51 resultados para litter size in pigs
Objective: This study investigated the relationship between maternal sickness behavior during pregnancy and offspring development and behavior. Methods: Pregnant Wistar rats were administered with lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 100 mu g/kg, i.p.) on gestation day (GD) 9.5. Dams` sickness behavior was analyzed, and at birth, offspring number and weight were evaluated. Male offspring was evaluated through physical development, play behavior, adult social interaction, plus maze studies and morphological analysis of the brain. Results: Results, with respect to the control group, showed that: (1) LPS decreased general activity, food intake, and weight gain in dams, but no pyrexia was observed following treatment; (2) LPS reduced litter size, but no alterations in physical development were observed; (3) LPS reduced play behavior parameters in baby rats; (4) LPS decreased adult social interaction; (5) no alterations were observed between groups on plus maze studies; (6) no differences were observed between groups on morphological analyses of the brain. Conclusion: These data reveal that LPS administered on GD 9.5 impaired male offspring`s social behavior in infancy and adulthood. These results may be related to an alteration in motivational states or/and increased anxiety. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
The matrix-tolerance hypothesis suggests that the most abundant species in the inter-habitat matrix would be less vulnerable to their habitat fragmentation. This model was tested with leaf-litter frogs in the Atlantic Forest where the fragmentation process is older and more severe than in the Amazon, where the model was first developed. Frog abundance data from the agricultural matrix, forest fragments and continuous forest localities were used. We found an expected negative correlation between the abundance of frogs in the matrix and their vulnerability to fragmentation, however, results varied with fragment size and species traits. Smaller fragments exhibited stronger matrix-vulnerability correlation than intermediate fragments, while no significant relation was observed for large fragments. Moreover, some species that avoid the matrix were not sensitive to a decrease in the patch size, and the opposite was also true, indicating significant differences with that expected from the model. Most of the species that use the matrix were forest species with aquatic larvae development, but those species do not necessarily respond to fragmentation or fragment size, and thus affect more intensively the strengthen of the expected relationship. Therefore, the main relationship expected by the matrix-tolerance hypothesis was observed in the Atlantic Forest; however we noted that the prediction of this hypothesis can be substantially affected by the size of the fragments, and by species traits. We propose that matrix-tolerance model should be broadened to become a more effective model, including other patch characteristics, particularly fragment size, and individual species traits (e. g., reproductive mode and habitat preference).
INTRODUÇÃO: Excesso de alimentação no início da vida pode modificar persistentemente consumo e peso corporal. Adoção de exercício físico é uma estratégia útil para evitar excessivo ganho de peso. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o crescimento corporal e a eficiência alimentar em ratos provenientes de ninhada reduzida no aleitamento. MÉTODOS: Ao terceiro dia de vida, ninhadas foram formadas com quatro (GN4) ou 10 animais (GN10), (n = 25). Ao desmame, ratos machos Wistar permaneceram em gaiolas individuais, e, aos 60 (± 2) dias foram subdivididos em sedentários (SED) e exercitados (NAT), formando quatro grupos: GN4SED, GN10SED, GN4-NAT e GN10NAT. Avaliou-se o peso, ganho de peso e taxa específica de ganho de peso, gordura epididimal, índices de massa corporal e Lee, consumo e eficiência alimentar, glicemia e lactemia. RESULTADOS: Aos 21 dias, o GN4 apresentava peso corporal 52% acima do GN10 (P = 0,001). Contudo, aos 30 e 60 dias os pesos não diferiram. Ao final do período, GN10NAT demonstrou menor peso (356,82 ± 23,04) que GN10SED (409,28 ± 17,30). Mas GN4NAT possuía maior peso (417,85 ± 37,91) que GN4SED (413,69 ± 57,45) e GN10NAT. O GN4 exibiu elevada taxa de ganho de peso na lactação, mas, redução da mesma pós-desmame. Independente do tamanho da ninhada, a taxa de ganho de peso reduz com o aumento da idade. Ao final do período, glicemia, gordura epididimal total e relativa, e os índices de Lee e IMC não diferiram entre os grupos. Os valores de lactato antes e após o exercício condizem com esforço de intensidade moderada. Na periadolescência, GN4 apresentou menor ingestão de alimentos, mas sem diferenças na vida adulta. CONCLUSÃO: A redução da ninhada no aleitamento não alterou o peso corporal ou ingestão alimentar persistentemente. Entretanto, o protocolo de natação foi eficaz em reduzir o ganho de peso em animais controles, mas não naqueles de ninhada reduzida.
