43 resultados para Polarity


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In this work, Ba(Zr(0.25)Ti(0.75))O(3) ceramic was prepared by solid-state reaction. This material was characterized by x-ray diffraction and Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy. The temperature dependent dielectric properties were investigated in the frequency range from 1 kHz to 1 MHz. The dielectric measurements indicated a diffuse phase transition. The broadening of the dielectric permittivity in the frequency range as well as its shifting at higher temperatures indicated a relaxor-like behaviour for this material. The diffusivity and the relaxation strength were estimated using the modified Curie-Weiss law. The optical properties were analysed by ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorption spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL) measurements at room temperature. The UV-vis spectrum indicated that the Ba(Zr(0.25)Ti(0.75))O(3) ceramic has an optical band gap of 2.98 eV. A blue PL emission was observed for this compound when excited with 350 nm wavelength. The polarity as well as the PL property of this material was attributed to the presence of polar [TiO(6)] distorted clusters into a globally cubic matrix.


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The solvatochromism and other spectroscopic and photophysical characteristics of four azo disperse dyes, derived from 2-amino-5-nitrothiazole, were evaluated and interpreted with the aid of experimental data and quantum mechanical calculations. For the non-substituted compound two conformers, E and Z, were proposed for the isolated molecules, being the second one considerably less stable. The optimization of these structures in combination with a SCRF methodology (IEFPCM, Simulating the molecules in a continuum dielectric with characteristics of methanol), suggests that the Z form is not stable in solution. This same behaviour is expected for the substituted compounds, which is corroborated by experimental data presented in previous investigations [A.E.H. Machado, L.M. Rodrigues, S. Gupta, A.M.F. Oliveira-Campos, A.M.S. Silva, J. Mol. Struct. 738 (2005) 239-245]. For the substituted compounds, two forms derived from E conformer (A and R) are possible. Quantum mechanical data suggest for the isolated molecules, that the low energy absorption hand of the E conformers involve at least two close electronic states. having the low-lying excited state a (1)(n,pi*) nature, and being the S-2 state attributed to a (1)(pi,pi*) transition. The data also suggest a small energy gap between the absorption peaks of A and B, related to the easy conversion between these forms. For the structures optimized in combination with the applied SCRF methodology, an states inversion is observed for the Substituted compounds, with a considerable diminish of the energy gap between A and B absorption peaks. The electronic spectra of these compounds are quite sensitive to changes in the solvent polarity. The positive solvatochromism is more evident in aprotic solvents, probably due to the polarization induced by the solute. These compounds do not fluoresce at 298 K, but present a small but perceptible fluorescence at 77 K, which seems to be favoured by the nature of the group in the 2 `-position of the phenyl ring. Moreover, such compounds present expressive values for first hyperpolarizability, which implies in good non-linear optics (NLO) responses and photoswitching capability. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study, the molecular structure and conformational analyses of the 4-isopropylthioxanthone (4-ITX) are reported according to experimental and theoretical results. The compound crystallizes in the centrosymmetric P (1) over bar space group with only one molecule in the asymmetric unit, presenting the most stable conformation, in which the three fused-rings adopt a planar geometry, and the isopropyl group assumes a torsional angle with less sterical hindrance. The structural and conformational analyses were performed using theoretical calculations such as Hartree-Fock (HF), DFT method in combination with 6-311G(d,p) and 6-31++G(d,p) and the results were compared with infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The supramolecular assembly of 4-ITX is kept by non-classical C-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds and weak interactions such as pi-pi stacking. 4-ITX was also studied by (1)H and (13)C NMR spectroscopy. UV-Vis absorption spectroscopic properties of the 4-ITX showed the long-wavelength maximum shifts towards high energy when the solvent polarity increases. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Photochemical and photophysical properties of 1-(2-quinolyl)-2-naphthol (2QN) in water and organic solvents, as well in glassy media were studied to investigate the occurrence of intramolecular excited state prototropic reactions between the naphthol and quinoline rings. Spectral data show the two chromophores apparently behaving independently. However, in acid aqueous media or in low polarity solvents a new electronic transition red shifted band with respect to that of the parent compounds assigned to an intramolecular H-bond and to a quinoid form, respectively, shows up. Model calculations and R-X data lend support to a minimum energy conformer having a dihedral angle of similar to 39 degrees between the two groups. Singlet excited state properties (S-1) show a high suppressive effect of one ring over the other, resulting in very low emission yields at room temperature. The occurrence of excited state intramolecular proton transfer is observed in water (zwitter ion form) and in low polarity media (quinoid form) and originates from a previously CT H-bonded state. Phosphorescence data allowed a reasonable description of the electronic states of 2QN. In addition two new derivatives were prepared having the N atom blocked by methylation and both the N and O groups blocked by a CH2 bridge. The spectral data of these two compounds confirmed the attributions made for 2QN. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Raman and electronic spectra of the [3,5-bis(dicyanomethylene)cyclopentane-1,2,4-trionate] dianion, the croconate violet (CV), are reported in solutions of ionic liquids based on imidazolium cations. Different normal modes of the CV anion, nu (C=O), nu (CO) + nu (CC) + nu (CCN), and nu(C N), were used as probes of solvation characteristics of ionic liquids, and were compared with spectra of CV in common solvents. The spectra of CV in ionic liquids are similar to those in dichloromethane solution, but distinct from those in protic solvents such as ethanol or water. The UV-vis spectra of CV in ionic liquids strongly suggest pi-pi interactions between the CV anion and the imidazolium cation. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We synthesize and characterize alkylthiohydroquinones (ATHs) in order to investigate their interactions with lipid model membranes, POPE and POPC. We observe the formation of structures with different morphologies, or curvature of the lipid bilayer, depending on pH and increasing temperature. We attribute their formation to changes in the balance charge/polarity induced by the ATHs. Mixtures of ATHs with POPE at pH 4 form two cubic phases, P4(3)32 and Im3m, that reach a maximum lattice size at 40 degrees C while under basic conditions these phases only expand upon heating from room temperature. The cubic phases coexist with lamellar or hexagonal phases and are associated with inhomogeneous distribution of the ATH molecules over the lipid matrix. The zwitterionic POPC does not form cubic phases but instead shows lamellar structures with no clear influence of the 2,6-BATH.


