78 resultados para endoscopic
Background: Upper airway stenosis (UAS) after endotracheal intubation is a common problem in children. Most literature refers to a surgical treatment for these lesions. Laryngotracheal reconstruction and cricotracheal resection are used for low- and high-grade stenosis, but decannulation is not always possible immediately after surgery. Purpose: The aim of this study was to verify the feasibility and results of endoscopic dilatations for treatment of subglottic stenosis. Method: The study encompassed a 12-year retrospective analysis of patients treated for UAS in a tertiary center. All children were symptomatic at the time of the endoscopic diagnosis. The stenosis was graded according to the Myer-Cotton criteria. Endoscopic dilatation was initiated immediately after the diagnosis. Children with grade IV stenosis underwent surgery. Results: Children with tracheal stenosis and no involvement of the subglottic area did not respond to endoscopic dilatations and underwent surgery. There were 45 children with grade I stenosis, 12 with grade II, 7 with grade III, and 4 with grade IV lesions. Patients with grade I, II, and III stenosis were a] I treated by endoscopic dilatations alone and were decannulated when asymptomatic. The average time for decannulation was 18.90 +/- 26.07 months for grade 1, 32.5 +/- 27.08 months for grade 11, and 27.57 +/- 20.60 months for grade III stenosis (P < .01, for grade II vs grade III). Conclusion: Grade I, II, and III subglottic stenoses can be safely managed by early endoscopic dilatations with a high rate of success and low rate of morbidity but require a significantly long period of treatment. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background and study aims In many patients, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) can be limited by digestive tract stenosis. PEG placement using an introducer is the safest alternative for this group of patients, but the available devices are difficult to implement and require smaller-caliber tubes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the modification of an introducer technique device for PEG placement with regard to the following: procedure feasibility, possibility of using a 20-Fr balloon gastrostomy tube, tube-related function and problems, complications, procedure safety, and mortality. Patients and methods Between March 2007 and February 2008, 30 consecutive patients with head and neck malignancies underwent introducer PEG placement with the modified device and gastropexy. Each patient was evaluated for 60 days after the procedure for the success of the procedure, infection, pain, complications, mortality, and problems with the procedure. Results The procedure was successful in all cases with no perioperative complications. No signs of stomal infection were observed using the combined infection score. The majority of patients experienced mild-to-moderate pain both in the immediate postoperative period and at 72 hours. One major early complication (3.3%) and two minor complications (6.7%) were observed. No procedure-related deaths occurred during the first 60 days after the procedure. Conclusion The device modification for PEG using the introducer technique is feasible, safe, and efficient in outpatients with obstructive head and neck cancer. In this series, it allowed the use of a larger-caliber tube with low complication rates and no procedure-related mortality.
Background and Aims: Submucosal injection of a viscoelastic solution prolongs submucosal lift, thus, facilitating endoscopic mucosal resection. Our objective was to assess the safety and clinical effectiveness of 0.4% hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) as a submucosal injectant for endoscopic mucosal resection. Patients and Methods: A prospective, open-label, multicenter, phase 2 study was conducted at 2 academic institutions in Brazil. Eligible participants included patients with early gastrointestinal tumors larger than 10 mm. Outcomes evaluated included complete resection rates, volume of HPMC injected, duration of the submucosal cushion as assessed visually, histology of the resected leisons, and complication rates. Results: Over a 12-month period, 36 eligible patients with superficial neoplastic lesions (stomach 14, colon 11, rectum 5, esophagus 3, duodenum 3) were prospectively enrolled in the study. The mean size of the resected specimen was 20.4 mm (10 to 60 mm). The mean volume of 0.4% HPMC injected was 10.7 mL (range 4 to 35 mL). The mean duration of the submucosal fluid cushion was 27 minutes (range 9 to 70 min). Complete resection was successfully completed in 89%. Five patients (14%) developed immediate bleeding requiring endoclip and APC application. Esophageal perforation occurred in 1 patient requiring surgical intervention. There were no local or systemic adverse events related to HPMC use over the follow-up period (mean 2.2 mo). Conclusion: HPMC solution (0.4%) provides an effective submucosal fluid cushion and is safe for endoscopic resection of early gastrointestinal neoplastic lesions.
