85 resultados para Ramos, Marise Nogueira
The morphology of terebelliform polychaetes was investigated for a phylogenetic study focused on Terebellidae. For this study, specimens belonging to 147 taxa, preferably type material or specimens from type localities or areas close to them, were examined under stereo, light and scanning electron microscopes. The taxa examined were 1 Pectinariidae, 2 Ampharetidae, 2 Alvinellidae, 8 Trichobranchidae, and 134 Terebellidae, which included 8 Polycirrinae, 15 Thelepodinae, and 111 Terebellinae. A comparison of the morphology, including prostomium, peristomium, anterior segments and lobes, branchiae, glandular venter, nephridial and genital papillae, notopodia and notochaetae, neuropodia and neurochaetae, and posterior end, was made of all the currently recognized families of terebelliform polychaetes, with special emphasis on Terebellidae. A discussion of the characters useful to distinguish between genera is given. This character set will be used in a subsequent phylogenetic study (Nogueira & Hutchings in prep.)
Four new species of terebellid polychaetes were collected at the Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentavel da Ponta de Tubarao, State of Rio Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil. These species are Streblosoma patriciae sp. nov., Terebella leslieae sp. nov., Nicolea ceciliae sp. nov., and Pista alonsae sp. nov. All these species are herein described and compared with the morphologically most similar congeners.
In studies carried out off the north-eastern and south-eastern coast of Brazil, three species of Prosphaerosyllis were found: P. isabellae, which was already recorded for Brazilian waters; P. xarifae, a newly recorded species for the area; and P. brachycephala sp. nov., a new to science species. Prosphaerosyllis brachycephala sp. nov., is characterized by having swollen anterior part of the body, prostomium retractable within the peristomium and anterior segments, short antennae, short peristomial and dorsal cirri, and falcigers with short, unidentate blades throughout. All these species are herein described and compared to the most similar congeners.
Four taxa of terebellines with problematic taxonomic histories are redescribed. One is a new species that has been mis-identified for the last 37 years and one is allocated to a different genus from that to which it was previously assigned. Pista corrientis McIntosh, 1885 was described from Argentina and has been reported from several localities along the Brazilian coast. Examination of the holotype of P. corrientis revealed that the Brazilian specimens belong to a separate species, herein described as P. nonatoi sp. nov., and a redescription of the holotype of P. corrientis is provided. Pista sombreriana (McIntosh, 1885) was considered indeterminable due to the poor condition of the holotype. Our examination of the holotype showed that although it is poorly preserved most taxonomic characters are visible. The morphology of the lobes on anterior segments, especially those of segments 3-4, is closer to Lanicides than to Pista but considering that Lanicides is also poorly defined we redescribe P. sombreriana under its original designation. Finally, Eupolymnia turgidula (Ehlers, 1887) has been considered as a junior synonym of E. crassicornis (Schmarda, 1861) but a recent study resurrected it as a valid species of Terebella, which was the original generic designation. According to our examination of the holotype, E. turgidula does belong to Eupolymnia, but it is uncertain as to whether it is a valid species or a synonym of either E. crassicornis or E. magnifica (Webster, 1884).
In a study investigating the composition and spatial and temporal variation of the benthic macrofauna associated to the discharge of domestic sewage off Fortaleza, north-eastern Brazil, a new species of Syllis was found. This new species, S. guidae sp. nov., is characterized by having blades of falcigers with subdistal tooth about same length as distal tooth, but stouter than it, with spines on cutting edge almost reaching the tip of subdistal tooth, blades of falcigers with conspicuous subdistal triangular process and unusually long anal papilla between anal cirri, measuring about one-quarter of their length. Syllis guidae sp. nov., is herein described and compared with the most similar congeners.
A new species of Trypanosyllis was found in a collection of polychaetes living on algae, sponges, ascidians and sabelariid reef; at the intertidal zone of a rocky shore, at Praia do Guarau, south-eastern Brazil. Trypanosyllis aurantiacus sp. nov., is characterized by having an orange body in life, with dark red antennae and cirri throughout, falcigers with short, sub-bidentate blades, and parapodia with thick, distally sharp, protruding aciculae, two to three aciculae on each anterior parapodium, two aciculae on midbody segments, single acicula per parapodium on posteriormost chaetigers. Trypanosyllis aurantiacus sp. nov., is compared with the most similar congeners and a redescription of Trypanosyllis zebra, based on Brazilian specimens collected from similar environments at nearby beaches, is given.