A serologic survey was conducted among 130 swine slaughtered in the public slaughterhouse of the city of Patos, Paraíba State, Northeastern Brazil, to determine the prevalence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii and anti-Neospora caninum antibodies, and to verify possible associations between sex of the animals and antibody prevalence. The sera were analyzed by indirect antibody tests, considering 1:64 (T. gondii) and 1:50 (N. caninum) dilutions as cut-off points. The prevalence of anti-T. gondii antibodies was 36.2% (47/130) (95% CI = 27.9 - 45.0%) with reciprocal titers ranging from 64 to 2,048, and of anti-N. caninum antibodies was 3.1% (4/130) (95% CI = 0.8 - 7.7%) with reciprocal titers ranging from 50 to 6,400. Three of the four N. caninum-positive samples were also positive for T. gondii antibodies. All Neospora and Toxoplasma IFAT-positive animals were also positive for confirmatory immunoblotting techniques using total and purified N. caninum and T. gondii tachyzoite antigens, i.e., p38 (NcSRS2) and p30 (TgSAG1). There was no association between sex of animals and prevalence of anti-T. gondii and anti-N. caninum antibodies. This is the first indication of N. caninum natural infection in pigs from Brazil.
A case-control study was carried out in litters of 1 to 7-day-old piglets to identify the main infectious agents involved with neonatal diarrhea in pigs. Fecal samples (n=276) from piglets were collected on pig farms in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from May to September 2007. Litters with diarrhea were considered cases (n=129) and normal litters (n=147) controls. The samples were examined by latex agglutination test, PAGE, conventional isolating techniques, ELISA, PCR, and microscopic methods in order to detect rotavirus, bacterial pathogens (Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens type A and C, and Clostridium difficile), and parasites (Coccidian and Cryptosporidium spp.). Outbreaks of diarrhea were not observed during sampling. At least one agent was detected in fecal samples on 25 out of 28 farms (89.3%) and in 16 farms (57.1%) more than one agent was found. The main agents diagnosed were Coccidia (42.86%) and rotavirus (39.29%). The main agents identified in litters with diarrhea were Clostridium difficile (10.6%), Clostridium perfringens type A (8.8%) and rotavirus (7.5%); in control litters, Clostridium difficile (16.6%) and Coccidian (8.5%). Beta hemolytic Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens type C were not detected. When compared with controls, no agent was significantly associated with diarrhea in case litters. These findings stress the need for caution in the interpretation of laboratorial diagnosis of mild diarrhea in neonatal pigs, as the sole detection of an agent does not necessarily indicate that it is the cause of the problem.
Rabies transmitted by vampire bats was diagnosed in pigs with paralysis of the pelvic limbs. Diffuse nonsuppurative encephalomyelitis, affecting mainly the spinal cord, was observed histologically. Despite the various diagnosis of rabies in pigs this is the first report of clinical signs and pathology of rabies transmitted by vampire bats.
We analyzed lesser diameter and distribution of fiber types in different skeletal muscles from female Wistar rats using a histoenzymology Myofibrillar Adenosine Tri-phosphatase (mATPase) method. Fragments from muscles were frozen and processed by mATPase in different pH. Adult and weanling rat soleus muscles presented a predominance of type I fibers and larger fiber diameters. In the plantar muscle in adult rats, the type IIB fibers demonstrated greater lesser diameter while in the weanling animals, types I and IIB fibers were larger. The plantar muscle of animals of both ages was composed predominantly of the type IID fibers. The type IID fibers were observed in similar amounts in the lateral gastrocnemius and the medial gastrocnemius muscles. Type IIB fibers showed predominance and presented higher size in comparison with other types in the EDL muscle. The present study shows that data on fiber type distribution and fiber lesser diameter obtained in adult animals cannot always be applied to weanling animals of the same species. Using the mATPase, despite the difficult handling, is an important tool to determine the different characteristics of the specific fibers in the skeletal muscle tissue.