The authors present the first clinical implementation of an endoscopic-assisted percutaneous anterolateral radiofrequency cordotomy. The aim of this article is to demonstrate the intradural endoscopic visualization of the cervical spinal cord via a percutaneous approach to refine the spinal target for anterolateral cordotomy, avoiding undesired trauma to the spinal tissue or injury to blood vessels. Initially, a lateral puncture of the spinal canal in the C1-2 interspace is performed, guided by fluoroscopy. As soon as CSF is reached by the guide cannula (17-gauge needle), the endoscope can be inserted for visualization of the spinal cord and its surrounding structures. The endoscopic visualization provided clear identification of the pial surface of the spinal cord, arachnoid membrane, dentate ligament, dorsal and ventral root entry zone, and blood vessels. The target for electrode insertion into the spinal cord was determined to be the midpoint from the dentate ligament and the ventral root entry zone. The endoscopic guidance shortened the fluoroscopy usage time and no intrathecal contrast administration was needed. Cordotomy was performed by a standard radiofrequency method after refining of the neurophysiological target. Satisfactory analgesia was provided by the procedure with no additional complications or CSF leak. The initial use of this technique suggests that a percutaneous endoscopic procedure may be useful for particular manipulation of the spinal cord, possibly adding a degree of safety to the procedure and improving its effectiveness. (DOI: 10.3171/2010.4.JNS091779)
OBJECTIVE: To compare videofluoroscopy swallowing study (VFSS) with the fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) in children and to determine the accuracy of FEES in the diagnosis of specific swallowing disorders. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Hospital da Crianca Santo Antonio, affiliated with Santa Casa de Misericordia Hospital Complex, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: FEES findings were compared to those of VFSS in 30 children. Kappa coefficients for interobserver agreement were calculated. Thereafter, these coefficients were evaluated in terms of agreement between FEES and VFSS. In addition, the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of FEES were calculated for four swallowing parameters (posterior spillover, pharyngeal residues, laryngeal penetration, and laryngotracheal aspiration). RESULTS: Interobserver agreement rates greater than 70 percent were obtained for all FEES parameters analyzed, except for pharyngeal residues with puree consistency (agreement = 66.7%, K = 0.296, P = 0.091). Laryngeal aspiration and penetration yielded the best level of agreement (100%, K = 1) for the laryngeal aspiration of puree residues. CONCLUSION: The diagnostic agreement between FEES (both observers) and VFSS was low. Regarding the analyzed parameters, laryngeal penetration and aspiration yielded the highest interobserver agreement in terms of FEES, and also showed the highest specificity and positive predictive value when compared to VFSS. (C) 2010 American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVES To describe the use of pulsed fluoroscopic guidance, to perform endoscopic procedures in pregnant women, by inverting the fluoroscope`s c-arm using a lead thyroid collar to shield the fetus from the direct X-ray beam. The use of radiation during treatment of pregnant patients with urolithiasis remains a recurring dilemma. METHODS Between May 2006 and December 2008, endoscopic treatment due to ureteral stones was attempted in 8 pregnant women. In all cases, we use an inverted fluoroscope`s c-arm during endoscopic treatment associated with 2 lead neck thyroid collars to shield the uterus, protecting the fetus from direct radiation. Indication for treatment was symptomatic ureteral stones unresponsive to medical treatment in 7 and persistent fever in 1. RESULTS Mean ureteral stone size was 8.1 +/- 4.8 mm, located in the left ureter in 5 (62.5%) cases. Three (37.5%) patients had stone located in the upper ureter, 2 (25%) in the middle ureter, and 3 (37.5) in the distal ureter. In 6 cases, ureteral stones were treated using the semi-rigid ureteroscope, whereas in 1 case a flexible ureteroscope was needed. One woman was treated with insertion of a double-J stent due to associated urinary infection. No women has early delivery related to the endoscopic procedure, and all neonates were perfectly normal. CONCLUSIONS We present a technique for endoscopic procedures in pregnant women inverting the fluoroscope`s c-arm and protecting the fetus from the direct X-ray beam. This practical approach should be specially considered when no portable ultrasound and radiologic assistance in available in the operating room. UROLOGY 75: 1505-1508, 2010. (c) 2010 Published by Elsevier Inc.
Endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) has been established as an effective method in the treatment of tumoral obstructive hydrocephalus. Delayed closure of the ETV stoma has been attributed to scarring involving the third ventricular floor. Secondary obstruction of the stoma due to intraventricular tumor seeding is an extremely rare condition, with only one case described to date. The authors report on a unique case of late closure of the ETV stoma caused by metastatic seeding of a recurrent medulloblastoma 9 years after the initial treatment. The patient was submitted to a second endoscopic procedure in which a reddish mass located just at the third ventricular floor was resected, leading to reopening of the previous ETV stoma. To the best of the authors` knowledge, this case is the first report of an ETV obstruction due to metastatic CSF seeding of a medulloblastoma. In such cases of late failure of the ETV stoma because of tumor obstruction, a second ETV can be safely performed and lead to adequate function of the stoma, even if limited by the aggressive nature of the disease. (DOI: 10.3171/2010.1.PEDS09320)
Dacryocystorhinostomy is the treatment of choice for the obstruction of the lachrymal apparatus. At the end of last century, the development of the endoscopic instruments for nasosinusal surgery has made it possible to do it through the endoscopic pathway. Nonetheless, anatomical variations make it difficult to have reproducibility endonasaly. Aim: study the endoscopic anatomy of the lachrymal fossa through transillumination of the common canaliculus. Study design: experimental. Materials and Methods: we dissected 40 lachrymal pathways from 20 human cadavers, in three stages: 1. identification and dilation of the lachrymal canaliculus. 2 Optic fiber beam introduction; 3 - endoscopic dissection of the lachrymal sac, describing its position. Results: the most frequent position of the lachrymal sac was between the free border of the middle turbinate and its insertion immediately underneath it. The maxillary line was seen in 95% of the cases. Septoplasty was needed in 12.5%, unicifectomy in 35% and middle turbinectomy in 7.5%. Conclusion: Although the lachrymal sac has a more frequent location, its position varied considerably. The transillumination of the common canaliculus proved useful, solving the problem of the anatomical variability.
Background Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is amongst the commonest surgical intervention for weight loss in obese patients. Gastrocutaneous fistula, which usually occurs along the vertical staple line of the pouch, is amongst its most alarming complications. Medical management comprised of wound drainage, nutritional support, acid suppression, and antibiotics may be ineffective in as many as a third of patients with this complication. We present outcomes after endoscopic application of SurgiSIS (R), which is a novel biomaterial for the treatment of this complication. Design A case series of 25 patients. Methods Twenty-five patients who had failed conservative medical management of gastrocutaneous fistula after RYGB underwent endoscopic application of SurgiSIS (R)-an acellular fibrogenic matrix biomaterial to help fistula healing. Main outcome measures Fistula closure as assessed by upper gastrointestinal imaging and endoscopic examination. Results In patients who had failed medical management lasting 4-25 (median, 7) weeks, closure of the fistulous tract was successful after one application in six patients (30%), two applications in 11 patients (55%), and three applications in three patients (15%). There were no procedure-related complications. Conclusions Endoscopic application of SurgiSIS (R)-an acellular fibrogenic matrix-is safe and effective for the treatment of gastrocutaneous fistula after RYGB.
