29 resultados para campos gerais


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O objetivo dos estudo foi conhecer o perfil da morbidade das internações hospitalares por causas externas no Município de São José dos Campos, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram estudadas as internações pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) por lesões decorrentes de causas externas no primeiro semestre de 2003, no Hospital Municipal. Este hospital é a principal referência para o atendimento ao trama e foi responsável por 92,3% das internações pelo SUS por causas externas no período estudado. Entre os 873 pacientes internados, as lesões decorrentes de acidentes de transporte foram resposáveis por 31,8% dos casos, as quedas por 26,7% e as causas indeterminadas por 19,5%. A razão de masculinidade foi de 3,1:1 e a faixa etária predominante de 20-29 anos, com 23,3% das internações. As lesões mais freqüentes foram as fraturas (49,8%) e o traumatismo intracraniano (13,5%). Entre as fraturas, predominaram as do fêmur e as da perna, que representaram, respectivamente, 10,8% e 10,1%. A maior taxa de internação por local de residência ocorreu na região Norte do Município, com 470,0 internações por 100.000 habitantes. O perfil da morbidade hospitalar encontrado confirmou os acidentes de transporte como importante causa de internação hospitalar no Município e contrariou a tendência geral das quedas como principal causa externa de internação hospitalar. A distribuição por sexo, idade e natureza da lesão foi semelhante aos dados encontrados na literatura. A taxa de internação por causas externas por região de residência contribuiu para o mapeamento da violência em São José dos Campos-SP


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Yoghurt consumption has been increasing since 1980 decade due to the search for healthy foods by consumers, including Brazil. In order to evaluate the quality of the yoghurt commercialized in Vicosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 36 samples were collected from markets and analyzed for coliforms (total and thermotolerant) and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) enumeration and pH, considering different times for expiration. Coliforms were not detected at levels higher than 0.3 MPN/g, and only 7 (19.4%) samples showed LAB counts lower than 10(7) CFU/g. However, the mean pH observed in these samples (4.4) was not significantly different when compared to samples with higher LAB counts, suggesting addition of weak starter cultures during the processing. In the samples with less than 15 days for expiration the LAB counts and pH values were 7.4 log CFU/g and 4.1, respectively, and they were lower when compared to samples with more than 16 days of commercial viability, but without significant differences. The obtained results indicate adequate quality of yoghurt commercialized in Vicosa.


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We describe and illustrate the new species Paepalanthus bonsai Trovo & Sano (Eriocaulaceae, Pacpalanthoideae) from the Espinhaco Range in Minas Gerais, Brazil. This species is placed in Paepalanthus Martius subsect. Dichocladus Ruhland due to its dicholoniously branched stem with rigid linear leaves. The new species is compared with the sympairic and morphologically similar species P. glaziovii Ruhland.


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We describe and illustrate the new species Actinocephalus koernickeanus Trovo & F. N. Costa (Eriocaulaceae, Paepalanthoideae) from the Espinhaco Range in Minas Gerais, Brazil, and compare it with the morphologically similar species, Paepalanthus actinocephaloides Silveira and P. barbiger Silveira, both from Espinhaco Range.


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A new species of Gesneriaceae discovered in remnants of deciduous forests on limestone outcrops in Minas Gerais, Brazil, is described and compared with morphologically related taxa. This plant presents the diagnostic features of the tribe Gloxinieae, but a unique combination of morphological traits distinguishes this taxon from previously described genera. Its phylogenetic position was inferred based on analyzing DNA sequences variation of five loci: the rpl1 intron, rps16 intron, trnL-F intron-spacer, a portion of the plastid-expressed glutamine synthetase gene (ncpGS) and the ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS). Molecular phylogenetic analyses confirm the position of this new species in the Gloxinieae, as a sister lineage of a clade including the Brazilian genera Mandirola and Goyazia. However, tests using topological constraints do not reject the alternative relationship that places this taxon with Gloxiniopsis in a monophyletic group. To accomodate this species in the current generic circumscription of gloxinieae, the new genus chautemsia A.O. Araujo V.C. Souza is created.


