75 resultados para exclusive dealing


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Extending from latitude 34ºS to 22ºS the Southern Brazilian shelf constitutes the only part of the Brazilian shelf with a subtropical to temperate environment. The studies on the different geological aspects of the area began in the 1960's and have recently been reassessed after studies related to the determination of the Economic Exclusive Zone. In terms of morphology, the Southern Brazilian shelf may be divided into three sectors, the São Paulo Bight, the Florianópolis-Mostardas Sector and the Rio Grande Cone, characterized by conspicuous differences in terms of geological determining factors, bathymetry, declivities and the presence of canyons and channels. Despite the existence of hundreds of radiocarbon datings the sea level changes curve of southern Brazil during the Last Glacial Cycle is still a matter of debate. A recent controversy on the Middle and late Holocene sea level changes curve raised the question of the amplitude of the oscillations which occurred in the period. Also, a few but relatively consistent radiocarbon datings suggest the occurrence of a high sea level during Isotope Stage 3. In terms of sedimentary cover the Southern Brazilian shelf exhibits a very strong hydrodynamic control, both latitudinal and bathymetrical. The sector southward from 25ºS is characterized by the influence of the plume of water carrying sediments originating from the Río de La Plata. Actually its presence is conspicuous up to 28ºS, with the area between this latitude and 25ºS constituting a transitional zone. In terms of bathymetry the outer shelf is marked by the "floor-polisher" effect of the Brazil Current, which is responsible for the maintenance of a relict facies in areas deeper than 100 meters.


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O presente trabalho consiste em um inventário da herpetofauna do Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho (PECB), localizado na região da Serra de Paranapiacaba, Estado de São Paulo. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de coletas em seis áreas dentro do PECB durante um período de 76 dias distribuídos em um ano, e também por meio de consulta a coleções científicas para obtenção de dados secundários. São apresentados resultados sobre a biologia e ocorrência das espécies no PECB e no Brasil, além de fotografias das diferentes espécies que compõem a herpetofauna do PECB. A herpetofauna do PECB pode ser considerada uma das mais diversificadas de São Paulo, com 65 espécies de anfíbios confirmadas e 59 espécies de répteis registrados neste trabalho. Das 65 espécies de anfíbios, 84% (55 spp.) são endêmicas das formações florestais da Mata Atlântica. Devido às características do relevo do PECB, foram encontrados diferentes padrões altitudinais para os anfíbios: 46% das espécies foram registradas apenas em altitudes acima de 500 m, enquanto que 9% são exclusivas das regiões abaixo de 400 m e 45% ocorrem em todas as áreas amostradas do Parque. Das 59 espécies de répteis do PECB, foram registradas 10 espécies de lagartos, 48 de serpentes e um quelônio. Dentre as serpentes coletadas no PECB, a jararaca Bothrops jararaca foi a mais frequente, com 26,9% (N = 14) do total registrado. Espécies de difícil amostragem, como Echinanthera cephalostriata (13,5%; N = 7) e Taeniophallus affinis (7,7%; N = 4), também foram numerosas no PECB. Dentre os lagartos, Enyalius iheringii foi a espécie mais abundante, com 50% (N = 16) de registros. Uma análise de agrupamento entre 25 taxocenoses de anfíbios brasileiras, incluindo o PECB, resultou na formação de quatro agrupamentos principais. A anurofauna do PECB é mais relacionada com as taxocenoses do Parque Estadual Jacupiranga (0,68) e do Parque Estadual Intervales (0,66). Estes Parques se encontram geograficamente próximos e constituem um dos maiores fragmentos preservados de Mata Atlântica no Brasil. Este trabalho é o primeiro a apresentar a lista de répteis do PECB, alem de complementar o conhecimento em relação a fauna de anfíbios do PECB.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação do sobrepeso e da obesidade com o aleitamento materno e a alimentação complementar em pré-escolares. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal envolvendo 566 crianças matriculadas em escolas particulares no município de São Paulo, SP, 2004-2005. A variável dependente foi sobrepeso e obesidade. Para a classificação do estado nutricional das crianças foram utilizadas as curvas de percentis do Índice de Massa Corporal para idade, classificando como sobrepeso valores e"P85 e


