32 resultados para Successive Overrelaxation method with 1 parameter


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The CoRoT space observatory is a project which is led by the French space agency CNES and leading space research institutes in Austria, Brazil, Belgium, Germany and Spain and also the European Space Agency ESA. CoRoT observed since its launch in December 27, 2006 about 100 000 stars for the exoplanet channel, during 150 days uninterrupted high-precision photometry. Since the The CoRoT-team has several exoplanet candidates which are currently analyzed under its study, we report here the discoveries of nine exoplanets which were observed by CoRoT. Discovered exoplanets such as CoRoT-3b populate the brown dwarf desert and close the gap of measured physical properties between usual gas giants and very low mass stars. CoRoT discoveries extended the known range of planet masses down to about 4.8 Earth-masses (CoRoT-7b) and up to 21 Jupiter masses (CoRoT-3b), the radii to about 1.68 x 0.09 R (Earth) (CoRoT-7b) and up to the most inflated hot Jupiter with 1.49 x 0.09 R (Earth) found so far (CoRoT-1b), and the transiting exoplanet with the longest period of 95.274 days (CoRoT-9b). Giant exoplanets have been detected at low metallicity, rapidly rotating and active, spotted stars. Two CoRoT planets have host stars with the lowest content of heavy elements known to show a transit hinting towards a different planethost-star-metallicity relation then the one found by radial-velocity search programs. Finally the properties of the CoRoT-7b prove that rocky planets with a density close to Earth exist outside the Solar System. Finally the detection of the secondary transit of CoRoT-1b at a sensitivity level of 10(-5) and the very clear detection of the ""super-Earth"" CoRoT-7b at 3.5 x 10(-4) relative flux are promising evidence that the space observatory is being able to detect even smaller exoplanets with the size of the Earth.


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Endogenous contents of indolyl-3-acetic acid (IAA) and abscisic acid (ABA) were quantified in excised roots of Catasetum fimbriatum (Orchidaceae) cultured in vitro on solidified Vacin and Went medium with 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 % sucrose, as well as 2 % sucrose plus mannitol. Maximum root growth was observed in media with 4 % sucrose and 2 % sucrose plus 2.2 % mannitol, suggesting that a moderate water or osmotic stress promotes orchid root growth. Contents of both ABA and IAA increased in parallel to increasing sucrose concentration and a correlation between root elongation and the ABA/IAA ratio was observed. Incubating isolated C. fimbriatum roots with radiolabeled tryptophan, we showed an accumulation of IAA and its conjugates.


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PURPOSE. FTY720 (fingolimod) is an immunomodulatory drug capable of preventing T-cell migration to inflammatory sites by binding to and subsequently downregulating the expression of sphingosine-1 phosphate receptor 1 (S1P(1)) leading in turn to T-cell retention in lymphoid organs. Additional effects of FTY720 by increasing functional activity of regulatory T cells have recently been demonstrated, raising the conversion of conventional T cells into regulatory T cells and affecting the sequestration of regulatory T cells in normal mice. In this study, the action of FTY720 in the ocular autoimmune model in mice was investigated. METHODS. Mice were immunized with 161-180 peptide and pertussis toxin and were treated with 1 mg/kg/d FTY720 by gavage (7-21 days postimmunization [dpi]) or left untreated. Spleen cells, harvested 21 dpi, were cultured and assayed for cytokine production. Draining lymph node, spleen, and eye cells 21 dpi were assayed for quantification of T-cell populations. Disease severity was evaluated by histologic examination of the enucleated eyes at 21 and 49 dpi. In addition, anti-IRBP antibodies were analyzed by ELISA. RESULTS. FTY720 was effective in suppressing the experimental autoimmune uveitis score. Although there was a reduction in the number of eye-infiltrating cells, FTY did not prevent Treg accumulation at this site. FTY720 leads to a significant increase of CD4(+)IFN-gamma(+) and CD4(+)Foxp3(+) cell percentages in lymph nodes, suggesting that this site could be the source of Treg cells found in the eye. CONCLUSIONS. The data showed that treatment in vivo with FTY720 was able to suppress EAU in mice. These results are indicative of the possible therapeutic use of FTY720 in ocular autoimmune processes. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2010;51:2568-2574) DOI:10.1167/iovs.09-4769


