66 resultados para Young-pigs


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Context. Tight binaries discovered in young, nearby associations are ideal targets for providing dynamical mass measurements to test the physics of evolutionary models at young ages and very low masses. Aims. We report the binarity of TWA22 for the first time. We aim at monitoring the orbit of this young and tight system to determine its total dynamical mass using an accurate distance determination. We also intend to characterize the physical properties (luminosity, effective temperature, and surface gravity) of each component based on near-infrared photometric and spectroscopic observations. Methods. We used the adaptive-optics assisted imager NACO to resolve the components, to monitor the complete orbit and to obtain the relative near-infrared photometry of TWA22 AB. The adaptive-optics assisted integral field spectrometer SINFONI was also used to obtain medium-resolution (R(lambda) = 1500-2000) spectra in JHK bands. Comparison with empirical and synthetic librairies were necessary for deriving the spectral type, the effective temperature, and the surface gravity for each component of the system. Results. Based on an accurate trigonometric distance (17.5 +/- 0.2 pc) determination, we infer a total dynamical mass of 220 +/- 21 M(Jup) for the system. From the complete set of spectra, we find an effective temperature T(eff) = 2900(-200)(+200) K for TWA22A and T(eff) = 2900(-100)(+200) for TWA22 B and surface gravities between 4.0 and 5.5 dex. From our photometry and an M6 +/- 1 spectral type for both components, we find luminosities of log(L/L(circle dot)) = -2.11 +/- 0.13 dex and log(L/L(circle dot)) = -2.30 +/- 0.16 dex for TWA22 A and B, respectively. By comparing these parameters with evolutionary models, we question the age and the multiplicity of this system. We also discuss a possible underestimation of the mass predicted by evolutionary models for young stars close to the substellar boundary.


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Context. The cosmic time around the z similar to 1 redshift range appears crucial in the cluster and galaxy evolution, since it is probably the epoch of the first mature galaxy clusters. Our knowledge of the properties of the galaxy populations in these clusters is limited because only a handful of z similar to 1 clusters are presently known. Aims. In this framework, we report the discovery of a z similar to 0.87 cluster and study its properties at various wavelengths. Methods. We gathered X-ray and optical data (imaging and spectroscopy), and near and far infrared data (imaging) in order to confirm the cluster nature of our candidate, to determine its dynamical state, and to give insight on its galaxy population evolution. Results. Our candidate structure appears to be a massive z similar to 0.87 dynamically young cluster with an atypically high X-ray temperature as compared to its X-ray luminosity. It exhibits a significant percentage (similar to 90%) of galaxies that are also detected in the 24 mu m band. Conclusions. The cluster RXJ1257.2+4738 appears to be still in the process of collapsing. Its relatively high temperature is probably the consequence of significant energy input into the intracluster medium besides the regular gravitational infall contribution. A significant part of its galaxies are red objects that are probably dusty with on-going star formation.


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This study aimed to investigate the effects of physical training, and different levels of protein intake in the diet, on the growth and nutritional status of growing rats. Newly-weaned Wistar rats (n=48) were distributed into six experimental groups: three of them were subjected to physical swim training (1 h per day. 5 d per week, for 4 wk, after 2 wk of familiarization) and the other three were considered as controls (non-trained). Each pair of groups, trained and non-trained, received diets with a different level of protein in their composition: 14%. 21% or 28%. The animals were euthanized at the end of the training period and the following analyses were performed: proteoglycan synthesis as a biomarker of bone and cartilage growth, IGF-I (insulin-like growth factor-I) assay as a biomarker of growth and nutritional status. total RNA and protein concentration and protein synthesis measured in vivo using a large-dose phenylalanine method. As a main finding, increased dietary protein, combined with physical training, was able to improve neither tissue protein synthesis nor muscle growth. In addition, cartilage and bone growth seem to be deteriorated by the lower and the higher levels of protein intake. Our data allow us to conclude that protein enhancement in the diet, combined with physical exercise, does not stimulate tissue protein synthesis or muscle mass growth. Furthermore, physical training, combined with low protein intake, was not favorable to bone development in growing animals.


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Aging is known to have a degrading influence on many structures and functions of the human sensorimotor system. The present work assessed aging-related changes in postural sway using fractal and complexity measures of the center of pressure (COP) dynamics with the hypothesis that complexity and fractality decreases in the older individuals. Older subjects (68 +/- 4 years) and young adult subjects (28 +/- 7 years) performed a quiet stance task (60 s) and a prolonged standing task (30 min) where subjects were allowed to move freely. Long-range correlations (fractality) of the data were estimated by the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA); changes in entropy were estimated by the multi-scale entropy (MSE) measure. The DFA results showed that the fractal dimension was lower for the older subjects in comparison to the young adults but the fractal dimensions of both groups were not different from a 1/f noise, for time intervals between 10 and 600 s. The MSE analysis performed with the typically applied adjustment to the criterion distance showed a higher degree of complexity in the older subjects, which is inconsistent with the hypothesis that complexity in the human physiological system decreases with aging. The same MSE analysis performed without adjustment showed no differences between the groups. Taken all results together, the decrease in total postural sway and long-range correlations in older individuals are signs of an adaptation process reflecting the diminishing ability to generate adequate responses on a longer time scale.


