44 resultados para Quantitative structure-activity relationship


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The in vitro antifungal activity of six thioureido substituted amines (P1-P6) was evaluated against Candida species, including Candida albicans, C. glabrata, C. krusei and C. parapsilosis. These tri- and tetra-thioureido amino derivatives with different methylation levels were synthesised through easy synthetic routes to evaluate their antifungal properties against Candida species. Among all studied derivatives, the tri-(2-thioureido-ethyl)-amine (P1) was the most active compound inhibiting C. albicans and C. glabrata at a concentration of 0.49 mu g ml(-1); P3, the N,N `,N ``,N ```-hexamethyl-derivative, also showed inhibitory activity against C. albicans and C. glabrata, but in higher concentrations (250 mu g ml(-1)). The N,N `,N ``,N ```-tetramethylated amine (P5) only inhibited the growth of C. glabrata, but its corresponding N,N `,N ``,N ```-octamethyl derivative (P6) was also active against C. glabrata (125 mu g ml(-1)) and it was the only compound active against C. parapsilosis. P2 and P4 showed no significant antifungal activity. The structure-activity relationship of the thioureido-substituted derivatives indicates that the molecular branching and the alkylation levels can influence the antifungal activity. This study demonstrated that thioureido derivatives exhibited significant antifungal activity against Candida species and that they can be considered as a very promising bioactive lead compound to develop novel antifungal agents.


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Leishmaniasis and trypanosomiasis are major causes of morbidity and mortality in both tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The current available drugs are limited, ineffective, and require long treatment regimens. Due to the high dependence of trypanosomatids on glycolysis as a source of energy, some glycolytic enzymes have been identified as attractive targets for drug design. In the present work, classical Two-Dimensional Quantitative Structure -Activity Relationships (2D QSAR) and Hologram QSAR (HQSAR) studies were performed on a series of adenosine derivatives as inhibitors of Leishmania mexicana Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (LmGAPDH). Significant correlation coefficients (classical QSAR, r(2)=0.83 and q(2) =0.81; HQSAR, r(2)=0.91 and q(2) =0.86) were obtained for the 56 training set compounds, indicating the potential of the models for untested compounds. The models were then externally validated using a test set of 14 structurally related compounds and the predicted values were in good agreement with the experimental results (classical QSAR, r(pred)(2) = 0.94; HQSAR, r(pred)(2) = 0.92).


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Schistosomiasis is considered the second most important tropical parasitic disease, with severe socioeconomic consequences for millions of people worldwide. Schistosoma monsoni, one of the causative agents of human schistosomiasis, is unable to synthesize purine nucleotides de novo, which makes the enzymes of the purine salvage pathway important targets for antischistosomal drug development. In the present work, we describe the development of a pharmacophore model for ligands of S. mansoni purine nucleoside phosphorylase (SmPNP) as well as a pharmacophore-based virtual screening approach, which resulted in the identification of three thioxothiazolidinones (1-3) with substantial in vitro inhibitory activity against SmPNP. Synthesis, biochemical evaluation, and structure activity relationship investigations led to the successful development of a small set of thioxothiazolidinone derivatives harboring a novel chemical scaffold as new competitive inhibitors of SmPNP at the low-micromolar range. Seven compounds were identified with IC(50) values below 100 mu M. The most potent inhibitors 7, 10, and 17 with 1050 of 2, 18, and 38 mu M, respectively, could represent new potential lead compounds for further development of the therapy of schistosomiasis.


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The interaction between angiotensin II (AII, DRVYIHPF) and its analogs carrying 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl-4-amino-4-carboxylic acid (TOAC) and detergents-negatively charged sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and zwitterionic N-hexadecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propanesulfonate (HPS)-was examined by means of EPR, CD, and fluorescence. EPR spectra of partially active TOAC(1)-AII and inactive TOAC(3)-AII in aqueous solution indicated fast tumbling, the freedom of motion being greater at the N-terminus. Line broadening occurred upon interaction with micelles. Below SDS critical micelle concentration, broader lines indicated complex formation with tighter molecular packing than in micelles. Small changes in hyperfine splittings evinced TOAC location at the micelle-water interface. The interaction with anionic micelles was more effective than with zwitterionic micelles. Peptide-micelle interaction caused fluorescence increase. The TOAC-promoted intramolecular fluorescence quenching was more, pronounced for TOAC(3)-AII because of the proximity between the nitroxide and Tyr(4). CD spectra showed that although both AII and TOAC(1)-AII presented flexible conformations in water, TOAC(3)-AII displayed conformational restriction because of the TOAC-imposed bend (Schreier et al., Biopolymers 2004, 74, 389). In HPS, conformational changes were observed for the labeled peptides at neutral and basic pH. In SDS, all peptides underwent pH-dependent conformational changes. Although the spectra suggested similar folds for All and TOAC(1)-AII, different conformations were acquired by TOAC(3)-AII. The membrane environment has been hypothesized to shift conformational equilibria so as to stabilize the receptor-bound conformation of ligands. The fact that TOAC(3)-AII is unable to acquire conformations similar to those of native AII and partially active TOAC(1)-AII is probably the explanation for its lack of biological activity. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers (Pept Sci) 92: 525-537, 2009.


