43 resultados para spirit drinks
OBJETIVO: Estudar associação entre excesso de peso e hábito de fumar. METODOLOGIA: Estudo transversal desenvolvido por telefone numa amostra probabilística de adultos (Santarém /PA), em 2007. Variável desfecho foi excesso de peso, explanatória hábito de fumar e de confusão idade, escolaridade, união conjugal, estado nutricional prévio, abuso de bebidas alcoólicas, atividade física no lazer e padrão alimentar. Associação entre excesso de peso e demais variáveis foi investigada pelo teste do qui-quadrado e regressão de Poisson para o cálculo das razões de prevalência de excesso de peso conforme hábito de fumar, considerando-se três níveis de hierarquia: características sociodemográficas, estado nutricional prévio e padrão comportamental. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se 40,6% de excesso de peso e 16,4% de fumantes. As variáveis associadas ao excesso de peso foram: maior idade, menor escolaridade, união conjugal estável, excesso de peso aos 20 anos e hábito de não consumo de refrigerante para ambos os sexos; não ativo no lazer para homens e hábito de fumar (atual e passado) para mulheres. As razões de prevalência de excesso de peso não apresentaram associação com hábito de fumar para homens, porém para mulheres houve tendência de maior prevalência de excesso de peso para fumantes atuais, chegando a 2,56 vezes mais do que para nunca fumantes e ex-fumantes. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo constatou que a prevalência de excesso de peso foi maior para mulheres fumantes, comparativamente às ex-fumantes e nunca fumantes. Para os homens não se observou nenhuma associação entre excesso de peso e tabagismo.
OBJETIVO: Verificar a validade do Questionário de Freqüência Alimentar para Adolescentes para avaliar o consumo de grupos de alimentos entre escolares de Piracicaba, São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 94 adolescentes, com idade entre 11 e 15 anos, matriculados em uma escola da rede pública. O consumo alimentar foi avaliado pelo Questionário de Freqüência Alimentar para Adolescentes (QFAA) e a média de dois Recordatórios de 24 horas (R24h) foi utilizada como método de referência. Os itens alimentares foram classificados em 18 grupos. Foram realizadas análises descritivas, teste t-Student pareado e de Wilcoxon, coeficientes de correlação de Pearson e de Spearman. Foram também utilizadas análise de quartis e estatística Kappa ponderado. Os coeficientes de correlação foram corrigidos pela variância intrapessoal dos R24h, estimada a partir de ANOVA com um fator de classificação. RESULTADOS: Não foram verificadas diferenças significativas entre os instrumentos para o arroz, massas, carnes, refrigerantes e sucos artificiais. Os coeficientes de correlação corrigidos pela variabilidade intrapessoal variaram de -0,26 a 0,78. A concordância de classificação dos indivíduos no mesmo quartil de consumo para ambos os métodos variou de 22% (massas) a 50% (feijão). Para quartis opostos, os grupos que tiveram mais de 10% dos indivíduos classificados incorretamente foram massas (19%), carnes (13%) e gorduras (11%). Os valores de Kappa ponderado variaram de - 0,15 (massas) a 0,56 (feijão). O QFAA superestimou o consumo de quase a totalidade dos grupos alimentares e subestimou os grupos dos óleos, feijão, carnes e refrigerantes. CONCLUSÃO: O instrumento apresentou boa validade para feijão, verduras e legumes, leite e derivados, biscoitos recheados e para o arroz.