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OBJETIVO: Investigar a relação entre adequação da oferta energética e mortalidade na unidade de terapia intensiva em pacientes sob terapia nutricional enteral exclusiva. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional prospectivo conduzido em uma unidade de terapia intensiva em 2008 e 2009. Foram incluídos pacientes >18 anos que receberam terapia nutricional enteral por >72h. A adequação da oferta de energia foi estimada pela razão administrado/prescrito. Para a investigação da relação entre variáveis preditoras (adequação da oferta energética, escore APACHE II, sexo, idade e tempo de permanência na unidade de terapia intensiva e o desfecho mortalidade na unidade de terapia intensiva, utilizou-se o modelo de regressão logística não condicional. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 63 pacientes (média 58 anos, mortalidade 27%), 47,6% dos quais receberam mais de 90% da energia prescrita (adequação média 88,2%). O balanço energético médio foi de -190 kcal/dia. Observou-se associação significativa entre ocorrência de óbito e as variáveis idade e tempo de permanência na unidade de terapia intensiva, após a retirada das variáveis adequação da oferta energética, APACHE II e sexo durante o processo de modelagem. CONCLUSÃO: A adequação da oferta energética não influenciou a taxa de mortalidade na unidade de terapia intensiva. Protocolos de infusão de nutrição enteral seguidos criteriosamente, com adequação administrado/prescrito acima de 70%, parecem ser suficientes para não interferirem na mortalidade. Dessa forma, pode-se questionar a obrigatoriedade de atingir índices próximos a 100%, considerando a elevada frequência com que ocorrem interrupções no fornecimento de dieta enteral devido a intolerância gastrointestinal e jejuns para exames e procedimentos. Pesquisas futuras poderão identificar a meta ideal de adequação da oferta energética que resulte em redução significativa de complicações, mortalidade e custos.


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A glutamina é o aminoácido livre mais abundante no sangue e no músculo esquelético, bem como é o principal substrato energético para células de elevado turnover, como enterócitos e leucócitos. Adicionalmente, a glutamina representa o principal aminoácido transferido para o feto pela placenta e, juntamente com o glutamato, constituem os aminoácidos mais abundantes no leite materno. Todavia, bebês nascidos prematuramente sofrem interrupção abrupta do fornecimento placentário de glutamina, o que acarreta em dependência exclusiva da síntese endógena ou do fornecimento exógeno deste aminoácido. Aliado a isso, neonatos pré-termo (PT) e com baixo peso ao nascer (BPN), freqüentemente, recebem apenas nutrição parenteral total nas primeiras semanas de vida, a qual não contém glutamina. Cabe ainda destacar que esses bebês possuem pouca massa muscular e, portanto, seus estoques de glutamina são limitados. Uma vez que neonatos PT e com BPN estão sujeitos a intenso crescimento e a inúmeros estresses fisiológicos, é possível que a glutamina seja um nutriente condicionalmente essencial nessa fase da vida, fato que estimulou a realização de estudos com a finalidade de avaliar os possíveis benefícios clínicos da suplementação enteral e parenteral com glutamina em neonatos PT e com BPN.


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Este trabalho problematiza, a partir de uma perspectiva sócio-histórica, formas de enfrentamento à violência a que estão submetidos adolescentes e jovens de grupos populares urbanos no Brasil. Considera-se a violência como um fenômeno complexo de grande relevância para diversas instâncias sociais. A vulnerabilidade daqueles adolescentes e jovens, expressa por inúmeros índices relacionados à violência, tem alcançado patamares alarmantes no nosso país, num contexto de políticas públicas que são, em grande parte, insuficientes, fragmentadas e/ou inadequadas. Assim, apresenta-se o relato e a análise de uma intervenção social calcada na educação e na defesa dos direitos decorrentes da cidadania, para adolescentes e jovens vulneráveis socialmente, tomando-se como referência uma região composta por bairros pobres e carentes de infra-estrutura social numa cidade média do interior do estado de São Paulo. Trabalhou-se em diferentes projetos com ações pautadas na abordagem interdisciplinar, por meio de três eixos bases: Violência Escolar; Violência Urbana; e Violação de Direitos e Comunidade. Os resultados alcançados refletem elaborações coletivas acerca das ações destinadas aos jovens de grupos populares urbanos e suas alternativas, buscando produzir estratégias de enfrentamento dessas questões em espaços públicos, desde a instituição escolar historicamente constituída para essa população, assim como as instituições mais recentes que respondem à lógica contraditória e complexa da assistência ao direito. Cria-se, portanto, subsídios para políticas públicas cujo impacto se dê na direção de promover a diminuição da desigualdade, da discriminação e da violência a que está sujeita a maioria dos adolescentes e jovens no Brasil.