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A myriad of methods are available for virtual screening of small organic compound databases. In this study we have successfully applied a quantitative model of consensus measurements, using a combination of 3D similarity searches (ROCS and EON), Hologram Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships (HQSAR) and docking (FRED, FlexX, Glide and AutoDock Vina), to retrieve cruzain inhibitors from collected databases. All methods were assessed individually and then combined in a Ligand-Based Virtual Screening (LBVS) and Target-Based Virtual Screening (TBVS) consensus scoring, using Receiving Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves to evaluate their performance. Three consensus strategies were used: scaled-rank-by-number, rank-by-rank and rank-by-vote, with the most thriving the scaled-rank-by-number strategy, considering that the stiff ROC curve appeared to be satisfactory in every way to indicate a higher enrichment power at early retrieval of active compounds from the database. The ligand-based method provided access to a robust and predictive HQSAR model that was developed to show superior discrimination between active and inactive compounds, which was also better than ROCS and EON procedures. Overall, the integration of fast computational techniques based on ligand and target structures resulted in a more efficient retrieval of cruzain inhibitors with desired pharmacological profiles that may be useful to advance the discovery of new trypanocidal agents.


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The present work focuses on the interaction between the zwitterionic surfactant N-hexadecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propanesulfonate (HPS) and the giant extracellular hemoglobin of Glossoscolex paulistus (HbGp). Electronic optical absorption, fluorescence emission and circular dichroism spectroscopy techniques, together with Gel-filtration chromatography, were used in order to evaluate the oligomeric dissociation as well as the autoxidation of HbGp as a function of the interaction with HPS. A peculiar behavior was observed for the HPS-HbGp interaction: a complex ferric species formation equilibrium was promoted, as a consequence of the autoxidation and oligomeric dissociation processes. At pH 7.0, HPS is more effective up to 1 mM while at pH 9.0 the surfactant effect is more intense above 1 mM. Furthermore, the interaction of HPS with HbGp was clearly less intense than the interaction of this hemoglobin with cationic (CTAC) and anionic (SDS) surfactants. Probably, this lower interaction with HPS is due to two factors: (i) the lower electrostatic attraction between the HPS surfactant and the protein surface ionic sites when compared to the electrostatic interaction between HbGp and cationic and anionic surfactants, and (ii) the low cmc of HPS, which probably reduces the interaction of the surfactant in the monomeric form with the protein. The present work emphasizes the importance of the electrostatic contribution in the interaction between ionic surfactants and HbGp. Furthermore, in the whole HPS concentration range used in this study, no folding and autoxidation decrease induced by this surfactant were observed. This is quite different from the literature data on the interaction between surfactants and tetrameric hemoglobins, that supports the occurrence of this behavior for the intracellular hemoglobins at low surfactant concentration range. Spectroscopic data are discussed and compared with the literature in order to improve the understanding of hemoglobin-surfactant interaction as well as the acid isoelectric point (pI) influence of the giant extracellular hemoglobins on their structure-activity relationship. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hologram quantitative structure-activity relationships (HQSAR) were applied to a data set of 41 cruzain inhibitors. The best HQSAR model (Q(2) = 0.77; R-2 = 0.90) employing Surflex-Sim, as training and test sets generator, was obtained using atoms, bonds, and connections as fragment distinctions and 4-7 as fragment size. This model was then used to predict the potencies of 12 test set compounds, giving satisfactory predictive R-2 value of 0,88. The contribution maps obtained from the best HQSAR model are in agreement with the biological activities of the study compounds. The Trypanosoma cruzi cruzain shares high similarity with the mammalian homolog cathepsin L. The selectivity toward cruzam was checked by a database of 123 compounds, which corresponds to the 41 cruzain inhibitors used in the HQSAR model development plus 82 cathepsin L inhibitors. We screened these compounds by ROCS (Rapid Overlay of Chemical Structures), a Gaussian-shape volume overlap filter that can rapidly identify shapes that match the query molecule. Remarkably, ROCS was able to rank the first 37 hits as being only cruzain inhibitors. In addition, the area under the curve (AUC) obtained with ROCS was 0.96, indicating that the method was very efficient to distinguishing between cruzain and cathepsin L inhibitors. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Some sesquiterpene lactones (SLs) are the active compounds of a great number of traditionally medicinal plants from the Asteraceae family and possess considerable cytotoxic activity. Several studies in vitro have shown the inhibitory activity against cells derived from human carcinoma of the nasopharynx (KB). Chemical studies showed that the cytotoxic activity is due to the reaction of alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl structures of the SLs with thiols, such as cysteine. These studies support the view that SLs inhibit tumour growth by selective alkylation of growth-regulatory biological macromolecules, such as key enzymes, which control cell division, thereby inhibiting a variety of cellular functions, which directs the cells into apoptosis. In this study we investigated a set of 55 different sesquiterpene lactones, represented by 5 skeletons (22 germacranolides, 6 elemanolides, 2 eudesmanolides, 16 guaianolides and nor-derivatives and 9 pseudoguaianolides), in respect to their cytotoxic properties. The experimental results and 3D molecular descriptors were submitted to Kohonen self-organizing map (SOM) to classify (training set) and predict (test set) the cytotoxic activity. From the obtained results, it was concluded that only the geometrical descriptors showed satisfactory values. The Kohonen map obtained after training set using 25 geometrical descriptors shows a very significant match, mainly among the inactive compounds (similar to 84%). Analyzing both groups, the percentage seen is high (83%). The test set shows the highest match, where 89% of the substances had their cytotoxic activity correctly predicted. From these results, important properties for the inhibition potency are discussed for the whole dataset and for subsets of the different structural skeletons. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Experimental evidence shows that the mechanism of pore formation by actinoporins is a multistep process, involving binding of the water-soluble monomer to the membrane and subsequent oligomerization on the membrane surface, leading to the formation of a functional pore. However, as for other eukaryotic pore-forming toxins, the molecular details of the mechanism of membrane insertion and oligomerization are not clear. In order to obtain further insight with regard to the structure-function relationship in sticholysins, we designed and produced three cysteine mutants of recombinant sticholysin I (rStI) in relevant functional regions for membrane interaction: StI E2C and StI F15C (in the N-terminal region) and StI R52C (in the membrane binding site). The conformational characterization derived from fluorescence and CD spectroscopic studies of StI E2C, StI F15C and StI R52C suggests that replacement of these residues by Cys in rStI did not noticeably change the conformation of the protein. The substitution by Cys of Arg(52) in the phosphocholine-binding site, provoked noticeable changes in rStI permeabilizing activity; however, the substitutions in the N-terminal region (Glu(2), Phe(15)) did not modify the toxin`s permeabilizing ability. The presence of a dimerized population stabilized by a disulfide bond in the StI E2C mutant showed higher pore-forming activity than when the protein is in the monomeric state, suggesting that sticholysins pre-ensembled at the N-terminal region could facilitate pore formation. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A correlation between the physicochemical properties of mono- [Li(I), K(I), Na(I)] and divalent [Cd(II), Cu(II), Mn(II), Ni(II), Co(II), Zn(II), Mg(II), Ca(II)] metal cations and their toxicity (evaluated by the free ion median effective concentration. EC50(F)) to the naturally bioluminescent fungus Gerronema viridilucens has been studied using the quantitative ion character activity relationship (QICAR) approach. Among the 11 ionic parameters used in the current study, a univariate model based on the covalent index (X(m)(2)r) proved to be the most adequate for prediction of fungal metal toxicity evaluated by the logarithm of free ion median effective concentration (log EC50(F)): log EC50(F) = 4.243 (+/-0.243) -1.268 (+/-0.125).X(m)(2)r (adj-R(2) = 0.9113, Alkaike information criterion [AIC] = 60.42). Additional two- and three-variable models were also tested and proved less suitable to fit the experimental data. These results indicate that covalent bonding is a good indicator of metal inherent toxicity to bioluminescent fungi. Furthermore, the toxicity of additional metal ions [Ag(I), Cs(I), Sr(II), Ba(II), Fe(II), Hg(II), and Pb(II)] to G. viridilucens was predicted, and Pb was found to be the most toxic metal to this bioluminescent fungus (EC50(F)): Pb(II) > Ag(I) > Hg(I) > Cd(II) > Cu(II) > Co(II) Ni(II) > Mn(II) > Fe(II) approximate to Zn(II) > Mg(II) approximate to Ba(II) approximate to Cs(I) > Li(I) > K(I) approximate to Na(I) approximate to Sr(II)> Ca(II). Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 2010;29:2177-2181. (C) 2010 SETAC


