70 resultados para Urea Cycle
Leaching is disadvantageous, both for economical and environmental reasons since it may decrease the ecosystem productivity and may also contribute to the contamination of surface and ground water. The objective of this paper was to quantify the loss of nitrogen and sulfur by leaching, at the depth of 0.9 m, in an Ultisol in Sao Paulo State (Brazil) with high permeability, Cultivated with sugarcane during the agricultural cycle of crop plant. The following ions were evaluated: nitrite, nitrate, ammonium, and sulfate. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphate were also evaluated at the same depth. The sugarcane was planted and fertilized in the furrows with 120 log ha(-1) of N-urea. In order to find out the fate of N-fertilizer, four microplots with (15)N-enriched fertilizer were installed. Input and output of the considered ions at the depth of 0.9 m were quantified from the flux density of water and the concentration of the elements in the soil solution at this soil depth: tensiometers, soil water retention curve and soil solution extractors were used for this quantification. The internal drainage was 205 mm of water, with a total loss of 18 kg ha(-1) of N and 10 kg ha(-1) of S. The percentage of N in the soil solution derived from the fertilizer (%NSSDF) was 1.34, resulting in only 25 g ha(-1) of N fertilizer loss by leaching during all agricultural cycle. Under the experimental conditions of this crop plant, that is, high demand of nutrients and high incorporation of crop residues, the leached N represented 15% of applied N and S leaching were not considerable; the higher amount of leached N was native nitrogen and a minor quantity from N fertilizer; and the leached amount of Ca, Mg, K and P did not exceed the applications performed in the crop by lime and fertilization. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Urea and ammonium sulfate are principal nitrogen (N) sources for crop production. Two field experiments were conducted during three consecutive years to evaluate influence of urea and ammonium sulfate application on grain yield, soil pH, calcium (Ca) saturation, magnesium (Mg) saturation, base saturation, aluminum (Al) saturation, and acidity (H + Al) saturation in lowland rice production. Grain yield was significantly influenced by urea as well as ammonium sulfate fertilization. Soil pH linearly decreased with the application of N by ammonium sulfate and urea fertilizers. However, the magnitude of the pH decrease was greater by ammonium sulfate than by urea. The Ca and Mg saturations were decreased at the greater N rates compared to low rates of N by both the fertilizer sources. The Al and acidity saturation increased with increasing N rates by both the fertilizer sources. However, these acidity indices were increased more with the application of ammonium sulfate compared with urea. Rice grain yield had negative associations with pH, Ca saturation, Mg saturation, and base saturation and positive associations with Al and acidity saturation. This indicates that rice plant is tolerant to soil acidity.
Rutin, one of the major flavonoids found in an assortment of plants, was reported to act as a sun protection factor booster with high anti-UVA defense, antioxidant, antiaging, and anticellulite, by improvement of the cutaneous microcirculation. This research work aimed at evaluating the rutin in vitro release from semisolid systems, in vertical diffusion cells, containing urea, isopropanol and propylene glycol, associated or not, according to the factorial design with two levels with center point. Urea (alone and in association with isopropanol and propylene glycol) and isopropanol (alone and in association with propylene glycol) influenced significant and negatively rutin liberation in diverse parameters: flux (g/cm2.h); apparent permeability coefficient (cm/h); rutin amount released (g/cm2); and liberation enhancement factor. In accordance with the results, the presence of propylene glycol 5.0% (wt/wt) presented statistically favorable to promote rutin release from this semisolid system with flux = 105.12 8.59 g/cm2.h; apparent permeability coefficient = 7.01 0.572 cm/h; rutin amount released = 648.80 53.01 g/cm2; and liberation enhancement factor = 1.21 0.07.
