26 resultados para seawater neutralization


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Background, aim, and scope The retention of potentially toxic metals in highly weathered soils can follow different pathways that variably affect their mobility and availability in the soil-water-plant system. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of pH, nature of electrolyte, and ionic strength of the solution on nickel (Ni) adsorption by two acric Oxisols and a less weathered Alfisol. Materials and methods The effect of pH on Ni adsorption was evaluated in surface and subsurface samples from a clayey textured Anionic `Rhodic` Acrudox ( RA), a sandy-clayey textured Anionic `Xantic` Acrudox (XA), and a heavy clayey textured Rhodic Kandiudalf (RK). All soil samples were equilibrated with the same concentration of Ni solution (5.0 mg L(-1)) and two electrolyte solutions (CaCl(2) or NaCl) with different ionic strengths (IS) (1.0, 0.1 and 0.01 mol L(-1)). The pH of each sample set varied from 3 to 10 in order to obtain sorption envelopes. Results and discussion Ni adsorption increased as the pH increased, reaching its maximum of nearly pH 6. The adsorption was highest in Alfisol, followed by RA and XA. Competition between Ni(2+) and Ca(2+) was higher than that between Ni(2+) and Na(+) in all soil samples, as shown by the higher percentage of Ni adsorption at pH 5. At pH values below the intersection point of the three ionic strength curves (zero point of salt effect), Ni adsorption was generally higher in the more concentrated solution (highest IS), probably due to the neutralization of positive charges of soil colloids by Cl(-) ions and consequent adsorption of Ni(2+). Above this point, Ni adsorption was higher in the more diluted solution (lowest ionic strength), due to the higher negative potential at the colloid surfaces and the lower ionic competition for exchange sites in soil colloids. Conclusions The effect of ionic strength was lower in the Oxisols than in the Alfisol. The main mechanism that controlled Ni adsorption in the soils was the ionic exchange, since the adsorption of ionic species varied according to the variation of pH values. The ionic competition revealed the importance of electrolyte composition and ionic strength on Ni adsorption in soils from the humid tropics. Recommendations and perspectives The presence of NaCl or CaCl(2) in different ionic strengths affects the availability of heavy metals in contaminated soils. Therefore, the study of heavy metal dynamics in highly weathered soils must consider this behavior, especially in soils with large amounts of acric components.


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The present investigation is the first part of an initiative to prepare a regional map of the natural abundance of selenium in various areas of Brazil, based on the analysis of bean and soil samples. Continuous-flow hydride generation electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (HG-ET AAS) with in situ trapping on an iridium-coated graphite tube has been chosen because of the high sensitivity and relative simplicity. The microwave-assisted acid digestion for bean and soil samples was tested for complete recovery of inorganic and organic selenium compounds (selenomethionine). The reduction of Se(VI) to Se(IV) was optimized in order to guarantee that there is no back-oxidation, which is of importance when digested samples are not analyzed immediately after the reduction step. The limits of detection and quantification of the method were 30 ng L(-1) Se and 101 ng L(-1) Se, respectively, corresponding to about 3 ng g(-1) and 10 ng g(-1), respectively, in the solid samples, considering a typical dilution factor of 100 for the digestion process. The results obtained for two certified food reference materials (CRM), soybean and rice, and for a soil and sediment CRM confirmed the validity of the investigated method. The selenium content found in a number of selected bean samples varied between 5.5 +/- 0.4 ng g(-1) and 1726 +/- 55 ng g(-1), and that in soil samples varied between 113 +/- 6.5 ng g(-1) and 1692 +/- 21 ng g(-1). (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Scorpion stings are a public health problem in Brazil, with most incidents involving the species Tityus serrulatus. Some T serrulatus toxins may act as immunogens for the production of a specific anti-venom, but many of the component toxins remain poorly characterized. Here, we describe the immunological characteristics of the toxin Ts1 (also known as TsVII and Ts-gamma) and evaluate production of neutralizing antibodies against the crude venom of T serrulatus. Recombinant Ts1 with one copy (Ts1((1))) or two copies in tandem (Ts1((2))) was expressed in BL21 (DE3) cells. Rabbits and mice were immunized with the recombinant proteins (inclusion bodies) and then tested for production of neutralizing antibodies. Neutralization assays showed that anti-Ts1((1)) and anti-Ts1((2)) protected animals challenged with T serrulatus crude venom and native Ts1 Thus, Ts1 could be used in a mixed ""cocktail"" of immunogens for T serrulatus anti-venom production. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Many medicinal plants have been recommended for the treatment of snakebites. The aqueous extracts prepared from the leaves of Schizolobium parahyba (a plant found in Mata Atlantica in Southeastern Brazil) were assayed for their ability to inhibit some enzymatic and biological activities induced by Bothropspauloensis and Crotalus durissus terrificus venoms as well as by their isolated toxins neuwiedase (metalloproteinase), BnSP-7 (basic Lys49 PLA(2)) and CB (PLA(2) from crotoxin complex). Phospholipase A(2), coagulant, fibrinogenolytic, hemorrhagic and myotoxic activities induced by R pauloensis and C. d. terrificus venoms, as well as by their isolated toxins were significantly inhibited when different amounts of S. parahyba were incubated previously with these venoms and toxins before assays. However, when S. parahyba was administered at the same route as the venoms or toxins injections, the tissue local damage, such as hemorrhage and myotoxicity was only partially inhibited. The study also evaluated the inhibitory effect of S. parahyba upon the spreading of venom proteins from the injected area into the systemic circulation. The neutralization of systemic alterations induced by i.m. injection of R pauloensis venom was evaluated by measuring platelet and plasma fibrinogen levels which were significantly maintained when S. parahyba extract inoculation occurred at the same route after R pauloensis venom injection. In conclusion, the observations confirmed that the aqueous extract of S. parahyba possesses potent snake venom neutralizing properties. It may be used as an alternative treatment to serum therapy and as a rich source of potential inhibitors of toxins involved in several physiopathological human and animal diseases. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The herbal extract of Schizolobium parahyba leaves is used commonly in the Brazil central region to treat snakebites. This study evaluates the acute toxicological effects of Schizolobium parahyba aqueous extract in mice 24 h after intraperitoneal administration. Acute toxicity was evaluated using biochemical, hematological and histopathological assays. Alterations in the levels of transaminases, bilirubin, albumin and prothrombrin time were observed, and these are likely to occur due to hepatic injury, which was confirmed by light microscopy. Liver histopathological analysis revealed the presence of lymph plasmocitary inflammatory infiltrate, but no other histopathological alterations were observed in any of the other organs analysed. The data confirm the low toxicity of the extract of Schizolobium parahyba and provide a model for the selection of a dose that does not cause injuries in the organism. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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To better comprehend the structural and biochemical underpinnings of ion uptake across the gills of true freshwater crabs, we performed an ultrastructural, ultracytochemical and morphometric investigation, and kinetically characterized the Na(+), K(+)-ATPase, in posterior gill lamellae of Dilocarcinus pagei. Ultrastructurally, the lamellar epithelia are markedly asymmetrical: the thick, mushroom-shaped, proximal ionocytes contain elongate mitochondria (41% cell volume) associated with numerous (approximate to 14 mu m(2) membrane per mu m(3) cytoplasm), deep invaginations that house the Na(+), K(+)-ATPase, revealed ultracytochemically. Their apical surface is amplified (7.5 mu m(2) mu m(-2)) by stubby evaginations whose bases adjoin mitochondria below the subcuticular space. The apical membrane of the thin, distal ionocytes shows few evaginations (1.6 mu m(2) mu m(-2)), each surrounding a mitochondrion, abundant in the cytoplasm below the subcuticular space; basolateral invaginations and mitochondria are few. Fine basal cytoplasmic bridges project across the hemolymph space, penetrating into the thick ionocytes, suggesting ion movement between the epithelia. Microsomal Na(+), K(+)-ATPase specific activity resembles marine crabs but is approximate to 5-fold less than in species from fluctuating salinities, and freshwater shrimps, suggesting ion loss compensation by strategies other than Na(+) uptake. Enzyme apparent K(+) affinity