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Chagas disease is nowadays the most serious parasitic health problem. This disease is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi. The great number of deaths and the insufficient effectiveness of drugs against this parasite have alarmed the scientific community worldwide. In an attempt to overcome this problem, a model for the design and prediction of new antitrypanosomal agents was obtained. This used a mixed approach, containing simple descriptors based on fragments and topological substructural molecular design descriptors. A data set was made up of 188 compounds, 99 of them characterized an antitrypanosomal activity and 88 compounds that belong to other pharmaceutical categories. The model showed sensitivity, specificity and accuracy values above 85%. Quantitative fragmental contributions were also calculated. Then, and to confirm the quality of the model, 15 structures of molecules tested as antitrypanosomal compounds (that we did not include in this study) were predicted, taking into account the information on the abovementioned calculated fragmental contributions. The model showed an accuracy of 100% which means that the ""in silico"" methodology developed by our team is promising for the rational design of new antitrypanosomal drugs. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Comput Chem 31: 882-894. 2010


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We report a novel method for calculating flash points of acyclic alkanes from flash point numbers, N(FP), which can be calculated from experimental or calculated boiling point numbers (Y(BP)) with the equation N(FP) = 1.020Y(BP) - 1.083 Flash points (FP) are then determined from the relationship FP(K) = 23.369N(FP)(2/3) + 20.010N(FP)(1/3) + 31.901 For it data set of 102 linear and branched alkanes, the correlation of literature and predicted flash points has R(2) = 0.985 and an average absolute deviation of 3.38 K. N(FP) values can also be estimated directly from molecular structure to produce an even closer correspondence of literature and predicted FP values. Furthermore, N(FP) values provide a new method to evaluate the reliability of literature flash point data.


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Various significant anti-HCV and cytotoxic sesquiterpene lactones (SLs) have been characterized. In this work, the chemometric tool Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to two sets of SLs and the variance of the biological activity was explored. The first principal component accounts for as much of the variability in the data as possible, and each succeeding component accounts for as much of the remaining variability as possible. The calculations were performed using VolSurf program. For anti-HCV activity, PC1 (First Principal Component) explained 30.3% and PC2 (Second Principal Component) explained 26.5% of matrix total variance, while for cytotoxic activity, PC1 explained 30.9% and PC2 explained 15.6% of the total variance. The formalism employed generated good exploratory and predictive results and we identified some structural features, for both sets, important to the suitable biological activity and pharmacokinetic profile.


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Protein deficiency is one of the biggest public health problems in the world, accounting for about 30-40% of hospital admissions in developing countries. Nutritional deficiencies lead to alterations in the peripheral nervous system and in the digestive system. Most studies have focused on the effects of protein-deficient diets on the enteric neurons, but not on sympathetic ganglia, which supply extrinsic sympathetic input to the digestive system. Hence, in this study, we investigated whether a protein-restricted diet would affect the quantitative structure of rat coeliac ganglion neurons. Five male Wistar rats (undernourished group) were given a pre- and postnatal hypoproteinic diet receiving 5% casein, whereas the nourished group (n = 5) was fed with 20% casein (normoproteinic diet). Blood tests were carried out on the animals, e.g., glucose, leptin, and triglyceride plasma concentrations. The main structural findings in this study were that a protein-deficient diet (5% casein) caused coeliac ganglion (78%) and coeliac ganglion neurons (24%) to atrophy and led to neuron loss (63%). Therefore, the fall in the total number of coeliac ganglion neurons in protein-restricted rats contrasts strongly with no neuron losses previously described for the enteric neurons of animals subjected to similar protein-restriction diets. Discrepancies between our figures and the data for enteric neurons (using very similar protein-restriction protocols) may be attributable to the counting method used. In light of this, further systematic investigations comparing 2-D and 3-D quantitative methods are warranted to provide even more advanced data on the effects that a protein-deficient diet may exert on sympathetic neurons. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The increasing resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to the existing drugs has alarmed the worldwide scientific community. In an attempt to overcome this problem, two models for the design and prediction of new antituberculosis agents were obtained. The first used a mixed approach, containing descriptors based on fragments and the topological substructural molecular design approach (TOPS-MODE) descriptors. The other model used a combination of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) descriptors. A data set of 167 compounds with great structural variability, 72 of them antituberculosis agents and 95 compounds belonging to other pharmaceutical categories, was analyzed. The first model showed sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy values above 80% and the second one showed values higher than 75% for these statistical indices. Subsequently, 12 structures of imidazoles not included in this study were designed, taking into account the two models. In both cases accuracy was 100%, showing that the methodology in silico developed by us is promising for the rational design of antituberculosis drugs.