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Toll-like receptors (TLRs) present in innate immune cells recognize pathogen molecular patterns and influence immunity to control the host-parasite interaction. The objective of this study was to characterize the involvement of TLR4 in the innate and adaptive immunity to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, the most important primary fungal pathogen of Latin America. We compared the responses of C3H/HeJ mice, which are naturally defective in TLR4 signaling, with those of C3H/HePas mice, which express functional receptors, after in vitro and in vivo infection with P. brasiliensis. Unexpectedly, we verified that TLR4-defective macrophages infected in vitro with P. brasiliensis presented decreased fungal loads associated with impaired synthesis of nitric oxide, interleukin-12 (IL-12), and macrophage chemotactic protein 1 (MCP-1). After intratracheal infection with 1 million yeasts, TLR4-defective mice developed reduced fungal burdens and decreased levels of pulmonary nitric oxide, proinflammatory cytokines, and antibodies. TLR4-competent mice produced elevated levels of IL-12 and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), besides cytokines of the Th17 pattern, indicating a proinflammatory role for TLR4 signaling. The more severe infection of TLR4-normal mice resulted in increased influx of activated macrophages and T cells to the lungs and progressive control of fungal burdens but impaired expansion of regulatory T cells (Treg cells). In contrast, TLR4-defective mice were not able to clear their diminished fungal burdens totally, a defect associated with deficient activation of T-cell immunity and enhanced development of Treg cells. These divergent patterns of immunity, however, resulted in equivalent mortality rates, indicating that control of elevated fungal growth mediated by vigorous inflammatory reactions is as deleterious to the hosts as low fungal loads inefficiently controlled by limited inflammatory reactions.


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Carraro-Lacroix LR, Malnic G, Girardi AC. Regulation of Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHE3 by glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist exendin-4 in renal proximal tubule cells. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 297: F1647-F1655, 2009. First published September 23, 2009; doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00082.2009.-The gut incretin hormone glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) is released in response to ingested nutrients and enhances insulin secretion. In addition to its insulinotropic properties, GLP-1 has been shown to have natriuretic actions paralleled by a diminished proton secretion. We therefore studied the role of the GLP-1 receptor agonist exendin-4 in modulating the activity of Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHE3 in LLC-PK(1) cells. We found that NHE3-mediated Na(+)-dependent intracellular pH (pH(i)) recovery decreased similar to 50% after 30-min treatment with 1 nM exendin-4. Pharmacological inhibitors and cAMP analogs that selectively activate protein kinase A (PKA) or the exchange protein directly activated by cAMP (EPAC) demonstrated that regulation of NHE3 activity by exendin-4 requires activation of both cAMP downstream effectors. This conclusion was based on the following observations: 1) the PKA antagonist H-89 completely prevented the effect of the PKA activator but only partially blocked the exendin-4-induced NHE3 inhibition; 2) the MEK1/2 inhibitor U-0126 abolished the effect of the EPAC activator but only diminished the exendin-4-induced NHE3 inhibition; 3) combination of H-89 and U-0126 fully prevented the effect of exendin-4 on NHE3; 4) no additive effect in the inhibition of NHE3 activity was observed when exendin-4, PKA, and EPAC activators were used together. Mechanistically, the inhibitory effect of exendin-4 on pHi recovery was associated with an increase of NHE3 phosphorylation. Conversely, this inhibition took place without changes in the surface expression of the transporter. We conclude that GLP-1 receptor agonists modulate sodium homeostasis in the kidney, most likely by affecting NHE3 activity.


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In this paper, we consider codimension one Anosov actions of R(k), k >= 1, on closed connected orientable manifolds of dimension n vertical bar k with n >= 3. We show that the fundamental group of the ambient manifold is solvable if and only if the weak foliation of codimension one is transversely affine. We also study the situation where one 1-parameter subgroup of R(k) admits a cross-section, and compare this to the case where the whole action is transverse to a fibration over a manifold of dimension n. As a byproduct, generalizing a Theorem by Ghys in the case k = 1, we show that, under some assumptions about the smoothness of the sub-bundle E(ss) circle plus E(uu), and in the case where the action preserves the volume, it is topologically equivalent to a suspension of a linear Anosov action of Z(k) on T(n).