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The objective of this study was to compare the three-dimensional lower extremity running kinematics of young adult runners and elderly runners. Seventeen elderly adults (age 67-73 years) and 17 young adults (age 26-36 years) ran at 3.1ms-1 on a treadmill while the movements of the lower extremity during the stance phase were recorded at 120Hz using three-dimensional video. The three-dimensional kinematics of the lower limb segments and of the ankle and knee joints were determined, and selected variables were calculated to describe the movement. Our results suggest that elderly runners have a different movement pattern of the lower extremity from that of young adults during the stance phase of running. Compared with the young adults, the elderly runners had a substantial decrease in stride length (1.97 vs. 2.23m; P=0.01), an increase in stride frequency (1.58 vs. 1.37Hz; P=0.002), less knee flexion/extension range of motion (26 vs. 33; P=0.002), less tibial internal/external rotation range of motion (9 vs. 12; P0.001), larger external rotation angle of the foot segment (toe-out angle) at the heel strike (-5.8 vs. -1.0; P=0.009), and greater asynchronies between the ankle and knee movements during running. These results may help to explain why elderly individuals could be more susceptible to running-related injuries.


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Objective: Postural assessment through photography is a simple method that allows the acquisition of quantitative values to define the alignment of body segments. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively assess the postural alignment of several body segments in standing through anterior, posterior, and lateral views. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 122 subjects were initially evaluated. Seven subjects were excluded from the study after cluster analysis. The final sample had 115 subjects, 75% women with a mean age of 26 + 7 years. Photographs were taken from anterior, posterior, and lateral views after placement of markers on specific anatomical points. Photographs were analyzed using free Postural Analysis Software/Software of Postural Analysis (PAS/SAPO). Quantitative values for postural analysis variables were ascertained for head, upper and lower limbs, and trunk, along with the frequency of inclinations to the left and to the right. Results: Regarding the head, 88% of the sample presented some inclination, 67% of which was to the right. There was a predominance of right inclination of the shoulder and pelvis in 68% and 43% of study subjects, respectively. Lower limbs presented mean alignment of 178 in the anterior view, and the trunk showed predominant right inclination in 66% of participants. Conclusion: Small asymmetries were observed in anterior and posterior views. This study suggests that there is no symmetry in postural alignment and that small asymmetries represent the normative standard for posture in standing. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2011;34:371-380)


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This study tests the hypothesis that potted sweet orange plants show a significant variation in photosynthesis over seasonal and diurnal cycles. even in well-hydrated conditions. This hypothesis was tested by measuring diurnal variations in leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, leaf water potential, and the responses of CO(2) assimilation to increasing air CO(2) concentrations in 1-year-old `Valencia` sweet orange scions grafted onto `Cleopatra` mandarin rootstocks during the winter and summer seasons in a subtropical climate. In addition, diurnal leaf gas exchange was evaluated under controlled conditions, with constant environmental conditions during both winter and summer. In relation to our hypothesis, a greater rate of photosynthesis is found during the summer compared to the winter. Reduced photosynthesis during winter was induced by cool night conditions, as the diurnal fluctuation of environmental conditions was not limiting. Low air and soil temperatures caused decreases in the stomatal conductance and in the rates of the biochemical reactions underlying photosynthesis (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylation and RuBP regeneration) during the winter compared to the values obtained for those markers in the Summer. Citrus photosynthesis during the summer was riot impaired by biochemical or photochemical reactions. as CO(2) assimilation was only limited by stomatal conductance due to high leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference (VPD) during the afternoon. During the winter, the reduction in photosynthesis during the afternoon Was Caused by decreases in RuBP regeneration and stomatal conductance, which are both precipitated by low night temperature. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The benefit of windbreaks and copper sprays for control of citrus canker caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri was investigated in a commercial citrus orchard located in a citrus canker endemic area in southern Brazil. Control of canker was evaluated as incidence and severity of lesions on foliage and by the effect on premature leaf and fruit drop for three production seasons. Effect of the treatments on fruit production was evaluated as incidence of citrus canker on prematurely abscised fruits and harvested fruits. Copper application significantly reduced damage to foliage and fruit, while windbreaks made little contribution to disease control. Copper sprays increased fruit yield for 3 years. This could be attributed to lower incidence of fruit with lesions and fewer fruits abscised due to canker infection. Incidence and severity on the leaves were inversely related to the number of fruits harvested per tree and directly related to the number of fruits abscised per tree. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Rubber tree clones present different intensity of symptoms, depending on their age. This is mostly clearly seen in the presence or absence of old leaves with ascopores, corresponding to flows of new and susceptible leaves. The objective of this work was to evaluate the intensity of symptoms of south American leaf blight (SALB) in six rubber tree clones, one and eight years old, in the Vale do Ribeira region, Sao Paulo state. The results Showed that clones FX 3864, RRIM 600, IAN 873 and IAN 717 Suffered more attacks when young, and RRIM 600, IAN 717 and FX 3864 when adult. The clone IAN 873 showed the smallest amounts of disease in the adult phase, due to uniform change in the leaves and a compact flow of new leaves, which happened during a season that was unfavorable to pathogen infection, presenting the phenomenon of avoidance or evasion in time.


