39 resultados para mutant mouse


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Innumerous protocols, using the mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells as model for in vitro study of neurons functional properties and features, have been developed. Most of these protocols are short lasting, which, therefore, does not allow a careful analysis of the neurons maturation, aging, and death processes. We describe here a novel and efficient long-lasting protocol for in vitro ES cells differentiation into neuronal cells. It consists of obtaining embryoid bodies, followed by induction of neuronal differentiation with retinoic acid of nonadherent embryoid bodies (three-dimensional model), which further allows their adherence and formation of adherent neurospheres (AN, bi-dimensional model). The AN can be maintained for at least 12 weeks in culture under repetitive mechanical splitting, providing a constant microenvironment (in vitro niche) for the neuronal progenitor cells avoiding mechanical dissociation of AN. The expression of neuron-specific proteins, such as nestin, sox1, beta III-tubulin, microtubule-associated protein 2, neurofilament medium protein, Tau, neuronal nuclei marker, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and 5-hydroxytryptamine, were confirmed in these cells maintained during 3 months under several splitting. Additionally, expression pattern of microtubule-associated proteins, such as lissencephaly (Lis1) and nuclear distribution element-like (Ndel1), which were shown to be essential for differentiation and migration of neurons during embryogenesis, was also studied. As expected, both proteins were expressed in undifferentiated ES cells, AN, and nonrosette neurons, although presenting different spatial distribution in AN. In contrast to previous studies, using cultured neuronal cells derived from embryonic and adult tissues, only Ndel1 expression was observed in the centrosome region of early neuroblasts from AN. Mature neurons, obtained from ES cells in this work, display ionic channels and oscillations of membrane electrical potential typical of electrically excitable cells, which is a characteristic feature of the functional central nervous system (CNS) neurons. Taken together, our study demonstrated that AN are a long-term culture of neuronal cells that can be used to analyze the process of neuronal differentiation dynamics. Thus, the protocol described here provides a new experimental model for studying neurological diseases associated with neuronal differentiation during early development, as well as it represents a novel source of functional cells that can be used as tools for testing the effects of toxins and/or drugs on neuronal cells.


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To characterize the roles of C-peptide in vascular homeostatic processes, we examined the genes regulated by C-peptide in LEII mouse lung microvascular endothelial cells. Treatment of the cells with C-peptide increased the expression of c-Jun N-terminal kinase 1 (JNK1) mRNA dose-dependently, accompanied by an increase in JNK1 protein content. Prior treatment of the cells with PD98059, an ERK kinase inhibitor or SB203580, a p38MAPK inhibitor, abrogated the C-peptide-elicited JNK1 mRNA expression. These results indicate that C-peptide increases JNK1 protein levels, possibly through ERK- and p38MAPK-dependent activation of JNK. gene transcription.


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P>Neuropeptides are produced from larger precursors by limited proteolysis, first by endopeptidases and then by carboxypeptidases. Major endopeptidases required for these cleavages include prohormone convertase (PC) 1/3 and PC2. In this study, quantitative peptidomics analysis was used to characterize the specific role PC1/3 plays in this process. Peptides isolated from hypothalamus, amygdala, and striatum of PC1/3 null mice were compared with those from heterozygous and wild-type mice. Extracts were labeled with stable isotopic tags and fractionated by HPLC, after which relative peptide levels were determined using tandem mass spectrometry. In total, 92 peptides were found, of which 35 were known neuropeptides or related peptides derived from 15 distinct secretory pathway proteins: 7B2, chromogranin A and B, cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript, procholecystokinin, proenkephalin, promelanin concentrating hormone, proneurotensin, propituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide, proSAAS, prosomatosatin, provasoactive intestinal peptide, provasopressin, secretogranin III, and VGF. Among the peptides derived from these proteins, similar to 1/3 were decreased in the PC1/3 null mice relative to wild-type mice, similar to 1/3 showed no change, and similar to 1/3 increased in PC1/3 null. Cleavage sites were analyzed in peptides that showed no change or that decreased in PC1/3 mice, and these results were compared with peptides that showed no change or decreased in previous peptidomic studies with PC2 null mice. Analysis of these sites showed that while PC1/3 and PC2 have overlapping substrate preferences, there are particular cleavage site residues that distinguish peptides preferred by each PC.