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The analysis of the IR carbonyl band of the alpha-methylsulfonyl-alpha-diethoxyphosphoryl p-substituted acetophenones p-Y-Ph-C(O)CH(SO(2)Me)[P(O)(OEt)(2)] (Y = OMe 1, H 2, F 3, Cl 4, Br 5 and NO(2) 6) supported by HF/6-31G(d,p) ab initio calculations of the alpha-methylsulfonyl-alpha-diethoxyphosphoryl acetophenone 2, indicated the existence of a single stable cl conformer in gas phase and in solvents of increasing polarity, along with the presence of second less stable conformation in gas phase. The cl conformer present the (SO(2)Me) group and the [P(O)(OEt(2))] groups in a syn-clinal (gauche) geometry and is stabilised through of the 0(`60)... P(%), 01NO(owl Crco), ONO)... C(,C*.), 060)... S(`S`02.,) and 0(`S-02) q o) electronic interactions 08along with H(8S*o2M,). 0(660). HU(5C_H2)lP0Erl- 0(8so2m), H(6 +Ph)- - - (co) and H(8o+`-Ph). 0( `Po) intramolecular hydrogen bonds. The almost co nstant negative carbonyl frequency shifts (Av) for the title compounds 1-6 with respect to the parent acetophenones 7-14 corroborates the prevalence of the electronic interactions over the -l(y inductive effect of the ot-substituents for the title compounds and gives strong support for the existence of the crossed 0`(`C-O)... S`(1S+02m,) and 0(""S-02) C(`C+O) (charge transfer and electrostatic); 08-) (co P(`i o) and 01`M-OFt)l C(` o), (electrostatic) interactions. 0 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The minimum energy path along the lowest-lying pi pi* excited state of 2-aminopurine was calculated to elucidate the mechanisms of radiationless decay and emission in water. The sequential Monte Carlo quantum mechanics approach with a multiconfigurational and perturbative description of the wave function was employed to compute the minimum, transition state, and conical intersection. It was found that the barrier in the potential energy surface to access the conical intersection funnel increases in aqueous environment, making the system prone to enlarge the emission yield. These results rationalize the observed enhancement of emission in 2-aminopurine upon increasing of the solvent polarity. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The protonation effect on the vibrational and electronic spectra of 4-aminoazobenzene and 4-(dimethylamino)azobenzene was investigated by resonance Raman spectroscopy, and the results were discussed on the basis of quantum-chemical calculations. Although this class of molecular systems has been investigated in the past concerning the azo-hydrazone tautomerism, the present work is the first to use CASSCF/CASPT2 calculations to unveil the structure of both tautomers as well the nature of the molecular orbitals involved in chromophoric moieties responsible for the resonance Raman enhancement patterns. More specifically both the resonance Raman and theoretical results show clearly that in the neutral species, the charge transfer transition involves mainly the azo moiety, whereas in the protonated forms there is a great difference, depending on the tautomer. In fact, for the azo tautomer the transition is similar to that observed in the corresponding neutral species, whereas in the hydrazone tautomer such a transition is much more delocalized due to the contribution of the quinoid structure. The characterization of protonated species and the understanding of the tautomerization mechanism are crucial for controlling molecular properties depending on the polarity and pH of the medium.


