, rounded to sub-rounded, fine- to medium-grained sands displaying foreset packages separated by mud couplets, suggestive of tidal cycles. The data presented herein point to a rise in relative sea level reaching the Lake Arari area during the early to late/mid Holocene. This event was followed by a relative sea level drop. Tectonics seem to have contributed to an overall lowering in relative sea level in the study area since the mid-Holocene, which does not follow the same pattern recorded in other areas along the northern Brazilian coast.