Fan worms (Sabellidae) possess paired modified prostomial structures at the base of the radiolar crown, dorso-lateral to the mouth, called dorsal lips. The dorsal lips are involved in the sorting of particles collected by the radiolar crown. The range of variation in the morphology of dorsal lips is extensive, and probably this is not only due to adaptations to different environments and feeding preferences but also due to phylogenetic constraints. In this study, we describe and compare the morphology of dorsal lips in a range of sabellid taxa based on histological cross-sections of these structures, and compare our data and terminology with those of previous studies. Dorsal lips are maintained erect in most taxa by a modified radiole fused to them known as dorsal radiolar appendage. We suggest that dorsal radiolar appendages with an internal supporting axis (cellular or acellular) and probably also the ventral lips are synapomorphies of the family. J. Morphol. 272: 302-319, 2011. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
A new species of keel-headed amphisbaenian of the genus Anops is described from the Cerrado of the Jalapao region, Tocantins state, Brazil. This new species of Anops is described from a single specimen, which may be easily distinguished from the other species of the genus, Anops bilabialatus and Anops kingii, by showing an extremely narrow head (37.2% head length); a row of eight occipitals anterior to the first body annulus; temporal present, mental and postmental fused; four postgenial rows located between the malars; and two malars posterior to the second infralabial. The new species is the first of the genus found in the Cerrado core area, and, based on the available records, the single species in the genus may be restricted to this region.
A new species of Bachia of the bresslaui group, is described from Estacao Ecologica Serra Geral do Tocantins, a recently created protected area in the Central Brazilian Cerrados of state of Tocantins. The new species is most similar to Bachia psamophila from which it differs in limb morphology and head and body scalation. As in Bachia psamophila the shovel-shaped snout of the new species is highly prominent, an adaptation related to its psamophilous habits.
To investigate the role of ecological and historical factors in the organization of communities, we describe the ecomorphological structure of an assemblage of snakes (61 species in six families) in the Cerrado (a savanna-like grassland) of Distrito Federal, Brazil. These snakes vary in habits, with some being fossorial, cryptozoic, terrestrial, semi-aquatic, or arboreal. Periods of activity also vary. A multivariate analysis identified distinct morphological groups associated with patterns of resource use. We report higher niche diversification compared to snakes in the Caatinga (a semi-arid region in northeastern Brazil), with fossorial and cryptozoic species occupying morphological space that is not occupied in the Caatinga. Monte Carlo permutations from canonical phylogenetic ordination revealed a significant phylogenetic effect on morphology for Colubridae, Colubrinae, Viperidae, Elapidae, and Boidae indicating that morphological divergence occurred in the distant past. We conclude that phylogeny is the most important factor determining structure of this Neotropical assemblage. Nevertheless, our results also suggest a strong ecological component characterizes a peculiar snake fauna.
Eight new species of the spider genus Chrysometa Simon, 1894 (Araneae, Tetragnathidae) are described and illustrated. Chrysometa nubigena n. sp., C. waikoxi n. sp., C. petrasierwaldae n. sp., C. santosi n. sp., C. yanomami n. sp., C. candianii n. sp., C. lomanhungae n. sp., and C. saci n. sp. Those species were collected in a study on the diversity of spider communities along altitudinal gradients in Brazilian Amazonia. C. saci was captured at the Serra do Tapirapeco (Barcelos), while all the other species are from the Pico da Neblina (Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira), the highest mountain in Brazil. We provide new records for C. boraceia, C. flava, C. guttata, C. minuta and C. opulenta, and we describe the male of C. minuta for the first time. We also present the first results on the diversity and altitudinal distribution of the species of Chrysometa at the Pico da Neblina and Serra do Tapirapeco. We sampled the first locality at six different elevations, and obtained 336 specimens distributed in 12 species. Richness and abundance, as well as relative importance peaked at the highest sites sampled (2,000 and 2,400 m). The three most abundant species showed a segregated distribution, being dominant or exclusively distributed in different altitudes. At the Serra do Tapirapeco, sampling at four different elevations up to 1200 m, we only obtained 40 individuals divided in four species, and there was no clear relation to altitude. Most of the new species were found at mid and high altitude sites, while species from lower altitude sites represented widespread species. The comparison with other neotropical spiders inventories highlights the high diversity recorded at Pico da Neblina, which could be assigned to the large environmental variation covered in this work and to the sampling of high-altitude environments. Inventories in the Andean region and other information in the literature also seem to support the association of Chrysometa with high altitude environments.
