41 resultados para fat metabolism


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The leaf is considered the most important vegetative organ of tank epiphytic bromeliads due to its ability to absorb and assimilate nutrients. However, little is known about the physiological characteristics of nutrient uptake and assimilation. In order to better understand the mechanisms utilized by some tank epiphytic bromeliads to optimize the nitrogen acquisition and assimilation, a study was proposed to verify the existence of a differential capacity to assimilate nitrogen in different leaf portions. The experiments were conducted using young plants of Vriesea gigantea. A nutrient solution containing NO(3)(-)/NH(4)(+) or urea as the sole nitrogen source was supplied to the tank of these plants and the activities of urease, nitrate reductase (NR), glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate dehydrogenase (NADH-GDH) were quantified in apical and basal leaf portions after 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24 and 48 h. The endogenous ammonium and urea contents were also analyzed. Independent of the nitrogen sources utilized, NR and urease activities were higher in the basal portions of leaves in all the period analyzed. On the contrary. GS and GDH activities were higher in apical part. It was also observed that the endogenous ammonium and urea had the highest contents detected in the basal region. These results suggest that the basal portion was preferentially involved in nitrate reduction and urea hydrolysis, while the apical region could be the main area responsible for ammonium assimilation through the action of GS and GDH activities. Moreover, it was possible to infer that ammonium may be transported from the base, to the apex of the leaves. In conclusion, it was suggested that a spatial and functional division in nitrogen absorption and NH(4)(+) assimilation between basal and apical leaf areas exists, ensuring that the majority of nitrogen available inside the tank is quickly used by bromeliad`s leaves. (C) 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Biometric parameters, glycemia and activity levels of plasma neutral aminopeptidase (APN) and dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV) were measured in monosodium glutamate obese and food-deprived rats (MSG-FD), to analyze the involvement of these enzymes in such situations. Plasma APN was distinguished as sensitive (PSA) (K(m) = 7.8 x 10(-5) mol/l) and predominantly insensitive (APM) (K(m) = 21.6 x 10(-5) mol/l) to puromycin, whereas DPPIV was sensitive (DPPIV-DS) (K(m) = 0.24 x 10(-5) mol/l) and predominantly insensitive (DPPIV-DI) (K(m) = 7.04 x 10(-5) mol/l) to diprotin A. Although unchanged in the MSG and food-deprived animals, APM activity levels were closely correlated with body mass, Lee index, and mass of retroperitoneal fat pad in the food deprived, but not in the MSG animals. DPPIV-DI activity levels decreased by 33% and were correlated with body mass, Lee index, and mass of periepididymal fat pad in the food-deprived MSG rats. These data suggest that APM and DPPIV-DI are respectively related to the downregulation of somatostatin in food-deprived rats, and to the recovery of energy balance in MSG obese rats during food deprivation.


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With the aim of determining the genetic basis of metabolic regulation in tomato fruit, we constructed a detailed physical map of genomic regions spanning previously described metabolic quantitative trait loci of a Solanum pennellii introgression line population. Two genomic libraries from S. pennellii were screened with 104 colocated markers from five selected genomic regions, and a total of 614 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)/cosmids were identified as seed clones. Integration of sequence data with the genetic and physical maps of Solanum lycopersicum facilitated the anchoring of 374 of these BAC/cosmid clones. The analysis of this information resulted in a genome-wide map of a nondomesticated plant species and covers 10% of the physical distance of the selected regions corresponding to approximately 1% of the wild tomato genome. Comparative analyses revealed that S. pennellii and domesticated tomato genomes can be considered as largely colinear. A total of 1,238,705 bp from both BAC/cosmid ends and nine large insert clones were sequenced, annotated, and functionally categorized. The sequence data allowed the evaluation of the level of polymorphism between the wild and cultivated tomato species. An exhaustive microsynteny analysis allowed us to estimate the divergence date of S. pennellii and S. lycopersicum at 2.7 million years ago. The combined results serve as a reference for comparative studies both at the macrosyntenic and microsyntenic levels. They also provide a valuable tool for fine-mapping of quantitative trait loci in tomato. Furthermore, they will contribute to a deeper understanding of the regulatory factors underpinning metabolism and hence defining crop chemical composition.


