79 resultados para Semiconductor field-effect transistors (mosfets)
We describe the assembly of layer-by-layer films based on the poly(propylene imine) dendrimer (PPID) generation 3 and nickel tetrasulfonated phthalocyanine (NiTsPc) for application as chemically sensitive membranes in sepal alive extended-gate field effect transistor (SEGFET) pH sensors PPID/NiTsPc films wet e adsorbed on quartz, glass. indium tin oxide. or gold (Au)-covered glass substrates Multilayer formation was monitored via UV-vis absorption upon following the increment in the Q-band intensity (615 nm) of NiTsPc The nanostructured membranes were very stable in a pH range of 4-10 and displayed a good sensitivity toward H(+), ca 30 mV/pH for PPID/N(1)TsPc films deposited on Au-covered substrates For films deposited on ITO, the sensitivity was ca 52 4 mV/pH. close to the expected theoretical value for ton-sensitive membranes. The use of chemically stable PPID/NiTsPc films as gate membranes in SEGFETs, as introduced here, may represent an alternative for the fabrication of nanostructured, porous platforms for enzyme immobilization to be used in enzymatic biosensors.
Emergent and reentrant fractional quantum Hall effect in trilayer systems in a tilted magnetic field
Magnetotransport measurements in triple-layer electron systems with high carrier density reveal fractional quantum Hall effect at total filling factors nu>2. With an in-plane magnetic field we are able to control the suppression of interlayer tunneling which causes a collapse of the integer quantum Hall plateaus at nu=2 and nu=4, and an emergence of fractional quantum Hall states with increasing tilt angles. The nu=4 state is replaced by three fractional quantum Hall states with denominator 3. The state nu=7/3 demonstrates reentrant behavior and the emergent state at nu=12/5 has a nonmonotonic behavior with increasing in-plane field. We attribute the observed fractional quantum Hall plateaus to correlated states in a trilayer system.
In this work we analyze the dynamical Casimir effect for a massless scalar field confined between two concentric spherical shells considering mixed boundary conditions. We thus generalize a previous result in literature [Phys. Rev. A 78, 032521 (2008)], where the same problem is approached for the field constrained to the Dirichlet-Dirichlet boundary conditions. A general expression for the average number of particle creation is deduced considering an arbitrary law of radial motion of the spherical shells. This expression is then applied to harmonic oscillations of the shells, and the number of particle production is analyzed and compared with the results previously obtained under Dirichlet-Dirichlet boundary conditions.
In this work we consider the dynamical Casimir effect for a massless scalar field-under Dirichlet boundary conditions-between two concentric spherical shells. We obtain a general expression for the average number of particle creation, for an arbitrary law of radial motion of the spherical shells, using two distinct methods: by computing the density operator of the system and by calculating the Bogoliubov coefficients. We apply our general expression to breathing modes: when only one of the shells oscillates and when both shells oscillate in or out of phase. Since our results were obtained in the framework of the perturbation theory, under resonant breathing modes they are restricted to a short-time approximation. We also analyze the number of particle production and compare it with the results for the case of plane geometry.
Although theoretical models have already been proposed, experimental data is still lacking to quantify the influence of grain size upon coercivity of electrical steels. Some authors consider a linear inverse proportionality, while others suggest a square root inverse proportionality. Results also differ with regard to the slope of the reciprocal of grain size-coercive field relation for a given material. This paper discusses two aspects of the problem: the maximum induction used for determining coercive force and the possible effect of lurking variables such as the grain size distribution breadth and crystallographic texture. Electrical steel sheets containing 0.7% Si, 0.3% Al and 24 ppm C were cold-rolled and annealed in order to produce different grain sizes (ranging from 20 to 150 mu m). Coercive field was measured along the rolling direction and found to depend linearly on reciprocal of grain size with a slope of approximately 0.9 (A/m)mm at 1.0 T induction. A general relation for coercive field as a function of grain size and maximum induction was established, yielding an average absolute error below 4%. Through measurement of B(50) and image analysis of micrographs, the effects of crystallographic texture and grain size distribution breadth were qualitatively discussed. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study reports on the development and characterization of bovine serum albumin (BSA) nanospheres containing Silicon(IV) phthalocyanine (NzPc) and/or maghemite nanoparticles (MNP), the latter introduced via ionic magnetic fluid (MF). The nanosized BSA-loaded samples were designed for synergic application while combining Photodynamic Therapy and Hyperthermia. Incorporation of MNP in the albumin-based template, allowing full control of the magnetic content, was accomplished by adding a highly-stable ionic magnetic fluid sample to the albumin suspension, following heat denaturing. The material`s evaluation was performed using Zeta potential measurements and scanning electron microscopy. The samples were characterized by steady-state techniques and time-resolved fluorescence. The in vitro assay, using human fibroblasts, revealed no cytotoxic effect in all samples investigated, demonstrating the potential of the tested system as a synergistic drug delivery system.