Genetic variation provides a basis upon which populations can be genetically improved. Management of animal genetic resources in order to minimize loss of genetic diversity both within and across breeds has recently received attention at different levels, e. g., breed, national and international levels. A major need for sustainable improvement and conservation programs is accurate estimates of population parameters, such as rate of inbreeding and effective population size. A software system (POPREP) is presented that automatically generates a typeset report. Key parameters for population management, such as age structure, generation interval, variance in family size, rate of inbreeding, and effective population size form the core part of this report. The report includes a default text that describes definition, computation and meaning of the various parameters. The report is summarized in two pdf files, named Population Structure and Pedigree Analysis Reports. In addition, results (e. g., individual inbreeding coefficients, rate of inbreeding and effective population size) are stored in comma-separate-values files that are available for further processing. Pedigree data from eight livestock breeds from different species and countries were used to describe the potential of POPREP and to highlight areas for further research.
Psecas chapoda, a neotropical jumping spider strictly associated with the terrestrial bromeliad Bromelia balansae in cerrados and semi-deciduous forests in South America, effectively contributes to plant nutrition and growth. In this study, our goal was to investigate if spider density caused spatial variations in the strength of this spider-plant mutualism. We found a positive significant relationship between spider density and delta N-15 values for bromeliad leaves in different forest fragments. Open grassland Bromeliads were associated with spiders and had higher delta N-15 values compared to forest bromeliads. Although forest bromeliads had no association with spiders their total N concentrations were higher. These results suggest that bromeliad nutrition is likely more litter-based in forests and more spider-based in open grasslands. This study is one of the few to show nutrient provisioning and conditionality in a spider-plant system. (c) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Hydrous niobium oxide (Nb(2)O(5)center dot nH(2)O) nanoparticles had been Successfully prepared by water-in-oil microemulsion. They were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal analysis (TG/DTG), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), BET surface area measurement, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The results showed that the nanoparticle was exactly Nb(2)O(5)center dot nH(2)O with spherical shape. Their BET surface area was 60 m(2) g(-1). XRD results showed that Nb(2)O(5)center dot nH(2)O nanoparticles with crystallite size in nanometer scale were formed. The crystallinity and crystallity size increased with increasing annealing temperature. TT-phase of Nb(2)O(5) was obtained when the sample is annealed at 550 degrees C. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Captive breeding of peccaries is on the increase in neotropical countries. Few studies, however, have reported behavioural responses of wild animals under farmed conditions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of space allowance on the occurrence of social behaviour patterns on farmed collared peccary (Pecan tajacu). We observed three herds of collared peccaries each containing eight acquainted individuals. Using a 3 x 3 Latin square design, herds were allocated, in a random order, to one of the three experimental enclosures, each with a different size. 375, 750 and 1,500 m(2) of total available area, each with three wooden shelters. We recorded all the occurrences of selected positive and agonistic behavioural patterns that occurred 90 min before and during feeding Enclosure size had a significant effect on agonistic patterns of peccaries during feeding, in that more agonistic behaviour was observed in smaller spaces We also found that shelter usage increased as space decreased Differing space allowances, however, did not have an effect on the occurrence of positive interactions that were more frequent before compared to during feeding. We concluded that enclosure size had an effect on the expression of agonistic be and the use of shelters by collared peccaries Thus, animal welfare can be improved by adopting at least 187 5 m(2) per peccary. In addition, our study also confirmed the importance of shelter areas in collared peccary husbandry.
Development and Characterization of L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine Containing Pellets employing Extrusion-Spheronization Method and Drying Process in Fluidized Bad Equipment"". In this work, five formulations of L-alanyl-L-glutamine (glutamine dipeptide) containing pellets with different drug concentration were developed and evaluated: F1 (9.07%); F2 (17.70%); F3 (27.98%); F4 (37.74%) e F5 (47.53%). Pellets were prepared by extrusion-spheronization method and, further, dried in fluidized bad equipment. The following assays were carried out with the batches obtained: granulometry, friability, true density and morphologic analysis. Between the five formulations evaluated, pellets obtained from F3 present best yield (75.80%), most uniform particle size distribution (89.67% of pellets with size in the range of 0.80 to 1.18), most high true density (2.1634 g/ml) and best aspect (1.0795 +/- 0.0410). Due to these features, pellets obtained from F3 were considered adequate to further polymeric coating process in order to produce a multiparticulate system to prolong L-alanyl-L-glutamine release.