Carbon dioxide released from alcoholic fermentation accounts for 33% of the whole CO(2) involved in the use of ethanol as fuel derived from glucose. As Arthrospira platensis can uptake this greenhouse gas, this study evaluates the use of the CO(2) released from alcoholic fermentation for the production of Arthrospira platensis. For this purpose, this cyanobacterium was cultivated in continuous process using urea as nitrogen source, either using CO(2) from alcoholic fermentation, without any treatment, or using pure CO(2) from cylinder. The experiments were carried out at 120 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1) in tubular photobioreactor at different dilution rates (0.2 <= D <= 0.8 d(-1)). Using CO(2) from alcoholic fermentation, maximum steady-state cell concentration (2661 +/- 71 mg L(-1)) was achieved at D 0.2 d(-1), whereas higher dilution rate (0.6 d(-1)) was needed to maximize cell productivity (839 mg L(-1) d(-1)). This value was 10% lower than the one obtained with pure CO(2), and there was no significant difference in the biomass protein content. With D 0.8 d(-1), it was possible to obtain 56% +/- 1.5% and 50% +/- 1.2% of protein in the dry biomass, using pure CO(2) and CO(2) from alcoholic fermentation, respectively. These results demonstrate that the use of such cost free CO(2) from alcoholic fermentation as carbon source, associated with low cost nitrogen source, may be a promising way to reduce costs of continuous cultivation of photosynthetic microorganisms, contributing at the same time to mitigate the greenhouse effect. (C) 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 27: 650-656, 2011
Arthospira (Spirulina) platensis (Nordstedt) Gomont was autotrophically cultivated for biomass production in repeated fed-batch process using urea as nitrogen source, with the aim of making large-scale production easier, increasing cell productivity and then reducing the production costs. It was investigated the influence or the ratio of renewed volume to total volume (R), the Urea feeding time (t(f)) and the number of successive repealed fed-batch cycles on the maximum cell concentration (X(m)), cell productivity (P(x)), nitrogen-to-cell conversion yield (Y(x/n)), maximum specific growth rate (mu(m)) and protein content of, dry biomass. The experimental results demonstrated chat R=0.80 and t(f) = 6d were the best cultivation conditions, being able to simultaneously ensure, throughout the three fed-batch cycles, the highest average values of three of the five responses (X(m) = 2101 +/- 113 mg L(-1), P(x) = 219 +/- 13 mg L(-1) d(-1) and Y(x/n) = 10.3 +/- 0.8,g g(-1)). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In addition to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production, mitochondria have been implicated in the regulation of several physiological responses in plants, such as programmed cell death (PCD) activation. Salicylic acid (SA) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are essential signaling molecules involved in such physiological responses; however, the mechanisms by which they act remain unknown. In non-photosynthesizing tissues, mitochondria appear to serve as the main source of ROS generation. Evidence suggests that SA and ROS could regulate plant PCD through a synergistic mechanism that involves mitochondria. Herein, we isolate and characterize the mitochondria from non-photosynthesizing cell suspension cultures of Rubus fruticosus. Furthermore, we assess the primary site of ROS generation and the effects of SA on isolated organelles. Mitochondrial Complex III was found to be the major source of ROS generation in this model. In addition, we discovered that SA inhibits the electron transport chain by inactivating the semiquinone radical during the Q cycle. Computational analyses confirmed the experimental data, and a mechanism for this action is proposed.
The effects of PLC and Pkc inhibitors on Aspergillus nidulans depend on the carbon source. PLC inhibitors Spm and C48/80 delayed the first nuclear division in cultures growing on glucose, but stimulated it in media supplemented with pectin. Less intense were these effects on the mutant transformed with PLC-A gene rupture (AP27). Neomycin also delayed the germination in cultures growing on glucose or pectin; however, on glucose, the nuclear division was inhibited whereas in pectin it was stimulated. These effects were minor in AP27. The effects of Ro-31-8425 and BIM (both Pkc inhibitors) were also opposite for cultures growing on glucose or pectin. On glucose cultures of both strains BIM delayed germination and the first nuclear division, whereas on pectin both parameters were stimulated. Opposite effects were also detected when the cultures were growing on glucose or pectin in the presence of Ro-31-8425.
The aim of this study was to investigate the interference of a daily treatment of dexamethasone in the pulmonary cycle of Strongyloides venezuelensis infection in rats. Three principal effects were found: 1) increased alveolar hemorrhagic inflammation provoked by the passage of larvae into alveolar spaces; 2) significant decrease of eosinophil and mast cell migration to the axial septum of the lungs; and 3) impaired formation of the reticular fiber network, interfering with granuloma organization. This study showed that the use of drugs with immunomodulatory actions, such as dexamethasone, in addition to interfering with the morbidity from the pulmonary cycle of S. venezuelensis infection, may contribute to showing the mechanisms involved in its pathogenesis.