attains 14-fold that of marine crabs, emphasizing the relevance of elevated K(+) affinity to the conquest of fresh water. Western blotting and biphasic ouabain inhibition disclose two alpha-subunit isoforms comprising distinct functional isoenzymes. While enzyme activity is not synergistically stimulated by NH(4)(+) and K(+), each increases affinity for the other, possibly assuring appropriate intracellular K(+) concentrations. These findings reveal specific structural and biochemical adaptations that may have allowed the establishment of the Brachyura in fresh water. J. Exp. Zool. 313A:508-523, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Although acquisition of anti-pertussis antibodies by the newborn via placental transfer has been demonstrated, a subsequent recrudescence of pertussis infection is often observed, particularly in infants. The present study investigated the passive transfer of anti-pertussis IgG and IgA antibodies to term newborns and their ability to neutralize bacterial pathogenicity in an in vivo experimental model using mice intracerebrally challenged with viable Bordetella pertussis. Forty paired samples of maternal/umbilical cord sera and colostrum were obtained. Anti-pertussis antibodies were analysed by immunoenzymatic assay and by Immunoblotting. Antibody neutralizing ability was assessed through intracerebral B. pertussis challenges in mice. Anti-pertussis IgG titres were equivalent in both maternal and newborn sera (medians = 1:225 and 1:265), with a transfer rate of 118%. The colostrum samples had variable specific IgA titres (median = 1:74). The immunoblotting assays demonstrated identical recognition profiles of paired maternal and newborn serum pools but different bacterial recognition intensities by colostrum pools. In the animal model, significant differences were always observed when the serum and colostrum samples and pools were compared with the positive control (P < 0.05). Unlike samples with lower anti-pertussis titres, samples with high titres showed protective capacities above 50%. Pertussis-absorbed serum and colostrum pools protected 30% of mice and purified IgG antibodies protected 65%. Both pooled and single-sample protective abilities were correlated with antibody titres (P < 0.01). Our data demonstrated the effectiveness of anti-pertussis antibodies in bacterial pathogenesis neutralization, emphasizing the importance of placental transfer and breast-feeding in protecting infants against respiratory infections caused by Bordetella pertussis.


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Excessive free-radical production due to various bacterial components released during bacterial infection has been linked to cell death and tissue injury. Peroxynitrite is a highly reactive oxidant produced by the combination of nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide anion, which has been implicated in cell death and tissue injury in various forms of critical illness. Pharmacological decomposition of peroxynitrite may represent a potential therapeutic approach in diseases associated with the overproduction of NO and superoxide. In the present study, we tested the effect of a potent peroxynitrite decomposition catalyst in murine models of endotoxemia and sepsis. Mice were injected i.p. with LPS 40 mg/kg with or without FP15 [Fe(III) tetrakis-2-(N-triethylene glycol monomethyl ether) pyridyl porphyrin] (0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, or 10 mg/kg per hour). Mice were killed 12 h later, followed by the harvesting of samples from the lung, liver, and gut for malondialdehyde and myeloperoxidase measurements. In other subsets of animals, blood samples were obtained by cardiac puncture at 1.5, 4, and 8 h after LPS administration for cytokine (TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, and IL-10), nitrite/nitrate, alanine aminotransferase, and blood urea nitrogen measurements. Endotoxemic animals showed an increase in survival from 25% to 80% at the FP15 doses of 0.3 and 1 mg/kg per hour. The same dose of FP15 had no effect on plasma levels of nitrite/nitrate. There was a reduction in liver and lung malondialdehyde in the endotoxemic animals pretreated with FP15, as well as in hepatic myeloperoxidase and biochemical markers of liver and kidney damage (alanine aminotransferase and blood urea nitrogen). In a bacterial model of sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture, FP15 treatment (0.3 mg/kg per day) significantly protected against mortality. The current data support the view that peroxynitrite is a critical factor mediating liver, gut, and lung injury in endotoxemia and septic shock: its pharmacological neutralization may be of therapeutic benefit.