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The substitution of petroleum-based fuels with those from renewable sources has gained momentum worldwide. A UV-vis experiment for the quantitative analysis of biofuels (bioethanol or biodiesel) in (petroleum-based) diesel oil has been developed. Before the experiment, students were given a quiz on biofuels, and then they were asked to suggest a suitable UV-vis experiment for the quantification of biofuels in diesel oil. After discussing the results of the quiz, the experiment was conducted. This included the determination of lambda(max) of the medium-dependent, that is, solvatochromic, visible absorption band of the probe 2,6-bis[4-(tert-butyl)phenyl]-4-{2,4,6-tris[4-(tert-butyl)phenyl]pyridinium-1-yl}phenolate as a function of fuel composition. The students appreciated that the subject was linked to a daily situation and that they were asked to suggest the experiment. This experiment served to introduce the phenomena of solvation and solvatochromism.


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The ionic liquid (IL), 1-allyl-3-(1-butyl)imidazolium chloride (AlBuImCl), has been synthesized and its properties determined. Increase in the temperature increased its conductivity and decreased its density, polarity, and viscosity. Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), dissolves in thisIL by heating at 80 degrees C; this did not affect its degree of polymerization, decreased its index of crystallinity (Ic), and changed in morphology after regeneration. Convenient acylation of MCC was achieved by using 50% excess anhydride at 80 degrees C, for 24 or 48 h for acetic and butyric anhydride, respectively. The composition of the mixed esters depended on the initial ratio of the anhydrides, and their order of addition.


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We have employed UV-vis spectroscopy in order to investigate details of the solvation of six solvatochromic indicators, hereafter designated as ""probes"", namely, 2,6-diphenyl-4-(2,4,6-triphenylpyridinium-1-yl) phenolate (RB); 4-[(E)-2-(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, MePM; 1-methylquinolinium-8-olate, QB; 2-bromo-4-[(E)-2-(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, MePMBr, 2,6-dichloro-4-(2,4,6-triphenylpyridinium-1-yl) phenolate (WB); and 2,6-dibromo-4-[(E)-2-(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, MePMBr,, respectively. These can be divided into three pairs, each includes two probes of similar pK(a) in water and different lipophilicity. Solvation has been studied in binary mixtures, BMs, of water, W, with 12 protic organic solvents, S, including mono- and bifunctional alcohols (2-alkoxyethanoles, unsaturated and chlorinated alcohols). Each medium was treated as a mixture of S, W, and a complex solvent, S-W, formed by hydrogen bonding. Values of lambda(max) (of the probe intramolecular charge transfer) were converted into empirical polarity scales, E(T)(probe) in kcal/mol, whose values were correlated with the effective mole fraction of water in the medium, chi w(effective). This correlation furnished three equilibrium constants for the exchange of solvents in the probe solvation shell; phi(W/S) (W substitutes S): phi(S-W/W) (S-W substitutes W), and phi(S-W/S) (S-W substitutes S), respectively. The values of these constants depend on the physicochemical properties of the probe and the medium. We tested, for the first time, the applicability of a new solvation free energy relationship: phi = constant + a alpha(BM) + b beta(BM) + s(pi*(BM) + d delta) + p log P(BM), where a, b, s, and p are regression coefficients alpha(BM), beta(BM), and pi*(BM) are solvatochromic parameters of the BM, delta is a correction term for pi*, and log P is an empirical scale of lipophilicity. Correlations were carried out with two-, three-, and four-medium descriptors. In all cases, three descriptors gave satisfactory correlations; use of four parameters gave only a marginal increase of the goodness of fit. For phi(W/S), the most important descriptor was found to be the lipophilicity of the medium; for phi(S-W/W) and phi(S-W/S), solvent basicity is either statistically relevant or is the most important descriptor. These responses are different from those of E(T)(probe) of many solvatochromic indicators in pure solvents, where the importance of solvent basicity is usually marginal, and can be neglected.