The present article describes an L-amino acid oxidase from Bothrops atrox snake venom as with antiprotozoal activities in Trypanosoma cruzi and in different species of Leishmania (Leishmania braziliensis, Leishmania donovani and Leishmania major). Leishmanicidal effects were inhibited by catalase, suggesting that they are mediated by H(2)O(2) production. Leishmania spp. cause a spectrum of diseases, ranging from self-healing ulcers to disseminated and often fatal infections, depending on the species involved and the host`s immune response. BatroxLAAO also displays bactericidal activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The apoptosis induced by BatroxLAAO on HL-60 cell lines and PBMC cells was determined by morphological cell evaluation using a mix of fluorescent dyes. As revealed by flow cytometry analysis, suppression of cell proliferation with BatroxLAAO was accompanied by the significant accumulation of cells in the G0/G1 phase boundary in HL-60 cells. BatroxLAAO at 25 mu g/mL and 50 mu g/mL blocked G0-G1 transition, resulting in G0/G1 phase cell cycle arrest, thereby delaying the progression of cells through S and G2/M phase in HL-60 cells. This was shown by an accentuated decrease in the proportion of cells in S phase, and the almost absence of G2/M phase cell population. BatroxLAAO is an interesting enzyme that provides a better understanding of the ophidian envenomation mechanism, and has biotechnological potential as a model for therapeutic agents. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Morphological and physiological caste differences were compared from colonies of Dolichovespula maculata in middle and late phases of the colony cycle. The females showed three patterns of ovarian development and only females classified as queens were inseminated. In both phases, queens were larger than workers for most measures. Discriminant analyses showed high distinction of caste in both phases. We also found highly pronounced qualitative differences: workers had hairs covering the entire body whereas queens had no hair and also some colour differences in the gaster. These results indicate that D. maculata presents pre-imaginal differentiation as seen in other Vespinae, and that size variation occurs from colony to colony such that queens of one colony may be comparable to workers of a different colony although the castes are always distinguishable within colonies.
Introduction: Changes in gait cadence caused by challenging situations in daily life might induce higher demand for strength and propulsion in diabetic neuropathic (DN) subjects. Methods: Forty-six subjects (healthy and DN) walked at two cadences (self-selected and 25% higher). Kinematic and electromyographic data were obtained from lower limbs and compared across the gait cycle. Results: DN subjects showed a delayed peak in plantarflexor activity along the whole cycle (irrespective of cadence) compared with healthy subjects. However, during the imposed cadence, DN individuals showed reduced ankle range of motion along the entire cycle compared with the self-selected condition and healthy individuals walking at both cadences (P = 0.002). Conclusions: These findings suggest that when diabetic individuals face a new challenging situation that induces a higher demand for muscle strength and propulsion, the necessary range of motion and neuromuscular control around distal joints are insufficient. Muscle Nerve 44: 258-268, 2011
Background Diet seems to represent, directly or indirectly, 35% of all cancer reports. In this study, the influence of dietary protein on the growth of melanoma B16F10 was evaluated through analyses of cell cycle phases and proliferative capacity. Methods Flow cytometry and argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) technique were applied in mice bearing B16F10 melanoma cells fed on different dietary proteins. All data were submitted to statistical analyses. Results The G0/G1 phase increased for the animal groups fed bovine collagen hydrolysate (BCH) or BCH-P1 + whey protein isolate (WPI), compared with mice receiving only WPI, for all dietary groups treated and nontreated with paclitaxel. Mice that received BCH + WPI treated with paclitaxel showed the highest percentage of apoptosis compared with WPI group. AgNORs, total nucleolar organizer regions (NORs)/cells and dot number/cell for all dietary protein groups nontreated with paclitaxel were higher than for the WPI. The only two dietary protein groups treated with paclitaxel that presented higher total NORs and dot number/cell than the WPI group were BCH + WPI and BCH-P1 + WPI. Conclusions A significantly lower proliferative capacity and larger number of cells in the G0/G1 phase were observed for the dietary protein groups combining the two collagen hydrolysates, BCH or BCH-P1 with WPI, treated with paclitaxel. Castro GA, Maria DA, Rodrigues CJ, Sgarbieri VC. Analysis of cell cycle phases and proliferative capacity in mice bearing melanoma maintained on different dietary proteins.
