25 resultados para agentes sanitizantes
The purpose of this study was to clarify the degree of influence of anesthetic agents commonly used during anesthesia on the heart conduction systems of geriatric dogs, with or without the presence of electrocardiographic changes in the pre-anesthetic electrocardiogram and also to determine the possible causes of ST-segment and T-wave changes during anesthesia, by monitoring ventilation and oxygenation. 36 geriatric dogs were evaluated. In addition to electrocardiographic evaluation, the pre-anesthetic study included serum levels of urea, creatinine, total protein, albumin and electrolytes. The pre-anesthetic medication consisted of acepromazine (0.05mg kg-1) in association with meperidine (3.0mg kg-1) by IM injection. Anesthesia was induced with propofol (3.0 to 5.0mg kg-1) by IV injection and maintained with isoflurane in 100% oxygen. During the anesthesia, the animals were monitored by continued computerized electrocardiogram. Systemic blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, end-tidal carbon dioxide, partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood, arterial oxygen saturation, partial pressure of arterial oxygen and oxygen saturation of hemoglobin were closely monitored. During maintenance anesthesia, normal sinus rhythm was more common (78%). ST-segment and T-wave changes during the anesthetic procedure were quite common and were related to hypoventilation. The use of isoflurane did not result in arrhythmia, being therefore a good choice for this type of animal; Electrocardiographic findings of ST-segment and T-wave changes during the maintenance anesthesia were evident in animals with hypercapnia, a disorder that should be promptly corrected with assisted or controlled ventilation to prevent complicated arrhythmias.
Avaliou-se a sensibilidade antimicrobiana in vitro de 121 cepas de estafilococos coagulase-negativa isolada de leite de ovelhas Santa Inês, aos fármacos: penicilina, amoxicilina, ampicilina, estreptomicina, oxaciclina, neomicina, cefalotina, gentamicina e sulfonamida. A resistência à sulfonamida foi a mais frequente (27,3%), seguida pela estreptomicina (14,0%) e pela oxaciclina (14,0%), enquanto da gentamicina (1,6%) foi a menos frequente. Todas as cepas foram sensíveis a pelo menos um antimicrobiano, e 20,3% das cepas apresentaram resistência múltipla. Os resultados mostram a importância de Staphylococci coagulase-negativas como agentes causadores de mastite em ovinos, e o perfil de resistência múltipla indica a importância da determinação da resistência à oxaciclina como indicador da presença de ilhas de patogenicidade que contêm fatores de virulência e resistência a outros antimicrobianos que contribuem para a sobrevivência da bactéria ao tratamento.
São raros os momentos, na história das políticas de preservação do patrimônio no Brasil, em que se vê a dimensão de um conflito - gerado pela atribuição de valores a um bem cultural - alcançar repercussão significativa, mobilizando diversos agentes. O caso do edifício Luciano Costa, no Recife, é um exemplo dessa natureza. Neste artigo, procuramos apresentar -a partir da interpretação de uma trama complexa de discursos e ações - a polêmica preservacionista em torno desse edifício, um exemplar arquitetônico singular, por ter simultaneamente duas fachadas, uma eclética e uma modernista. Em grande parte inéditos, os documentos técnico-administrativos da 5ª Superintendência Regional e do Departamento de Documentação do Iphan, assim como aqueles da fundação do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico de Pernambuco (fundarpe), da Diretoria de Projetos Especiais da Empresa de Urbanização do Recife (URb-Recife) e do Ministério Público de Pernambuco foram as fontes primárias privilegiadas.
A partir das relações familiares estabelecidas no seio do grupo mercantil ativo na cidade de São Paulo ao longo dos séculos XVIII e XIX, pretende-se narrar as trajetórias de vida de nove agentes comerciais envolvidos nas alianças matrimoniais, destacando os negócios realizados, a atuação sociopolítica e o encaminhamento dado aos descendentes. Em seguida, busca-se articular o desenvolvimento urbano do centro da capital com a atuação destes homens de negócio, concentrando as análises sobre aspectos da vida material relacionados às suas moradias e ao mobiliário existente no espaço doméstico.