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Plant-antivenom is a computational Websystem about medicinal plants with anti-venom properties. The system consists of a database of these plants, including scientific publications on this subject and amino acid sequences of active principles from venomous animals. The system relates these data allowing their integration through different search applications. For the development of the system, the first surveys were conducted in scientific literature, allowing the creation of a publication database in a library for reading and user interaction. Then, classes of categories were created, allowing the use of tags and the organization of content. This database on medicinal plants has information such as family, species, isolated compounds, activity, inhibited animal venoms, among others. Provision is made for submission of new information by registered users, by the use of wiki tools. Content submitted is released in accordance to permission rules defined by the system. The database on biological venom protein amino acid sequences was structured from the essential information from National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Plant-antivenom`s interface is simple, contributing to a fast and functional access to the system and the integration of different data registered on it. Plant-antivenom system is available on the Internet at http://gbi.fmrp.usp.br/plantantivenom.


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Casearia sylvestris Sw., popularly known in Brazil as `guacatonga`, has been used as antitumor, antiseptic, antiulcer, local anaesthetic and healer in folk medicine. Snakebite envenomation by Bothrops jararacussu (Bjssu) constitutes a relevant public health hazard capable of inducing serious local damage in victims. This study examined the pharmacological action of apolar and polar C sylvestris leaf extracts in reverting the neuromuscular blockade and myonecrosis, which is induced by Bjssu venom and its major toxin bothropstoxin-I on the mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations. The polar methanol extract (ME) was by far the most efficacious. ME not only prevented myonecrosis and abolished the blockade, but also increased ACh release. Such facilitation in neuromuscular transmission was observed with ME alone, but was accentuated in preparations incubated with ME plus venom or toxin. This established synergy opens an interesting point of investigation because the venom or toxin in contact with ME changes from a blocking to a facilitating effect. It is suggested that rutin, known to have potent antioxidant properties, and one of the components present in the ME, could have a role in the observed effects. Since commercial rutin did not reproduce the ME effects, it is likely that a rutin-containing phytocomplex is neutralizing the bothropic envenoming effects. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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As part of an epidemiological study of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) in Brazil, 252 samples from IBV-suspect flocks were tested and the IBV-positive samples were analysed by sequencing of hypervariable regions 1 and 2 of the S1 gene. A high prevalence of IBV variants was found and the sequence analysis of 41 samples revealed a high molecular similarity among the Brazilian isolates (from 90.2 to 100% and from 85.3 to 100% nucleotide and amino acid identity, respectively). The Brazilian isolates showed low genetic relationship with Massachusetts (63.4 to 70.7%), European (45.9 to 75.6%), American (49.3 to 76.4%) and other reference serotypes (67.5 to 78.8%). The Brazilian isolates branched into one unique cluster, separate from the reference serotypes used for infectious bronchitis control in other countries. The variants analysed in this work had a high similarity with all previously published Brazilian IBV isolates, suggesting the presence and high prevalence of a unique or predominant genotype circulating in Brazil. In addition, the virus neutralization test showed that the three Brazilian isolates analysed in the present study are antigenically related to one another but are different from the Massachusetts serotype. The present study shows that IBVs of a unique genotype can be associated with different clinical diseases, and that low genetic variation was detected in this genotype over a long period of time. The molecular characterization of the Brazilian variants isolated from 2003 to 2009 from different geographic regions of the country shows that only one predominant genotype is widespread in the Brazilian territory, denominated in this study as BR-I genotype.