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Background: Environmental factors may influence the development of allergen sensitization and asthma. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of endotoxin and allergen exposure in early life as a risk factor for recurrent wheezing. Methods: One hundred and four infants from low-income families, at high risk of asthma, were enrolled at birth. Dust samples were collected from the bedding and bedroom floor within 6 months after birth. Recurrent wheezing was defined as 3 or more wheezing episodes in the past year. Endotoxin was determined by Limulus amebocyte lysate assay, and major indoor allergens were quantitated by ELISA in dust extracts. IgE antibodies were measured by ImmunoCAP at 30 months of age. Results: At 30 months, 51 of the 99 infants who completed the study (51.5 per cent) had recurrent wheezing. Respiratory infection was strongly associated with recurrent wheezing (OR 6.67, 95 per cent CI 1.96-22.72), whereas exclusive breastfeeding for at least 1 month was a protective factor (OR 0.09, 95 per cent CI 0.01-0.51). Exposure to high levels of mouse allergen was more frequent among non-recurrent wheezers, approaching significance (OR 0.12, 95 per cent CI 0.01-1.13; p = 0.064). None of the children were sensitized to mouse. Sensitization to mite was found in 26/90 (28.8 per cent) children, with no association with recurrent wheezing. Conclusion: Respiratory infection was strongly associated with recurrent wheezing in the first 30 months of life, in children at high risk of asthma, living in a socially deprived community in Brazil


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presente estudo descreve a prática de aleitamento materno e verifica possíveis fatores de associação com a duração do aleitamento materno exclusivo e aleitamento materno em crianças de escolas particulares do município de São Paulo. Fizeram parte do estudo 566 crianças, com 2 a 6 anos completos de idade. Foi considerada como variável dependente a duração do aleitamento materno (aleitamento materno exclusivo e aleitamento materno), e como independente idade e escolaridade materna, condição de trabalho da mãe e sexo da criança. A caracterização da amostra é apresentada por meio de distribuições de freqüências. A variável aleitamento materno foi descrita em categorias, e para análise foi utilizada como variável contínua. Para a análise da relação entre duração do aleitamento materno e as variáveis independentes utilizou-se a técnica de regressão múltipla de Cox adotando-se critério p < 0,05 para decisão de significância. Não houve associação entre as variáveis estudadas e tempo de duração das duas formas de aleitamento. Cerca de 80% das crianças deixaram de ser amamentadas exclusivamente antes dos seis meses de vida, o que mostra a necessidade de continuar o desenvolvimento de ações para incentivo e apoio à amamentação


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Photoproduction reactions occur when the electromagnetic field of a relativistic heavy ion interacts with another heavy ion. The STAR Collaboration presents a measurement of rho(0) and direct pi(+)pi(-) photoproduction in ultraperipheral relativistic heavy ion collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. We observe both exclusive photoproduction and photoproduction accompanied by mutual Coulomb excitation. We find a coherent cross section of sigma(AuAu -> Au*Au*rho(0)) = 530 +/- 19(stat.) +/- 57(syst.) mb, in accord with theoretical calculations based on a Glauber approach, but considerably below the predictions of a color dipole model. The rho 0 transverse momentum spectrum (p(T)(2)) is fit by a double exponential curve including both coherent and incoherent coupling to the target nucleus; we find sigma(inc)/sigma(coh) = 0.29 +/- 0.03 (stat.) +/- 0.08 (syst.). The ratio of direct pi(+)pi(-) to rho(0) production is comparable to that observed in gamma(p) collisions at HERA and appears to be independent of photon energy. Finally, the measured rho(0) spin helicity matrix elements agree within errors with the expected s-channel helicity conservation.


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Background: The Brazilian population is mainly descendant from European colonizers, Africans and Native Americans. Some Afro-descendants lived in small isolated communities since the slavery period. The epidemiological status of HBV infection in Quilombos communities from northeast of Brazil remains unknown. The aim of this study was to characterize the HBV genotypes circulating inside a Quilombo isolated community from Maranhao State, Brazil. Methods: Seventy-two samples from Frechal Quilombo community at Maranhao were collected. All serum samples were screened by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for the presence of hepatitis B surface antigen ( HBsAg). HBsAg positive samples were submitted to DNA extraction and a fragment of 1306 bp partially comprising HBsAg and polymerase coding regions (S/POL) was amplified by nested PCR and its nucleotide sequence was determined. Viral isolates were genotyped by phylogenetic analysis using reference sequences from each genotype obtained from GenBank (n = 320). Sequences were aligned using Muscle software and edited in the SE-AL software. Bayesian phylogenetic analyses were conducted using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to obtain the MCC tree using BEAST v.1.5.3. Results: Of the 72 individuals, 9 (12.5%) were HBsAg-positive and 4 of them were successfully sequenced for the 1306 bp fragment. All these samples were genotype A1 and grouped together with other sequences reported from Brazil. Conclusions: The present study represents the first report on the HBV genotypes characterization of this community in the Maranhao state in Brazil where a high HBsAg frequency was found. In this study, we reported a high frequency of HBV infection and the exclusive presence of subgenotype A1 in an Afro-descendent community in the Maranhao State, Brazil.


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Background: Neutrophils are the most abundant leukocytes in peripheral blood and represent one of the most important elements of innate immunity. Recent subcellular proteomic studies have focused on the identification of human neutrophil proteins in various subcellular membrane and granular fractions. Although there are relatively few studies dealing with the analysis of the total extract of human neutrophils, many biological problems such as the role of chemokines, adhesion molecules, and other activating inputs involved in neutrophil responses and signaling can be approached on the basis of the identification of the total cellular proteins. Results: Using gel-LC-MS/MS, 251 total cellular proteins were identified from resting human neutrophils. This is more than ten times the number of proteins identified by an initial proteome analysis of human neutrophils and almost five times the number of proteins identified by the first 2-DE map of extracts of rat polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Most of the proteins identified in the present study are well-known, but some of them, such as neutrophil-secreted proteins and centaurin beta-1, a cytoplasmic protein involved in the regulation of NF-kappa B activity, are described here for the first-time. Conclusion: The present report provides new information about the protein content of human neutrophils. Importantly, our study resulted in the discovery of a series of proteins not previously reported to be associated with human neutrophils. These data are relevant to the investigation of comparative pathological states and models for novel classes of pharmaceutical drugs that could be useful in the treatment of inflammatory disorders in which neutrophils participate.


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Human bocavirus (HBoV) is a parvovirus recently identified in association with acute respiratory infections (ARI). Despite its worldwide occurrence, little is known on the pathogenesis of HBoV infections. In addition, few systematic studies of HBoV in ARI have been conducted in Latin America. Therefore, in order to test whether active viral replication of human bocavirus is associated with respiratory diseases and to understand the clinical impact of this virus in patients with these diseases, we performed a 3-year retrospective hospital-based study of HBoV in outpatients and inpatients with symptoms of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) in Brazil. Nasopharyngeal aspirates (NPAs) from 1015 patients with respiratory symptoms were tested for HBoV DNA by PCR. All samples positive for HBoV were tested by PCR for all other respiratory viruses, had HBoV viral loads determined by quantitative real time PCR and, when possible, were tested by RT-PCR for HBoV VP1 mRNA, as evidence of active viral replication. HBoV was detected in 4.8% of patients, with annual rates of 10.0%, 3.0% and 3.0% in 2005, 2006 and 2007, respectively. The range of respiratory symptoms was similar between HBoV-positive and HBoV-negative ARI patients. However, a higher rate of diarrhea was observed in HBoV-positive patients. High HBoV viral loads (> 10(8) copies/mL) and diarrhea were significantly more frequent in patients with exclusive infection by HBoV and in patients with detection of HBoV VP1 mRNA than in patients with viral co-infection, detected in 72.9% of patients with HBoV. In summary, our data demonstrated that active HBoV replication was detected in a small percentage of patients with ARI and was correlated with concurrent diarrhea and lack of other viral co-infections.