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P>Many hemoglobin-derived peptides are present in mouse brain, and several of these have bioactive properties including the hemopressins, a related series of peptides that bind to cannabinoid CB1 receptors. Although hemoglobin is a major component of red blood cells, it is also present in neurons and glia. To examine whether the hemoglobin-derived peptides in brain are similar to those present in blood and heart, we used a peptidomics approach involving mass spectrometry. Many hemoglobin-derived peptides are found only in brain and not in blood, whereas all hemoglobin-derived peptides found in heart were also seen in blood. Thus, it is likely that the majority of the hemoglobin-derived peptides detected in brain are produced from brain hemoglobin and not erythrocytes. We also examined if the hemopressins and other major hemoglobin-derived peptides were regulated in the Cpefat/fat mouse; previously these mice were reported to have elevated levels of several hemoglobin-derived peptides. Many, but not all of the hemoglobin-derived peptides were elevated in several brain regions of the Cpefat/fat mouse. Taken together, these findings suggest that the post-translational processing of alpha and beta hemoglobin into the hemopressins, as well as other peptides, is up-regulated in some but not all Cpefat/fat mouse brain regions.


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Thimet oligopeptidase (EC, TOP) is a metallo-oligopeptidase that participates in the intracellular metabolism of peptides. Predictions based on structurally analogous peptidases (Dcp and ACE-2) show that TOP can present a hinge-bend movement during substrate hydrolysis, what brings some residues closer to the substrate. One of these residues that in TOP crystallographic structure are far from the catalytic residues, but, moves toward the substrate considering this possible structural reorganization is His(600). In the present work, the role of His(600) of TOP was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. TOP H600A mutant was characterized through analysis of S(1) and S(1)`, specificity, pH-activity profile and inhibition by JA-2. Results showed that TOP His(600) residue makes important interactions with the substrate, supporting the prediction that His(600) moves toward the substrate due to a hinge movement similar to the Dcp and ACE-2. Furthermore, the mutation H600A affected both K(m) and k(cat), showing the importance of His(600) for both substrate binding and/or product release from active site. Changes in the pH-profile may indicate also the participation of His(600) in TOP catalysis, transferring a proton to the newly generated NH(2)-terminus or helping Tyr(605) and/or Tyr(612) in the intermediate oxyanion stabilization. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Quiescin Q6/sulfhydryl oxidases (QSOX) are revisited thiol oxidases considered to be involved in the oxidative protein folding, cell cycle control and extracellular matrix remodeling. They contain thioredoxin domains and introduce disulfide bonds into proteins and peptides, with the concomitant hydrogen peroxide formation, likely altering the redox environment. Since it is known that several developmental processes are regulated by the redox state, here we assessed if QSOX could have a role during mouse fetal development. For this purpose, an anti-recombinant mouse QSOX antibody was produced and characterized. In E-13.5, E-16.5 fetal tissues, QSOX immunostaining was confined to mesoderm- and ectoderm-derived tissues, while in P1 neonatal tissues it was slightly extended to some endoderm-derived tissues. QSOX expression, particularly by epithelial tissues, seemed to be developmentally-regulated, increasing with tissue maturation. QSOX was observed in loose connective tissues in all stages analyzed, intra and possibly extracellularly, in agreement with its putative role in oxidative folding and extracellular matrix remodeling. In conclusion, QSOX is expressed in several tissues during mouse development, but preferentially in those derived from mesoderm and ectoderm, suggesting it could be of relevance during developmental processes.