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Protein (western blotting) and gene (PCR) expressions, catalytic activity of puromycin-insensitive membrane-bound neutral aminopeptidase (APM/CD13) and in situ regional distribution of CD13 and FOS immunoreactivity (it) were evaluated in the hypothalamus of monosodium glutamate obese (MSG) and/or food deprived (FD) rats in order to investigate their possible interplay with metabolic functions. Variations in protein and gene expressions of CD13 relative to controls coincided in the hypothalamus of MSG and MSG-FD (decreased 2- to 17-fold). Compared with controls, the reduction of hypothalamic CD13 content reflected a negative balance in its regional distribution in the supraoptic, paraventricular, periventricular and arcuate nuclei. CD13-ir increased in the supraoptic nucleus in MSG (2.5-fold) and decreased in the paraventricular nucleus (2-fold) together with FOS-ir (1.5-fold) in FD. In MSG-FD. FOS-ir decreased (7-fold) in the paraventricular nucleus, while CD13-ir decreased in the periventricular (5.6-fold) and the arcuate (3.7-fold) nuclei. It was noteworthy that all these changes of CD13 were not related to catalytic activity of APM. Data suggested that hypothalamic CD13 plays a role in the regulation of energy metabolism not by means of APM enzyme activity. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The activities of glycogen phosphorylase and synthase during infusions of glucagon, isoproterenol, or cyanide in isolated liver of fed rats submitted to short-term insulin-induced hypoglycemia (IIH) was investigated. A condition of hyperinsulinemia/hypoglycemia was obtained with an intraperitoneal injection of regular insulin (1.0 U kg(-1)). The control group received ip saline. The experiments were carried out 60 min after insulin (IIH group) or saline (COG group) injection. The rats were anesthetized and after laparotomy, blood was collected from the vena cava for glucose and insulin measurements. The liver was their infused with glucagon (1 nM), isoproterenot (2 mu M), or cyanide (0.5 mM) during 20 min and a sample of the organ was collected for determination of the activities of glycogen phosphorylase and synthase 5 min after starting and 10 min after stopping the infusions. The infusions of cyanide, glucagons, and isoproterenol did not change the activities of glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase. However, glycogen catabolism was decreased during the infusions of glucagon and isoproterenol in IIH rats, being more intense with isoproterenol (p < 0.05), than glucagon. It was concluded that short-term IIH promoted changes in the liver responsiveness of glycogen degradation induced by glucagon and isoproterenol without a change in the activities of glycogen phosphorylase and synthase. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The effects of exercise training on systolic blood pressure (BP), insulin sensitivity, and plasma membrane GLUT4 protein content in spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats were compared. 16 SHR and 16 WKY male rats, aged 6 months, were randomized into sedentary and trained (tread-mill running, 5 days/week, 60 min/day for 10 weeks) groups (n = 8/group). At baseline, SHR had lower insulin sensitivity than WKY rats, however, there were no differences between WKY and SHR GLUT4 expression. The 10-week training reduced BP by similar to 19% in SHR, improved insulin sensitivity by similar to 24% in SHR, but not in WKY, and increased GLUT4 expression in both animal models. Compared to the sedentary group, there was an increase of GLUT4 in WKY rats by similar to 25% in the heart, by similar to 23% in the gastrocnemius, and by similar to 15% in the fat tissue. Trained SHR presented an increase in GLUT4 of similar to 21%, similar to 20%, and similar to 14%, in the same tissues, respectively. There were no differences between SHR and WKY rats in post-training GLUT4 expression. We conclude that training determined BP and insulin resistance reduction in SHR, and increased GLUT4 expression in both normotensive and hypertensive rats. However, considering the similar rise in GLUT4-induced training in SHR and WKY, it is possible that GLUT4 levels in plasma membrane fraction do not have a pivotal role in the exercise-induced improvement of insulin sensitivity in SHR.