Este artigo descreve uma nova classificação de alimentos baseada na extensão e propósito do processamento industrial usado na sua produção. Três grupos são definidos: alimentos não processados ou minimamente processados (grupo 1), alimentos processados utilizados como ingredientes de preparações culinárias ou pela indústria de alimentos (grupo 2), e produtos alimentícios ultra-processados (grupo 3). O uso da classificação é ilustrado aplicando-a a dados coletados por Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares conduzida em 2002/2003 em uma amostra probabilística de 48.470 domicílios brasileiros. A disponibilidade diária foi de 1.792kcal/capita, sendo 42,5por cento de alimentos do grupo 1, 37,5por cento do grupo 2 e 20por cento do grupo 3. A contribuição do grupo 3 aumentou com a renda familiar, correspondendo a um terço do total calórico nos domicílios mais afluentes. Discute-se o impacto sobre a qualidade geral da dieta, padrões de alimentação e condições de saúde que poderia ocorrer com a substituição de alimentos do grupo 1 e ingredientes do grupo 2 por produtos alimentícios do grupo 3
OBJECTIVE: To review the effectiveness of school food and nutrition policies world wide in improving the school food environment, student's dietary intake, and decreasing overweight and obesity. METHODS: Systematic review of published and unpublished literature up to November 2007 of three categories of nutrition policy; nutrition guidelines, regulation of food and/or beverage availability, and price interventions applied in preschools, primary and secondary schools. RESULTS: 18 studies met the inclusion criteria. Most evidence of effectiveness was found for the impact of both nutrition guidelines and price interventions on intake and availability of food and drinks, with less conclusive research on product regulation. Despite the introduction of school food policies worldwide few large scale or national policies have been evaluated, and all included studies were from the USA and Europe. CONCLUSION: Some current school policies have been effective in improving the food environment and dietary intake in schools, but there is little evaluation of their impact on BMI. As schools have been proposed worldwide as a major setting for tackling childhood obesity it is essential that future policy evaluations measure the long term effectiveness of a range of school food policies in tackling both dietary intake and overweight and obesity.
Orthodox teaching and practice on nutrition and health almost always focuses on nutrients, or else on foods and drinks. Thus, diets that are high in folate and in green leafy vegetables are recommended, whereas diets high in saturated fat and in full-fat milk and other dairy products are not recommended. Food guides such as the US Food Guide Pyramid are designed to encourage consumption of healthier foods, by which is usually meant those higher in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients seen as desirable.What is generally overlooked in such approaches, which currently dominate official and other authoritative information and education programmes, and also food and nutrition public health policies, is food processing. It is now generally acknowledged that the current pandemic of obesity and related chronic diseases has as one of its important causes increased consumption of convenience including pre-prepared foods(1,2). However, the issue of food processing is largely ignored or minimised in education and information about food, nutrition and health, and also in public health policies.A short commentary cannot be comprehensive, and a general proposal such as that made here is bound to have some problems and exceptions. Also, the social, cultural, economic and environmental consequences of food processing are not discussed here. Readers comments and queries are invited
Flow behavior of chocolate drinks from Cupuassu (Theobroma grandiflorum, Sterculiaceae) from instantised and normal formulation, and enriched with calcium, were studied. Flow behavior was described using common rheological models (Newton, Power Law, and Bingham plastic). Experimental results, obtained at 25 degrees C and 40 degrees C, fitted mostly the Ostwald and Bingham models, with R(2) >= 0.997. The Newtonian model has 0.886 >= R(2) >= 0.991. At 25 degrees C, as expected, viscosity of samples was higher and pseudoplasticity increased (n values were lower than 1). The spray-dryer process lead to differences of rheology of the ""chocolate"" milk drinks. The addition of microcrystalline cellulose plus calcium leads to a lower viscosity.
Objective: The aim of the present in vitro study was to evaluate, using two different methodologies, the effectiveness of pulsed Nd:YAG laser irradiation associated with topical acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF) for preventing enamel erosion and structure loss under regimes of erosion and abrasion or erosion only. Background Data: An increased incidence of noncarious lesions (erosion and abrasion) has been observed, consequently new preventative therapies have been proposed. Materials and Methods: Two different methodologies were performed. For the first, 100 bovine crowns were submitted to four different treatments (n = 25): no treatment (control), 4 min application of APF, Nd:YAG laser irradiation (1 W, 100 mJ, 10 Hz, 141.5 J/cm(2)), and Nd:YAG laser irradiation+4 min of APF. After the specimens were exposed to citric acid (2% w/v; 30 min), they were submitted to 5000 brushing cycles. Specimen mass was measured before and after the treatments. For the second methodology, 20 human crowns were embedded in acrylic resin and cut surfaces were exposed and polished. The specimens were divided into four groups (n = 10): no treatment (control), APF for 4 min, Nd:YAG laser irradiation (1 W, 100 mJ, 10 Hz, 125 J/cm(2)), and Nd:YAG laser irradiation+APF. The samples were then immersed in citric acid (2% w/v; 90 min). Vickers hardness was obtained before and after the treatments. Results: The Nd:YAG laser irradiation+APF (bovine and human enamel) was more effective and yielded statistically significant results for surface microhardness and enamel wear. Conclusion: Nd:YAG laser irradiation associated with APF reduced bovine enamel wear and human enamel softening when samples were submitted to a regime of erosion and abrasion or erosion only in vitro.
