26 resultados para química de solo


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This paper reports on the development of a simple and fast procedure for β-carotene extraction from carrots and its quantification by UV/Vis spectroscopy. Carotenoids extracted from carrots may also be used as alternative reagents for TLC (thin layer chromatography) detection of natural compounds with antioxidant properties, replacing the commercial p.a. grade β-carotene. Although this reagent had around 10% b-carotene, it proved to be as efficient for TLC analysis as the commercial p.a. grade β-carotene. This practice is a useful alternative for teaching undergraduate organic chemistry laboratory classes.


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This work describes the construction and testing of a simple pressurized solvent extraction (PSE) system. A mixture of acetone:water (80:20), 80 ºC and 103.5 bar, was used to extract two herbicides (Diuron and Bromacil) from a sample of polluted soil, followed by identification and quantification by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detector (HPLC-DAD). The system was also used to extract soybean oil (70 ºC and 69 bar) using pentane. The extracted oil was weighed and characterized through the fatty acid methyl ester analysis (myristic (< 0.3%), palmitic (16.3%), stearic (2.8%), oleic (24.5%), linoleic (46.3%), linolenic (9.6%), araquidic (0.3%), gadoleic (< 0.3%), and behenic (0.3%) acids) using high-resolution gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (HRGC-FID). PSE results were compared with those obtained using classical procedures: Soxhlet extraction for the soybean oil and solid-liquid extraction followed by solid-phase extraction (SLE-SPE) for the herbicides. The results showed: 21.25 ± 0.36% (m/m) of oil in the soybeans using the PSE system and 21.55 ± 0.65% (m/m) using the soxhlet extraction system; extraction efficiency (recovery) of herbicides Diuron and Bromacil of 88.7 ± 4.5% and 106.6 ± 8.1%, respectively, using the PSE system, and 96.8 ± 1.0% and 94.2 ± 3.9%, respectively, with the SLP-SPE system; limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) for Diuron of 0.012 mg kg-1 and 0.040 mg kg-1, respectively; LOD and LOQ for Bromacil of 0.025 mg kg-1 and 0.083 mg kg-1, respectively. The linearity used ranged from 0.04 to 1.50 mg L-1 for Diuron and from 0.08 to 1.50 mg L-1 for Bromacil. In conclusion, using the PSE system, due to high pressure and temperature, it is possible to make efficient, fast extractions with reduced solvent consumption in an inert atmosphere, which prevents sample and analyte decomposition.


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The conventional approach to simple quantum chemistry models is contrasted with that known as momentum representation, where the wavefunctions are momentum dependent. Since the physical interactions are the same, state energies should not change, and whence the energy differences correlating with the real world as spectral lines or bands. We emphasize that one representation is not more fundamental than the other, and the choice is a matter of mathematical convenience. As spatial localization is rooted in our brains, to think in terms of the momentum present us a great mental challenge that can lead to complementary perspectives of a model.


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As the foundation of the University of São Paulo completes 75 years, this article describes the history of a mansion at 463 Glette Boulevard, in São Paulo city, where several undergraduate courses of the University's Philosophy, Sciences and Letters Faculty operated until 1969. The first building of the school of Chemistry was erected there, 70 years ago. A brief retrospective of the Department of Chemistry at that place is given. The mansion was torn down by the middle of the 1970s, but it remained as a symbol of the school identity in the memory of all those who studied there.


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The present work has aimed to determine the 16 US EPA priority PAH atmospheric particulate matter levels present in three sites around Salvador, Bahia: (i) Lapa bus station, strongly impacted by heavy-duty diesel vehicles; (ii) Aratu harbor, impacted by an intense movement of goods, and (iii) Bananeira village on Maré Island, a non vehicle-influenced site with activities such as handcraft work and fisheries. Results indicated that BbF (0.130-6.85 ng m-3) is the PAH with highest concentration in samples from Aratu harbor and Bananeira and CRY (0.075-6.85 ng m-3) presented higher concentrations at Lapa station. PAH sources from studied sites were mainly of anthropogenic origin such as gasoline-fueled light-duty vehicles and diesel-fueled heavy-duty vehicles, discharges in the port, diesel burning from ships, dust ressuspension, indoor soot from cooking, and coal and wood combustion for energy production.


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Frutos in natura de C. xanthocarpa (Myrtaceae), coletados em diferentes estádios de amadurecimento na Floresta Estadual de Assis, município de Assis - SP, foram avaliados por meio de métodos tradicionais de análise, técnicas cromatográficas e de espectrometria de massas e de emissão ótica quanto à composição nutricional, ao perfil químico do óleo volátil e ao teor de elementos inorgânicos. Os resultados mostraram alto teor de água (81,4%); lipídios (1,9%); carboidratos totais (8,9%); fibra alimentar (6,3%); além de quantidades razoáveis de ácido ascórbico (17,8 mg.100 g-1); e traços de riboflavina (0,09 mg.100 g-1). No óleo volátil (0,2%), pôde-se identificar 62 componentes, correspondendo a 100% dos constituintes do óleo, destacando-se dentre eles os monoterpenos α-pineno (15%), o-cimeno (10,8%), β-pineno (10,5%). Entre os minerais (16), os principais elementos foram o K (2084 mg.kg-1), P (149 mg.kg-1), Mg (135 mg.kg-1) e, como microelementos, o Fe (6,4 mg.kg-1), Cu (93,3 mg.100 g-1) e Pb (1,3 mg.kg-1). O valor energético do fruto (57,3 kcal.100 g-1) deve-se quase que exclusivamente aos teores de carboidratos totais (8,9%).