Background: Patients without adequate abdominal-wall transillumination are at a high risk of developing complications after PEG. Objective: We evaluated the feasibility and utility of EUS to guide PEG in patients lacking abdominal-wall transillumination. Design: Single-center case series. Setting: Tertiary-referral center. Patients: Six patients who lacked adequate abdominal-wall transillumination and 2 patients with a large laparotomy scar deemed to be at high risk of developing complications after PEG. Interventions: Patients underwent EUS-guided PEG and deployment of a standard enteral feeding tube. Main Outcome Measurements: Technical success and complication rates. Results: PEG was Successful Under EUS guidance in 5 of 8 patients. Causes of failure included all inadequate EUS window because of a prior Billroth 1 gastrectomy in one and suspected bowel interposition in 2 patients. There were no complications. Limitations: A small number of patients, uncontrolled study, and short follow-up period. Conclusions: This technique may facilitate deployment of PEG in patients who lack adequate abdominal-wall transillumination.
Objective: To develop a new endoscopic approach to the correction of a myelomeningocele-like defect in fetal sheep. Methods: The fetuses of 9 pregnant ewes, with an average gestational age of 115 days, were subjected to a 3.0 x 2.0 cm removal of the skin over the lumbar spine, performed through hysterotomy. The uterus was closed, and three 5-mm endoscopic cannulas, without valve mechanisms, were inserted. In the pilot phase (2 animals), we initially worked exclusively in the amniotic fluid space. In the study phase, we partially withdrew the fetus from the amniotic fluid to completely expose its back. By simply allowing air to enter the amniotic cavity (without gas injection), a working space was created using a uterine lift device. The skin around the defect was dissected, and a biosynthetic cellulose material was applied to cover the area. A continuous suture of the skin was performed to completely hide the material. Results: The combined air/fluid space allowed the skin to be successfully closed in 6 out of 7 cases in the study phase. All fetuses were alive at the end of the procedures. Time to complete the endoscopic part of the procedure fell from 3 to 1 h by the end of this series. Premature birth occurred in 2 of the 4 cases allowed to continue with the pregnancy. Conclusion: A new gasless fetoscopic surgery technique was developed as an alternative to current techniques used for fetal endoscopic surgery. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Introduction: The pterygopalatine fossa (PPF) is a narrow space located between the posterior wall of the antrum and the pterygoid plates. Surgical access to the PPF is difficult because of its protected position and its complex neurovascular anatomy. Endonasal approaches using rod lens endoscopes, however, provide better visualization of this area and are associated with less morbidity than external approaches. Our aim was to develop a simple anatomical model using cadaveric specimens injected with intravascular colored silicone to demonstrate the endoscopic anatomy of the PPF. This model could be used for surgical instruction of the transpterygoid approach. Methods: We dissected six PPF in three cadaveric specimens prepared with intravascular injection of colored material using two different injection techniques. An endoscopic endonasal approach, including a wide nasoantral window and removal of the posterior antrum wall, provided access to the PPF. Results: We produced our best anatomical model injecting colored silicone via the common carotid artery. We found that, using an endoscopic approach, a retrograde dissection of the sphenopalatine artery helped to identify the internal maxillary artery (IMA) and its branches. Neural structures were identified deeper to the vascular elements. Notable anatomical landmarks for the endoscopic surgeon are the vidian nerve and its canal that leads to the petrous portion of the internal carotid artery (ICA), and the foramen rotundum, and V2 that leads to Meckel`s cave in the middle cranial fossa. These two nerves, vidian and V2, are separated by a pyramidal shaped bone and its apex marks the ICA. Conclusion: Our anatomical model provides the means to learn the endoscopic anatomy of the PPF and may be used for the simulation of surgical techniques. An endoscopic endonasal approach provides adequate exposure to all anatomical structures within the PPF. These structures may be used as landmarks to identify and control deeper neurovascular structures. The significance is that an anatomical model facilitates learning the surgical anatomy and the acquisition of surgical skills. A dissection superficial to the vascular structures preserves the neural elements. These nerves and their bony foramina, such as the vidian nerve and V2, are critical anatomical landmarks to identify and control the ICA at the skull base.