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The solvation of six solvatochromic probes in a large number of solvents (33-68) was examined at 25 degrees C. The probes employed were the following: 2,6-diphenyl-4-(2,4,6-triphenylpyridinium-1-yl) phenolate (RB); 4-[(E)2-(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, MePM; 1-methylquinolinium-8-olate, QB; 2-bromo-4-[(E)-2-(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, MePMBr, 2,6-dichloro-4-(2,4,6-triphenyl pyridinium-1-yl) phenolate (WB); and 2,6-dibromo-4-[(E)-2-(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, MePMBr(2), respectively. Of these, MePMBr is a novel compound. They can be grouped in three pairs, each with similar pK(a) in water but with different molecular properties, for example, lipophilicity and dipole moment. These pairs are formed by RB and MePM; QB and MePMBr; WB and MePMBr(2), respectively. Theoretical calculations were carried out in order to calculate their physicochemical properties including bond lengths, dihedral angles, dipole moments, and wavelength of absorption of the intramolecular charge-transfer band in four solvents, water, methanol, acetone, and DMSO, respectively. The data calculated were in excellent agreement with available experimental data, for example, bond length and dihedral angles. This gives credence to the use of the calculated properties in explaining the solvatochromic behaviors observed. The dependence of an empirical solvent polarity scale E(T)(probe) in kcal/mol on the physicochemical properties of the solvent (acidity, basicity, and dipolarity/polarizability) and those of the probes (pK(a), and dipole moment) was analyzed by using known multiparameter solvation equations. For each pair of probes, values of E(T)(probe) (for example, E(T)(MePM) versus E(T)(RB)) were found to be linearly correlated with correlation coefficients, r, between 0.9548 and 0.9860. For the mercyanine series, the values of E(T)(probe) also correlated linearly, with (r) of 0.9772 (MePMBr versus MePM) and 0.9919 (MePMBr(2) versus MePM). The response of each pair of probes (of similar pK(a)) to solvent acidity is the same, provided that solute-solvent hydrogen-bonding is not seriously affected by steric crowding (as in case of RB). We show, for the first time, that the response to solvent dipolarity/polarizability is linearly correlated to the dipole moment of the probes. The successive introduction of bromine atoms in MePM (to give MePMBr, then MePMBr(2)) leads to the following linear decrease: pK(a) in water, length of the phenolate oxygen-carbon bond, length of the central ethylenic bond, susceptibility to solvent acidity, and susceptibility to solvent dipolarity/polarizability. Thus studying the solvation of probes whose molecular structures are varied systematically produces a wealth of information on the effect of solute structure on its solvation. The results of solvation of the present probes were employed in order to test the goodness of fit of two independent sets of solvent solvatochromic parameters.


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The thermo-solvatochrornic behaviors of 2,6-diphenyl-4-(2,4,6-triphenylpyridinium-1-yl) phenolate, RB; 2,6-dichloro-4-(2,4,6-triphenyloyridinium-1-yl) phenolate, WB; 2,6-dibromo-4-[(E)-2-(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, MePMBr(2); 2,6-dibromo-4-[(E)-2-(1-n-octylpyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, OcPMBr(2), have been investigated in binary mixtures of the ionic liquid, IL, 1-(1-butyl)-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluorborate, [BuMeIm][BF(4)], and water (W), in the temperature range from 10 to 60 degrees C. Plots of the empirical solvent polarities, ET (probe) in kcal mol(-1), versus the mole fraction of water in the binary mixture, chi(w) showed nonlinear, i.e., nonideal behavior. Solvation by these IL-W mixtures shows the following similarities to that by aqueous aliphatic alcohols: The same solvation model can be conveniently employed to treat the data obtained; it is based on the presence in the system-bulk medium and probe solvation shell of IL, W, and the ""complex"" solvent 1:1 IL-W. The origin of the nonideal solvation behavior appears to be the same, preferential solvation of the probe, in particular by the complex solvent. The strength of association of the IL-W complex, and the polarity of the IL are situated between the corresponding values of aqueous methanol and aqueous ethanol. Temperature increase causes a gradual desolvation of all probes employed. A difference between solvation by IL-W and aqueous alcohols is that probe-solvent hydrophobic interactions appear to play a minor role in case of the former mixture, probably because solvation is dominated by hydrogen-bonding and Coulombic interactions between the ions of the IL and the zwitterionic probes.


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The swelling of microcrystalline, native and mercerized cotton and eucalyptus celluloses by 16 aprotic solvents was investigated. The number of moles of solvent/anhydroglucose unit, nSw, correlates well with solvent molar volume, basicity and dipolarity/polarizability. Swelling is sensitive to cellulose crystallite size, surface area and the presence of its chains in parallel or anti-parallel arrangements. Use of solvatochromic parameters is a superior alternative to the use of other descriptors, such as Hildebrand`s solubility parameters and Gutmann`s donor numbers. The calculated nSw for 28 protic and aprotic solvents correlated well with their experimental counterparts, although hydrogen bond donation by the solvent was not included.