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Objective: This study investigated the effect of different sodium content diets on rat adipose tissue carbohydrate metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Methods and Procedures: Male Wistar rats were fed on normal- (0.5% Na+; NS), high- (3.12% Na+; HS), or low-sodium (0.06% Na+; LS) diets for 3, 6, and 9 weeks after weaning. Blood pressure (BP) was measured using a computerized tail-cuff system. An intravenous insulin tolerance test (ivITT) was performed in fasted animals. At the end of each period, rats were killed and blood samples were collected for glucose and insulin determinations. The white adipose tissue (WAT) from abdominal and inguinal subcutaneous (SC) and periepididymal (PE) depots were weighed and processed for adipocyte isolation and measurement of in vitro rates of insulin-stimulated 2-deoxy-d-[H-3]-glucose uptake (2DGU) and conversion of -[U-C-14]-glucose into (CO2)-C-14. Results: After 6 weeks, HS diet significantly increased the BP, SC and PE WAT masses, PE adipocyte size, and plasma insulin concentration. The sodium dietary content did not influence the whole-body insulin sensitivity. A higher half-maximal effective insulin concentration (EC50) from the dose - response curve of 2DGU and an increase in the insulin-stimulated glucose oxidation rate were observed in the isolated PE adipocytes from HS rats. Discussion: The chronic salt overload enhanced the adipocyte insulin sensitivity for glucose uptake and the insulin-induced glucose metabolization, contributing to promote adipocyte hypertrophy and increase the mass of several adipose depots, particularly the PE fat pad.


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Obesity results from an imbalance between food intake and energy expenditure, two vital functions that are tightly controlled by specialized neurons of the hypothalamus. The complex mechanisms that integrate these two functions are only beginning to be deciphered. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of two thermogenesis-inducing conditions, i.e., ingestion of a high-fat (HF) diet and exposure to cold environment, on the expression of 1,176 genes in the hypothalamus of Wistar rats. Hypothalamic gene expression was evaluated using a cDNA macroarray approach. mRNA and protein expressions were determined by reverse-transcription PCR (RT-PCR) and immunoblot. Cold exposure led to an increased expression of 43 genes and to a reduced expression of four genes. HF diet promoted an increased expression of 90 genes and a reduced expression of 78 genes. Only two genes (N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor 2B and guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-binding protein G-alpha-i1) were similarly affected by both thermogenesis-inducing conditions, undergoing an increment of expression. RT-PCR and immunoblot evaluations confirmed the modulation of NMDA receptor 2B and GTP-binding protein G-alpha-i1, only. This corresponds to 0.93% of all the responsive genes and 0.17% of the analyzed genes. These results indicate that distinct environmental thermogenic stimuli can modulate predominantly distinct profiles of genes reinforcing the complexity and multiplicity of the hypothalamic mechanisms that regulate energy conservation and expenditure.


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Insulin replacement is the only effective therapy to manage hyperglycemia in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Nevertheless, intensive insulin therapy has inadvertently led to insulin resistance. This study investigates mechanisms involved in the insulin resistance induced by hyperinsulinization. Wistar rats were rendered diabetic by alloxan injection, and 2 weeks later received saline or different doses of neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin (1.5, 3, 6, and 9 U/day) over 7 days. Insulinopenic-untreated rats and 6U- and 9U-treated rats developed insulin resistance, whereas 3U-treated rats revealed the highest grade of insulin sensitivity, but did not achieve good glycemic control as 6U- and 9U-treated rats did. This insulin sensitivity profile was in agreement with glucose transporter 4 expression and translocation in skeletal muscle, and insulin signaling, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase/glucose-6-phosphatase expression and glycogen storage in the liver. Under the expectation that insulin resistance develops in hyperinsulinized diabetic patients, we believe insulin sensitizer approaches should be considered in treating T1DM. Journal of Endocrinology (2011) 211, 55-64