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In this work an iterative strategy is developed to tackle the problem of coupling dimensionally-heterogeneous models in the context of fluid mechanics. The procedure proposed here makes use of a reinterpretation of the original problem as a nonlinear interface problem for which classical nonlinear solvers can be applied. Strong coupling of the partitions is achieved while dealing with different codes for each partition, each code in black-box mode. The main application for which this procedure is envisaged arises when modeling hydraulic networks in which complex and simple subsystems are treated using detailed and simplified models, correspondingly. The potentialities and the performance of the strategy are assessed through several examples involving transient flows and complex network configurations.


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The solvent effects on the low-lying absorption spectrum and on the (15)N chemical shielding of pyrimidine in water are calculated using the combined and sequential Monte Carlo simulation and quantum mechanical calculations. Special attention is devoted to the solute polarization. This is included by an iterative procedure previously developed where the solute is electrostatically equilibrated with the solvent. In addition, we verify the simple yet unexplored alternative of combining the polarizable continuum model (PCM) and the hybrid QM/MM method. We use PCM to obtain the average solute polarization and include this in the MM part of the sequential QM/MM methodology, PCM-MM/QM. These procedures are compared and further used in the discrete and the explicit solvent models. The use of the PCM polarization implemented in the MM part seems to generate a very good description of the average solute polarization leading to very good results for the n-pi* excitation energy and the (15)N nuclear chemical shield of pyrimidine in aqueous environment. The best results obtained here using the solute pyrimidine surrounded by 28 explicit water molecules embedded in the electrostatic field of the remaining 472 molecules give the statistically converged values for the low lying n-pi* absorption transition in water of 36 900 +/- 100 (PCM polarization) and 36 950 +/- 100 cm(-1) (iterative polarization), in excellent agreement among one another and with the experimental value observed with a band maximum at 36 900 cm(-1). For the nuclear shielding (15)N the corresponding gas-water chemical shift obtained using the solute pyrimidine surrounded by 9 explicit water molecules embedded in the electrostatic field of the remaining 491 molecules give the statistically converged values of 24.4 +/- 0.8 and 28.5 +/- 0.8 ppm, compared with the inferred experimental value of 19 +/- 2 ppm. Considering the simplicity of the PCM over the iterative polarization this is an important aspect and the computational savings point to the possibility of dealing with larger solute molecules. This PCM-MM/QM approach reconciles the simplicity of the PCM model with the reliability of the combined QM/MM approaches.


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Background: Identifying local similarity between two or more sequences, or identifying repeats occurring at least twice in a sequence, is an essential part in the analysis of biological sequences and of their phylogenetic relationship. Finding such fragments while allowing for a certain number of insertions, deletions, and substitutions, is however known to be a computationally expensive task, and consequently exact methods can usually not be applied in practice. Results: The filter TUIUIU that we introduce in this paper provides a possible solution to this problem. It can be used as a preprocessing step to any multiple alignment or repeats inference method, eliminating a possibly large fraction of the input that is guaranteed not to contain any approximate repeat. It consists in the verification of several strong necessary conditions that can be checked in a fast way. We implemented three versions of the filter. The first is simply a straightforward extension to the case of multiple sequences of an application of conditions already existing in the literature. The second uses a stronger condition which, as our results show, enable to filter sensibly more with negligible (if any) additional time. The third version uses an additional condition and pushes the sensibility of the filter even further with a non negligible additional time in many circumstances; our experiments show that it is particularly useful with large error rates. The latter version was applied as a preprocessing of a multiple alignment tool, obtaining an overall time (filter plus alignment) on average 63 and at best 530 times smaller than before (direct alignment), with in most cases a better quality alignment. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, TUIUIU is the first filter designed for multiple repeats and for dealing with error rates greater than 10% of the repeats length.