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Características físico-químicas (cor, pH, acidez total titulável, sólidos solúveis totais, conteúdo de lipídios e umidade) e níveis de compostos bioativos (ácido ascórbico, fenólicos totais) foram determinados em quinze amostras de polpas de frutos procedentes da região Amazônica (abiu, acerola, açaí, araçá-boi, bacaba, bacuri, buriti, cajá, cajarana, caju, cupuaçu, graviola, murici, noni e tamarindo). A atividade de radicais livres foi avaliada pelo método de ABTS. Algumas polpas apresentaram alta potencialidade antioxidante, associada com a atividade antirradicais livres obtida e os conteúdos dos componentes bioativos como compostos fenólicos e ácido ascórbico, destacando-se acerola e acaí. O conteúdo total de compostos fenólicos foi correlacionado à capacidade antioxidante das polpas.


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O feijão caupi é uma das principais culturas alimentares do Nordeste brasileiro. Para melhorar sua resistência contra pragas e produtividade, a nova cultivar (BRS-Milênio) foi obtida por melhoramento genético. Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar o potencial nutricional desta variedade, determinando-se a composição centesimal, o perfil de aminoácidos e ácidos graxos, o conteúdo de minerais e a atividade inibitória de tripsina. A semente contém (g.100 g-1): 24,5 de proteínas; 51,4 de carboidratos; 16,6 de fibra insolúvel e 2,7 de fibra solúvel; 2,6 de cinzas, tendo como principais minerais (mg.100 g-1): ferro - 6,8; zinco - 4,1; manganês - 1,5; fósforo - 510,0 e potássio - 1430,0. O teor de lipídios foi de 2,2%, e seu perfil de ácidos graxos apresenta 29,4% de saturados e 70,7% de insaturados. Foi estimado valor calórico de 323,4 kcal.100 g-1 de semente. Encontrou-se baixa atividade inibitória de tripsina (8,0 UIT.mg-1 de amostra). O perfil de aminoácidos foi favorável ao padrão de referência, exceto pela deficiência de sulfurados, sugerindo a necessidade da combinação desta leguminosa com outras fontes alimentares. Os resultados indicam que o feijão caupi possui atributos desejáveis como altos teores de energia, proteínas, fibras e minerais, baixa atividade inibitória de tripsina e, apesar de reduzido conteúdo lipídico, contém alta proporção de ácidos graxos insaturados.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar alguns atributos químicos do solo e a disponibilidade de cádmio (Cd), cromo (Cr), níquel (Ni), mercúrio (Hg), chumbo (Pb) e arsênio (As), por meio da extração pelo DTPA,em conseqüência da aplicação superficial de escória de aciaria, lama cal e lodos de esgoto centrifugados e de biodigestores, nas doses 0 (testemunha), 2, 4 e 8 Mg ha-1 e um tratamento adicional composto pela calagem superficial na dose 2 Mg ha-1. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, em condições de campo, em área sob sistema plantio direto, durante 2003 e 2004. A aplicação superficial de escória de aciaria,lama cal, lodo de esgoto centrifugado e de biodigestor, até a dose 8 Mg ha-1, assim como o calcário na dose 2 Mg ha-1, não trazem problemas de disponibilidade ao ambiente, com relação aos metais pesados Cd, Cr, Hg, Pb, Ni e As, quando aplicados sobre a superfície em Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, no sistema plantio direto. A fitodisponibilidade de metais pesados às culturas da soja e aveia-preta foi nula, quando foram aplicadas doses de até 8 Mg ha-1 de lodo de esgoto, escória e lama cal sobre a superfície do solo, no sistema plantio direto


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For increasing, the fish consumption in Brazil, is necessary offer products, with quality control to guarantee food safety to the consumers. The Medium Tiete river region is the largest producer of Nile tilapia (Oreochromus niloticus) from catching in the Sao Paulo state and, thus, the aim of this research was to evaluate the physical-chemical parameters (protein, moisture, lipid, ash and freshness (non-protein nitrogen, total volatile base nitrogen -TVB-N and pH) in fish fillets - Anhembi, Botucatu and Igaracu do Tiete. The data was examined further using random blocks design and submitted to test of variance analysis and Tukey Test for comparison of means. The data showed significant difference (5%) amont the places, for the centesimal composition and freshness, being found the following medium values: misture (77.9 to 81.69 g/100g), protein (13.72 to 18.25 g/100g), lipids (0.6 to 1.9 g/100g), ash (0.6 to 1.0g), NNP(61.6 to 78.0 mg/100g), pH (6.2 to 6.4) and TVB-N (5.0 to 10.5 mg/100g). The values found in the physical-chemical and freshness analysis are in according with brazilian's legislation, the processing of fish in the places studied are-irregular and cannot guarantee food safety to the consumers and the quality of the product.