Lychnophora ericoides Mart. (Asteraceae, Vernonieae) is a plant, endemic to Brazil, with occurrence restricted to the ""cerrado"" biome. Traditional medicine employs alcoholic and aqueous-alcoholic preparations of leaves from this species for the treatment of wounds, inflammation, and pain. Furthermore, leaves of L. ericoides are also widely used as flavorings for the Brazilian traditional spirit ""cachaca"". A method has been developed for the extraction and HPLC-DAD analysis of the secondary metabolites of L. ericoides leaves. This analytical method was validated with 11 secondary metabolites chosen to represent the different classes and polarities of secondary metabolites occurring in L. ericoides leaves, and good responses were obtained for each validation parameter analyzed. The same HPLC analytical method was also employed for online secondary metabolite identification by HPLC-DAD-MS and HPLC-DAD-MS/MS, leading to the identification of di-C-glucosylflavones, coumaroylglucosylflavonols, flavone, flavanones, flavonols, chalcones, goyazensolide, and eremantholide-type sesquiterpene lactones and positional isomeric series of chlorogenic acids possessing caffeic and/or ferulic moieties. Among the 52 chromatographic peaks observed, 36 were fully identified and 8 were attributed to compounds belonging to series of caffeoylferuloylquinic and diferuloylquinic acids that could not be individualized from each other.
Although cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption increase risk for head and neck cancers, there have been few attempts to model risks quantitatively and to formally evaluate cancer site-specific risks. The authors pooled data from 15 case-control studies and modeled the excess odds ratio (EOR) to assess risk by total exposure (pack-years and drink-years) and its modification by exposure rate (cigarettes/day and drinks/day). The smoking analysis included 1,761 laryngeal, 2,453 pharyngeal, and 1,990 oral cavity cancers, and the alcohol analysis included 2,551 laryngeal, 3,693 pharyngeal, and 3,116 oval cavity cancers, with over 8,000 controls. Above 15 cigarettes/day, the EOR/pack-year decreased with increasing cigarettes/day, suggesting that greater cigarettes/day for a shorter duration was less deleterious than fewer cigarettes/day for a longer duration. Estimates of EOR/pack-year were homogeneous across sites, while the effects of cigarettes/day varied, indicating that the greater laryngeal cancer risk derived from differential cigarettes/day effects and not pack-years. EOR/drink-year estimates increased through 10 drinks/day, suggesting that greater drinks/day for a shorter duration was more deleterious than fewer drinks/day for a longer duration. Above 10 drinks/day, data were limited. EOR/drink-year estimates varied by site, while drinks/day effects were homogeneous, indicating that the greater pharyngeal/oral cavity cancer risk with alcohol consumption derived from the differential effects of drink-years and not drinks/day.