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The incidence of melanoma is increasing worldwide. It is one of the leading cancers in pregnancy and the most common malignancy to metastasize to placenta and fetus. There are no publications about experimental models of melanoma and pregnancy. We propose a new experimental murine model to study the effects of melanoma on pregnancy and its metastatic process. We tested several doses of melanoma cells until we arrived at the optimal dose, which produced tumor growth and allowed animal survival to the end of pregnancy. Two control groups were used: control (C) and stress control (SC) and three different routes of inoculation: intravenous (IV), intraperitoneal (IP) and subcutaneous (SC). All the fetuses and placentas were examined macroscopically and microscopically. The results suggest that melanoma is a risk factor for intrauterine growth restriction but does not affect placental weight. When inoculated by the SC route, the tumor grew only in the site of implantation. The IP route produced peritoneal tumoral growth and also ovarian and uterine metastases in 60% of the cases. The IV route produced pulmonary tumors. No placental or fetal metastases were obtained, regardless of the inoculation route. The injection of melanoma cells by any route did not increase the rate of fetal resorptions. Surprisingly, animals in the IV groups had no resorptions and a significantly higher number of fetuses. This finding may indicate that tumoral factors released in the host organism to favor tumor survival may also have a pro-gestational action and consequently improve the reproductive performance of these animals.


