19 resultados para Prof. Pulikkal Ajayan


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The Cluster Variation Method (CVM), introduced over 50 years ago by Prof. Dr. Ryoichi Kikuchi, is applied to the thermodynamic modeling of the BCC Cr-Fe system in the irregular tetrahedron approximation, using experimental thermochemical data as initial input for accessing the model parameters. The results are checked against independent data on the low-temperature miscibility gap, using increasingly accurate thermodynamic models, first by the inclusion of the magnetic degrees of freedom of iron and then also by the inclusion of the magnetic degrees of freedom of chromium. It is shown that a reasonably accurate description of the phase diagram at the iron-rich side (i.e. the miscibility gap borders and the Curie line) is obtained, but only at expense of the agreement with the above mentioned thermochemical data. Reasons for these inconsistencies are discussed, especially with regard to the need of introducing vibrational degrees of freedom in the CVM model. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Evaluation of commercially available test kits for Chagas disease for use in blood bank screening is difficult due to a lack of large and well-characterized specimen panels. This study presents a collaborative effort of Latin American blood centers and the World Health Organization (WHO) to establish such a panel. A total of 437 specimens, from 10 countries were collected and sent to the WHO Collaborating Center in Sao Paulo and used to evaluate 19 screening assays during 2001 through 2005. Specimens were assigned a positive or negative status based on concordant results in at least three of the four confirmatory assays (indirect immunofluorescence, Western blot, radioimmunoprecipitation assay, and recombinant immunoblot). Of the 437 specimens, 168 (39%) were characterized as positive, 262 (61%) were characterized as negative, and 7 (2%) were judged inconclusive and excluded from the analysis. Sensitivity and specificity varied considerably: 88 to 100 and 60 to 100 percent, respectively. Overall, enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) performed better than the other screening assays. Four EIAs had both parameters higher than 99 percent. Of the four confirmatory assays, only the RIPA gave a 100 percent agreement with the final serologic status of the specimens. The sensitivities and specificities of at least four of the commercially available EIAs for Chagas disease are probably high enough to justify their use for single-assay screening of blood donations. Our data suggest that the majority of commercially available indirect hemagglutination assays should not be used for blood donor screening and that the RIPA could be considered a gold standard for evaluating the performance of other assays.


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This study is an integral part of a research project which seeks the establishment of protocols for the production of standardized herbal dried extracts emphasizing the spouted bed drying. This thesis was conducted at faculty of Pharmaceutical Science of Ribeiro Preto/University of So Paulo, Brazil, under supervision of Prof. Dr. Wanderley Pereira Oliveira*, defended on September 28, 2007.


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Daniel, A.G.T; Reche Junior, A. & Santos, K.B. [The sensibility and use of enrofloxacin in the treatment of feline chronic gingivitis.] Sensibilidade e aplicabilidade da enrofloxacina no tratamento das gengivites cronicas em felinos domesticos. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 30(1):36-39, 2008. Medicoveterinario Residente na area de clinica e cirurgia de pequenos animais do Hospital Veterinario, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Cidade Universitaria, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva, 87, Sao Paulo, SP 05508-240. E-mail: alegtd@yahoo.com.br The goal of this study was to evaluate the in vitro sensitivity to enrofloxacin of bacteria isolated from the oral cavity of cats with chronic gingivitis. Twenty five cats male and famale with variable degrees of gingivitis were included in this study. The samples were colected by culturette swabs and submitted to bacterial culture and sensitivity. The results showed that 91% of the bacteria isolated from the culture were sensitive to enrofloxacin, demonstrating that this antibiotic is a good option in the clinical treatment or post-operative treatment of feline chronic gingivitis.