The authors pooled data from 15 case-control studies of head and neck cancer (9,107 cases, 14,219 controls) to investigate the independent associations with consumption of beer, wine, and liquor. In particular, they calculated associations with different measures of beverage consumption separately for subjects who drank beer only (858 cases, 986 controls), for liquor-only drinkers (499 cases, 527 controls), and for wine-only drinkers (1,021 cases, 2,460 controls), with alcohol never drinkers (1,124 cases, 3,487 controls) used as a common reference group. The authors observed similar associations with ethanol-standardized consumption frequency for beer-only drinkers (odds ratios (ORs) = 1.6, 1.9, 2.2, and 5.4 for <= 5, 6-15, 16-30, and > 30 drinks per week, respectively; P(trend) < 0.0001) and liquor-only drinkers (ORs = 1.6, 1.5, 2.3, and 3.6; P < 0.0001). Among wine-only drinkers, the odds ratios for moderate levels of consumption frequency approached the null, whereas those for higher consumption levels were comparable to those of drinkers of other beverage types (ORs = 1.1, 1.2, 1.9, and 6.3; P < 0.0001). Study findings suggest that the relative risks of head and neck cancer for beer and liquor are comparable. The authors observed weaker associations with moderate wine consumption, although they cannot rule out confounding from diet and other lifestyle factors as an explanation for this finding. Given the presence of heterogeneity in study-specific results, their findings should be interpreted with caution.
Aims: To evaluate sociodemographic correlates associated with transitions from alcohol use to disorders and remission in a Brazilian population. Methods: Data are from a probabilistic, multi-stage clustered sample of adult household residents in the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area. Alcohol use, regular use (at least 12 drinks/year), DSM-IV abuse and dependence and remission from alcohol use disorders (AUDs) were assessed with the World Mental Health version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Age of onset (AOO) distributions of the cumulative lifetime probability of each alcohol use stage were prepared with data obtained from 5037 subjects. Correlates of transitions were obtained from a subsample of 2942 respondents, whose time-dependent sociodemographic data were available. Results: Lifetime prevalences were 85.8% for alcohol use, 56.2% for regular use, 10.6% for abuse and 3.6% for dependence; 73.4 and 58.8% of respondents with lifetime abuse and dependence, respectively, had remitted. The number of sociodemographic correlates decreased from alcohol use to disorders. All transitions across alcohol use stages up to abuse were consistently associated with male gender, younger cohorts and lower education. Importantly, low education was a correlate for developing AUD and not remitting from dependence. Early AOO of first alcohol use was associated with the transition of regular use to abuse. Conclusion: The present study demonstrates that specific correlates differently contribute throughout alcohol use trajectory in a Brazilian population. It also reinforces the need of preventive programs focused on early initiation of alcohol use and high-risk individuals, in order to minimize the progression to dependence and improve remission from AUD.
Purpose: The objective of the present in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of different minerals in combination with 1% citric acid on dental erosion. Materials and Methods: Ninety enamel samples were randomly allocated to nine groups (G1. pure 1% citric acid solution [control]. G2. with 1 mM Ca: G3 with 0 047 mM F, G4. with 1 mM Fe. G5. with 1 mM P, G6 with 1 mM Ca and 0 047 mM F. G7. with 1 mM Ca and 1 mM P: G8: with 1 mM Fe and 0.047 mM F, G9. with 1 mM Ca, 1 mM P. 0 047 rnM F and 1.0 mM Fe) The samples were subjected to six pH cycles, each consisting of immersion in pure or modified 1% citric acid (1 min) followed by storage in artificial saliva (59 min) Enamel wear was assessed using profilometry. Results: Data were analysed using analysis of variance and Tukey test (P < 0 05) Enamel loss (mean +/- SD) amounted to between 0 87 +/- 0 30 and 1 74 +/- 0 74 mu m but did not significantly differ among the groups Conclusions: The modification of 1% citric acid with different minerals did not have a protective effect on enamel erosion