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Aiming at international competitiveness of the Brazilian dairy sector, new governmental policies were released to improve quality and safety of bovine milk. In this context, it is important to quantify essential and toxic chemical elements. Here, the composition of milk samples taken at 32 dairy farms in Minas Gerais State was assessed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), besides the evaluation of usual quality parameters. Significant differences were found for Ba, K, Na and fat content amongst dairy farms with diverse quality levels established on basis of somatic cell and total bacterial count.


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Amiodarone, a benzofuran derivative. is a very effective antiarrhythmic medication, but has potential to cause side effects. Although its cytotoxicity potential is very well-known, there are few reports about its genotoxicity effects. Since amiodarone has not been investigated in genotoxicity studies, and the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) is a well-characterized model for hypertension, the aim of the present study was to perform cytogenetic analysis on chromosome aberrations in bone marrow cells of SHRs and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKYs) that received oral amiodarone treatment for 4 weeks. Amiodarone activity was also monitored using electrocardiograms. The presence of bradycardia in amiodarone-treated rats confirmed that this drug was really active. Metaphase analysis on bone marrow cells showed that there were significant differences in total chromosomal damage and percentage abnormal metaphase between WKY and SHR negative controls. In the SHR negative control, the frequencies of basal chromosomal aberrations and abnormal metaphases were significantly higher (p < 0.05). There were high numbers of chromosomal aberrations in all amiodarone-treated groups, compared with negative controls. In amiodarone-treated groups, the most frequent chromosomal aberration was chromatid breaks. More chromosomal aberrations were found in WKYs that received amiodarone, with a statistically significant difference in comparison with negative controls (p < 0.05). However, in SHR rats there was no significant difference between the amiodarone and negative groups regarding chromosomal damage induction. These results showed that treatment with amiodarone was genotoxic in WKYs, but not in SHRs. Further studies are needed to confirm whether amiodarone is genotoxic or efficient and harmless, among humans undergoing therapy. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Through the study of the action of the inquisition commissioners, this article seeks to reveal the relations between the Portuguese Inquisition and the ecclesiastical structure of the Minas Gerais State Captaincy in the colonial period. The focus of the analysis will be the making and the action of the network of Holy Inquisition commissioners in the gold Captaincy. What was the profile of these commissioners? How were they recruited from the local ecclesiastical hierarchy? What was the role assigned to them in the inquisitional action that took place in Minas Gerais? How did they act? What was the relationship between the introduction of the commissioners into the local ecclesiastical structures and the commissioners` inquisitorial activities?


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The present study was designed to explore the correlation between the frequency of micronuclei in Trad-MN, measured across 28 biomonitoring stations during the period comprised between 11 of May and 2 of October, 2006, and adjusted mortality rates due to cardiovascular, respiratory diseases and cancer in Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, an area with different sources of air pollution. For controlling purposes, mortality rate due to gastrointestinal diseases (an event less prone to be affected by air pollution) was also considered in the analysis. Spatial distribution of micronuclei frequency was determined using average interpolation. The association between health estimators and micronuclei frequency was determined by measures of Pearson`s correlation. Higher frequencies of micronuclei were detected in areas with high traffic and close to a petrochemical pole. Significant associations were detected between micronuclei frequency and adjusted mortality rate due to cardiovascular diseases (r = 0.841, p = 0.036) and cancer (r = 0.890, p = 0.018). The association between mortality due to chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases was positive but did not reach statistical significance (r = 0.640, p = 0.172), probably because of the small number of events. Gastrointestinal mortality did not exhibit significant association with micronuclei frequency. Because the small number of observations and the nature of an ecological study, the present findings must be considered with caution and considered as preliminary. Further studies, performed in different conditions of contamination and climate should be done before considering Trad-MN in the evaluation of human health risk imposed by air pollutants. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We molecularly characterized 81 cryptococcal isolates recovered from cerebrospinal fluid samples of 77 patients diagnosed between 1998 and 2007 as having cryptococcal meningitis in Uberaba Minas Gerais, Brazil. Fifty-seven (74%) were male with a mean age 35.6 years. Seventy-two (88.9%) of the isolates were from 68 AIDS patients and cryptococcosis was the first AIDS-defining condition in 38 (55.9%) patients. Cryptococcosis and AIDS were simultaneously diagnosed in 25 (65.8%) of these 38 patients. Genotypes were characterized through the use of URA5 restriction fragment length polymorphisms analysis, the genetic variability was determined using PCR-fingerprinting with the minisatellite-specific primer M13, and the mating type and serotypes were established by PCR. Seventy-six of the 81 isolates were Cryptococcus neoformans (93.8%), while the remaining five were C. gattii (6.1%), but all were mating type a. C. neoformans isolates were genotype VNI (serotype A), while C. gattii isolates were VGII. Four of the latter isolates were identical, but only two were from AIDS patients. Six of the nine isolates from non-AIDS patients were VNI. PCR fingerprints of the isolates from two of the three AIDS patients with clinical relapse were 100% identical. The predominance of VNI and mating type a is in accordance with data from other parts of the world. The occurrence of VGII in Minas Gerais indicates a geographical expansion within Brazil.