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A survey of existing data suggests that trophoblast cells produce factors involved in extracellular matrix degradation. In this study, we correlated the expression of cathepsins D and B in the murine ectoplacental cone with the ultrastructural progress of decidual invasion by trophoblast cells. Both proteases were immunolocalized at implantation sites in lysosome-endosome-like compartments of trophoblast giant cells. Cathepsin D, but not cathepsin B, was also detected ultrastructurally in extracellular compartments surrounded by processes of the invading trophoblast containing extracellular matrix components and endometrial cell debris. The expression of cathepsins D and B by trophoblast cells was confirmed by RT-PCR in ectoplacental cones isolated from implantation chambers at gestation day 7.5. Our data addressed a positive relationship between the expression and presence of cathepsin D at the extracellular compartment of the maternal-fetal interface and the invasiveness of the trophoblast during the postimplantation period, suggesting a participation of invading trophoblast cells in the cathepsin D release. Such findings indicate that mouse trophoblast cells might exhibit a proteolytic ability to partake in the decidual invasion process at the maternal-fetal interface. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Relaxing action of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) was significantly reduced in the stomach fundus of mice lacking the kinin B(1) receptor (B(1)(-/-)). Increased basal cGMP accumulation was correlated with attenuated SNP induced dose-dependent relaxation in B(1)(-/-) when compared with wild type (WT) control mice. These responses to SNP were completely blocked by the guanylate cyclase inhibitor ODQ(10 mu M). It was also found that Ca(2+)-dependent, constitutive nitric oxide synthase (cNOS) activity was unchanged but the Ca(2+)-independent inducible NOS (iNOS) activity was greater in B(1)(-/-) mice than in WT animals. Zaprinast (100 mu M), a specific phosphodiesterase inhibitor, increased the nitrergic relaxations and the accumulation of the basal as well as the SNP-stimulated cGMP in WT but not in B(1)(-/-) stomach fundus. From these findings it is concluded that the inhibited phosphodiesterase activity and high level of cGMP reduced the resting muscle tone, impairing the relaxant responses of the stomach in B(1)(-/-) mice. In addition, it can be suggested that functional B(2) receptor might be involved in the NO compensatory mechanism associated with the deficiency of kinin B(1) receptor in the gastric tissue of the transgenic mice. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Stings by Polistes wasps can cause life-threatening allergic reactions, pain and inflammation. We examined the changes in microvascular permeability and neutrophil influx caused by the venom of Polistes lanio a paper wasp found in southeastern Brazil. The intradermal injection of wasp venom caused long-lasting paw oedema and dose-dependently increased microvascular permeability in mouse dorsal skin. SR140333, an NK(1) receptor antagonist, markedly inhibited the response, but the NK(2) receptor antagonist SR48968 was ineffective. The oedema was reduced in capsaicin-treated rats, indicating a direct activation of sensory fibres. Dialysis of the venom partially reduced the oedema and the remaining response was further inhibited by SR140333. Mass spectrometric analysis of the venom revealed two peptides (QPPTPPEHRFPGLM and ASEPTALGLPRIFPGLM) with sequence similarities to the C-terminal region of tachykinin-like peptides found in Phoneutria nigniventer spider venom and vertebrates. Wasp venom failed to release histamine from mast cells in vitro and spectrofluorometric assay of the venom revealed a negligible content of histamine in the usual dose of P.l. lanio venom (1 nmol of histamine/7 mu g of venom)that was removed by dialysis. The histamine H(1) receptor antagonist pyrilamine, but not bradykinin B(1) or B(2) receptor antagonists, inhibited venom-induced oedema. In conclusion, P. l. lanio venom induces potent oedema and increases vascular permeability in mice, primarily through activation of tachykinin NK(1) receptors by substance P released from sensory C fibres, which in turn releases histamine from dermal mast cells. This is the first description of a neurovascular mechanism for P. l. lanio venom-mediated inflammation. The extent to which the two tachykinin-like peptides identified here contribute to this neurogenic inflammatory response remains to be elucidated. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Due to the effect of catabolite repression, sugar mixtures cannot be metabolized in a rapid and efficient way implicating in lower productivity in bioprocesses using lignocellulosic hydrolysates. In gram-negative bacteria, this mechanism is mediated by the phosphotransferase system (PTS), which concomitantly internalizes and phosphorylates sugars. In this study, we isolated a UV mutant of Burkholderia sacchari, called LFM828, which transports hexoses and pentoses by a non-PTS uptake system. This mutant presented released glucose catabolite repression over the pentoses. In mixtures of glucose, xylose, and arabinose, specific growth rates and the specific sugar consumption rates were, respectively, 10 and 23% higher in LFM828, resulting in a reduced time to exhaust all sugars in the medium. However, in polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) biosynthesis experiments it was necessary the supplementation of yeast extract to maintain higher values of growth rate and sugar consumption rate. The deficient growth in mineral medium was partially recovered by replacing the ammonium nitrogen source by glutamate. It was demonstrated that the ammonium metabolism is not defective in LFM828, differently from ammonium, glutamate can also be used as carbon and energy allowing an improvement on the carbohydrates utilization for PHB production in LFM828. In contrast, higher rates of ammonia consumption and CO(2) production in LFM828 indicate altered fluxes through the central metabolism in LFM828 and the parental. In conclusion, PTS plays an important role in cell physiology and the elimination of its components has a significant impact on catabolite repression, carbon flux distribution, and PHB biosynthesis in B. sacchari.


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A new piggyBac-related transposable element (TE) was found in the genome of a mutant Anticarsia gemmatalis multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus interrupting an inhibitor of apoptosis gene. This mutant virus induces apoptosis upon infection of an Anticarsia gemmatalis cell line, but not in a Trichoplusia ni cell line. The sequence of the new TE (which was named IDT for iap disruptor transposon) has 2531 bp with two DNA sequences flanking a putative Transposase (Tpase) ORF of 1719 bp coding for a protein with 572 amino acids. These structural features are similar to the piggyBac TE, also reported for the first time in the genome of a baculovirus. We have also isolated variants of this new TE from different lepidopteran insect cells and compared their Tpase sequences.