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Objective We investigated the effects of high-fat diet-induced obesity on vascular proinflammatory factors and oxidative stress on endothelium-dependent relaxation of the aorta. Methods Female Swiss mice were submitted to a high-fat diet for 16 weeks. At the end of the experimental period, we evaluated blood pressure, relaxation in response to acetylcholine in aortic rings in the absence and the presence of the superoxide anion scavenger, superoxide dismutase (SOD, 150 U/ml), and the nuclear factor (NF)-kappa B inhibitor, sodium salicylate (5 mmol/l). Aortic protein expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, Cu/Zn-SOD, NF-kappa B, I kappa B-alpha, and proinflammatory cytokines were also evaluated. Results Obese mice presented higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure than control mice (P<0.05). The relaxation of aortas to acetylcholine, but not to sodium nitroprusside, was significantly decreased in obese mice and was corrected by both SOD and sodium salicylate (P<0.05). The protein expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase and Cu/Zn-SOD was significantly decreased in aorta from obese mice (P<0.05). Total p65 NF-kappa B subunit protein expression was not affected by obesity, but the protein expression of NF-kappa B inhibitor I kappa B-alpha was lower in aorta from obese mice (P<0.05). There were no significant differences in the interleukin (IL)-1 beta and IL-6 protein expression between groups. In contrast, the expression of TNF-alpha was significantly increased in aortas from obese mice. Conclusion Our resultssuggest that the reducedantioxidant defense and the local NF-kappa B pathway play an important role in the impairment of endothelium-dependent relaxation in aorta from obese mice. J Hypertens 28: 2111-2119 (C) 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was to elucidate the cellular mechanism underlying the suppression of glucose-induced insulin secretion in mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD) for 15 weeks. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-C57BL6J mice were fed a HFD or a normal diet (ND) for 3 or 15 weeks. Plasma insulin and glucose levels in vivo were assessed by intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test. Insulin secretion in vitro was studied using static incubations and a perfused pancreas preparation. Membrane currents, electrical activity, and exocytosis were examined by patch-clamp technique measurements. Intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) was measured by microfluorimetry. Total internal reflection fluorescence microscope (TIRFM) was used for optical imaging of exocytosis and submembrane depolarization-evoked [Ca(2+)](i). The functional data were complemented by analyses of histology and gene transcription. RESULTS After 15 weeks, but not 3 weeks, mice on HFD exhibited hyperglycemia and hypoinsulinemia. Pancreatic islet content and beta-cell area increased 2- and 1.5-fold, respectively. These changes correlated with a 20-50% reduction of glucose-induced insulin secretion (normalized to insulin content). The latter effect was not associated with impaired electrical activity or [Ca(2+)](i) signaling. Single-cell capacitance and TIRFM measurements of exocytosis revealed a selective suppression (>70%) of exocytosis elicited by short (50 ms) depolarization, whereas the responses to longer depolarizations were (500 ms) less affected. The loss of rapid exocytosis correlated with dispersion of Ca(2+) entry in HFD beta-cells. No changes in gene transcription of key exocytotic protein were observed. CONCLUSIONS HFD results in reduced insulin secretion by causing the functional dissociation of voltage-gated Ca(2+) entry from exocytosis. These observations suggest a novel explanation to the well-established link between obesity and diabetes. Diabetes 59:1192-1201, 2010