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Lantana camara L. and Lippia alba (Mill.) N. E. Br. are two important species of Verbenaceae family and are commonly used in folk medicine in many countries of Central and Southern America. The aim of this study was to investigate, for the first time, the cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of aqueous extracts from leaves of both species on Lactuca sativa (lettuce) root tip meristem cells using a cytogenetic approach. Seeds of lettuce were separately treated during 72h with different concentrations of L. camara and L. alba aqueous extracts (5, 10, 20 and 30g/L). The percentage of germination, root development and cellular behavior were analyzed and the results showed that the highest concentration of aqueous extracts reduced the mitotic index, the seeds germination and the root development of lettuce. The extracts also induced chromosome aberrations and cellular death in roots cells of L. sativa. The cytogenotoxicity of L. camara and L. alba extracts was comparatively described.


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Background. The live attenuated yellow fever (YF) vaccines have been available for decades and are considered highly effective and one of the safest vaccines worldwide. Methods. The impact of YF-17DD-antigens recall on cytokine profiles of YF-17DD-vaccinated children were characterized using short-term cultures of whole blood samples and single-cell flow cytometry. This study enrolled seroconverters and nonseroconverters after primovaccination (PV-PRNT(+) and PV-PRNT(-)), seroconverters after revaccination (RV-PRNT(+)), and unvaccinated volunteers (UV-PRNT(-)). Results. The analysis demonstrated in the PV-PRNT(+) group a balanced involvement of pro-inflammatory/regulatory adaptive immunity with a prominent participation of innate immunity pro-inflammatory events (IL-12(+) and TNF-alpha(+) NEU and MON). Using the PV-PRNT(+) cytokine signature as a reference profile, PV-PRNT(+) presented a striking lack of innate immunity proinflammatory response along with an increased adaptive regulatory profile (IL-4(+) CD4(+) T cells and IL-10(+) and IL-5(+) CD8(+) T cells). Conversely, the RV-PRNT(+) shifted the overall cytokine signatures toward an innate immunity pro-inflammatory profile and restored the adaptive regulatory response. Conclusions. The data demonstrated that the overall cytokine signature was associated with the levels of PRNT antibodies with a balanced innate/adaptive immunity with proinflammatory/regulatory profile as the hallmark of PV-PRNT(MEDIUM+), whereas a polarized regulatory response was observed in PV-PRNT(-) and a prominent proinflammatory signature was the characteristic of PV-PRNT(HIGH+).


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The aim of this study was to understand the current epidemiology of rickettsial diseases in two rickettsial-endemic regions in Brazil. In the municipalities of Pingo D`Agua and Santa Cruz do Escalvado, among serum samples obtained from horses and dogs, reactivity by immunofluorescent assay against spotted fever group rickettsiae was verified. In some serum samples from opossums (Didelphis aurita) captured in Santa Cruz do Escalvado, serologic response against rickettsiae was also verified. Polymerase chain reaction identified rickettsiae only in ticks and fleas obtained in Santa Cruz do Escalvado. Rickettsiae in samples had 100% sequence homology with Rickettsia fells. These results highlight the importance of marsupials in maintenance of the sylvatic cycle of rickettsial disease and potential integration with the domestic cycle. Our data also support the importance of horses and dogs as sentinels in monitoring circulation of rickettsiae in an urban area.