A case-control study was carried out in litters of 1 to 7-day-old piglets to identify the main infectious agents involved with neonatal diarrhea in pigs. Fecal samples (n=276) from piglets were collected on pig farms in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from May to September 2007. Litters with diarrhea were considered cases (n=129) and normal litters (n=147) controls. The samples were examined by latex agglutination test, PAGE, conventional isolating techniques, ELISA, PCR, and microscopic methods in order to detect rotavirus, bacterial pathogens (Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens type A and C, and Clostridium difficile), and parasites (Coccidian and Cryptosporidium spp.). Outbreaks of diarrhea were not observed during sampling. At least one agent was detected in fecal samples on 25 out of 28 farms (89.3%) and in 16 farms (57.1%) more than one agent was found. The main agents diagnosed were Coccidia (42.86%) and rotavirus (39.29%). The main agents identified in litters with diarrhea were Clostridium difficile (10.6%), Clostridium perfringens type A (8.8%) and rotavirus (7.5%); in control litters, Clostridium difficile (16.6%) and Coccidian (8.5%). Beta hemolytic Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens type C were not detected. When compared with controls, no agent was significantly associated with diarrhea in case litters. These findings stress the need for caution in the interpretation of laboratorial diagnosis of mild diarrhea in neonatal pigs, as the sole detection of an agent does not necessarily indicate that it is the cause of the problem.
Infectious abortion is a significant cause of reproductive failure and economic losses in cattle. The goal of this study was to detect nucleic acids of several infectious agents known to cause abortion including Arcanobacterium pyogenes, Bovine Herpesvirus 1, Brucella abortus, Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis, Chlamydophila abortus, Leptospira sp., Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella sp., Mycoplasma bovis, Mycoplasma bovigenitalium, Neospora caninum, and Tritrichomonas foetus. Tissue homogenates from 42 fetuses and paraffin-embedded tissues from 28 fetuses and 14 placentas/endometrium were included in this study. Brucella abortus was detected in 14.2% (12/84) of the samples. Salmonella sp. DNA was amplified from 2 fetuses, and there was one positive for Neospora caninum, and another for Listeria monocytogenes. This PCR-based approach resulted in identification of the etiology in 19% of samples, or 20% if considered fetal tissues only.
This study aimed to evaluate the presence of antibodies against Neospora caninum, Toxoplasma gondii and Leishmania infantum in dogs attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Piauí, Northeastern Brazil, where there are no reports of the occurrence of N. caninum and T. gondii in dogs. Serum samples from 530 dogs of genders, different ages and breeds from the municipality of Teresina and nearby towns were analyzed using three indirect fluorescent antibody tests, each one targeting one of the three agents. The associations between the parasites and gender, breed and age of the dogs were assessed by the chi-square test (p > 0.05). The occurrence of antibodies to N. caninum, T. gondii and L. infantum was 3.2, 18.0 and 78.1%, respectively. Toxoplasma gondii was more frequently found in older dogs (p < 0.05) whereas L. infantum was more common in animals aged between 1 to 3 years (p < 0.05). In order to evaluate potential associations between the presence of anti-N. caninum and anti-T. gondii antibodies and Leishmania infection, 240 dogs were selected (120 positive and 120 negative for Leishmania spp.), based on serological and parasitological diagnoses. No association was found between Leishmania spp. and the coccidian parasites (p > 0.05). The results confirm the exposure of dogs to these parasites in the State of Piauí.