In this work we analyze the spin-polarized charge density distribution in the GeMn diluted ferromagnetic semiconductors (DFS). The calculations are performed within a self-consistent k.p method, in which the exchange correlation effects in the local density approximation, as well as the strain effects due to the lattice mismatch, are taken into account. Our findings show that the extra confinement potential provided by the barriers and the variation of the Mn content in the DFS are responsible for a separation between the different spin charge densities, giving rise to higher mobility spin-polarized currents or high ferromagnetism transition temperatures systems. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we analyze the action of the gravitational field on the dynamical Casimir effect. We consider a massless scalar field confined in a cuboid cavity placed in a gravitational field described by a static and diagonal metric. With one of the plane mirrors of the cavity allowed to move, we compute the average number of particles created inside the cavity by means of the Bogoliubov coefficients computed through perturbative expansions. We apply our result to the case of an oscillatory motion of the mirror, assuming a weak gravitational field described by the Schwarzschild metric. The regime of parametric amplification is analyzed in detail, demonstrating that our computed result for the mean number of particles created agrees with specific associated cases in the literature. Our results, obtained in the framework of the perturbation theory, are restricted, under resonant conditions, to a short-time limit.
The use of the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) for the investigation of Kondo adatoms on normal metallic surfaces reveals a Fano-Kondo behavior of the conductance as a function of the tip bias. In this work, the Doniach-Sunjic expression is used to describe the Kondo peak and we analyze the effect of a complex Fano phase, arising from an external magnetic field, on the conductance pattern. It is demonstrated that such phase generates local oscillations of the Fano-Kondo line shape and can lead to the suppression of anti-resonances.
The endocannabinoid system is involved in the control of many physiological functions, including the control of emotional states. In rodents, previous exposure to an open field increases the anxiety-like behavior in the elevated plus-maze. Anxiolytic-like effects of pharmacological compounds that increase endocannabinoid levels have been well documented. However, these effects are more evident in animals with high anxiety levels. Several studies have described characteristic inverted U-shaped dose-response effects of drugs that modulate the endocannabinoid levels. However, there are no studies showing the effects of different doses of exogenous anandamide, an endocannabinoid, in animal models of anxiety. Thus, in the present study, we determined the dose-response effects of exogenous anandamide at doses of 0.01, 0.1, and 1.0 mg/kg in C57BL/6 mice (N = 10/group) sequentially submitted to the open field and elevated plus-maze. Anandamide was diluted in 0.9% saline, ethyl alcohol, Emulphor® (18:1:1) and administered ip (0.1 mL/10 g body weight); control animals received the same volume of anandamide vehicle. Anandamide at the dose of 0.1 mg/kg (but not of 0.01 or 1 mg/kg) increased (P < 0.05) the time spent and the distance covered in the central zone of the open field, as well as the exploration of the open arms of the elevated plus-maze. Thus, exogenous anandamide, like pharmacological compounds that increase endocannabinoid levels, promoted a characteristic inverted U-shaped dose-response effect in animal models of anxiety. Furthermore, anandamide (0.1 mg/kg) induced an anxiolytic-like effect in the elevated plus-maze (P < 0.05) after exposing the animals to the open field test.