BACKGROUND: Transanal endoscopic microsurgery may represent appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic procedure in selected patients with distal rectal cancer following neoadjuvant chemoradiation. Even though this procedure has been associated with low rates of postoperative complications, patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemoradiation seem to be at increased risk for suture line dehiscence. In this setting, we compared the clinical outcomes of patients undergoing transanal endoscopic microsurgery with and without neoadjuvant chemoradiation. METHODS: Thirty-six consecutive patients were treated by transanal endoscopic microsurgery at a single institution. Twenty-three patients underwent local excision after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy for rectal adenocarcinoma, and 13 patients underwent local excision without any neoadjuvant treatment for benign and malignant rectal tumors. Chemoradiation therapy included 50.4 to 54Gy and 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy. All patients underwent transanal endoscopic microsurgery with primary closure of the rectal defect. Complications (immediate and late) and readmission rates were compared between groups. RESULTS: Overall, median hospital stay was 2 days. Immediate (30-d) complication rate was 44% for grade II/III complications. Patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy were more likely to develop grade II/III immediate complications (56% vs 23%; P = .05). Overall, the 30-day readmission rate was 30%. Wound dehiscence was significantly more frequent among patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy (70% vs 23%; P = .03). Patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy were at significantly higher risk of requiring readmission (43% vs 7%; P = .02). CONCLUSION: Transanal local excision with the use of endoscopic microsurgical approach may result in significant postoperative morbidity, wound dehiscence, and readmission rates, in particular, because of rectal pain secondary to wound dehiscence. In this setting, the benefits of this minimally invasive approach either for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes become significantly restricted to highly selected patients that can potentially avoid a major operation but will still face a significantly morbid and painful procedure.
Transanal access is one of many currently used procedures for rectal cancer treatment. The techniques used for local excision include conventional transanal excision, posterior access, therapeutic colonoscopy and transanal endoscopic approaches. The aim of the present study was to present a new surgical proctoscope for the endoscopic transanal excision of rectal lesions. A cylindrical proctoscope with a diameter of 4 cm was devised and built. The end inserted into the anus has a bevelled aspect and rounded borders, allowing correct exposure of the anal lesion. The rectoscope is fixed to the anal border with surgical thread through perforations in the external end. A base screw holds a fibre-light which illuminates the operative field. Part of the equipment is a guide which is positioned inside the rectoscope on insertion into the anus. In operations utilizing this proctoscope, 17 adenomas, 25 adenocarcinomas, 1 carcinoid and 1 endometrioma were excised. The diameter of the lesions varied from 1 to 6 cm. The range of procedures that are possible with this new proctoscope are similar to those achieved with conventional techniques which, however, require more expensive equipment. Hence, the present study demonstrates that this newly devised low-cost proctoscope is an efficient tool for the transanal endoscopic excision of rectal lesions.
Background and Aims: Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is useful for the treatment of sterile pancreatic fluid collections (PFC), either by means of transmural drainage or by complete aspiration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of single-step EUS-guided endoscopic approaches for treatment of sterile PFC. Patients and Methods: During a 3-year period, 77 consecutive patients with symptomatic, persistent sterile PFC were evaluated and treated with the linear EUS. We excluded patients with grossly purulent collections, chronic pseudocyst and those whose cytology diagnostic was neoplastic cyst of pancreas. 44 patients received a single 10-Fr plastic straight stent under EUS or fluoroscopic control (group I) and 33 of these underwent a single-step complete aspiration with a 19-gauge needle (group II). Results: The mean size of the sterile PFC was 48 mm in group I and 28 mm in group II (p < 0.001). Overall, endoscopic treatment was successful in 70 (90.9%) patients. The mean volume aspirated was 25 (18-65) ml. The total number of procedures was 50 in group I and 41 punctures in group II. After a mean follow-up of 64 +/- 15.6 weeks there were 6 complications 13.6%): 2 recurrences (referred to surgery), 2 developing abscesses (submitted a new EUS-guided endoscopic drainage with success), 1 perforation that died (2.2%), and 1 case of bleeding (sent to surgery) in group I. In group II there were only 6 (18.1%) recurrences (submitted a new EUS-guided aspiration). None of the patients undergoing single-step aspiration developed infections, perforation or hemorrhage. Conclusion: The recurrence of pancreatic pseudocysts after endoscopic treatment was similar, either by means of plastic stents or by complete single-step aspiration. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel