24 resultados para Solvents.


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The solvatochromism and other spectroscopic and photophysical characteristics of four azo disperse dyes, derived from 2-amino-5-nitrothiazole, were evaluated and interpreted with the aid of experimental data and quantum mechanical calculations. For the non-substituted compound two conformers, E and Z, were proposed for the isolated molecules, being the second one considerably less stable. The optimization of these structures in combination with a SCRF methodology (IEFPCM, Simulating the molecules in a continuum dielectric with characteristics of methanol), suggests that the Z form is not stable in solution. This same behaviour is expected for the substituted compounds, which is corroborated by experimental data presented in previous investigations [A.E.H. Machado, L.M. Rodrigues, S. Gupta, A.M.F. Oliveira-Campos, A.M.S. Silva, J. Mol. Struct. 738 (2005) 239-245]. For the substituted compounds, two forms derived from E conformer (A and R) are possible. Quantum mechanical data suggest for the isolated molecules, that the low energy absorption hand of the E conformers involve at least two close electronic states. having the low-lying excited state a (1)(n,pi*) nature, and being the S-2 state attributed to a (1)(pi,pi*) transition. The data also suggest a small energy gap between the absorption peaks of A and B, related to the easy conversion between these forms. For the structures optimized in combination with the applied SCRF methodology, an states inversion is observed for the Substituted compounds, with a considerable diminish of the energy gap between A and B absorption peaks. The electronic spectra of these compounds are quite sensitive to changes in the solvent polarity. The positive solvatochromism is more evident in aprotic solvents, probably due to the polarization induced by the solute. These compounds do not fluoresce at 298 K, but present a small but perceptible fluorescence at 77 K, which seems to be favoured by the nature of the group in the 2 `-position of the phenyl ring. Moreover, such compounds present expressive values for first hyperpolarizability, which implies in good non-linear optics (NLO) responses and photoswitching capability. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The use of melanin in bioinspired applications is mostly limited by its poor stability in solid films. This problem has been addressed here by incorporating melanin into dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl glycerol (DPPG) liposomes, which were then immobilized onto a solid substrate as an LbL film. Results from steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence indicated an increased stability for melanin incorporated into DPPG liposomes. If not protected by liposomes, melanin looses completely its fluorescence properties in LbL films. The thickness of the liposome-melanin layer obtained from neutron reflectivity data was 4.1 +/- 0.2 nm, consistent with the value estimated for the phospholipid bilayer of the liposomes, an evidence of the collapse of most liposomes. On the other hand, the final roughness indicated that some of the liposomes had their structure preserved. In summary, liposomes were proven excellent for encapsulation, thus providing a suitable environment, closer to the physiological conditions without using organic solvents or high pHs. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A thermodynamic study involving 7-nitro-1,3,5-triaza adamantane, 1, and its interaction with metal cations in nonaqueous media is first reported. Solubility data of 1 in various solvents were used to derive the standard Gibbs energies of solution, Delta G(s)degrees in these solvents. The effect of solvation in the different media was assessed from the Gibbs energy of transfer taking acetonitrile as a reference solvent. (1)H NMR studies of the interaction of 1 and metal cations were carried out in CD(3)CN and CD(3)OD and the data are reported. Conductance measurements revealed that this ligand forms lead(II) or zinc complexes of 1: 1 stoichiometry in acetonitrile. It also revealed a stoichiometry of two molecules of 1 per mercury(II) and two cadmiu (II) ions per molecule of 1. The addition of silver salt to 1 led to the precipitation of the silver-1 complex which was isolated and characterized by X-ray crystallography. At variance with conductance measurements in solution, in the solid state the X-ray structure show`s a 1:1 stoichiometry in the Hg(II) complex. The themiodynamics of complexation of 1 and these cations provide a quantitative assessment of the selective behavior of this ligand for ions of environmental relevance.


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alpha-diamines, such as ethylendiamine and o-phenylendiamine, add to 3,4-aryl-disubstituted 1,2,5-thiadiazole 1,1-dioxides to give dihydropyrazines or quinoxalines, respectively and sulfamide. The new compound acenaphtho [5,6-b]-2,3-dihydropyrazine was synthesized and characterized. The addition of ethylendiamine to 3,4-diphenyl-1,2,5-thiadiazoline 1,1-dioxide gives 3,4-disubstituted thiadiazoildine 1,1-dioxide, dihydropyrazines, or pyrazines, depending on the reaction condition used. The reactions were followed by cyclic voltammetry and NMR spectroscopy which, in some cases, allowed the detection of the thiadiazolidine intermediate. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Mebendazole hydrochloride [(5-benzoyl-1H-benzimidazole-2-yl)-carbamic acid methyl ester hydrochloride, MBZ.HCl], a new stable salt of mebendazole (MBZ), has been synthesized and characterized. It can easily be obtained from recrystallization of forms A, B, or C of MBZ in diverse solvents with the addition of hydrochloric acid solution. Crystallographic data reveals that the particular conformation adopted by the carbamic group contributes to the stability of the network. The crystal packing is stabilized by the presence of three N-H...Cl intermolecular interactions that form chains along the b axis. The XRD analyses of the three crystalline habits found in the crystallization process (square-based pyramids, pseudohexagonal plates, and prismatic) show equivalent diffraction patterns. The vibrational behavior is consistent with crystal structure. The most important functional groups show shifts to lower or higher frequencies in relation to the MBZ polymorphs. The thermal study on MBZ center dot HCI indicates that the compound is stable up to 160 degrees C approximately. Decomposition occurs in four steps. In the first step the HCl group is eliminated, and after that the remaining MBZ polymorph A decomposes in three steps, as happens with polymorphs B and C. (C) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 97:542-552, 2008.


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Royal palm tree peroxidase (RPTP) is a very stable enzyme in regards to acidity, temperature, H(2)O(2), and organic solvents. Thus, RPTP is a promising candidate for developing H(2)O(2)-sensitive biosensors for diverse applications in industry and analytical chemistry. RPTP belongs to the family of class III secretory plant peroxidases, which include horseradish peroxidase isozyme C, soybean and peanut peroxidases. Here we report the X-ray structure of native RPTP isolated from royal palm tree (Roystonea regia) refined to a resolution of 1.85 angstrom. RPTP has the same overall folding pattern of the plant peroxidase superfamily, and it contains one heme group and two calcium-binding sites in similar locations. The three-dimensional structure of RPTP was solved for a hydroperoxide complex state, and it revealed a bound 2-(N-morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid molecule (MES) positioned at a putative substrate-binding secondary site. Nine N-glycosylation sites are clearly defined in the RPTP electron-density maps, revealing for the first time conformations of the glycan chains of this highly glycosylated enzyme. Furthermore, statistical coupling analysis (SCA) of the plant peroxidase superfamily was performed. This sequence-based method identified a set of evolutionarily conserved sites that mapped to regions surrounding the heme prosthetic group. The SCA matrix also predicted a set of energetically coupled residues that are involved in the maintenance of the structural folding of plant peroxidases. The combination of crystallographic data and SCA analysis provides information about the key structural elements that could contribute to explaining the unique stability of RPTP. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Adequate initial configurations for molecular dynamics simulations consist of arrangements of molecules distributed in space in such a way to approximately represent the system`s overall structure. In order that the simulations are not disrupted by large van der Waals repulsive interactions, atoms from different molecules Must keep safe pairwise distances. Obtaining Such a molecular arrangement can be considered it packing problem: Each type molecule must satisfy spatial constraints related to the geometry of the system, and the distance between atoms of different molecules Must be greater than some specified tolerance. We have developed a code able to pack millions of atoms. grouped in arbitrarily complex molecules, inside a variety of three-dimensional regions. The regions may be intersections of spheres, ellipses, cylinders, planes, or boxes. The user must provide only the structure of one molecule of each type and the geometrical constraints that each type of molecule must satisfy. Building complex mixtures, interfaces, solvating biomolecules in water, other solvents, or mixtures of solvents, is straight forward. In addition. different atoms belonging to the same molecule may also be restricted to different spatial regions, in Such a way that more ordered molecular arrangements call be built, as micelles. lipid double-layers, etc. The packing time for state-of-the-art molecular dynamics systems varies front a few seconds to a few Minutes in a personal Computer. The input files are simple and Currently compatible with PDB, Tinker, Molden, or Moldy coordinate files. The package is distributed as free software and call be downloaded front http://www.ime.unicamp.br/similar to martinez/packmol/. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals. Inc. J Comput Chem 30: 2157-2164, 2009


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This paper describes the development and application of an RP HPLC method using a C(18) monolithic stationary phase for the separation and quantification of extra- and intracellular amino acids in a batch cultivation of the marine alga Tetraselmis gracilis. Fluorimetric detection was made after separation of the o-phthaldialdehyde 2-mercaptoethanol (OPA-2MCE) derivatives using a binary gradient elution. Separation of 19 amino acids was achieved with resolution >1.5 in about 39 min at a flow rate of 1.5 mL/min. RSD of analyses in seawater medium ranged from 0.36% for Orn (0.50 mu mol/L) to 12% for Ile (0.10 mu mol/L). The main constituents of the intracellular dissolved free amino acids (DFAAs) in the exponential growth phase were arginine (Arg), asparagine (Asn), alanine (Ala), aspartic acid (Asp), glutamic acid (Glu), serine (Ser), glycine (Gly), glutamine (Gln), and leucine (Leu). The major amino acids excreted to the media were valine (Val), Ala, Ser, and Gly. The monolithic phase facilitates the analysis by shortening the separation time and saving solvents and instrumentation costs (indeed conventional HPLC instrumentation can be used, running at lower pressures than those ones used with packed particle columns).


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Glycine-rich proteins (GRP), serve a variety of biological functions. Acanthoscurrin is an antimicrobial GRP isolated front hemocytes-of the Brazilian spider Acanthoscurria gomesiana. Aiming to contribute to the knowledge of the secondary structure and stepwise solid-phase synthesis of GRPs` glycine-rich domains, we attempted to prepare G(101)GGLGGGRGGGYG(113) GGGGYGGGYG(123)GGy(126)GGGKYK(132)-NH(2), acanthoscurrin C-terminal amidated fragment. Although a theoretical prediction did not indicate high aggregation potential for this peptide, repetitive incomplete aminoacylations were observed after incorporating Tyr(126) to the growing peptide-MBHA resin (Boc chemistry) at 60 degrees C. The problem was not solved by varying the coupling reagents or solvents, adding chaotropic salts to the reaction media or changing the resin/chemistry (Rink amide resin/Fmoc chemistry). Some improvement was mode when CLEAR amide resin (Fmoc chemistry) was 32 used, as it allowed for obtaining fragment (G(113)-K(132) NIR-FT-Raman spectra collected for samples of the growing peptide-MBHA, -Rink amide resin and -CLEAR amide resin revealed the presence of beta-sheet structures. Only the combination of CLEAR-amide resin, 60 degrees C, Fmoc-(Fmoc-Hmb)Gly-OH and LiCl (the last two used alternately) was able to inhibit the phenomenon, as proven by NIR-FT-Raman analysis of the growing peptide-resin, allowing the total synthesis of desired 132 fragment Gly(101)-K(132). In summary, this work describes a new difficult sequence, contributes to understanding stepwise solid-phase synthesis of this type of peptide and shows that, at least while protected and linked to a resin, this GRPs glycine-rich motif presents all early tendency to assume beta-sheet structures. (c) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers (Pept Sci) 92: 65-75, 2009.