Background: The bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST) is a limbic forebrain structure involved in hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis regulation and stress adaptation. Inappropriate adaptation to stress is thought to compromise the organism's coping mechanisms, which have been implicated in the neurobiology of depression. However, the studies aimed at investigating BNST involvement in depression pathophysiology have yielded contradictory results. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of temporary acute inactivation of synaptic transmission in the BNST by local microinjection of cobalt chloride (CoCl(2)) in rats subjected to the forced swimming test (FST). Methods: Rats implanted with cannulae aimed at the BNST were submitted to 15 min of forced swimming (pretest). Twenty- four hours later immobility time was registered in a new 5 min forced swimming session (test). Independent groups of rats received bilateral microinjections of CoCl(2) (1 mM/100 nL) before or immediately after pretest or before the test session. Additional groups received the same treatment and were submitted to the open field test to control for unspecific effects on locomotor behavior. Results: CoCl(2) injection into the BNST before either the pretest or test sessions reduced immobility in the FST, suggesting an antidepressant-like effect. No significant effect of CoCl(2) was observed when it was injected into the BNST immediately after pretest. In addition, no effect of BNST inactivation was observed in the open field test. Conclusion: These results suggest that acute reversible inactivation of synaptic transmission in the BNST facilitates adaptation to stress and induces antidepressant-like effects.
Using a quasitoroidal set of coordinates with coaxial circular magnetic surfaces, Vlasov equation is solved for collisionless plasmas in drift approach and a perpendicular dielectric tensor is found for large aspect ratio tokamaks in a low frequency band. Taking into account plasma rotation and charge separation parallel electric field, it is found that an ion geodesic effect deform Alfveacuten wave continuum producing continuum minimum at the rational magnetic surfaces, which depends on the plasma rotation and poloidal mode numbers. In kinetic approach, the ion thermal motion defines the geodesic effect but the mode frequency also depends on electron temperature. A geodesic ion Alfveacuten mode predicted below the continuum minimum has a small Landau damping in plasmas with Maxwell distribution but the plasma rotation may drive instability.
Using a quasitoroidal set of coordinates with coaxial circular magnetic surfaces, the Vlasov equation is solved for collisionless plasmas, and the dielectric tensor is found for large aspect ratio tokamaks in a low frequency band. Taking into account q-profile and charge separation parallel electric field, it is found that the Alfven wave continuum is deformed by ion geodesic effects producing continuum minimum at the rational magnetic surfaces. Low frequency geodesic ion induced Alfven waves are found below the continuum minimum where collisionless damping has a gap for Maxwell distribution. In kinetic approach, the ion thermal motion defines the geodesic effect but the mode frequency is strongly corrected due to parallel motion of electrons.
Magnetoresistance measurements were performed on an n-type PbTe/PbEuTe quantum well and weak antilocalization effects were observed. This indicates the presence of spin orbit coupling phenomena and we showed that the Rashba effect is the main mechanism responsible for this spin orbit coupling. Using the model developed by Iordanskii et al., we fitted the experimental curves and obtained the inelastic and spin orbit scattering times. Thus we could compare the zero field energy spin-splitting predicted by the Rashba theory with the energy spin-splitting obtained from the analysis of the experimental curves. The final result confirms the theoretical prediction of strong Rashba effect on IV-VI based quantum wells.
The effect of weak dipolar interactions (DIs) between Ni nanoparticles (NPs) in samples with different Ni concentrations was investigated by performing a detailed characterization of their structural and magnetic properties. From the determination of several physical parameters of Ni NP assemblies, it was found that the ac and dc magnetic susceptibility measurements are valuable for identifying the DIs between NPs while hysteresis loops measurements showed to be very insensitive, provided that the strength of the DI field is much smaller than the maximum coercive field. Therefore, the sensitivity of the observed static and dynamical magnetic properties to the effect of weak DI depends on the measurement protocols used. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3556767]