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Boron (B) deficiency is widespread in Brazilian citrus orchards and has been considered an important soil constraint to citrus yield. The aim of this work was to study B uptake and its mobility in young citrus trees, under different B statuses, in two rootstocks. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, with `Valencia` sweet orange trees budded on Rangpur lime or Swingle citrumelo. The plants were grown in pots containing nutrient solutions under either adequate or deficient B supply. Plants with different B levels were transplanted into solution with adequate level of B, enriched in 10 B in different stages of development ( vegetative growth and fruiting). About 20 to 35% of B content in the new parts of orange tree came from plant reserves. Boron mobility within the plant was influenced by its nutritional status; that is, the longer the period was that the plants were grown under deficient supply, the smaller was the mobility. Boron concentration in the sweet orange trees on Swingle was higher than that on Rangpur, suggesting higher demand of swingle Citrumelo for B.


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Hepatocyte proliferation and apoptosis (programmed cell death) occur during the liver parenchyma regeneration and the liver size modeling is mainly controlled by hepatocyte apoptosis. The purpose of the present study was to verify the influence of immunosuppressant drugs on these phenomena by utilizing tissue microarray techniques. Thirty-six weaning rats (age 21-23 days, weight 30-50 g) were divided into six groups: control, sham, hepatectomy, hepatectomy plus solumedrol, hepatectomy plus CsA, and hepatectomy plus Tac. The animals were killed one day after hepatectomy, and the remnant livers were weighed and harvested for tissue microarray sections. Liver cell proliferation was evaluated by staining for PCNA and apoptosis was detected by the TUNEL method. It was verified that CsA promoted a decrease in the liver weight, Tac and CsA decreased the proliferation index of hepatocytes, and glucocorticoid had no significant effects. The apoptosis index was not altered by hepatectomy or immunosuppressants. Our data indicate that, in the growing rat, CsA and Tac have negative effects on hepatocyte proliferation and have no effect on the hepatocyte apoptosis.


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Background: Different hemodynamic parameters including static indicators of cardiac preload as right ventricular end-diastolic volume index (RVEDVI) and dynamic parameters as pulse pressure variation (PPV) have been used in the decision-making process regarding volume expansion in critically ill patients. The objective of this study was to compare fluid resuscitation guided by either PPV or RVEDVI after experimentally induced hemorrhagic shock. Methods: Twenty-six anesthetized and mechanically ventilated pigs were allocated into control (group I), PPV (group II), or RVEDVI (group III) group. Hemorrhagic shock was induced by blood withdrawal to target mean arterial pressure of 40 mm Hg, maintained for 60 minutes. Parameters were measured at baseline, time of shock, 60 minutes after shock, immediately after resuscitation with hydroxyethyl starch 6% (130/0.4), 1 hour and 2 hours thereafter. The endpoint of fluid resuscitation was determined as the baseline values of PPV and RVEDVI. Statistical analysis of data was based on analysis of variance for repeated measures followed by the Bonferroni test (p < 0.05). Results: Volume and time to resuscitation were higher in group III than in group II (group III = 1,305 +/- 331 mL and group II = 965 +/- 245 mL, p < 0.05; and group III = 24.8 +/- 4.7 minutes and group II = 8.8 +/- 1.3 minutes, p < 0.05, respectively). All static and dynamic parameters and biomarkers of tissue oxygenation were affected by hemorrhagic shock and nearly all parameters were restored after resuscitation in both groups. Conclusion: In the proposed model of hemorrhagic shock, resuscitation to the established endpoints was achieved within a smaller amount of time and with less volume when guided by PPV than when guided by pulmonary artery catheter-derived RVEDVI.