Protein (western blotting) and gene (PCR) expressions, catalytic activity of puromycin-insensitive membrane-bound neutral aminopeptidase (APM/CD13) and in situ regional distribution of CD13 and FOS immunoreactivity (it) were evaluated in the hypothalamus of monosodium glutamate obese (MSG) and/or food deprived (FD) rats in order to investigate their possible interplay with metabolic functions. Variations in protein and gene expressions of CD13 relative to controls coincided in the hypothalamus of MSG and MSG-FD (decreased 2- to 17-fold). Compared with controls, the reduction of hypothalamic CD13 content reflected a negative balance in its regional distribution in the supraoptic, paraventricular, periventricular and arcuate nuclei. CD13-ir increased in the supraoptic nucleus in MSG (2.5-fold) and decreased in the paraventricular nucleus (2-fold) together with FOS-ir (1.5-fold) in FD. In MSG-FD. FOS-ir decreased (7-fold) in the paraventricular nucleus, while CD13-ir decreased in the periventricular (5.6-fold) and the arcuate (3.7-fold) nuclei. It was noteworthy that all these changes of CD13 were not related to catalytic activity of APM. Data suggested that hypothalamic CD13 plays a role in the regulation of energy metabolism not by means of APM enzyme activity. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The goal of the present study was to investigate morphological changes in the serotonergic neurons/terminals in the dorsal (DR) and median (MnR) raphe nuclei and on the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG) in neonatal rats treated from the 1st to the 21st postnatal day with fluoxetine (10 mg/kg sc, daily) or drug vehicle (0 9% saline 1 ml/kg). The results show that postnatal chronic treatment with fluoxetine promoted. (1) a smaller body weight increase during the pre-weaning period; (2) smaller number of 5-HT neurons in the DR, (3) smaller 5-HT neuronal cell bodies (area, perimeter and diameter) in the DR and the MnR and (4) diminished serotonergic terminals in the DG. These data suggest that the development of the serotonergic system was impaired and that early exposure to fluoxetine damaged the morphology of 5-HT neurons in young adult rats While these findings are consistent with other work, more studies are needed to better clarify the effects of postnatal chronic treatment with fluoxetine on the serotonergic system and, consequently, on the functions modulated by serotonin (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd All rights reserved
Aims: To investigate the effect of N omega-Nitro-L-arginine methyl ester CL-NAME) treatment, known to induce a sustained elevation of blood pressure, on ectonucleotidase activities in kidney membranes of rats. Main methods: L-NAME (30 mg/kg/day) was administered to Wistar rats for 14 days in the drinking water. Enzyme activities were determined colorimetrically and their gene expression patterns were analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. The metabolism of ATP and the accumulation of adenosine were evaluated by HPLC in kidney membranes from control and hypertensive rats. PKC phosphorylation state was investigated by Western blot. Key findings: We observed an increase in systolic blood pressure from 115 +/- 12 mmHg (control group) to 152 18 mmHg (L-NAME-treated group). Furthermore, the hydrolysis of ATP, ADP, AMP, and p-Nph-5`TMP was also increased (17%, 35%, 27%, 20%, respectively) as was the gene expression of NTPDase2, NTPDase3 and NPP3 in kidneys of hypertensive animals. Phospho-PKC was increased in hypertensive rats. Significance: The general increase in ATP hydrolysis and in ecto-5`-nucleotidase activity suggests a rise in renal adenosine levels and in renal autoregulatory responses in order to protect the kidney against the threat presented by hypertension. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We used c-Fos immunoreactivity to estimate neuronal activation in hypothalamic feeding-regulatory areas of 3-month-old rats fed control or oil-enriched diets (soy or fish) since weaning. While no diet effect was observed in c-Fos immunoreactivity of 24-h fasted animals, the acute response to refeeding was modified by both hyperlipidic diets but with different patterns. Upon refeeding, control-diet rats had significantly increased c-Fos immunoreactivity only in the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVH, 142%). In soy-diet rats, refeeding with the soy diet increased c-Fos immunoreactivity in dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (DMH, 271%) and lateral hypothalamic area (LH, 303%). Refeeding fish-diet rats with the fish diet increased c-Fos immunoreactivity in PVH (161%), DMH (177%), VMH (81%), and ARC (127%). Compared to the fish-diet, c-Fos immunoreactivity was increased in LH by the soy-diet while it was decreased in ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH) and arcuate hypothalamic nucleus (ARC). Based on the known roles of the activated nuclei, it is suggested that, unlike the fish-diet, the soy-diet induced a potentially obesogenic profile, with high LH and low VMH/PVH activation after refeeding.