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Contractile activity induces a marked increase in glycolytic activity and gene expression of enzymes and transporters involved in glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle. Muscle contraction also increases the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study, the effects of treatment with N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a potent antioxidant compound, on contraction-stimulated glycolysis were investigated in electrically stimulated primary rat skeletal muscle cells. The following parameters were measured: 2-[(3)H]deoxyglucose (2-DG) uptake; activities of hexokinase, phosphofructokinase (PFK), and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH); lactate production; and expression of the glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4), hexokinase II (HKII), and PFK genes after one bout of electrical stimulation in primary rat myotubes. NAC treatment decreased ROS signal by 49% in resting muscle cells and abolished the muscle contraction-induced increase in ROS levels. In resting cells, NAC decreased mRNA and protein contents of GLUT4, mRNA content and activity of PFK, and lactate production. NAC treatment suppressed the contraction-mediated increase in 2-DG uptake; lactate production; hexokinase, PFK, and G6PDH activities; and gene expression of GLUT4. HKII, and PFK. Similar to muscle contraction, exogenous H(2)O(2) (500 nM) administration increased 2-DG uptake; lactate production; hexokinase, PFK, and G6PDH activities; and gene expression of GLUT4. HKII, and PFK. These findings support the proposition that ROS endogenously produced play an important role in the changes in glycolytic activity and gene expression of GLUT4, HKII, and PFK induced by contraction in skeletal muscle cells. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The inhibitory effect of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) on glucose-stimulated insulin secretion was previously reported. However, the precise mechanism involved was not systematically investigated. In this study, the effects of low concentrations of H(2)O(2) (5-10 mu mol/L) on glucose metabolism, intracellular calcium ([Ca(2+)](i)) oscillations, and dynamic insulin secretion in rat pancreatic islets were investigated. Low concentrations of H(2)O(2) impaired insulin secretion in the presence of high glucose levels (16.7 mmol/L). This phenomenon was observed already after 2 minutes of exposure to H(2)O(2). Glucose oxidation and the amplitude of [Ca(2+)](i); oscillations were dose-dependently suppressed by H(2)O(2). These findings indicate that low concentrations of H(2)O(2) reduce insulin secretion in the presence of high glucose levels via inhibition of glucose metabolism and consequent impairment in [Ca(2+)](i); handling. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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TNF alpha is an important mediator of catabolism in cachexia. Most of its effects have been characterized in peripheral tissues, such as skeletal muscle and fat. However, by acting directly in the hypothalamus, TNF alpha can activate thermogenesis and modulate food intake. Here we show that high concentration TNF alpha in the hypothalamus leads to increased O(2) consumption/CO(2) production, increased body temperature, and reduced caloric intake, resulting in loss of body mass. Most of the thermogenic response is produced by beta 3-adrenergic signaling to the brown adipose tissue (BAT), leading to increased BAT relative mass, reduction in BAT lipid quantity, and increased BAT mitochondria density. The expression of proteins involved in BAT thermogenesis, such as beta 3-adrenergic receptor, peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1 alpha, and uncoupling protein-1, are increased. In the hypothalamus, TNF alpha produces reductions in neuropeptide Y, agouti gene-related peptide, proopiomelanocortin, and melanin-concentrating hormone, and increases CRH and TRH. The activity of the AMP-activated protein kinase signaling pathway is also decreased in the hypothalamus of TNF alpha-treated rats. Upon intracerebroventricular infliximab treatment, tumor-bearing and septic rats present a significantly increased survival. In addition, the systemic inhibition of beta 3-adrenergic signaling results in a reduced body mass loss and increased survival in septic rats. These data suggest hypothalamic TNF alpha action to be important mediator of the wastage syndrome in cachexia. (Endocrinology 151: 683-694, 2010)


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P>Many hemoglobin-derived peptides are present in mouse brain, and several of these have bioactive properties including the hemopressins, a related series of peptides that bind to cannabinoid CB1 receptors. Although hemoglobin is a major component of red blood cells, it is also present in neurons and glia. To examine whether the hemoglobin-derived peptides in brain are similar to those present in blood and heart, we used a peptidomics approach involving mass spectrometry. Many hemoglobin-derived peptides are found only in brain and not in blood, whereas all hemoglobin-derived peptides found in heart were also seen in blood. Thus, it is likely that the majority of the hemoglobin-derived peptides detected in brain are produced from brain hemoglobin and not erythrocytes. We also examined if the hemopressins and other major hemoglobin-derived peptides were regulated in the Cpefat/fat mouse; previously these mice were reported to have elevated levels of several hemoglobin-derived peptides. Many, but not all of the hemoglobin-derived peptides were elevated in several brain regions of the Cpefat/fat mouse. Taken together, these findings suggest that the post-translational processing of alpha and beta hemoglobin into the hemopressins, as well as other peptides, is up-regulated in some but not all Cpefat/fat mouse brain regions.