CONTEXT: Hepatic fibrosis occurs in response to several aggressive agents and is a predisposing factor in cirrhosis. Hepatotrophic factors were shown to stimulate liver growth and to restore the histological architecture of the liver. They also cause an improvement in liver function and accelerate the reversion of fibrosis before it progresses to cirrhosis. OBJECTIVE: To test the effects of hepatic fibrosis solution composed by amino acids, vitamins, glucose, insulin, glucagon and triiodothyronine on hepatic fibrosis in rats. METHODS: Fibrosis was induced in rats by gastric administration of dimethylnitrosamine (10 mg/kg) for 5 weeks. After liver biopsy, the rats received either hepatotrophic factors solution (40 mg/kg/day) or saline solution for 10 days by intraperitoneal injection. Blood samples and liver fragments were collected for hepatic function analysis, standard histopathology evaluation, and morphometric collagen quantification. RESULTS: Rats in the hepatotrophic factors group showed a decrease of the histopathological components of fibrosis and an increase of their hepatic mass (12.2%). There was no development of neoplasic lesions in both groups. Compared with the saline group, the hepatotrophic factors group also had a decrease of blood levels of hepatic-lesion markers (AST, ALT) and a decrease of collagen content in the portal spaces (31.6%) and perisinusoidal spaces (42.3%), as well as around the hepatic terminal vein (57.7%). Thus, hepatotrophic factors administration in the portal blood promoted a regenerative hepatic response, with an overall reduction of the volumetric density of collagen, improved hepatic function, and a general improvement in the histopathological aspects of fibrosis. CONCLUSION: Taken together, these results suggest the potential therapeutic use of this hepatotrophic factors solution to treat chronic liver diseases.
The green turtle Chelonia mydas feeds and nests in the Brazilian coastal area and is considered an endangered species by the World Conservation Union (IUCN 2009) and threatened by the Red List of Brazilian Fauna (Ministério do Meio Ambiente 2009). Fibropapillomatosis is a disease characterized by benign skin tumors (fibropapillomas), and it is one of the main threats to the survival of this species. Studies suggest the involvement of viruses as infectious agents associated with environmental and genetic factors. Blood samples were collected from 45 turtles captured in the coastal area of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. From these, 27 were affected by fibropapillomas and 18 were tumor free. Biometrical data on the turtles, size, location and quantity of tumors were recorded. The area occupied by fibropapillomas per animal was calculated and four groups were determined according to severity of the disease or its absence. The objective of the study was to compare hemogram results of the sea turtles classified in these four groups. The lowest hematocrit value was observed in severely affected animals. In the hemoglobin assay, the highest value was observed in the group of tumor free turtles and the lowest, in animals severely affected. Lymphocyte counts and curved carapace length were on the verge of statistical significance.
OBJETIVO: Analisar o consumo de medicamentos e os principais grupos terapêuticos consumidos por pessoas com deficiências físicas, auditivas ou visuais. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal em que foram analisados dados do Inquérito Multicêntrico de Saúde no Estado de São Paulo (ISA-SP) em 2002 e do Inquérito de Saúde no Município de São Paulo (ISA-Capital), realizado em 2003. Os entrevistados que referiram deficiências foram estudados segundo as variáveis que compõem o banco de dados: área, sexo, renda, faixa etária, raça, consumo de medicamentos e tipos de medicamentos consumidos. RESULTADOS: A percentagem de consumo entre as pessoas com deficiência foi de: 62,8 por cento entre os visuais; 60,2 por cento entre os auditivos e 70,1 por cento entre os físicos. As pessoas com deficiência física consumiram 20 por cento mais medicamentos que os não-deficientes. Entre as pessoas com deficiência visual, os medicamentos mais consumidos foram os diuréticos, agentes do sistema renina-angiotensina e analgésicos. Pessoas com deficiência auditiva utilizaram mais analgésicos e agentes do sistema renina-angiotensina. Entre indivíduos com deficiência física, analgésicos, antitrombóticos e agentes do sistema renina-angiotensina foram os medicamentos mais consumidos. CONCLUSÕES: Houve maior consumo de medicamentos entre as pessoas com deficiências quando comparados com os não-deficientes, sendo os indivíduos com deficiência física os que mais consumiram fármacos, seguidos de deficientes visuais e auditivos