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Purpose: To analyze in an experimental animal model the effect of 4 different levels of stents-graft oversizing on non-atherosclerotic aortas such as those found in young individuals who undergo stent-graft repair for traumatic aortic injuries. Methods: The diameter of the porcine thoracic aorta is similar to the aorta of young adults (18-20 mm), so 25 pigs were randomized into 5 groups: 1 control (without stent-graft) and 4 oversizing groups (A: 10%-19%, B: 20%-29%, C: 30%-39%, and D: >40%). Two types of biomechanical tests were performed on all aortas 4 weeks after endoprosthesis deployment. Results: The results of the detachment test, which analyzed the strength necessary to remove the stent-graft from the aorta, were similar in the 4 groups (A: 42 N, B: 41 N, C: 46 N, and D: 46 N). However, 2 aortas ruptured during the tests (groups C and D). The second test was performed in 3 aortic segments. Maximum shear strength, maximum stress, and maximum tension supported by the aortic wall had a negative and linear correlation with oversizing. There were significant differences in all 4 groups when compared with the control group. Strain, which reflects the elastic properties of the aortic wall, was very similar in all 4 groups, but a great difference was found when compared with the control group (p<0.0001). Conclusion: The study showed an important subacute change in the biomechanical properties of the aortic wall after implantation of an oversized endoprosthesis. This weakness of the aortic wall was confirmed by 2 ruptures during the detachment test. These results partially explain the interaction of stent-grafts with non-atherosclerotic thoracic aortas and may serve as a basis for further studies and the development of specific material to be used in vascular trauma and young patients. J Endovasc Ther. 2011; 18: 576-584


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Exercise training has an important role in the prevention and treatment of hypertension, but its effects on the early metabolic and hemodynamic abnormalities observed in normotensive offspring of hypertensive parents (FH+) have not been studied. We compared high-intensity interval (aerobic interval training, AIT) and moderate-intensity continuous exercise training (CMT) with regard to hemodynamic, metabolic and hormonal variables in FH+ subjects. Forty-four healthy FH+ women (25.0+/-4.4 years) randomized to control (ConFH+) or to a three times per week equal-volume AIT (80-90% of VO(2MAX)) or CMT (50-60% of VO(2MAX)) regimen, and 15 healthy women with normotensive parents (ConFH-; 25.3+/-3.1 years) had their hemodynamic, metabolic and hormonal variables analyzed at baseline and after 16 weeks of follow-up. Ambulatorial blood pressure (ABP), glucose and cholesterol levels were similar among all groups, but the FH+ groups showed higher insulin, insulin sensitivity, carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV), norepinephrine and endothelin-1 (ET-1) levels and lower nitrite/ nitrate (NOx) levels than ConFH- subjects. AIT and CMT were equally effective in improving ABP (P<0.05), insulin and insulin sensitivity (P<0.001); however, AIT was superior in improving cardiorespiratory fitness (15 vs. 8%; P<0.05), PWV (P<0.01), and BP, norepinephrine, ET-1 and NOx response to exercise (P<0.05). Exercise intensity was an important factor in improving cardiorespiratory fitness and reversing hemodynamic, metabolic and hormonal alterations involved in the pathophysiology of hypertension. These findings may have important implications for the exercise training programs used for the prevention of inherited hypertensive disorder. Hypertension Research (2010) 33, 836-843; doi:10.1038/hr.2010.72; published online 7 May 2010


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We aimed to investigate the vascular effects of hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) on carotid arteries from young and adult rats. With this purpose young and adult rats received a solution of DL-homocysteine-thiolactone (1 g/kg body weight/day) in the drinking water for 7, 14 and 28 days. Increase on plasma homocysteine occurred in young and adult rats treated with DL-homocysteine-thiolactone in all periods. Vascular reactivity experiments using standard muscle bath procedures showed that HHcy enhanced the contractile response of endothelium-intact, carotid rings to phenylephrine in both young and adult rats. However, in young rats, the increased phenylephrine-induced contraction was observed after hyperhomocysteinemia for 14 and 28 days, whereas in adult rats this response was already apparent after 7 day treatment. HHcy impaired acetylcholine-induced relaxation in arteries from adult but not young rats. The contraction induced by phenylephrine in carotid arteries in the presence of Y-27632 was reversed to control values in arteries from young but not adult rats with hyperhomocysteinemia. HHcy did not alter the contraction induced by CaCl(2) in carotid arteries from young rats, but enhanced CaCl(2)-induced contraction in the arteries from adult rats. HHcy increased the basal levels of superoxide anion in arteries from both groups. Finally, HHcy decreased the basal levels of nitrite in arteries from adult but not young rats. The major new finding of the present work is that arteries from young rats are more resistant to vascular changes evoked by HHcy than arteries from adult rats. Also, we verified that the enhanced vascular response to phenylephrine observed in carotid arteries of DL-homocysteine thiolactone-treated rats is mediated by different mechanisms in young and adult rats. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Inc.