37 resultados para illness perception,revisione sistematica,anoressia nervosa,bulimia nervosa,binge eating
Este estudo teve o objetivo de relatar a ocorrência de Trypanosoma vivax no Sul do Brasil. O protozoário foi diagnosticado em esfregaço sanguíneo de um bovino e a identificação baseada na morfologia das formas tripomastigotas e confirmada pela técnica de reação em cadeia de polimerases (PCR). O animal infectado apresentou sintomatologia compatível com a forma nervosa da infecção por T. vivax. Outros bovinos que compartilhavam o mesmo ambiente apresentaram resultados negativos para T. vivax por PCR. Este é o primeiro registro de T. vivax no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e na região Sul do Brasil.
Tradicionalmente o estudo da anorexia nervosa vem sendo pautado nos critérios diagnósticos trazidos dos manuais como o DSM, que priorizam a descrição topográfica dos comportamentos-problema, em que pouca ou quase nenhuma atenção se dá a sua funcionalidade nos contextos em que ocorrem. Humanos podem parar de comer sob o controle dos mais variados eventos, de modo que uma caracterização nosológica de caráter nomotético pode não ser suficiente na análise do fenômeno. O estudo de caso de um paciente do sexo masculino de 12 anos ilustra e elucida o debate, por apresentar características diagnósticas diferentes das usualmente relatadas na literatura.
INTRODUÇÃO: Muitos estudos têm investigado a associação do polimorfismo VNTR (número variável de repetições em série) localizado na região promotora do gene da enzima monoamina oxidase A (MAOA) com alterações no comportamento humano e em diversos transtornos psiquiátricos. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente trabalho foi revisar a literatura sobre a participação desse polimorfismo funcional na modulação do comportamento humano para o desenvolvimento dos transtornos psiquiátricos. MÉTODO: A pesquisa foi realizada na literatura em inglês, de janeiro de 1998 a junho de 2009, disponível no Medline, Embase, Web of Science e na base de dados PsycInfo, utilizando os seguintes termos: "MAOA e comportamento humano" e "MAOA e psiquiatria". RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 3.873 estudos. Desses, 109 foram selecionados e incluídos na revisão. Encontrou-se associação de alelos de baixa atividade do VNTR com transtorno de personalidade antissocial, transtorno de conduta, transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade, jogo patológico e dependência de substâncias. Alelos da alta atividade da MAOA foram associados a depressão, ansiedade, neuroticismo e anorexia nervosa. Não se encontrou associação entre polimorfismos da MAOA e esquizofrenia e transtorno bipolar. CONCLUSÃO: Os principais achados dão suporte ao papel do polimorfismo VNTR da região promotora do gene da MAOA em alguns transtornos psiquiátricos, apesar das divergências encontradas devidas às dificuldades metodológicas de estudos em genética. De modo geral, os estudos associam os alelos de baixa atividade da MAOA com comportamentos impulsivos e agressivos ("comportamentos hiperativos"), enquanto os alelos de alta atividade do gene são mais associados a "comportamentos hipoativos".
OBJECTIVES: To assess the influence of Nd:YAG (neodymium: yttrium-aluminum- garnet) laser unilateral posterior capsulotomy on visual acuity and patients' perception of difficulties with vision-related activities of daily life. METHODS: We conducted an interventional survey that included 48 patients between 40 and 80 years of age with uni- or bilateral pseudophakia, posterior capsule opacification, and visual acuity <0.30 (logMAR) in one eye who were seen at a Brazilian university hospital. All patients underwent posterior capsulotomy using an Nd:YAG laser. Before and after the intervention, patients were asked to complete a questionnaire that was developed in an exploratory study. RESULTS: Before posterior capsulotomy, the median visual acuity (logMAR) of the included patients was 0.52 (range 0.30-1.60). After posterior capsulotomy, the median visual acuity of the included patients improved to 0.10 (range 0.0-0.52). According to the subjects' perceptions, their ability to perform most of their daily life activities improved after the intervention (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: After patients underwent posterior capsulotomy with an Nd:YAG laser, a significant improvement in the visual acuity of the treated eye was observed. Additionally, subjects felt that they experienced less difficulty performing most of their vision-dependent activities of daily living.
We describe the effect of influenza-like illness (ILI) during the outbreak of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 on health care worker (HCW) absenteeism and compare the effectiveness and cost of 2 sick leave policies for HCWs with suspected influenza. We assessed initial 2-day sick leaves plus reassessment until the HOW was asymptomatic (2-day + reassessment policy), and initial 7-day sick leaves (7-day policy). Sick leaves peaked in August 2009: 3% of the workforce received leave for ILI. Costs during May October reached R$798,051.87 (approximate to US $443,362). The 7-day policy led to a higher monthly rate of sick leave days per 100 HCWs than did the 2-day + reassessment policy (8.72 vs. 3.47 days/100 HCWs; p<0.0001) and resulted in higher costs (US $609 vs. US $1,128 per HCW on leave). ILI affected HCW absenteeism. The 7-day policy was more costly and not more effective in preventing transmission to patients than the 2-day + reassessment policy.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the possible relationships between stress tolerance, training load, banal infections and salivary parameters during 4 weeks of regular training in fifteen basketball players. The Daily Analysis of Life Demands for Athletes` questionnaire (sources and symptoms of stress) and the Wisconsin Upper Respiratory Symptom Survey were used on a weekly basis. Salivary cortisol and salivary immunoglobulin A (SIgA) were collected at the beginning (before) and after the study, and measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Ratings of perceived exertion (training load) were also obtained. The results from ANOVA with repeated measures showed greater training loads, number of upper respiratory tract infection episodes and negative sensation to both symptoms and sources of stress, at week 2 (p < 0.05). Significant increases in cortisol levels and decreases in SIgA secretion rate were noted (before to after). Negative sensations to symptoms of stress at week 4 were inversely and significantly correlated with SIgA secretion rate. A positive and significant relationship between sources and symptoms of stress at week 4 and cortisol levels were verified. In summary, an approach incorporating in conjunction psychometric tools and salivary biomarkers could be an efficient means of monitoring reaction to stress in sport. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A large number of initiatives in cities in Brazil - including slum clearance and upgrading - have been undertaken over the years in an effort to ameliorate the problems arising from informal occupation; unfortunately, however, little is known about the related performance outcomes. Careful appraisal of the results of such initiatives is thus called for, covering evaluations of dwellers` perceptions of the upgraded environments. Among the available evaluation methods, post-occupancy evaluation (POE) is commonly employed, although it fails adequately to reflect prevailing subjective concepts of quality. The present paper contains the partial findings of a research exercise aimed at developing an original method, using fuzzy logic, for urban environmental quality evaluation in informally occupied areas on the basis of combining quantitative indicators and dweller perception. It combines POE with fuzzy logic in order to develop tools that can better model the uncertain information that emerges from that kind of study. This paper aims to introduce an uncertainty measure used in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of slum upgrading projects. The results show that it is possible to quantify certainty degrees in the findings and to define if additional information is needed.
When wandering around a city such as Sao Paulo, we are surrounded by letters, numbers and symbols. These elements form part of an environment full of signs in many shapes and sizes that compete for our attention. Our perception of these elements contributes towards our spatial guidance and sense of place. The idea of `reading` the city, or urban environment, was introduced by Kevin Lynch, for whom reading the urban structure follows on from recognizing or identifying its numerous visual elements, not necessarily verbal ones. Beginning with a brief bibliographic review of perception theories, this article combines concepts from environmental psychology with concerns brought up by the fields of information design and epigraphy studies, setting out the basis of a methodological proposal for the study of typography and lettering in the urban environment.
To attend and obtain the systems and. internal controls mechanisms proposed by Sarbanes-Oxley certifications is actually a big challenge,for most of the multinational companies registered in SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission). This work has the objective of contributing to the analysis of this methodology, not only to attend the law but to reduce cost and generate value through the strengthen of the internal control systems, turning them into animating value generation process mechanisms. So, the idea is to identify the main gaps in the theory through the literature revision and a case study in order to put a question to the main deficiencies, strong points or contributions through the evaluation of the noticed practices. Finally, we can say that a a result of the research and the analyses made in. this case, the vast majority of executives and other employees recognize the benefit that Sarbanes-Oxley Act has brought to the company searched. Also recognize that, although there is still necessity for systemic adequacy and infrastructure, it helps and reinforce reducing and controlling the risks. the system of internal controls in all areas of expertise. They approach and understand that there is the need for a change in the other employees` culture to be inserted in the day-today routine as internal controls, attention to Sarbanes-Oxley and Corporate Governance, making the control cost smaller when compared to the benefits generated.
This study discusses the use of loyalty programs and Customer perception in, agricultural market. The theoretical review includes relationship marketing, its objectives, dimensions and instruments, and loyalty programs. The method for the empirical part consisted on qualitative research, through a case study conducted at one of the largest crop protection chemical companies in Brazil. The case is representative once this company was pioneer in its segment in adopting the customer relationship management. (CRM) approach to-their clients: It has been a consensus that customer relationship is a tool to amplify the Customer share. This.,is so, due the. increasing competition generated by the entrance of generic products and the retaliation actions adopted by the multinational groups. The case study includes a market overview, a description of the company, its loyalty program, the image of the program from the customer`s perspective, and the main results acquired with the CRM program. The Study also presents some recommendations for-companies that are pursuing strategies to. increase their customer share through loyalty programs.
The divided visual field technique was used to investigate the pattern of brain asymmetry in the perception of positive/approach and negative/withdrawal facial expressions. A total of 80 undergraduate students (65 female, 15 male) were distributed in five experimental groups in order to investigate separately the perception of expressions of happiness, surprise, fear, sadness, and the neutral face. In each trial a target and a distractor expression were presented simultaneously in a computer screen for 150 ms and participants had to determine the side (left or right) on which the target expression was presented. Results indicated that expressions of happiness and fear were identified faster when presented in the left visual field, suggesting an advantage of the right hemisphere in the perception of these expressions. Fewer judgement errors and faster reaction times were also observed for the matching condition in which emotional faces were presented in the left visual field and neutral faces in the right visual field. Other results indicated that positive expressions (happiness and surprise) were perceived faster and more accurately than negative ones (sadness and fear). Main results tend to support the right hemisphere hypothesis, which predicts a better performance of the right hemisphere to perceive emotions, as opposed to the approach-withdrawal hypothesis.
Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of a threatening stimulus in human adults in a temporal bisection task. In Experiment I. for two anchor duration conditions (400/800 vs. 800/1600 ms), the participants completed trials in which the probe duration was followed by an aversive stimulus or a nonaversive stimulus. The results showed that the duration was judged longer when the participants expected an aversive rather than a nonaversive stimulus. In Experiment 2, the effect of the temporal localization of the aversive stimulus was also tested, with the aversive stimulus being presented at the beginning or at the end of the probe duration. The results revealed a temporal overestimation in each condition compared to the trials in which no aversive stimulus was presented. Furthermore, the temporal overestimation was greater when the expectation for the forthcoming threatening stimulus was longer. This temporal overestimation is explained in terms of a speeding-up of the neural timing system in response to the increase in the arousal level produced by the expectation of a threatening stimulus.
Objective The objective of the study was to investigate whether depression is a predictor of postdischarge smoking relapse among patients hospitalized for myocardial infarction (MI) or unstable angina (ILIA), in a smoke-free hospital. Methods Current smokers with MI or UA were interviewed while hospitalized; patients classified with major depression (MD) or no humor disorder were reinterviewed 6 months post discharge to ascertain smoking status. Potential predictors of relapse (depression; stress; anxiety; heart disease risk perception; coffee and alcohol consumption; sociodemographic, clinical, and smoking habit characteristics) were compared between those with MD (n = 268) and no humor disorder (n = 135). Results Relapsers (40.4%) were more frequently and more severely depressed, had higher anxiety and lower self-efficacy scale scores, diagnosis of UA, shorter hospitalizations, started smoking younger, made fewer attempts to quit, had a consort less often, and were more frequently at the `precontemplation` stage of change. Multivariate analysis showed relapse-positive predictors to be MD [odds ratio (OR): 2.549; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.519-4.275] (P<0.001); `precontemplation` stage of change (OR: 7.798; 95% CI: 2.442-24.898) (P<0.001); previous coronary bypass graft surgery (OR: 4.062; 95% CI: 1.356-12.169) (P=0.012); and previous anxiolytic use (OR: 2.365; 95% CI: 1.095-5.107) (P=0.028). Negative predictors were diagnosis of MI (OR: 0.575; 95% CI: 0.361-0.916) (P=0.019); duration of hospitalization (OR: 0.935; 95% CI: 0.898-0.973) (P=0.001); smoking onset age (OR: 0.952; 95% CI: 0.910-0.994) (P=0.028); number of attempts to quit smoking (OR: 0.808; 95% CI: 0.678-0.964) (P=0.018); and `action` stage of change (OR: 0.065; 95% CI: 0.008-0.532) (P= 0.010). Conclusion Depression, no motivation, shorter hospitalization, and severity of illness contributed to postdischarge resumption of smoking by patients with acute coronary syndrome, who underwent hospital-initiated smoking cessation.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to study the effect of attention and sustained silence on the emergence of auditory phantom perception in normal-hearing adults. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: While sitting in a sound booth, 66 volunteers (age range. 18-65; mean age, 37.3) performed 3 experiments of 5 minutes each, consecutively and randomly presented. Two deviated attention from auditory system (Hanoi and visual attention experiments). and 1 drove attention to the auditory system (auditory attention). After each experiment, participants were asked about their auditory and visual perception. No sound or light change was given at any moment. RESULTS: Of the participants, 19.7% experienced tinnitus during Hanoi, 45.5% during visual attention, and 68.2% during auditory attention experiment. with no significant differences for studied variables. CONCLUSION: Tinnitus-like perceptions may occur in a non-clinical population in a silent environment. Concomitant auditory attention plays an important role on the emergence of tinnitus. (C) 2008 American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation. All rights reserved.
Profound hearing loss is a disability that affects personality and when it involves teenagers before language acquisition, these bio-psychosocial conflicts can be exacerbated, requiring careful evaluation and choice of them for cochlear implant. Aim: To evaluate speech perception by adolescents with profound hearing loss, users of cochlear Implants. Study Design: Prospective. Materials and Methods: Twenty-five individuals with severe or profound pre-lingual hearing loss who underwent cochlear implantation during adolescence, between 10 to 17 years and 11 months, who went through speech perception tests before the implant and 2 years after device activation. For comparison and analysis we used the results from tests of four choice, recognition of vowels and recognition of sentences in a closed setting and the open environment. Results: The average percentage of correct answers in the four choice test before the implant was 46.9% and after 24 months of device use, this value went up to 86.1% in the vowels recognition test, the average difference was 45.13% to 83.13% and the sentences recognition test together in closed and open settings was 19.3% to 60.6% and 1.08% to 20.47% respectively. Conclusion: All patients, although with mixed results, achieved statistical improvement in all speech tests that were employed.