It has been suggested that fluoride products are able to reduce erosive tooth wear. Thus, the purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of dentifrices with different fluoride concentrations as well as of a low-fluoridated dentifrice supplemented with trimetaphosphate (TMP) on enamel erosion and abrasion. One hundred twenty bovine enamel blocks were assigned to the following experimental dentifrices: placebo, 1,100 mu g F/g, 500 mu g F/g plus 3% TMP and 5,000 mu g F/g. The groups of enamel blocks were additionally subdivided into conditions of erosion (ERO) and of erosion plus abrasion (ERO + ABR). For 7 days, the blocks were subjected to erosive challenges (immersion in Sprite (R) 4 times a day for 5 min each time) followed by a remineralizing period (immersion in artificial saliva between erosive challenges for 2 h). After each erosive challenge, the blocks were exposed to slurries of the dentifrices (10 ml/sample for 15 s). Sixty of the blocks were additionally abraded by brushing using an electric toothbrush (15 s). The alterations of the enamel were quantified using the Knoop hardness test and profilometry (measurements in micrometers). The data were analyzed using a 2-way ANOVA test followed by a Bonferroni correction (p < 0.05). In in vitro conditions, the 5,000 mu g F/g and 500 mu g F/g plus 3% TMP dentifrices had a greater protective effect when compared with the 1,100 mu g F/g dentifrice, under both ERO and ERO + ABR conditions. The results suggest that dentifrices alone are not capable of completely inhibiting tooth wear. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
Acidic soft drinks are potentially erosive for dental hard tissues. This in vitro study evaluated the effect of calcium, fluoride, iron and phosphate, supplemented alone or in combination to a commercial citric acid-based carbonated beverage on dental erosion. Ninety enamel samples (4 x 4 x 3 mm) were randomly allocated to nine groups (n = 10): G1 - pure beverage (control); G2 - with 1 mM Ca; G3 - with 0.047 mM F; G4 - with 1 mM Fe; G5 - with 1 mM P; G6 - with 1 mM Ca and 0.047 mM F; G7 - with 1 mM Ca and 1 mM P; G8 - with 1 mM Fe and 0.047 mM F; and G9 - with 1 mM Ca, 1 mM P, 0.047 mM F and 1.0 mM Fe. The samples were subjected to six pH cycles over a 24-h period. In each cycle, the samples were immersed in pure or modified beverage (1 min) and in artificial saliva (59 min). During the remaining period (18 h), the samples were maintained in artificial saliva. Enamel loss was assessed by profilometry (mm). Data were tested using ANOVA and Tukey`s tests (p < 0.05). Highest enamel losses were observed in the control group (G1) and in the groups containing Fe (G4 and G8). The groups containing Ca (G2 and G6) showed significantly less wear compared to control. In conclusion, the modification of an erosive soft drink with low concentrations of Ca with or without F may reduced its erosive potential.
Objective: This in situ/ex vivo study assessed the effect of titanium tetrafluoride (TiF4) on permanent human enamel subjected to erosion. Design: Ten volunteers took part in this study performed in two phases. In the first phase (ERO), they wore acrylic palatal appliances containing two enamel blocks, divided into two rows: TiF4 (F) and no-TiF4 (no-F). During the 1st day, the formation of a salivary pellicle was allowed. In the 2nd day, the TiF4 solution was applied on one row (ERO + F), whereas on the other row no treatment was performed (ERO + no-F). From 3rd until 7th day, the blocks were subjected to erosion, 4x per day. In the 2nd phase (no-ERO), the volunteers wore acrylic palatal appliances containing one enamel block, during 2 days, to assess the effect of TiF4 only (no-ERO + F). Enamel alterations were determined using profilometry (wear), microhardness (%SMHC) tests, scanning electron microscope and microprobe analysis. The %SMHC and wear were tested using ANOVA and Tukey`s post hoc tests (p < 0.05). Results: The mean of %SMHC and wear ( mu m) values ( +/- S.D.) were, respectively: ERO + F -73.32 +/- 5.16(A)/2.40 +/- 0.60(a); ERO + no-F -83.49 +/- 4.59B/1.17 +/- 0.48(b) and no-ERO + F -67.92 +/- 6.16(A)/0.21:E 0.09(c). In microscope analysis, the no-F group showed enamel with honeycomb appearance. For F groups, it was observed a surface coating with microcracks. The microprobe analysis revealed the presence of the following elements (%) in groups ERO + F, ERO + no-F and no-ERO + F, respectively: Ca (69.9, 72.5, 66.25); P (25.9, 26.5, 26.06); Ti (3.0, 0, 5.93). Conclusions: The TiF4 was unable to reduce dental erosion. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.