Background. Subsequent ischaemic episodes may induce renal resistance. P21 is a cell cycle inhibitor that may be induced by oxygen-free radicals and may have a protective effect in ischaemic acute kidney injury (AKI). This study aimed at evaluating the role of oxidative stress and p21 on tubular resistance in a model of acquired resistance after renal ischaemia and in isolated renal tubules. Methods. Wistar rats were divided into: Group 1-sham; Group 2-sham operated and after 2 days submitted to 45-min ischaemia; and Group 3-45-min ischaemia followed after 2 days by a second 45-min ischaemia. Plasma urea was evaluated on Days 0, 2 and 4. Serum creatinine, creatinine clearance and oxidants (thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances) were determined 48 h after the second procedure (Day 4). Histology, immunohistochemistry for lymphocytes (CD3), macrophages (ED1), proliferation (PCNA) and apoptosis (TUNEL) were also evaluated. Rat proximal tubules (PTs) were isolated by collagenase digestion and Percoll gradient from control rats and rats previously subjected to 35 min of ischaemia. PTs were submitted to 15-min hypoxia followed by 45-min reoxygenation. Cell injury was assessed by lactate dehydrogenase release and hydroperoxide production (xylenol orange). Results. Ischaemia induced AKI in Group 2 and 3 rats. Subsequent ischaemia did not aggravate renal injury, demonstrating renal resistance (Group 3). Renal function recovery was similar in Group 2 and 3. Plasma and urine oxidants were similar among in Group 2 and 3. Histology disclosed acute tubular necrosis in Group 2 and 3. Lymphocyte infiltrates were similar among all groups whereas macrophages infiltrate was greater in Group 3. Cell proliferation was greater in Group 2 compared with Group 3. Apoptosis was similar in groups 2 and 3. The p21 expression was increased only in Group 3 whereas it was similar in groups 1 and 2. PTs from the ischaemia group were sensitive to hypoxia but resistant to reoxygenation injury which was followed by lower hydroperoxide production compared to control PT. Conclusion. Renal resistance induced by ischaemia was associated with cell mechanism mediators involving oxidative stress and increased p21 expression.
Since the role of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in oral carcinogenesis is still unclear, the purpose of this study was to verify the association between the expression of p27, mdm2 and cathepsin B and by HPV-related oral lesions. Fifty-five oral biopsies were studied and HPV detection and typing (6/11, 16, 18, 31 and 33) were performed using polymerase chain reaction techniques. The distribution p27, mdm2 and cathepsin B was determined by immunohistochemistry. Twenty-one (38%) out of the 55 oral lesions tested positive for HPV, of which 6(33%) were HPV 6/11, 1 (5%) was HPV 16,14 (72%) were HPV 18 and none was HPV 33/31. Among the 55 biopsies, immunopostivity for p27, mdm2 and cathepsin B was observed in 17 (30.9%), 37 (67.2%) and 37 (67.2%), respectively. Among 21 HPV-positive oral lesions, immunopostivity of mdm2, p27 and cathepsin B was found, respectively, in 6 (33%) out of 18 benign lesions (BL), 4(22%) out of 18 potential malignant epithelial lesions (PMEL) and 11(57.9%) out of 19 malignant lesions (ML). High-risk HPV types may be associated with oral carcinoma, by cell-cycle control dysregulation, contributing to oral carcinogenesis and the overexpression of mdm2, p27 and cathepsin B. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Several neuropsychiatry disorders have shown a sexual dimorphism in their incidence, symptom profile and therapeutic response. A better understanding of the impact of sex hormones in emotional processing sexual dimorphism could bring tight to this important clinical finding. Some studies have provided evidence of sex differences in the identification of emotional faces, however, results are inconsistent and such inconsistency could be related to the lack of experimental control of the sex hormone status of participants. More recently, a few studies evaluated the modulation of facial emotion recognition by the phase of the menstrual cycle and sex hormones, however, none of them directly compared these results with a group of men. We evaluated the accuracy of facial emotion recognition in 40 healthy volunteers. Eleven women were assigned to early follicular group, nine women to the ovulatory group and 10 women to luteal group, depending on the phase of menstrual cycle, and a group of 10 men were also evaluated. Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels were assessed. The performance of the groups in the identification of emotional faces varied depending on the emotion. Early follicular group were more accurate to perceive angry faces than all other groups. Sadness was more accurately recognized by early follicular group than by luteal group and regarding the recognition of fearful faces a trend to a better performance and a significantly higher accuracy was observed, respectively, in the early follicular group and in the ovulatory group, in comparison to men. In women, estrogen negatively correlated to the accuracy in perception of angry mate faces. Our results indicate sex hormones to be implicated in a sexual dimorphism in facial emotion recognition, and highlight the importance of estrogen specifically in the recognition of negative emotions such as sadness, anger and fear. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.