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The p53 protein is a key regulator of cell responses to DNA damage, and it has been shown that It sensitizes glioma cells to the alkylating agent temozolomide by up-regulating the extrinsic apoptotic pathway, whereas it increases the resistance to chloroethylating agents, such as ACNU and BCNU, probably by enhancing the efficiency of DNA repair. However, because these agents induce a wide variety of distinct DNA lesions, the direct Importance of DNA repair is hard to access. Here, it is shown that the Induction of photoproducts by UV light (UV-C) significantly Induces apoptosis In a p53-mutated glioma background. This Is caused by a reduced level of photoproduct repair, resulting In the persistence of DNA lesions in p53-mutated glioma cells. UV-C-Induced apoptosis in p53 mutant glioma cells Is preceded by strong transcription and replication inhibition due to blockage by unrepaired photolesions. Moreover, the results Indicate that UV-C-induced apoptosis of p53 mutant glioma cells Is executed through the intrinsic apoptotic pathway, with Bcl-2 degradation and sustained Bax and Bak up-regulation. Collectively, the data Indicate that unrepaired DNA lesions Induce apoptosis In p53 mutant gliomas despite the resistance of these gliomas to temozolomide, suggesting that efficiency of treatment of p53 mutant gliomas might be higher with agents that Induce the formation of DNA lesions whose global genomic repair is dependent on p53. (Mol Cancer Res 2009;7(2):237-46)


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In the pregnant mouse uterus, small leucine-rich proteoglycans (SLRPs) are drastically remodeled within a few hours after fertilization, suggesting that ovarian hormone levels modulate their synthesis and degradation. In this study, we followed by immunoperoxidase approach, the presence of four members of the SLRP family (decorin, lumican, biglycan, and fibromodulin) in the uterine tissues along the estrous cycle of the mouse. All molecules except fibromodulin, which predominates in the myometrium, showed a striking modulation in their distribution in the endometrial stroma, following the rise in the level of estrogen. Moreover, notable differences in the distribution of SLRPs were observed between superficial and deep stroma, as well as between the internal and external layers of the myometrium. Only biglycan and fibromodulin were expressed in the luminal and glandular epithelia. All four SLRPs were found in cytoplasmic granules of mononucleated cells. The pattern of distribution of the immunoreaction for these molecules in the uterine tissues was found to be estrous cycle-stage dependent, suggesting that these molecules undergo ovarian hormonal control and probably participate in the preparation of the uterus for decidualization and embryo implantation. In addition, this and previous results from our laboratory suggest the existence of two subpopulations of endometrial fibroblasts that may be related to the centrifugal development of the decidua. Anat Rec, 292:138-153, 2009. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Virtually every mammalian cell, including cardiomyocytes, possesses an intrinsic circadian clock. The role of this transcriptionally based molecular mechanism in cardiovascular biology is poorly understood. We hypothesized that the circadian clock within the cardiomyocyte influences diurnal variations in myocardial biology. We, therefore, generated a cardiomyocyte-specific circadian clock mutant (CCM) mouse to test this hypothesis. At 12 wk of age, CCM mice exhibit normal myocardial contractile function in vivo, as assessed by echocardiography. Radiotelemetry studies reveal attenuation of heart rate diurnal variations and bradycardia in CCM mice (in the absence of conduction system abnormalities). Reduced heart rate persisted in CCM hearts perfused ex vivo in the working mode, highlighting the intrinsic nature of this phenotype. Wild-type, but not CCM, hearts exhibited a marked diurnal variation in responsiveness to an elevation in workload (80 mmHg plus 1 mu M epinephrine) ex vivo, with a greater increase in cardiac power and efficiency during the dark (active) phase vs. the light (inactive) phase. Moreover, myocardial oxygen consumption and fatty acid oxidation rates were increased, whereas cardiac efficiency was decreased, in CCM hearts. These observations were associated with no alterations in mitochondrial content or structure and modest mitochondrial dysfunction in CCM hearts. Gene expression microarray analysis identified 548 and 176 genes in atria and ventricles, respectively, whose normal diurnal expression patterns were altered in CCM mice. These studies suggest that the cardiomyocyte circadian clock influences myocardial contractile function, metabolism, and gene expression.