Purpose: alpha-Melanocyte stimulating hormone protects kidneys against ischemia and sepsis induced acute kidney injury in rodents. We examined the efficacy of a-melanocyte stimulating hormone analogue AP214 to protect against acute kidney injury in higher vertebrates. Materials and Methods: We performed a prospective, blinded, randomized, placebo controlled study in 26 pigs. Laparoscopic technique was used for left nephrectomy and to induce complete warm ischemia in the right kidney for 120 minutes. AP214 (200 mu g/kg intravenously) was administered daily on the day of surgery and for 5 days thereafter. Kidney function was measured for 9 days. We measured changes in serum creatinine, estimated glomerular filtration rate, serum C-reactive protein and urine interleukin-18. Results: In the placebo control and AP214 groups mean peak serum creatinine was 10.2 vs 3.92 mg/dl and the estimated glomerular filtration rate nadir was 22.9 vs 62.6 ml per minute per kg (each p = 0.001). Functional nadir occurred at 72 vs 24 hours in the control vs AP214 groups. Estimated glomerular filtration rate outcome on postoperative day 9 was 118 vs 156 ml per minute per kg in the control vs AP214 groups (p = 0.04). Conclusions: We noted a robust renoprotective effect of AP214. A similar AP214 effect may be observed in humans. Future research includes mechanistic studies in pigs and a phase II human clinical trial of AP214 in kidney transplant and partial nephrectomy populations.
Objectives This prospective study evaluated the association of obesity and hypertension with left atrial (LA) volume over 10 years. Background Although left atrial enlargement (LAE) is an independent risk factor for atrial fibrillation, stroke, and death, little information is available about determinants of LA size in the general population. Methods Participants (1,212 men and women, age 25 to 74 years) originated from a sex-and age-stratified random sample of German residents of the Augsburg area (MONICA S3). Left atrial volume was determined by standardized echocardiography at baseline and again after 10 years. Left atrial volume was indexed to body height (iLA). Left atrial enlargement was defined as iLA >= 35.7 and >= 33.7 ml/m in men and women, respectively. Results At baseline, the prevalence of LAE was 9.8%. Both obesity and hypertension were independent predictors of LAE, obesity (odds ratio [OR]: 2.4; p < 0.001) being numerically stronger than hypertension (OR: 2.2; p < 0.001). Adjusted mean values for iLA were significantly lower in normal-weight hypertensive patients (25.4 ml/m) than in obese normotensive individuals (27.3 ml/m; p = 0.016). The highest iLA was found in the obese hypertensive subgroup (30.0 ml/m; p < 0.001 vs. all other groups). This group also presented with the highest increase in iLA (+6.0 ml/m) and the highest incidence (31.6%) of LAE upon follow-up. Conclusions In the general population, obesity appears to be the most important risk factor for LAE. Given the increasing prevalence of obesity, early interventions, especially in young obese individuals, are essential to prevent premature onset of cardiac remodeling at the atrial level. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2009; 54: 1982-9) (C) 2009 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation
In this study, the photodynamic action of liposomes (LP) and nanocapsules (NC) containing Chloroaluminum phthalocyanine (CIAIPc), on the human melanoma cell (WM 1552C), was assessed. The light source was setup at 672 nm, which corresponds to the maximum absorption wavelength of the CIAIPc. Both colloidal carriers presented size in nanometric scale as well as negative zeta potential. The cellular damage was light dose dependent ranging from 30% of cell death at 70 mJ.cm(-2) to 90% of death at 700 mJ.cm(-2). However, the photocytotoxic effect of LP at 70 mJ.cm(-2) was slightly more efficient to induce cellular death than NC formulation. At 140 mJ.cm(-2), and 700 mJ.cm(-2) both nanocarriers were equally efficient to induce cellular damage. Therefore, in the present work, the maximum phototoxic effect was obtained with 700 mJ.cm(-2) of light dose, in combination with 0.29 mu g.mL(-1) of CIAIPc encapsulated into LP and NC. The cells were also positive to annexin V, after the PDT treatment with LP and NC, showing that one of the mechanisms of cellular death involved is apoptosis. In summary, the potential of LP and NC as a drug delivery system, in Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) against melanoma, has been confirmed using a lower concentration of the photosensitizer and lower light doses than that applied in current protocols. This is an innovative proposal to treat melanoma cell lines that until now have not received the benefit of the PDT protocol for treatment.