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This paper addresses the one-dimensional cutting stock problem when demand is a random variable. The problem is formulated as a two-stage stochastic nonlinear program with recourse. The first stage decision variables are the number of objects to be cut according to a cutting pattern. The second stage decision variables are the number of holding or backordering items due to the decisions made in the first stage. The problem`s objective is to minimize the total expected cost incurred in both stages, due to waste and holding or backordering penalties. A Simplex-based method with column generation is proposed for solving a linear relaxation of the resulting optimization problem. The proposed method is evaluated by using two well-known measures of uncertainty effects in stochastic programming: the value of stochastic solution-VSS-and the expected value of perfect information-EVPI. The optimal two-stage solution is shown to be more effective than the alternative wait-and-see and expected value approaches, even under small variations in the parameters of the problem.


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The structure and local ordering of 1,6-hexamethylenediisocyanate-(acetoxypropy1) cellulose (HDI-APC) liquid crystalline elastomer thin films are investigated by using X-ray diffraction and scattering techniques. Optical microscopy and mechanical essays are performed to complement the investigation. The study is performed in films subjected or not to an uniaxial stress. Our results indicate that the film is constituted by a bundle of helicoidal fiber-like structure, where the cellobiose block spins around the axis of the fiber, like a string-structure in a smectic-like packing, with the pitch defined by a smectic-like layer. The fibers are in average perpendicular to the smectic-like planes. Without the stretch, these bundles are warped, only with a residual orientation along the casting direction. The stretch orients the bundles along it, increasing the smectic-like and the nematic-like ordering of the fibers. Under stress, the network of molecules which connects the cellobiose blocs and forms the cellulosic matrix tends to organize their links in a hexagonal-like structure with lattice parameter commensurate to the smectic-like structure.


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This paper presents an experimental characterization of the behavior of an analogous version of the Chua`s circuit. The electronic circuit signals are captured using a data acquisition board (DAQ) and processed using LabVIEW environment. The following aspects of the time series analysis are analyzed: time waveforms, phase portraits, frequency spectra, Poincar, sections, and bifurcation diagram. The circuit behavior is experimentally mapped with the parameter variations, where are identified equilibrium points, periodic and chaotic attractors, and bifurcations. These analysis techniques are performed in real-time and can be applied to characterize, with precision, several nonlinear systems.


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A series of new ruthenium-iron based derivatives [Ru(eta(5)-Cp)(dppf)Cl] (1), [Ru(eta(5)-Cp)(dppf)Br] (2), [Ru(eta(5)-Cp)(dppf)I] (3) and [Ru(eta(5)-Cp)(dppf)N(3)] (4) were obtained by reactions of [Ru(eta(5)-Cp)(PPh(3))(2)Cl] with 1,1`-bis(diphenylphosphino) ferrocene (dppf) and characterized by IR, NMR ((1)H, (13)C and (31)P), (57)Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. Additionally, the compound (3) was structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography, and the results were as follows: orthorhombic, Pbca, a = 18.2458(10), b = 20.9192(11), c = 34.4138(19) a""<<, alpha = beta = gamma = 90A degrees, V = 13135.3(12) a""<<(3) and Z = 16.


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Cerium doped yttrium aluminate perovskite YAlO(3) (YAP) powders are pursued as interesting alternatives to bulk crystals for application in scintillating devices. The emissions of these materials in the near-UV and visible spectral regions originate from electric dipole transitions between 4f and 5d energy levels of Ce(3+) and largely depend on the environment occupied by the ion. In search for improved synthesis conditions that can lead to phase pure powders with optimized structural and spectroscopic characteristics, in this work we have employed the polymeric precursor (Pechini) method to prepare crystalline and amorphous YAP:Ce powders doped with 1-10 mol% Ce(3+). Interesting composite materials were also obtained by dispersing some of the YAP:Ce powders in silica xerogels. A comparative structural and spectroscopic study of all the samples was done by XRD, FT-IR, emission, excitation and excited state lifetime measurements. In agreement with previous reports, excitation at 296 nm results in intense emission in the range 315-425 nm with an average decay time of 30 ns. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study is focused on developing a nanoparticle carrier for the photosensitizer protoporphyrin IX for use in photodynamic therapy. The entrapment of protoporphyrin IX (Pp IX) in silica spheres was achieved by modification of Pp IX molecules with an organosilane reagent. The immobilized drug preserved its optical properties and the capacity to generate singlet oxygen, which was detected by a direct method from its characteristic phosphorescence decay curve at near-infrared and by a chemical method using 1,3-diphenylisobenzofuran to trap singlet oxygen. The lifetime of singlet oxygen when a suspension of Pp IX-loaded particles in acetonitrile was excited at 532 nm was determined as 52 mu s, which is in good agreement with the value determined for methylene blue in acetonitrile solution under the same conditions. The Pp IX-loaded silica particles have an efficiency of singlet oxygen generation (eta Delta) higher than the quantum yield of free porphyrins. This high efficiency of singlet oxygen generation was attributed to changes on the monomer-dimer equilibrium after photosentisizer immobilization.


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Polyanionic collagen obtained from bovine pericardial tissue submitted to alkaline hydrolysis is an acellular matrix with strong potential in tissue engineering. However, increasing the carboxyl content reduces fibril formation and thermal stability compared to the native tissues. In the present work, we propose a chemical protocol based on the association of alkaline hydrolysis with 1,4-dioxane treatment to either attenuate or revert the drastic structural modifications promoted by alkaline treatments. For the characterization of the polyanionic membranes treated with 1,4-dioxane, we found that (1) scanning electron microscopy (SEM) shows a stronger reorientation and aggregation of collagen microfibrils; (2) histological evaluation reveals recovering of the alignment of collagen fibers and reassociation with elastic fibers; (3) differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) shows an increase in thermal stability; and (4) in biocompatibility assays there is a normal attachment, morphology and proliferation associated with high survival of the mouse fibroblast cell line NIH3T3 in reconstituted membranes, which behave as native membranes. Our conclusions reinforce the ability of 1,4-dioxane to enhance the properties of negatively charged polyanionic collagen associated with its potential use as biomaterials for grafting, cationic drug- or cell-delivery systems and for the coating of cardiovascular devices.


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Understanding the scientific method fosters the development of critical thinking and logical analysis of information. Additionally, proposing and testing a hypothesis is applicable not only to science, but also to ordinary facts of daily life. Knowing the way science is done and how its results are published is useful for all citizens and mandatory for science students. A 60-h course was created to offer undergraduate students a framework in which to learn the procedures of scientific production and publication. The course`s main focus was biochemistry, and it was comprised of two modules. Module I dealt with scientific articles, and Module II with research project writing. Module I covered the topics: 1) the difference between scientific knowledge and common sense, 2) different conceptions of science, 3) scientific methodology, 4) scientific publishing categories, 5) logical principles, 6) deductive and inductive approaches, and 7) critical reading of scientific articles. Module II dealt with 1) selection of an experimental problem for investigation, 2) bibliographic revision, 3) materials and methods, 4) project writing and presentation, 5) funding agencies, and 6) critical analysis of experimental results. The course adopted a collaborative learning strategy, and each topic was studied through activities performed by the students. Qualitative and quantitative course evaluations with Likert questionnaires were carried out at each stage, and the results showed the students` high approval of the course. The staff responsible for course planning and development also evaluated it positively. The Biochemistry Department of the Chemistry Institute of the University of Sao Paulo has offered the course four times.


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Thin films of MnO(2) nanoparticles were grown using the layer-by-layer method with poly (diallyldimetylammonium) as the intercalated layer. The film growth was followed by UV-vis, electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM), and atomic force microscopy. Linear growth due to electrostatic immobilization of layers was observed up to 30 bilayers, but electrical connectivity was maintained only for 12 MnO(2)/PPDA bilayers. The electrochemical characterization of this film in 1-butyl-2,3-dimethyl-imidazolium (BMMI) bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (TFSI) (BMMITFSI) with and without addition of a lithium salt indicated a higher electrochemical response of the nanostructured electrode in the lithium-containing electrolyte. On the basis of EQCM experiments, it was possible to confirm that the charge compensation process is achieved mainly by the TFSI anion at short times (<2 s) and by BMMI and lithium cations at longer times. The fact that large ions like TFSI and BMMI participate in the electroneutrality is attributed to the redox reaction that occurs at the superficial sites and to the high concentration of these species compared to that of lithium cations.